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13203842 No.13203842 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ has done a lot of heavy lifting and it appears Elon Musk legit knows about Chainlink--look at his "DUCK EMOJIs FTW" TWEET

In the future, almost every single one of the 30 billion transactions per DAY between humans will consume a small amount of LINK token on the blockchain. There are currently only 1 billion LINK tokens (each one divisible by 16 decimal places) assuming that chainlink becomes this vital part of humanities infrastructure, the token will need to cover 35 billion transactions a day for 500 years which is 6 quadrillion transactions (6,000,000,000,000,000) assuming standard rates of inflation one transaction would be worth $0.10 meaning that the fair market cap of the chainlink token in the future will be 0.6 quadrillion dollars. Each LINK token would be worth $600,000. This is simple maths folks.

>Currently the price of one LINK token is $0.58, fifty-eight cents compared to six hundred thousand dollars? It doesn’t take a genius to see that this is a huge money making opportunity.

>> No.13203894

I just looked for the Elon tweet and HOLY FUckadoodle do

>> No.13203914

Elon better be careful otherwise he'll have the SEC up his ass again.

Find great OP

>> No.13203930

No rajesh, thank you

>> No.13203932

By 0x and stellar lumens.

>> No.13203956
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I come here all the time and have never seen this shilled or even discussed in a civilised white man's way.

>> No.13203978

LOL, it's okay cuck. Don't be so triggered next time.

>> No.13204037

How did you find this? One of the discord trannies?

>> No.13204057

That's cool, I've always wanted 9 Billion

>> No.13204085

Noticed the Elon Musk tweets about Dogecoin, but what stood out what his duck emojis.

Previous mentions from projects which signal to the duck have been limited in scope so far to Chainlink, DocuSign, and OpenLaw.

TESLA Motors had some speculated history with Chainlink due to one of their devs working on the Chainlink github in 2018.

>> No.13204102

Blessed Anon

>> No.13204141

give me more info on the duck pls

>> No.13204153

>famous guy tweets a pic of a duck
linkies you need to sort your emotional attachment out, not everything is about your json parser token

>> No.13204162

Unironically this

>> No.13204193

ur 100% right OP. always thought it was weird people thought a billion tokens was way too much, personally I'm not sure if it'll be enough.

>> No.13204204
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He literally twittered this

>> No.13204234

fucking this

I'm all in on LINk and have been for over a year now. Back in the day linkies were pretty sharp and confident, the main selling point of the project was the lack of hype. Now it's a victim of it's own success, 90% of people in LINK these days are legit fucking morons creaming their pants because elon tweeted a fucking duck emoji.

I'm looking forward to selling this shit.,

>> No.13204254

The guy sees the opportunity in crypto, gets screwed by the sec, but secretly buys hundreds of millions in the top projects.

OP, if I was rich I'd unironically send you LINK.

Thank you for your service.

>> No.13204281
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>> No.13204887
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>> No.13205442

someone give me a straight answer, what is 1k link going to get me. dont know if i should get anymore

>> No.13205761

based, checked and redpilled.

Im all in on Link. Survived 420 bear days and keep on chucking

>> No.13205807
File: 2.90 MB, 2362x2383, LINK_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohhh shit ohhh shit shit shit

>> No.13205845

I ran it through and if my calculation are correct, exactly 1 million dollars (usd).

>> No.13206013
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>> No.13206026

Are you having a street emergency, pajeet?

>> No.13206044

Linkmarines are crazy fucking schizo.
That's exactly why I took their advice. Crazy schizo tried to sell me on bitcoin and I ignored them. Everyone has crazy schizo friends that tried to tell them about bitcoin in 2011 and ignored them.
Now I have this army of absolute retards yelling "STINKY LINKY STINKY LINKY" and I'm thinking to myself "you know, they have a point."

>> No.13206119
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>> No.13206271

Fucking this. I barely understand the basic concepts of blockchain and understand even less when it comes to what a smart contract is - but autism is one hell of a drug and I unironically trust 4chan’s wisdom of the crowd over anything else.

>> No.13206301
File: 9 KB, 186x271, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greatest samefag shilling I've seen in awhile. Good job Surjit.

>> No.13206303

honestly not a bad strat. But yeah dude I'm one of those schizos. I dropped out of computer science to focus on crypto investments, and I made a lot of ETH off of LINK this past year. LINK is literally so legit from all angles. I know I can't verify my skills, but I know what I'm talking about. And so do many anons who also contributed to the collective autism. You're in good hands mate. Godspeed

>> No.13206339

1 million, but its conservative estimate. Probably more

>> No.13206371

I started reading more and more about blockchain and oracles and how it all works and was actually blown away with chainlink sometime after my first purchase.
When I understood the basics of what chainlink would accomplish if it succeeds in its goals and how the tokens come into play I immediately began purchasing more with every pay.
The idea that it'll change everything honestly seems like a understatement now that I know just how embedded the network will be in everyday life.

>> No.13206389

But, do you know any pregnant Muslim men?