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File: 100 KB, 640x789, dieqp85s1sp21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13211201 No.13211201 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way for women to make money that they will not regret in the future?

>> No.13211212

Pick one

>> No.13211214

daamn I want some of those herpes

>> No.13211224


>> No.13211371

I think the one on the right would be more submissive though, like just do anything you want to her. Make her eat your ass and she's into it just because it makes her feel wanted.

>> No.13211431

Also, check back in 10 years. Left and middle are gonna be nasty as fuck but the right one stands a chance of still being tappable.

>> No.13211497

Have IQ over 110

Enter any:
> stem field
> comp-sci
> start up (as CEO)
> finance

All have heavy bias toward even decently compentent women

>> No.13211529

How can i fuck these women

>> No.13211532


>> No.13211538

Sauce on the one on the left?

>> No.13211552


Women like this are very rare and almost always wife material.

>> No.13211594

Do you think the one with the tongue ring has halitosis?

>> No.13211621

Marry fuck kill

>> No.13211656

women are supposed to 'work' by running the affairs of the household while the man is out exchanging his labor for $.

>> No.13211849

got any more of the one on the right?

>> No.13211870

According to Jordan Peterson, women are quickly becoming more educated than men. He puts this down partly to their more "agreeable" nature, which I suspect plays a part in Female submissiveness. Young men are becoming detached from education, due to not being as agreeable with Authority/wanting to do what feels good, rather than apply themselves in education.

This is leading to men not finding as many living with our parents, and therefore, having less access to sex.

If it is Objectively true that women are more capable learners than men, then Society must encourage more women into education, in order to efficiently use educational resources.

Women's place does not NEED to be as a household maintainer, especially if a particular individual has innate skill in a certain field.

>> No.13211903

>This is leading to men not finding as many living with our parents, and therefore
*leading to us men living with parents for extended periods

>> No.13212158


Well said. Also who's the girl on the left.

>> No.13212188

wife material for sure, but 90% look like you'd expect from woman of engineering :(

aint marrying a 3/10 looker knowing she'll go downhill by age too

>> No.13212207

just do porn you lazy thot

>> No.13212236

>women become well educated and obtain more jobs than men
>men become NEETs and the primary customer of services
its a future im okay with

>> No.13212296


Serious answer: marry a man with money


STEM girls are either masculine or broken. Never date a STEM girl. Wife material? Lol? You want the mother of your kids talking about "muh pay gap" and going to social justice rallies with her cucked tech co-workers?

Once LINK moons I'm going to start a PR campaign to discourage women from entering STEM fields

>> No.13212317

doctor jordan benis peterson is cringe and bluepilled.

women complete more levels of educational credentialist bullshit =/= women are more educated.

women are not innovative, women are not deep thinkers. they are good at protecting THEY OWN (their own brood) and at intuiting weaknesses in others and at taking care of "children" (anything the woman sees as cute and potentially friendly).

The only way women are going to "make it" in a fully commoditized world (on the blockchain lol) is if they commoditize the aspects of themselves where they have a natural edge. For ~90% of women i suspect this will lead to them becoming prostitutes, which is fine with me because I'm rich from crypto.

However, for women that don't want to become prostitutes, or for men that want to keep their women from becoming prostitutes, the obvious choice is to keep women in the home. This is serious and respectable work and it has a lot of responsibilities, more than many jobs that men would do. It should be respected.

>> No.13212320

The fuck, anons? 3,2,1 is the only correct answer


>> No.13212334

Alternatively, Society could find methods for men to make themselves attractive to women that bypasses education/jobs. I constantly harp on about understanding ways for men to express Masculinity in ways that women may find value in. This requires a thorough understanding of what women find attractive about men - which is hard to do because have a lot guilt placed on them about their sexual desires. Women are also very empathetic, and so, may lie about what they value in men, to not hurt people's feelings.

Another alternative is to channel all those idol men into applying their Masculinity into something other than the acquisition of sex, which I'm not sure how to approach.

