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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13185916 No.13185916[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Olivia de Rothschild browses /biz for financial advice. What do, senpai?

>> No.13185924
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>> No.13185933

She sucks black cock on the downlow

>> No.13185942


>> No.13185954

Sucking black cock in front of your whole family during a hazing ritual is not on the down low.

>> No.13185986

when did she post here?

>> No.13185996

She didn’t op is a fag

>> No.13186019


>She didn't?

>> No.13186021

OP, can you explain why the fuck are you posting threads about her every day? Have you declared a personal vendetta against this person?

>> No.13186037

>>13185916<span class="fortune" style="color:#f51c6a">

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again[/spoiler]

>> No.13186098
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Impress her with my link stack then trad wife her

>> No.13186099



>> No.13186108

>Rothschild browses /biz for financial advice
rothschild dont take financial advice from literally anyone, they dont need to

>> No.13186115
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someone post rare Olivia

>> No.13186164
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Olivia Oyl browses /biz for financial advice. What do, jews?

>> No.13186178
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I have a huge fascination with the Rothschilds. After reading their AMA threads I feel like I'm adifferent person now.

What I can't figure out for the life of me is what race are they. They are not like us, they have special blood. RhO- blood type perhaps?

https://www.instagram.com/p/Bi9c-GPBQYC/ This girl for example, she has neanderthal traits. Notice her family all has the long earlobes. Also note the name Rothschild mean blood-shield, ie protector of the blood. But which blood?

Are they from Atlantis?

>> No.13186182

Bad news OP - one simply does not doxx Rothschild heirs and live to tell about it

>> No.13186199

she's RH+ lmao

>> No.13186200
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I heard being Chad is a good investment

>> No.13186205

There’s a lot of incest going on isn’t there

>> No.13186210

Fun fact: the rothschild family doesn't use money. they have special cards that let them spend as much money as they want. Why? Because money isn't real, thanks to them.

They still need us though, that is why they haven't wiped us out when they easily can. They select the smartest of us, those who go to Harvard and Yale, and use us to improve their technology in order to ascend and bring in the technocratic AI system which will eventually bring humanity down to 500 million people so that the Ayy lmaos can return

>> No.13186213

>This girl for example, she has neanderthal traits
you're cherrypicking, other rotschilds look maybe like lizards but not like neanderthal (I agree this girl does look like that a little bit, but just her really)

>> No.13186220 [DELETED] 

They're just inbred you rertard
>That guy
Ok bro lmao

>> No.13186224

they all seem to have long skulls and long earlobes though. I dont know if its neanderthal but something about them is different.

>> No.13186251

Hapsburg incest

>> No.13186254

They're not inbred though, thanks to modern communication they can find their "blood" easily. Again, I think they are rhO negative blood types.

It goes back to the Children of Israel and their seed. God said that their seed was blessed, and that they should only stick to their own. He wasn't talking about people of Jewish faith, but a specific bloodline. It has to do with who the children of Adam and Eve married when they were the only "humans" on Earth.

>> No.13186261
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Look into peruvian coneheads.
Afaik 0- blood is an Aryan cro magnon trait. But they have intermarried with european nobility so only god knows what they are now.

>> No.13186268


>> No.13186273

I am also rh0 negative and I am a random nobody. It means nothing

>> No.13186289 [DELETED] 

You are literally retarded
Blood type has nothing to do with inbred you fucking idiot

Fuck off and read a book or something shitting up the board with this retardation

>> No.13186299


do you have a higher than average intelligence?

>> No.13186301

>I am a random nobody

>> No.13186311

>I have a huge fascination with the Rothschilds. After reading their AMA threads I feel like I'm adifferent person now.
I dunno, it seems more likely that those are schizoposters.

>> No.13186313

>Afaik 0- blood is an Aryan cro magnon trait.

I dont think so, I read things that the Basque people for example are descendants of Neanderthals


>> No.13186317
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Negative bloodlines are simply a different species of humanity. Not from this planet.
Carriers mainly European, especially ex atlanteans (basques, britons etc.) but also jews (who are converts, true jews no longer exist).

Brown skin is nigger tier. Chinks are genetically engineered slaves. And there is something about lizards, annunaki, and nephilim fallen angel hybrids and giants n shiet.
God damn why did the library of alexandria have to burn. Thanks a lot caesar. I bet even the rothschilds have no idea whats actually going on anymore, they are just high on torture charged dmt pineal glands from children and get orders from ayylmaos.

