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13217714 No.13217714 [Reply] [Original]

I just signed a lease on an apartment.
$1400/month, but the utilities, parking, etcetera are all included. Have I sealed my fate?

>> No.13217725

Good goy

>> No.13217727

I pay 653/mo with water and trash for a 700sqft 1br

you tell me, no parking fee because it’s in the suburbs

>> No.13217735

My parents don’t charge me rent. I am buying 3 BTC per year for your rent. Top kek you are blowing a future $3million a year on rent you cuck

>> No.13217739
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Depends, if you live in a really uncomfortable part of the world, it's probably a good idea.
If you don't live in an area with awful weather, a camp trailer is a redpilled option
T. Traveling construction worker with camp trailer

>> No.13217761

Depends on if you can afford it really.

>> No.13217770

I live in a motorhome. Not sure why you fags pay rent.

>> No.13217779
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$16800/year down the drain desu yo.

>> No.13217790

Forgetting the minus 3% buying power yoy

>> No.13217800

>hey want to come back to my parents place?

>> No.13217848

I live in New England, so I'd be fine for the summer, but I likely wouldn't survive winter.

>> No.13217862

Where can you achieve a 4% interest rate?
I feel that there's a lost opportunity cost here - at least this rent lets me live in the area I desire, work a job in my field, and hopefully foster some connections moving forward in my career.

>> No.13217911

Kek I can buy a hooker and a hotel when I want sex and still spend less than you rent cuck

>> No.13217943

I live in Canada and I do it year round. It's not hard. You just need a back up plan if things break. Which hadn'thappened to me yet. Good insulated RV works fine. Just don't take poops in it when its cold

>> No.13217961

I'm also going to be living with my girlfriend. I don't think she'd live in a trailer.

>> No.13217979



>> No.13217985

looks nice
$1,400 is about average in the bario around here.

>> No.13218003
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>letting a woman make the decisions

>> No.13218035

I live in socal and I pay 1750 for mine
leaving after my lease is up in June, just can't do it anymore even though it's in a prime location and comfy as fuck

>> No.13218103

2400/mo for a 2 bedroom place. But I make 425k a year. Not super happy about it likely to buy my own place soon but it’s expensive af here

>> No.13218387

>living in a place that gets so cold you will literally die if you don’t pay mr. kikeberg shekels to keep you warm and sheltered
What a way to live. Kek. I’m in mid 79-80s year round. Rent is the same though but split between me and my gf. No interest in buying. Everyone I know regrets their house. Home ownership is a meme just like every other fake boomer institution.

>> No.13218409

just live in a van in the parking lot of your work. 1400 a month is retarded and you should refuse the system

>> No.13218430

>New England
>Plenty included
If you're near Boston that's a good deal. Otherwise it's passable.

>> No.13218441

It's different in New England cities. I live 35 miles west of Boston and jobs near me pay 80-90k for what I do. In Boston they pay 135k.

>bro just commute to Boston don't live near it
Our roads will skullfuck your car if you're on the road 3-4 hours a day.

>> No.13218465

This is what I do. Or I go park at Walmart sometimes. Wherever. No one ever bothers me and I sit in my van jerking off trading crypto. The life. Can't believe you niggers pay rent lol

>> No.13218474

my shit costs about $1,100 a month, but I'm living in a white as fuck neighborhood in a suburb next to a bunch of large companies and work for one of them. I also don't usually buy new shit because shit on the internet is enough to entertain me, so I end up saving about 50% of my income. I hope your financial situation is equally as good for you to afford such a high price for rent.

>> No.13218514

"INCLUDED" is not a good thing. It means they're overcharging you and you have no way of controlling the amount you use (and reducing costs).

It's a terrible idea. You're literally subsidizing the worst people, and the landlord.

Goy-tier if you ask me. Make the smart decision, take 15 minutes to set utilities up somewhere that doesn't Jew you over.

>> No.13218537

Still doesn't explain why you can't live in a van. Just park it at your work. It's amazing how much money I save not having to pay rent

>> No.13218549

I should've specified. Boston does not have parking, ESPECIALLY corporate offices (skyscrapers). You'd be paying more than rent in daily parking fees.

>> No.13218588

The long and short of it is just don't be in Boston. But most of us here are only here because we won't leave our family.

>> No.13218592

So you pay a lot fee?

>> No.13218608

I park it at my work. And when I'm not working I park it wherever. Or go places.

>> No.13218645
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You finally made it, OP. Welcome to the cucklife.

>> No.13218648

My rent is $2100 for a 1 bed 1 bath with water included. I live in pajeet city, CA. I pay double my parents mortgage for a third of the size of their home. I have slowly started to accept my fate.

>> No.13218664

Worst reason ever to stay put. I know tons of people living miserable lives for this exact reason.
>can’t bro, my family’s here. family bro.
Sad shit to go back and see them exactly where you left off/sometimes worse.