>> No.13212347

I actually agree. Corporate culture is fucking disgusting because of testosterone and its effects, that's why onion consuming sociopaths are able to rise to the top. Most women really aren't capable of stripping all empathy away to the level that it take's to get them to the executive suite.

And before anyone throw's the HR meme at me just know that its you who are an issue, not anyone else usually, that's why your dumbass gets reported all the time.

> reeeeee I made a thinly veiled racist/sexist/ ...ist joke and HR is shit-canning me

Well what the fuck did you expect brainlet? No one wants to hear you make fun of superficial shit that people can't change, like being black or a woman, that's why you're an asshole and unemployable.

>> No.13212354

Education=pay meme.

Lmao. Boomer tier m8. Trades are paying out the ass right now because no one wants to work. We need to go back to shilling Work=Pay so we don't have people needing xanax to cope with a shitty career they thought would make them millionaires for showing up at with a degree.

>> No.13212373

sure you are sweetie

> women are not deep thinkers
rofl. You probably work on a fracking rig or some other bullshit manual labor job with no chance of upward mobility. Have fun being poor, you deserve it.

>> No.13212400

I'm aware of things like apprenticeships, and Education not being the absolute requirement (especially as college debt reaches levels of Stupidity). But the amount of women beginning to outclass men, when it comes to higher education, is growing.

>> No.13212404


not sure if serious, trolling, or boomer. lol

>> No.13212451

Sauce on the left one?

>> No.13212467

>work on a rig
>have fun being poor
My fucking sides. $600 a day, no living costs for half the year, why wouldn't you want to work the oilfield?

>> No.13212494
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sorry women only matter until age 25. This board is for 18+ so that's a 7 year window of existence
>every company isn't 50% female executives

>> No.13212524
File: 8 KB, 222x208, 1552650319768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sick dude.
Now go back to physical labour for that sweet cash while I sit in my own comfy office with AC, browsing 4can and watching yt videos on my spare time. No sun in my eyes, no sweat down my back, no dirt or grime.
Then I'll head to the gym for a few hours and call it a night.

Life is pretty good with a "pay money" degree.

>> No.13212559

I'm in a stem field so I can speak on the women in STEM part at least. Most guys who code are either brogrammers who have to grind on neetcode to pass interviews or are the nice-guy gamers who think that mansplaining concepts somehow make's them desirable to women. In reality both are a turn off because most women in stem fields are a lot more well read than the guys, so it make's them look even dumber and more unattractive.

Also consider that millennial/zoomer female's know that men aren't going to take them seriously unless they really know their shit, and they've known this their entire life. So for them to reach parity in a man's eyes they need to know more than what's expected because men will look for any reason not to take them seriously. So what you're seeing now is western men getting rekt because the world is shifting to a true meritocracy where men no longer get to go to the front of the line because they were born with a cocknballs.

Furthermore in a post-modern benis world "protection" is no longer an omnipresent necessity, so that's why classic alpha male posturing doesn't work anymore either. Basically the more 'masculinity' you try to project the worse off its going to be for you. Because deep down inside unless you've actually fought in a combat zone its all bullshit anyway. No one care's that you do ju-jitsu, conceal carry, or know who to no-scope in COD, its not the same as actually fighting in a life and death scenario and surviving, which according to most of you is the ultimate form of masculinity. So you've definitely played yourself.

> he can't even achieve manhood
> yikes

>> No.13212560


>> No.13212579

Don't forget to spend it all on a lift kit for you shitty dodge/ford/chevy. Also if you're not rolling coal you're a bitch.

> t.frack fag

>> No.13212595

Porn and sucking dicks. Or find one wealthy dick and suck it well. That's the best way for woman to make it

>> No.13212599
File: 8 KB, 250x242, altcoin_girl copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> *snap*
> yep, going in my cringe collection

> t.altcoin girl

>> No.13212665

Lol. . . . . LOL .