>> No.13186325

you say they are inbred but they literally find other people of their blood type to marry with. they dont need to inbreed though they probably did in the past

>> No.13186330

Im O- and i feel very lonely amongst the low iq dead spirtual plebs.

>> No.13186340

nope they have all the info, its in the Vatican Library now. Guess who has the keys to there...

>> No.13186349

I'd support this plan honestly, humans should not be free

>> No.13186350

You have special Psychic powers. You can if trained well enough feel peoples auras and shit.

There is NO evidence to suggest rho- blood evolved on Earth, it evolved elsewhere.

>> No.13186356

I sent a picture of my cock to some rothschild girl on instagram but she never got back to me.

>> No.13186363

All negative blood types or just o negative. I am one of the rarer negative types but not O negative.

>> No.13186365

she sent the request to her father for approval

>> No.13186371
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They dont look like thalls, and i can know, i got a good splotch in my veins. My skull is hellabrowed, my nose is magnificent, and my brain is voluminous (o- though, but from aryan unkiked paternal side)

>> No.13186377

It's pretty average so I'm probably fucked. Bet that bitch gets millions a day.<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F641;</div>

>> No.13186379

only O negative

>> No.13186385

>Bet that bitch gets millions a day
definitely not. there are better fish in the sea.

>> No.13186390

Yes, I do, but my mom has the same blood type and I don't think she would score high on IQ tEST

What do you mean?

Tons of people do on /biz/ that have different blood types though, that's the thing

My mom has the same blood type and she actually tried some esoteric practices and it apparently worked. What exactly do you mean though?

>> No.13186391

Do rothies have their own language?

>> No.13186399

All negative should not exist on earth following rational evolutionary theory. Something came and mixed in, and their descendants have conquered the world thrice over.

>> No.13186406 [DELETED] 

Inbred HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BLOOD TYPE you fucking retard

>> No.13186410


>>13186399 (checked)

Don't know what to believe.

>> No.13186415

All royalty is o- it is not a coincidence. It seems they are trying to remove the competition (mass extermination of their non-crowned kin),

>> No.13186424

All negative is off world orgin but O is the most rare and probably purest.

>> No.13186440
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Dunno man I think she is pretty fit. Would love to show her how us working class presbyterians do it<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F603;</div>

>> No.13186443

Yes, a guy on /pol/ claimed to be a roth, and he said he spoke a "weird offshoot of Aramaic". apparantly they worship Satan (which is a real mortal alien being the size of a city living in a different dimension/planet) and he said you need special tools just to pronounce the words or read the texts. They have a totally different culture

Just google RhO negative blood type and psychic powers

who are teh descednants you're talking about?

>> No.13186445

>What do you mean?
You're not a nobody. You matter.

Shine bright anon!

>> No.13186458
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Is it me or does she look like grug?

>> No.13186470

Whites. 99% of negative bloodtypes are whiteppl, and many more whites are unknowing carriers.

>> No.13186472
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>> No.13186500

What do you expect of inbred kikes?

>> No.13186503

are you saying they conquered the world because they had this blood or that they conquered the world and also happen to have this blood?

>> No.13186507

Fun fact, iraqi jews and the blonde yazidis (lucifer worshippers) also have very high % O-

Im just thinking. Does the blood come from blonde angels or lizards (dragons)? I have no idea anymore at this point. Nigga trump be sayin he dragon energy n shiet.

Chinks saying they have been "designed" by dragon emperors.

>> No.13186516

nothing to do with blood. money is all you need to finance wars and such

>> No.13186524
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pls dont talk about my gf like that<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F641;</div>

>> No.13186528

Genetics is destiny. Even ghenghis Khan comes from the "grey eyed clan", spawned from an blonde man and a gook slut.

>> No.13186547

I'm struggling to figure that out as well. What I do believe is that the Annunaki were real. they weren't gods. They were the "sons of God" and they weren't nice, they raped. God was not good either, OT God was likely Enlil who was kind of a dick

>> No.13186549

>tfw no 4/10 gf

>> No.13186550


She prolly got molested by her dad it seems to be the modus operandi of these families to continue giving the "gift", which means breaking the minds and torturing in a dead souled lecher into the body.

She does look kinda sad desu

>> No.13186553


money is just the trick... our minds give it value... as long as soldiers accept it as payment it will have some value... we are moving past it though... many humans are waking up from the spell

>> No.13186562

Thanks man explains why I appear super talented and smart to normies but always come up just short compared to really talented people.

