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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13224384 No.13224384 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13224518

ty anon, based and pinkpilled

>> No.13224538
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>> No.13224555


>> No.13224600


>> No.13224664

The presentation content is great, but why is he stuttering?

>> No.13224671

My IP can't create new threads at work but I just found this:

No time to read it since in at work. Have we seen this yet? Seems recent. Late March, 2019.

>> No.13224676


>> No.13224682
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>> No.13224719

Actually a shit article which is literally just copy pasta of the white paper and website, a list of the partnerships and copy pasta from other sources. Zero insight.

>> No.13224747
File: 276 KB, 640x927, C460399F-CB8F-47B7-BE16-89505DA55978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s another episode of “presenting the same 6 slides” again

>> No.13224750

if i hear the same presentation again im just going to kms

>> No.13224752

>missed the bit when sergey describes the singularity

>> No.13224821


Quick summary:

>hand in pocket
>same fucking shirt
>Sleeves rolled up
>Struggles to get words out
>People talking over his presentation the whole time
>Audience walking around
>Can't operate a microphone
>Talks incessantly without any direction, never pauses to let the audience take the information in, typical autist behavior
>this will go vertical - what?
>Can't keep track of time
>Assumes no one will have a question because he knows deep down everyone is bored to death
>Someone has pity and asks a simple question
>Awkwardly repeats part of the question he's asked and mutters under his breath
>Spends 5 minutes answering the question only to do so poorly
>Sticks his thumb up at the guy after
>"So I guess thank you very much"

Did I miss anything?

>> No.13224825

Vertical, that turned me on

>> No.13224839

New bit about homomorphic encryption. Haven't heard that before.

>> No.13224841


>> No.13224843

What a retarded fucking rambling blob of a human. I can't believe people are still falling for his shit and holding, and buying more. You all who bought Link, or hold are equally as retarded as Sirgay.

>> No.13224845

lol'd hard

>> No.13224855

Who cares, sounds gay

>> No.13224862

So they plan on incorporating both zero-knowledge proofs as well as homomorphic encryption.

>> No.13224888
File: 546 KB, 720x720, 1550065374597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12:29, anon further up posted it

>> No.13224892

Honestly, I think I'm running out of energy to reply to these threads anymore, but I'm going to take one last time to say it - Linklets are retarded. This guy can't even take his own project seriously enough to get enthused about it in front of an audience of industry professionals, so why the fuck would he be bothered about it behind closed doors?

There's others in the crypto industry who wear the same clothes all the time, like Charles Hoskinson, but he's enthusiastic and skilled orator.

Sergey is a fat slob who never changes his clothes and has as much passion in his voice as a 60 year old whore taking her last client of the night.

Truly painful to watch.


>> No.13224895

checked and based

>> No.13224971


i always imagined him with a deeper voice

>> No.13224981
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Sergey was so disappointed that no one showed up to the conference he decided he would not go anywhere anymore. Just stay in and play WoW all day while Rory will now be handling conference duty.

>> No.13225018
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>> No.13225058



>> No.13225078

This guy is a descendant of hitler right?

>> No.13225094

>thinking the stuttering pothead meme was a meme

>> No.13225101
File: 23 KB, 332x450, C118075E-39ED-4620-BDE6-85CD74EC52D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s looks very “Tsarist Russia” to me.

>> No.13225125

lol poor sergey

I still love 'im though

>> No.13225133
File: 1.03 MB, 1310x1339, 1552948584284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13225304

Link is a mess. What a joke.

>> No.13225326

Very true

>> No.13225472

I thought Sergey was business development? I've always been under the impression that he didn't code.

>> No.13225560

he provides good information and knows what he's talking about, the audience clapped
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21kGmCsJ5ZM video related looks good, he was a conman

>> No.13225579
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>> No.13225595

>Buying into /biz/ tier fud
He was coding before he was even in college. Both his parents are developers and he has been able to code since he's a fucking child. He chose to go into philosophy because he wanted to understand how his coding skills could be put to better use regarding human logic.

>> No.13225632


all russian philosophists know how to code in C, C#, C++, Java, Python

>> No.13225639

Do one about the vertical thing

>> No.13225651


>> No.13225676

Whoop whoop HYE whoop HYE whoop whoop HYE whoop HYE

>> No.13225713

I am dead

>> No.13225741

The only thing that changes from presentation to presentation is the belly.

>> No.13225744

Yo this nigga fat as fuck now

>> No.13225789

>Digital agreements that hodl trillions of dollars in value

Cant wait, like literally cant fucking wait.

>> No.13225862


>> No.13225895


>> No.13225944

I sold 20k link at 59 cents. I’m only going to buy back 10k link and stop accumulating.

This shit is pathetic.

When the whole market goes up
The whole market is going to go down.

>> No.13225982

This proves that Link will still be sub 75c all the way through January 2020

>> No.13226073
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>> No.13226151


Same. Just sold 10k at x4 gains put of my 20k stack.

Probably the most money I’ll make out of this coin.

>> No.13226171
File: 1.49 MB, 500x567, 1552948584286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13226365


>> No.13226547


>> No.13226660

you're right, he should get on stage next time and yell



>> No.13226728

its literally the same exact talk hes given what, more than 20 times now?

>> No.13226815

what a chad

>> No.13227062

>That, well, that's just going to go VERTICAL!

>> No.13227107

>Awkwardly repeats part of the question he's asked and mutters under his breath

>> No.13227138

>Honestly, I think I'm running out of energy to reply to these threads anymore
Nolinkers reaching literal capitulation

>> No.13227234

dabbing on you witnet niggers

>> No.13227253


>> No.13227547



>> No.13227593

care to give sauce ?

>> No.13227607

This is unironically bullish for chainlink.
No other token holders will make fun of their creators so autistically.