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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13205851 No.13205851 [Reply] [Original]

>$500 pay day loan - 400% interest rate
>$5,000 credit card charge - 20% interest rate
>$20,000 car loan - 14% interest rate
>$100,000 business loan - 8% interest rate
>$1,000,000 mortgage - 5% interest rate
>$20,000,000 investment bank loan - 2% interest rate
>$200,000,000,000 bank bailout - 0% interest rate

>> No.13205889

1 can of coke - $2 ea
10 cans coke - $1.80 ea
24 pack of coke - $1.50 ea
480 can pallet of coke - $1.20 ea
2400000 can shipment of coke - $1 ea

>> No.13205892

Is there a reason why you made this thread?

>> No.13205894

the game is rigged, did you literally just find this out? if you arent in the party, youre on your own goy.

>> No.13205922
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>Just buy a bank, bro
>Just be a moneylender, bro
>Just be a credit card issuer, bro

>> No.13205929

seems like being a payday lender is the best option

>> No.13205936

Probably to call out the Judaism in financial markets.

>> No.13206021

Profit is the same for any loan, the difference in intrest is just to cover defaults + processing fee.

>> No.13206050

I guess the point is the rich stay rich while cattle goyim get bleed until the last drop.

>> No.13206073

because OP is a jealous communist/doomer faggot

>> No.13206087

This is such a bullshit saying I can’t believe people still use it
The rich don’t always stay rich, and the poor don’t always stay poor
Who was Jeff bezos 10 years ago? Some fucking book nerd with a book store
Where are the Lehman brothers executives now? Bankrupt and/or dead from necking themselves
There are always going to be rich people, but who those people actually are is constantly changing

>> No.13206094
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To remind you that with Jews, you lose.

>> No.13206240

Oh okay. The same shit you've said thousands of times already then.

>> No.13206257

Fuck poor people lmao

>> No.13206314

> what is default risk and loan management costs

>> No.13206332

The guyz selling $2 coke are filthy capitalists extracting $1 in super profits from working ppl

>> No.13206609

please stop being anti-semitic OP, /biz/ is a board of diversity and love.

>> No.13206633

Kvetch more shlomo.

>> No.13206649

Those are freak cases. On average the Rich gets richer and the poor stay poor.

>> No.13206676

business has everything to do with money and how to make it. The jews are the best at making money and trying to use it to dominate all non-jews. That's why many societies have a history of trying to destroy them. Honestly, the trends are pretty hard to ignore.

>> No.13206769

On average everyone gets richer
It’s easier to make money when you already have some, sure. So if you don’t have a lot, live frugally and invest most of your income. Soon enough you’ll have money

>> No.13206784

Ackshually, Bezos was worth 10+ billion two decades ago...