>> No.13186565

I have heard Rothschilds refer to themselves as the descendants of Abel. Who the fuck descended from Abel when he died??

They also refer to themselves as the Children of Enkidu from the epic of Gilgamesh. But Enkidu died also and never had kids. So who the fuck are they?

>> No.13186568

Something funky about her build, ribcage is trippin me out

>> No.13186578

Seems plausible.
I have a hunch that aryans come from noach, also known as utnaprishtim and his kin, landing at Arrarat, noble (hybrid?) King of sumer, and follower of Enki (prometheus, brother of Enlil). Which would make whyppl alien hybrids.


>> No.13186585

>our minds give it value...
>as long as soldiers accept it as payment it will have some value
>upper middle/upper class inheritard logic
>can't even conceptualize how scarcity of money can impact ones life
So which one is it? Those two exclude each other.

>> No.13186597
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>> No.13186598

I believe there might be something to it, but I am just saying that not every 0- person is special because me and my mother are just regular people

Googled it, seems interesting, but I found mostly just people with 0 rh- claiming they already have psychic powers or just heightened senses, not that they learnt how to do it

I meant it in relation to Rothschilds though. Still a wholesome post, thanks anon.

>> No.13186602

Enki is prolly the father of noach. Enki raped a shitload of womens.

Jhst for the lulz guys, the trojan war was about helen, offspring of ZEUS.
The war was about getting those sweet genediks.

>> No.13186609
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>You will never rescue Olivia from her evil family while she still has a soul and defeat the rothschild menace once and for all<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F641;</div>

>> No.13186618

You mean Enoch?

>> No.13186669

Rothschilds are fucking sp00ky man. I would kill just to have the chance to talk to one in all honesty. They have ancient knowledge that gets passed down since antiquity. Its fucking insane

>> No.13186680

Look at her face. She's as evil as a young woman can be.

>> No.13186697

Or... they don't.

>> No.13186721

They did the smartest move in all time history: each son gets trained by his father in such a way, that he continues EXACTLY the same as his father and all of their fathers.
In doing this, they beat death. It's like always the same person, just cycling through physical bodies.
By doing that, they accumulate knowledge, power, connections... All by the "same" person.

Now I hope you get why the MOST important thing in life is keeping your proginy free from infection and therefore your blood(line) pure

>> No.13186722

We can still save her, brother but all of /biz/ needs to stand together to destroy this evil family and save humanity.

>> No.13186756

yep. tehy learned most of their finance shit from the Medici family. They reat the bloodline as One living breathing person, so you for example are just a temporary placeholder. all rothschilds are disposable basically, once they are done with their mission they get disposed of. Thus the body to them is meaningless, but for most of normies the body is the be-all-end all of everything. thats why theres so many NPCs

>> No.13186808
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You didn't make a case why that would be "the most important thing". One can just as well argue that blood line is a spook and not save from nihilistic realization. The fact that the rich might be spooked and successful at it doesn't imply in the least that it's worth it to do so.

>> No.13186816

Also while they do it, and continue doing it, they deny it for all other bloodlines on earth. That's why the state of western countries is how it is today. Broken families, atomized "individuals" that last max. 100 years instead of 10.000 year bloodlines. Literally all you see hear smell and touch is by design and not for your benifit.
But to be fair, there are also other bloodlines aiding them in designing this ultra artificial world

>> No.13186817

Please, post AMA thread.

>> No.13186854

Just looked up the Medici on Wikipedia.
Why did the family tree die out?

>> No.13186877

sure is schizo ITT

>> No.13186889

Nihilism is just a delusion, not a firm conclusion based on axioms.
If your bloodline ends, it doesn't matter what you believed or which philosophical highground you held. You're terminally removed from the game called "survival"

>> No.13186908

I cant belive nobody suggested to her to buy link allready.


you guys are pathetic

>> No.13186934

She can have all my link if she gives me her love.

>> No.13186954

Do you know what you call schizophrenics who can verbalize their thoughts?


>> No.13186960

Mental illness.

>> No.13186966


>> No.13186995
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some turbo autists should comment "BUY LINK" in her comment section

>> No.13187014

schizos verbalizing their thoughts is what's known as "word salad". This, and the delusional paranoia streaks ITT allows one to give a pretty clear conclusion.

