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File: 454 KB, 1802x1975, high-poly-female-cyborg-head-3d-model-ztl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13187767 No.13187767 [Reply] [Original]

When I'm high I activate a futuristic "google glass" lookin ass augmented reality overlay in my consciousness. It's apparently a system hardwired into my brain when I was born called "Higher Mind". It's only accessible when the Cannabinoid receptors are sufficiently stimulated. It has a menu that appears in my field of vision and I can scroll through different options in the program by focusing on them. It has features almost like a cellphone or computer. It's got a camera that can capture whatever my irises are capturing, and capture the soundwaves hitting my ear drum. It's got a gallery where I can scroll through the recording in high definition stereoscopic virtual reality. (It's always recording) It's got browser where I can access the internet. Not quite this internet but something like it. It's got a 3d modelling program where I can visualize artworks or conceptual mechanical designs. It's got this siri sounding girl you can ask question, help you out on whatever you're doing, give you information about your surroundings. I swear to fucking god Nintendo's game designers knew about this shit when they put in those annoying advicefag faeries in zelda. It's got a thing where you can call other users of the system and communicate via thought. It's got a thermostat looking widget that you can adjust your hormones, moods, and emotions any way you want. How would you monetize this?

>> No.13187794

cool story schizo

>> No.13187798

I could easily see myself sticking my dick in your pic related if it were real. Biocunts irrevocably irrefutably irredeemably BTFO for all eternity

>> No.13187808

>How would you monetize this?
buy chainlink<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x2714;&#xFE0F;</div>

>> No.13188036

sounds dope what strains do you like bro, pipe/bong/concentrates?

>> No.13188048


>> No.13188089

Yeah I've been vaping cartridges so I can conveniently access the system. Lol I bet Telsa and Isaac Newton knew about this shit too.

>> No.13188360
File: 19 KB, 251x251, 1540170337992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next time you get high, put your eyes close to a mirror and stare at them for about 10 seconds. Then step back slowly. When I do this my brain "locks" onto myself and it feels like I'm outside of my body. It's like looking in mirror on steroids. All of a sudden you can judge yourself objectively as if your body is some stranger in the same room as you. Anyone else experience this?

>> No.13188364

I closed my eyes to meditate and my body dissolved and I became completely immersed in the system. Instead of an augmented reality system it was now virtual reality. siri told me to go to the gallery and zoom out. turns out the gallery records the emotion you felt at the time of the event as well. The emotion was recorded digitally almost like waveform. In this zoomed out mode I could see where the largest spikes in the waveform were. I could see and hear that they were actually broadcasting noise into the system like "WARNING.. DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN. IT'S DANGEROUS. HOLY SHIT YOU FUCKED UP YOU FUCKING DUMBASS" I discovered that I'm able to enter into these events and edit the emotional reaction if I wish using the thermostat looking widget. I went through and edited my whole life and I feel like a new man now.

>> No.13188430


>> No.13188876

>He doesn't know about the bogdabots

>> No.13188885

I agree, brilliant. Except you don't even have to pay for reassignment surgery - less than 1% of all transhumans get the full chopping block treatment, they just load up on whatever cocktail of hormones they can get their hands on and play dress up and SJW their way through whatever's left of their life before the an hero event. Even more profit!
Last stat I saw said suicide rate is 40%, which is a pretty profitable gamble in itself, but if you can get in their head just a little, a few subtle hints, sprinkle around the opportunities and a few news stories - remember transhumans adore drama and attention, so maybe fine tune a "heroic misunderstood butterfly crashes itself against the rocks, so beautiful and tragic, the whole world cried" sort of emotional story that will set the stage for a copycat.
Oh, and definitely discuss autoerotic asphyxiation, and make sure you have a nice strong anchor point in the house at least 7 feet up. You don't want anybody trying to pull some bullshit drama an hero attempt by sticking their dick in a wall socket and rushing to the ER.

>> No.13189291

1) This is dangerous - Your mind recorded its true emotion for a reason - So you will remember how it felt and expect the same feeling next time; so you'll be more likely to repeat positively rewarded actions and less likely to repeat negatively rewarded ones. You are stripping that from your memory and disabling your ability to learn. Research Reinforcement Learning in AI & Deep Learning fields - You are essentially editing your episodic database manually and your episode replay will learn false information from it, hindering your future success.
2) I call BS, this thread will eventually become an elaborate shill for some shitcoin you "saw on a trip."

>> No.13189472

On one hand yes, that could be dangerous but if you exercise care and conscious thought in the things your edit you become like hacker optimizing your system. Most people are VERY VERY unoptimized their databases are just fucked by childhood trauma. If you had known better with your fully formed adult brain you would have reacted differently emotionally.

>> No.13190601

I have had a heads up display since I saw Robocop as a kid. No drugs needed.

>> No.13190831

There is a way of doing all of that and it is called mediation. It does not require weed. What you are doing is incorrectly rewiring your brain and will end up with useless sensory input. In other words, you done goofed for good. You cannot be rid of your cocksucking fantasies.