>> No.13212703
File: 50 KB, 528x315, iqmalefemale2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who has ever tried to have a philisophical conversation with a woman knows they aren't inclined to be deep thinkers. All they generally do is regurgitate the consensus within their peer group and try to make it sound like they came up with it. They very rarely have original thoughts, and when they do they're usually solipsistic ones. This is because women tend to have much less divergence from the mean intelligence (i.e. most women are closer to average than men). There are also evolutionary reasons for this. Women historically have never had a reason to think outside of the box, as they were pre-occupied child rearing and would thus prefer stable and predictable environments.

>> No.13212720


lol you put way too much thought into this, so I'm guessing you're a boomer.

Of course women CAN have a career in STEM. I'm just saying they SHOULDN'T. Makes them unattractive personality-wise, and physically too since you're the average of who you hang around so they gain weight and start dying their hair weird colors

No one cares how much money a woman has or how educated she is. What matters is how attractive she is, simple as that.

>> No.13212767

I'm in for this. The giant titties on the slutty blonde then the skinny virgin and then the disgusting roastie in the middle whose vagina probably smells like rotten melon.

>> No.13212801
File: 66 KB, 586x557, 1554136463039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting graphs without labeled axis
I honestly tried to understand that graph. Posting shitty graphs makes you look like a fucking retard. Didn't even bother to read your post.

>> No.13212829


>> No.13212833
File: 30 KB, 627x419, IQgender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13212876

This response doesn't take into many things, such as many women's innate desires, like having children. I don't work in STEM, so I have to take your word for it that many deliberately work harder to overcome discrimination. But going back to the point of what women want - let's say the world does turn into place where women become the dominant presence in Academic fields and white collar work. Those women may still actually want children, but how do they determine attractiveness. My idea of expressing aspects of Masculinity may certainly be flawed, I'll admit. But look past your condescending tone, and actually think about how much of our history, as a species, relied on men being Masculine and women valuing that. It's something which has worked, because it's literally a core part of our Human identity, the differences between the Sexes, and how each enjoys aspects of the other.

>> No.13212886

>race is skin deep XD

You are the brainlet.

>> No.13212920
File: 69 KB, 498x482, 5e55bd1f7666063e311a7e0ab2f65f4f5126311302c5242c51102363274f4b39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I have been found out!"
I am not saying that you are wrong or right in your previous post. I am telling you to get your shit together. Seriously, those <80 IQ posters should be banned.

>> No.13212922

Finally someone fixed the graph in the picture

>> No.13212960

>onion consuming sociopaths
The left can’t meme

>> No.13212981

The Y axis is gender ratio. If you had read my post it would be obvious from the context, not that it isn't obvious from the graph itself.

>> No.13212990
File: 339 KB, 1024x1144, 90c549625f20fefb6329b02f6ae3126dec327bd81745cb2c6587727c2de1b928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shh, this is a secret! Brainlets can't see the difference between this version and the "other" one, so they out themselves when they post the wrong one. :^)

>> No.13213153
File: 170 KB, 697x768, 8481b1e7b6e2cb0a9f620583f9281f9cea3e9fa917db8e4559f005118136aae1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have now read your post and NOWHERE you have stated that the y-Axis is the "gender ratio". Even with this "knowledge" I am still unable to read your piece of shit graph. A gender ratio above 2 or under 0.5 doesn't even make sense, because no country on earth has achieved even such numbers. To say that a gender ratio is "50" is really sad and pathetic. In the end, you are as intelligent as your average nigger.

>> No.13213164

>this is what a two digit IQ looks like

>> No.13213169

Sorry anon :3

>> No.13213185

Left and middle look like abject filthy whores....bet they lick ass with joy. The one on the right is meh.

>> No.13213203

>The one on the right is meh.
why am I so attracted to the one on the right wat the fuck

>> No.13213333

More the point here was women will get hand outs for diversities sake in these high paying, predominantly male industries

>> No.13213336

gib sauce now

>> No.13213448

Ayn Rand is the only female philosopher.

>> No.13213518


>> No.13213540

Left is the hottest.

>> No.13213548


>> No.13213566

> collection "you's" from betas
> nice

>> No.13213591

If I’m being honest this bitch is a little above average. Put clothes on her and take the make up off she’s probably a hard 6-7. She isn’t 250k followers hot though that’s for sure.

