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13189426 No.13189426 [Reply] [Original]


So supposedly the median wage for a 30 yr old in the u.s. is about 19.32 an hr...

So 50% of people that are 30 get paid less than 19.32 an hr....

What do you guys think? I think that's kind of shit.

Nationwide for all age groups in all states, it's 18 an hr.

Personally, I am seeing less and less of a future being an employee. God damn...

If you're still making under 20 an hr as a 30 yr old, there's no fucking future with jobs..

Seems if you don't major in nursing, engineering, medicine in general, cs, and a few more (so idk, if I were to make a guestimate, I'd say only about 15-30% of jobs are good), then you are fucked and in a futureless job.

How does that not depress you?
If the cost of living wasn't as high as it was now (nearly 300k when in the 1960, it would be UNDER 100k when taking inflation into account meaning a home is basically 3x more expensove than it was for boomers)


It wouldn't be the hugest deal.. fuck this housing market.

Well anyways, what is your opinion of the median wage? It looks pretty shit to me.

>> No.13189587

Water/wastewater project engineer reporting in at $41.88 per hour (roughly) if I were paid hourly that is...

>> No.13189595

t. 32

>> No.13189614

Okay, but im asking how you see the median wage.

>> No.13189662

Hehe I see what happened here.
>41.88 is very close to 14.88!

>> No.13189706

24 and earning ~51.25 an hour. I don’t actually earn hourly it more like my salary + commissions + bonuses

>> No.13189717

Yes, I know there are exceptions. Not what I was asking. I am asking what people think about the low median wage.

>> No.13189741

I think people are content with being a wageslave and not trying to achieve more through hardwork in their life. Every millennial I know spends their whole paychecks on trendy bullshit and has credit card debt and school loans. These faggots weren’t raised properly and they will meet a shameful ending in their life because of it

>> No.13189777

>not trying to achieve more through hardwork in their life.
Underemployment is a thing and not everyone can be a cs guy, engineer, etc.

You do sales. Most sales people aren't going to be making 6 figs.

Also, millenials make 20% less than boomers when taking inflation into account despite being MORE college educated, have to pay 3x more on houses than what boomers had to when taming inflation into account, and have to deal with higher cost of schooling when taking inflation into account.

Instead of placing the blame on millenials and using them as a scapegoat, It's obvious due to the above state I mentioned that the real problem is the system itself.

>> No.13189786

ALSO, people are 70% more productive than in 1984 so "laziness" and a "lack of productivity" is obviously not the issue.

>> No.13189843
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It's the Boomers, stupid!

They flooded our country with immigrants that saturated the labor market with competition via price instead of quality, and Boomer middle-managers realized that it made their own positions safer when they selected for mediocrity, low salary-demands, and lack of ambition in their underlings. Boomers also poisoned the housing market by propagating the perception of one's own dwelling as an "investment", so real estate pricing has gone all out of whack for no better reason than Boomer expectations.

When seeking employment, just remember that any company that's more than 15-20 years old will probably have fallen into this paradigm. Ambitious and talented people (and ambitious, talented managers who want them) are now a smaller relative share of the population with all of these complacent boomers and pet immigrants running around, but they still exist. Look for newer companies, young executives, and hiring connected to organizational growth instead of just filling vacancies.

>> No.13190005


You are pitiful.
Everyone has the opportunity to make it. Everyone. Complain about the standard of living your peers have as much as you want, its not going to make your life better. Getting your hands dirty, striving for success, and working hard will make you more grateful and put you in a better place in life than you were before. I started from nothing, never went to college and am completely debt free. I do not think about what everyone else is doing because it doesnt matter, im still young and have alot to learn and plenty of room to grow. The reason im making good money right now is because I was able to do well at a low level in my company and I worked my way to the top by taking any opportunity I could to make more money for the company or make it more efficient.

>> No.13190021


>life is rough and i'm a pussy

that's what i read lmao

fucking this. 99% of my friends have 0 savings, 0 investments, 0 plans for retirement. they literally think the government pays you whatever you need when you hit a certain age.

people are getting softer and dumber. superiors promote, encourage, and support it which makes people embrace it. blame anyone you want, only people that's at fault is those who can't adapt.

>> No.13190027

>What do you guys think? I think that's kind of shit.

Globalization my nigga. We might be the last generation to have a chance to own property. The people coming after us are even more fucked. Look into any 3rd/2nd world country and see the future - a tiny wealthy class at the top, then a small professional class of people who don't own things, but provide services and a vast class of low skilled wageslaves who have no leverage in the labor market.