>> No.13187048

If tails a person in this thread will marry her<div class="like-perk-cnt"><b style="font-size: 14px">Coin Flip: Heads</b></div>

>> No.13187074

I also have a question for my frens.
When you tried LSD what did you experience? I myself expected to be a all trusting tree hugger but that was not what happened.
I could only think about my family, even the ones living in other countries. I couldn't care less about strangers and I also got a nice overview of what I would be capable of if needed to.

How was your experience? Especially regarding your family and strangers and friends.

>> No.13187075

Yeah dude were all schizos and the rothschilds are a perfectly normal well functioning family with absolutely no ties to the global financial system or anything :^) thanks for keeping us in check!

>> No.13187086


According to this guy https://ia802300.us.archive.org/8/items/rofschildv1/IAmARofschildAxeMeAQuestion.html LSD is “useless noise” while DMT is the real deal

>> No.13187089

Increase in serotonin with all symptoms of this, even physical posture. All "insights" were just the thoughts of a person higher in the social hierarchy than my sober self.

>> No.13187094

Enoch is also suspected to be of "angel" blood. But noach is found in the sumerian texts, thus older than enoch, in the form of a King utnapishtim and such titles, instructed by Enki to construct a submarine sealed with bitumen, for his and his clan, because the flood is coming to wipe "numerous" humanity out.

>> No.13187107

They kill their own too. One rothschild got strangled in the 80ties or some shit. Didnt want to play with the devils no mo.

>> No.13187114

So what race was utnapishtim? He was chosen because he was genetically perfect. But what? Jew? Aryan? Neanderthal? Ayy?

>> No.13187121

The soul lives on anon, but yeah, difficult finding a new host.

Plenty of niggers available. Drop 30+ iq points and you can live again. Dont worry. Dont breed goy.

>> No.13187156


>> No.13187159

Since when a soul has IQ? IQ is a biological concept.
Do you identify with your IQ enough to consider it your "soul"? Seems like you are dehumanizing yourself.

>> No.13187208

Interesting point of view. Any idea how to make it last when sober again?

>> No.13187212

I suspect he was a descendant of Enki (prometheus), and who wanted to save his own seed against strict command of Enlil god of heaven. (Read atrahasis. Its akkadian but its a good rehash of the older fragmented sumerian epics that i also read)
As noach was of royal blood and landed in ARarat,(ARmenia) im assuming he was blonde haired blue eyed and the ARyans (nobles) spread forth from the caucasus. Sumerian god statues have blue eyes (but worrisome, also horns).

How the shitskins and giants (Og of bashan, goliath and friends) and corrupted seedlines survived though, i have no idea.
Perhaps more tribes built ships and flocked to other mountains. Perhaps the flood was only local at parts and not fully global. there WAS a massive flood however.

>> No.13187238

Sumerian texts and bible likely come from the same source. Noah is likely Enoch's son and also Utnapishtim.

>> No.13187261
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A great soul needs strong dna to act as a host.
Ascension goes upwards in the genetic chain.

Prolly why reincarnation seems to happen in the same race. Its the quickest (lowest energy flow) path for renewed life, as well as providing the most accustomed compatability, if the soul needs a materisl body.

>> No.13187289

WHere did asian people come from then

>> No.13187331

Attempt to emulate the thought patterns you experienced while on the drug. This is the closest thing how one can make it last.

>> No.13187335

According to their own legends they were made by the dragon gods.
Which makes me think they were genetically engineered slave race by either the annunaki or the god damn lizzards. Ant mentality, hivemind, hard work, no creativity, zero empathy even for their own.
They all look the god damn same.

>> No.13187346

>Prolly why reincarnation seems to happen in the same race
No it doesn't

>> No.13187352
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It's not the rarest

>> No.13187358

when did biz got so obsessed with rothschild? And does anyone have that pic of that naked rothschild covering in mud, I need to masturbate?

>> No.13187362

Where ever Chinese come from, check out their history. A race fully submissive to changing masters. They got bred and selected to be perfect slaves. Look at how much pressure the communist government is putting on them today! They are willfully absolutely ignorant.

>> No.13187369

>why is a business and finance board interested in a family that controls 90% of the worlds financial system

Gee I wonder

>> No.13187372

Well there's about 6% of people in western europa with O- like you, so don't feel too much special.

>> No.13187379

Fortune posting ???