>> No.13213617
File: 98 KB, 640x800, 53220831_598795267304487_7914302237228934481_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those who selected left and right

>> No.13213618

marry someone with a lot of money and have children at the best age to have children and be a mother and enjoy your shared income with your rich husband
no regrets when you look back and you get a lot of financial security
for men there is no way other than crypto

>> No.13213640

Women are amazing at justifying themselves. They will cope and cope and cope and then if they really feel bad they'll just drink some red wine and eat some chocolate and then they'll fuck a monster cock and move on with their lives. They have no remorse

>> No.13213657

I take it back, middle is the hottest.

>> No.13213680
File: 256 KB, 324x338, prepping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get caught and you won't regret anything.

>> No.13213742

Women are the gender best at coping, so your question doesn't make sense.
When nations get conquered, the men get slaughtered, or become non-men/druggies/alcoholics and fade into history. But the females cope, take on the new religion/culture, and get impregnated. This is literally the history of mankind. Men conquering and women coping.
Coincidentally this is also why men whining about how women live on "easy mode" are pathetic.

>> No.13214250


>> No.13214391
File: 1.69 MB, 400x300, swagwalk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by sitting down on my big black white cock

>> No.13214566

killing someone for bitcoin :D

>> No.13214581

has the one on the left insta account?
pls gib

>> No.13214649

Yeah sure.
Careere over family
Max 1-2 children
Not before 35 years
And then she puts them away after 2 years since work is more important

>> No.13214696


>> No.13215106

>This requires a thorough understanding of what women find attractive about men

No one here cares about what women want Roastie. That's why we fucked off and went all in on crypto

>> No.13215295

Based and redpilled. They're good at making noise and saying a whole lot of nothing, I'll give them that. Fucking betas can't see past it

>> No.13215334

you should care. they should also care about what men want. it's the fact that neither part of this is being upheld that makes male/female relations so terrible right now.

>> No.13215356

I was this way until I saw the tat on 1's leg.

>> No.13215358

Are you autistic?

>> No.13215359
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>> No.13215452

Not doing porn? Im dissappointed.

>> No.13215471

I really hope you're not in charge of your own money retardkun.

>> No.13215513
File: 32 KB, 464x618, 1551589242735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>According to Jordan Peterson

>> No.13215529

Jesus H. Christ how does a gay retard like you find this website

>> No.13215532

enjoy being my plumber cleaning my shit while i go make double of what you make at my office.

>> No.13215567
File: 53 KB, 455x711, 1541109502947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be woman
>feel like jerking off
>livestream it and make boatloads of money
>feel like playing a videogame
>livestream it and make boatloads of money
>feel like working
>move to silicon valley, bypass whiteboard interviews and get a tech job
>record yourself eating at work, upload it to youtube, and make boatloads of money

>> No.13215573

You can't tell me this graph makes sense. From where do the numbers on the y-Axis come? What do they represent? A ratio that high is pure nonsense.

>> No.13215574

at my company, the only female engineer was making more than any of the male engineers and had a VP title even though she had no reports.

she was an asshole.

>> No.13215584

>such as many women's innate desires, like having children
lol what, you are a retard, stop watching sargon

>> No.13215621

>most women in stem fields are a lot more well read than the guys


> Also consider that millennial/zoomer female's know that men aren't going to take them seriously unless they really know their shit


> Because deep down inside unless you've actually fought in a combat zone

this has to be a troll post.

>> No.13215657
File: 7 KB, 668x629, craig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left. she looks like she doesn't even need makeup.

>> No.13215711

>be male
>pay for those things
>complain about it

>> No.13215752
File: 1010 KB, 500x248, disappointed4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still left.

middle chick's waist is sending out an SOS btw, trying to bend physics

anon pls, no feels

>> No.13215847

One in the middle is drinking a full sugar red bull and clearly doesn't care about gaining more weight. She'll be a hambeast in 3 years.

>> No.13216259

So don't marry her.