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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13215907 No.13215907[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i'm...i'm a millionaire.

>> No.13215912

gratz anon
i hope to join you

>> No.13215926

nice. now choose a thot and a color for your burghini

>> No.13215927

Not until you cash out. Good luck and I hope the irs doesn’t come rape your booty hole.

>> No.13215936

post proof or larp

>> No.13215939

GJ lad. Proud of you

>> No.13215952

Did you long with leverage before the pump?

>> No.13215990

Congratulations fren

>> No.13216000

i'm sh-shaking bros...i've had nothing but shit luck my entire life..i...i'm still in denial...the numbers on the screen seem...i just can't comprehend this....

>> No.13216011

Same here senpai. The only difference is I sold at 4000 and still haven't bought in.


>> No.13216033

Sell now btw. I made $2.2 million on Dogecoin alone in 2017 and held at 110 sats while it crashed hard. Don't fuck this up.

>> No.13216061

Convert AT LEAST 20% to fiat NOW and cash it out.

>> No.13216076

Don't cash out, but keep it on Coinbase Pro. Otherwise you'll never be able to cash it back in.

>> No.13216088

No. The money serves as comfort money to make your trading less emotional. Use it to live in comfort and long-term financial safety.
it SHOULDN'T be used to trade - at all. Ever.

>> No.13216135

this advice is all shit.
you got a million dollars?
make some big money moves.
make a pick.
it’s like i don’t even know you anons

>> No.13216220

h-holy shit i literally pulled the plug before it dipped. what is reality im so dizzy

>> No.13216254

Cool. Now put it all into iexec and make it 7 mill in a month.

>> No.13216267

checked. congrats, friendo!

>> No.13216287

alright, so give back and pump a low volume coin for /biz/

>> No.13216457

How about now? Stll a millionaire?

>> No.13216477
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I wish i could use bitmex. I wanted to put a 50x short from 5200 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.13216478


>> No.13216483

Step away from your computer for a few hours to calm down. Don't do impulsive decisions. think shit through.

>> No.13216519

i want to be like you anon

>> No.13216518

how'd you do it op?

>> No.13216543

>posts 0 proof
>morons believe OP

It's really no surprise so much money is lost on this board

>> No.13216940
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someone loses money, someone makes money...

>> No.13216986

this, but i would loan shark 100k and live off of that while I patiently set up my 9 100k moves

>> No.13217017

I know I’m never gonna make it because to me a million dollars isn’t nearly enough. I’m going to hold Link too long and get rekt

>> No.13217042

Nice job, OP. You sold and literally caused the dip. You should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.13217060

You're gonna give away 40% to 50% of that in taxes.

>> No.13217061

Nice job buddy!

>> No.13217083

now go all in LINK.

>> No.13217094

If you live in Yurop and you want to cash out let me know, we can meetup if you're serious. I helped many clients with their "creative accounting" their crypto wealth.

>> No.13217100

Which is why cashing out is stupid.

>> No.13217122

absolute state of biz. at least newfags here will buy my bags

>> No.13217220

Dude its capital gains, only 15% if you held more than a year. Don't tell me you are daytrading... right?

>> No.13217280

You can tell biz is filled with normies.

OP doesn't post proof and people keep congratulating

>> No.13217296
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Hope it was all from a Long so you only have to pay 20% Long Capital Gain tax. But then you wouldn't be a millionaire. You'd be a 800,000 aire. either way good stuff.

I swear crypto is fucking magic. I put down $200 just for shits and giggles at the start of 2017 and then came out with 10k without knowing anything.
I'm holding some potential mid-market cap stuff and some really low market cap stuff with active devs and working products now to lay low and long all the way until the Gold Bull Run powered by ETFs.
Think i'll make it? I only have about $500 in NANO and $500 in PRL.

>> No.13217306

Dump 90% and keep some btc and link as insurance

>> No.13217327


Please buy real estate and not a fucking car.

>> No.13217414

real estate is in a bubble in the places that matter

>> No.13217510

Large cities are a complete meme. You can buy a very nice house with a good size lot in a decent town for 250k. There is no point to big cities, all it adds is a bunch of shopping and night clubs designed for women and overpriced restaurants

>> No.13217616

Good man.