>> No.13190075

Pointing out ways in which the current culture/market is obviously dysfunctional doesn't preclude an individual choice to find a way to work hard and do well anyway. You're both being sanctimonious retards.

Have you considered the possibility that one can simultaneously commit to finding their own way to get ahead, no matter what, *and* still be troubled by broader trends that their friends, family, and community at large will still suffer from to some degree or other? Or are you just too myopic, self-absorbed, and just plain goddamned stupid to even wrap your head around such a thing at all?

>> No.13190212

>broader trends that their friends, family, and community at large will still suffer from to some degree or other

80% of it is self inflicted, with 20% being in true dire straits through no fault of their own. If anything, social security should deduct more from paychecks since its the only (forced) saving plan the majority knows

>> No.13190282

ok so not every one makes the same choices? it's not being sanctimonious, it's being living proof ANYONE can make it in the US with a little effort and persistence.

>> No.13190328


>tfw make 30k a year + cash jobs (+5k)
>tfw max out roth ira every year
>tfw still have surplus of cash
>tfw still have nice, expensive things
>tfw no worries
>tfw set to retire at 55 but will hopefully keep working until im well in my 60s
>tfw i actually know how to manage money
>tfw i have enough skills, knowledge, and education to make more money, possibly start my own business..... but >>13189741 "i am content with wageslaving"
>tfw you have plan B and C to fall back on

manage your money better. plan your life better.

>> No.13190378

>80% of it is self inflicted

And? I actually sincerely hope it's that simple, which it might be, because that would mean more people who are suffering/going to suffer can end up better off if they're just shown that there's a way out, and a cultural shift convinces them to take it. That still doesn't preclude someone from having an interest in the world being better than that. You don't *have* to say "oh well, fuck 'em" to yourself to take finding your own way out of the trap seriously and pull it off.

Some of the problems on the table in this thread, like a housing market where everybody is at once a toxic speculator and a price-gouged consumer, are self-evidently more complicated than just being self-inflicted at the individual level. Observing these things doesn't make someone a crybaby, it makes them a conscientious citizen.

Just look at the OP's post again. He isn't even talking directly about his own situation, and statements like "I am seeing less and less of a future being an employee" can just as easily be read as implying that he'd end up starting his own business as it can be read with whatever else you're projecting onto it.

>> No.13190395

And you're an idiot for ignoring statistics. That simple.

You're not even capable of using your brain and looking at the BIG PICTURE

>> No.13190415

What the fuck are you talking about

That's like saying everyone in a pyramid scheme can "make it". How, when not all the well paying jobs are readily available?

Can't you use your head? Mathmatically speaking, it is LITERALLY impossible for everyone to succeed given the LIMITED amount of GOOD jobs.

>> No.13190442

>Or are you just too myopic, self-absorbed, and just plain goddamned stupid to even wrap your head around such a thing at all?
This. That fool has the logic of "I can succeed therfore everyone can succeed just as much" and ignores the numbers. There are a LIMITED amount of good paying jobs AND they are rare making them not very realistic to obtain for the AVERAGE american. Even with the proper skill, underemployment is still an issue.
Someone HAS to lose and in this society, more often you lose than not.

>> No.13190604

I agree with the OP and if you read my first comment I believe we are the last generation with (a chance) to own property due to increasing stratification. I never said you're a crybaby or called you names.

To save the 80% from themselves you'd have to end/phase out the reliance on cheap credit. If you do that too quickly the economy collapses and you just fucked them and everybody else. I honestly think a forced savings plan like social security is the best option. Start it on the first paycheck, and allow it pay out all the money + gains/losses in ten years. So people come into a decent amount of money at 28/32-36 for higher education and can then use their brains to keep it invested/use it as a downpayment/start a business with it/pay down debt. A good number will blow it on toys, but at least the situation of some can be improved.

As for the 20% - people born to abusive parents, kicked out prematurely, never shown that there are better ways, you literally have to use tax money to pad their situation. Offer study and live-in programs at colleges, stuff like that.

The main issue is the west thought tendies from globalization will continue forever and has not incentivized creating knowledge based businesses and careers. Read up who does the heavy lifting in microelectronics/hardware/RF for example

>> No.13190634
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thinly veiled boomer post

>> No.13190653
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There is a trap in making more money. For example if I worked a job where I could max a 401k and ira every year then I would gladly stay there 20yrs. But I can't do that without starting my own business which has a good chance of failing.

>> No.13190674

bitch im 24 and all in chainlink

>> No.13190760

This is the Chad route. I make about $30-$40k passively a year. Unfortunately got tricked into college so have debt but it could be worse. My life is minimalist but people think I’m well off.