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13220485 No.13220485 [Reply] [Original]

“Quant Network’s Overledger: Part Three—TrustTag and the Tokenisation of data” by Seq https://link.medium.com/Gqr6wQDFBV

>> No.13220490

its means quant has been certified by chainlink

>> No.13220494

it means they have bent the knee

>> No.13220517

Quant is horseshit

>> No.13220574
File: 21 KB, 225x235, IMG_20190328_134856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TrustTag enables data to be signed at source to provide the most secure and trusted method where you don’t have to Trust 3rd party oracles with Data / Requests, validating the data and then for the oracles to sign a transaction confirming its correct. Instead the data is signed at source and the Hash of the data is stored on any blockchain (Public, Private, DAG etc) to provide integrity, non-repudiation and immutability.


>> No.13220612

Done by proprietary software meaning nothing has changed. Basically oraclize

>> No.13220620

Right. And where does the smart contract live?
Because all you've done is entered the source to the blockchain (a very very very basic action that has been possible for ages), so nothing has actually happened yet.
Are you saying the smart contract gets executed on-chain?
If so, then lmfao@u.

This is literally September 2017 fud.

>> No.13220638

Many of the challenges in constructing secure oracles arise from the fact that existing data sources don’t digitally sign the data they serve. If they did, then oracles would not need to be trusted to refrain from tampering with data

This is what TrustTag provides.

Link hahahahahahah was a scam

>> No.13220661

The point of oracles is to offload computations from the chain for the purpose of smart contracts, so only basic transactions (send amount X to address Y when Z) are carried out on the blockchain itself.
This adds security, privacy, flexibility, and reduces cost and blockchain overload.

But hey, you seem happy so good for you.

>> No.13220694

How would you deliver the signature of the data securely?

>> No.13220703

KEK, what happened to removed's shitty chart that said the bottom was in at 0.022? Now the retard has a new trading channel so he can post more shit charts. KEK. Its game over for this project with that retard in charge of a room.

>> No.13220716

Woops i meant 0.024. Or was it 0.025? KEK. He seems to forget about the charts where he fucked up but brags about the ones he got right. what a faggot.

>> No.13220755

Is this a Quant dev who is constantly and publicly speculating on price?

>> No.13220759

Just looking at the quant website my first impression is I'm glad my money is on link. Large business will have their own blockchain and just use chainlink and ethereum for data. Quant looks like a boomer meme team with a government health beaurocrat cuck as CEO. I'll look more into quant and my opinion may change but I don't think this is a big threat to chainlink at the moment

>> No.13220760

He's cancer

>> No.13220769

Yeah how would they deliver it and how can we know the software is working correctly, cannot be seen or tampered with, or that it works properly. This is problem with proprietary software. Different guarantees

>> No.13220792
File: 208 KB, 1199x874, ahem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a nice quote about oracles you got there quant, where is it from?

>> No.13220815
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Quanties on suicide watch

>> No.13220826
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>> No.13220845

Does this confirm Quant plans to use Chainlink? They wouldn't just quote the whitepaper and then say "this is what (our oracle system) does"...

>> No.13220848


>> No.13220855

Quant would be a very formidable system if they did use link. Otherwise, it's pure trash.

>> No.13220859

Holy kek great find anon. QNT confirmed either using chainlink or a flat out scam. You just WIN with LINK

>> No.13220941

"Making sure oracles aren't tampering with data" isn't why oracles exist (or why they're decentralized); that should be obvious just from reading this phrase.
Being tamperproof is simply a side-requirement.

>> No.13220966

I believe it was written by someone in the community

>> No.13221370



>> No.13221598


>> No.13221603

knee status: bent

>> No.13221620


Quant is a scam

>> No.13221751


Stop overthinking it. Moneygrabs over, tokens will be unlocked soon and its going to take a deep fucking dive.

The real question here; can you handle being a bagholder for the next months?

>> No.13222643

It's over quanties...

>> No.13223232
File: 60 KB, 625x773, 1553437150469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You idiots, this article was written by a member of the community. This is not an official article from the Quant team.

>> No.13223241


Let me repeat myself, because clearly you didn't hear the first time.

Quant is a scam.