>> No.13217724

Sell right now and realize those gains anon please

>> No.13217763
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This is literally you now OP
congrats if not larping

>> No.13218244

honestly I'd be happy with 100k

>> No.13218252

Congratulations are in order, well done OP.

>> No.13218261

That's nice sweetie

>> No.13218350





>> No.13218395

congrats anon, how did you do it?

>> No.13218418

No you wouldn't

>> No.13218486

pick an MtG reserved list card and do a buyout

>> No.13218771

I started from 2-3k in 2017, now im at barely over 150k
it doesn't feel enough....

I dont think i would be comfortable with a million either

>> No.13218783
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>> No.13219264

Go all in on something like $HOT or $VET and just chill. Those WILL pump at sometime during this bull cycle even if it's mini.

>> No.13219305

Very similar. Started about 10k, now at 140k. I feel like I can’t cash part out until 2-3 mill because if it is already that high who knows what else is in store

>> No.13219311

50+ replies


>> No.13219381

>and the normies...the normies will say it was luck, smile and nod for you know deep down you went through hell to get there...

>> No.13219449

I don't understand. You weren't already a millionaire in Jan 2018?

You made your million while the market -50% then +20% pump?

>> No.13219500

Absolute minimum for me is 3M after taxes so I can make hopefully 100K a year in an index fund. But honestly I wouldn't feel completely in the clear until 10M. It's sad how much the bullrun of 2017 corrupted me. The thought of having 10M in 2016 seemed like a literal meme fantasy. I never even thought about having money like that. I just wanted like 70K a year from wagecucking. Now I feel like I'm too good for a measly 2 million dollars. I'm gonna get fucked hard by greed and then I'll be suicidally depressed for the rest of my life thinking about how I could have cashed out at 1M and lived off the returns and just spent my time making music and digital paintings and traveling.

>> No.13220074
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now go and fuck some 12 year olds in third world shitholes, like many already who took thw same road.

>> No.13220081

well done anon. Invest your money and have some little fun. Btw are you virgin?

>> No.13220097

Then what is the point? He would need to cash out to buy stuffs or invest in stocks and other securities

>> No.13220104

congrats if real
learn real estate and invest some of your gains into it.
Also OP post at least some proof. For motivation.

>> No.13220111

nice larp

>> No.13220115

uh mods....

>> No.13220124

Every multibillionaire is a pedophile prove me wrong

>> No.13220126
File: 103 KB, 1199x394, Screen Shot 2019-04-03 at 11.15.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im new to this, first trades of my life i made about 300 extra linkies in the last couple days.

any comments appreciated.

>> No.13220224


Shitty mentality, which I had last year and it caused me more losses than the tax would have

You are full of shit, the bigges pumps were like 100% in a weekso unless you put in 500k you did not make a mil

>> No.13220239
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plan your entries and exits and follow them. set stop losses. keep notes. learn to recognize projects that'll pump.

also, mark whistler has some great books.

>> No.13220268

get help

>> No.13220364

bumping for moar

>> No.13220405

White girls don't live in third world countries...

>> No.13220590


>> No.13220967

As John Jacob Astor said, having a million is like being rich. However he said that in 1911. To even sit at the kiddie table these days you need to have a least 100 million.

>> No.13220979

Anon, the point is to replace the kikes, not mingle with them

>> No.13220990

How soon will it be do you think till one of our guys gets invited to davos and shitposts from inside

>> No.13221012

I'd be more excited for that ID

>> No.13221017

Sell for fucking fiat now

>> No.13221109
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kike pls go

>> No.13221114

the hard part is keeping it

>> No.13221116

you haven't made it until you buy the lambo
i dont even like lambos and i know that rule.

>> No.13221274

literally never. there are so many ideological checkpoints its not even funny. the fed will come in and wreck your shit over the hundred possible missteps you can make according to international trade code with every investment unless you somehow meme your way to the top outside fiat entirely or go to the parties and drink the koolaid.

even then there are so many millionaires now they don't really need your participation. you have to suck for a seat, nobody is gonna be impressed by your "influence" otherwise.

there's a reason social engineering financed "millionaires" (more like a millionaire of debt amirite) sit at the table while Dave the SmartSaver with 100k net equity goes to bed alone.