>> No.13187389

Well then. thanks for the info.
Though you might want to divide by race.

Every "research" and psycick insight seems to indicate so, like the dead lebanese girl remembering her past a few villages further, but sure, becausw its "raysis" you were a gay chink opium addict, then a niggerslave, and then a jew in the delousing chamber.

Compared to other races that do not carry it its quite distinctive (except mischlings)

>> No.13187390

Interesting, they do look serpentlike and have dragons as flags. I believe the Tribe of Dan also had similar symbols with dragons and oroboros. Fun fact the tribe of dan came from scythia and they moved to denmark and later saxony and scotland

>> No.13187438
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Tribe of dan were hebrews, scythians were hebrews, thats robert sephyrs hypothesis. Poles are a Scythian tribe by the way (Sarmatians).very Good with horses (winged hussars) and very blonde. They have a strange blood relationship with the white Afghans (the two main R1a reservoirs).

Tribe of dan was white though, not very lizardy like the chinks. I really want to know what the snek means.

>> No.13187450

Opinion on a- blood types?

>> No.13187471

No fucking idea. Ask the japs, they got some system developed on bloodtypes and behavior.
The fact that ye got negative blood means youre part ayy though.
Its either ayylmao or big head scientist man Yakub removed the rhesus factor from his white experiments.

>> No.13187475

0xBitcoin is gonna make her so fucking rich if she buys like $ 30 billion worth now. If only she knew this.

>> No.13187508

Good friend of mine is O- and is a fucking idiot. Likely iq of 80. Fat alcoholic painter with a kid from a fat cow who works at a little ceasers.

>> No.13187510

If I even think of lusting over her, am I in trouble by these all seeing gods?

>> No.13187525

So is it just the rh- factor or does being type 0 matter more?

>> No.13187540

Scythians are Iranian stock though.

Are the Hebrews descedants of Atlantis?

I read somewhere that in China "Atlantean Knowledge" was being taught in monasteries and the Roths had them destroyed a la cultural revolution...

>> No.13187547

O is most pure and related to ayylmaos I believe since AB comes from animals

>> No.13187559

And the RH- factor would then mean what ? If it’s AB- for an example which is the least common in people, does it mean anything?
Or do you have to be 0- to be considered ayylmao

>> No.13187561 [DELETED] 

Basically if youre not O- blood you have animal DNA. So most of us are part ape or whatever, making us less evolved and more obsessed with sex/base instincts. the more you can transmute your base desires into physical strength and intelligence the more you get enlightened and "ascend' since we still have huge potential energy compared to these evil beings

>> No.13187578

Gove her the financial advice to be my gf

>> No.13187587


>> No.13187601

lol dude, that's like a dream gf, never have to work and be always comfy

>> No.13187627

how old is that jacob rothschild guy? is he like 99 years old

>> No.13187655

>99 years old
maybe in dog years, dude's a lizard

>> No.13187666

They are soulless parasite descendants of demons.

>> No.13187672


That's Geneva, Switzerland!

>> No.13187688

>And the RH- factor would then mean what
No rhesus monkey protein on the blood cells surface

> If it’s AB- for an example which is the least common in people, does it mean anything?
Not sure, I think its mainly the RH factor thats relevent

If all mankind evolved from the same ancestor their blood would be compatible. Where did the Rh negatives come from?

Those familiar with blood factors, admit that Rh - humans must at minimum, be a mutation (if not descendants) of a different ancestor. If a mutation, what caused the mutation? Why does it continue with the exact characteristics? Why does it so violently reject the Rh factor, if it was within their own ancestry? Who was this ancestor? Difficulties in determining ethnology are largely overcome by the use of blood group data, for they are a single gene characteristic and not affected by the environment.

The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh negative blood. About 30% have (rr) Rh negative and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene. The average is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. The Oriental jewish people of Israel, also have a high percent Rh negative, although most other Oriental people have only about 1% Rh negative. The Samaritans and the Black Cochin jewish also have a high percentage of Rh negative blood, although again the Rh negative blood is rare among most black people.

Could the Basque's have been the original colony on earth? The origin of the Basques is unknown. Their language is unlike any other European language. Some believe that Basque was the original language of the book of Genesis. Some believe it was the original language of the world and possibly of the creator.

>> No.13187701

Cain you dumb nigger.

>> No.13187733
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>cain descended from his younger brother

>> No.13187773


Thanks for the heads up, Alex Jones.