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1317771 No.1317771 [Reply] [Original]

Starting to look into crypto currency's, what are the hottest ones right now?

Things I've looked at due to shilling:

Is there any more "hot" ones?

>> No.1317784

I've looked at all of those myself, if you look at market caps all of them already seem overpriced except for Trump.

>> No.1317786

No. Stick with Bitcoin, Sia and Eth and you'll be set for life.
They're like a supehero team.
Bitcoin, the decentralized currency.
Sia, the decentralized storage.
Eth, the decentralized smart contract.

However, if you're looking for potential growth, there's also XEM which will become the bitcoin of Japan in 2-3 years. It has the backing of a bank and they're doing quite well. Just don't expect them to explode like Sia or Eth.

>> No.1317787

no bitcoin? shamefur dispray

>> No.1317805

>decentralized storage
i mean okay but i wouldn't trust my backups on a decentralized storage that encompasses actors that are in no way legally responsible for my data availability.
either the system is highly redundant in which case it's pointless or won't offer the business continuity cloud services can offer.
>decentralized smart contract
utterly useless tho it's a fucking meme

>> No.1317823

>i wouldn't trust my backups on a decentralized storage that encompasses actors that are in no way legally responsible for my data availability.
>either the system is highly redundant in which case it's pointless or won't offer the business continuity cloud services can offer.
The redundancy will decrease over time. Security and confidence fist then leisure.

>won't offer the business continuity cloud services can offer.
It will. It works on a 7 out of 21 system, meaning that your file is divided between 21 host. So long as 7 out of those 21 host are online, you'll assuredly get your files. And sia works on a system that demands a 95% availability.

China's extremely interested in sia.


>> No.1317828

>It will. It works on a 7 out of 21 system, meaning that your file is divided between 21 host. So long as 7 out of those 21 host are online, you'll assuredly get your files. And sia works on a system that demands a 95% availability.
i see so no faggots that go to sleep and unavailable for 12 hours that makes more sense. what happens if someone doesn't keep the 95%? do the other clients penalize it by not trusting it with anything?

>> No.1317843 [DELETED] 

If a person doesn't keep 95% they don't get files to host. Though it can go down to 90%. 95% is the ideal goal and standard. Essentially you can go a full day offline once a month and still have over 95% availability.

>> No.1317846

If a person doesn't keep 95% they don't get files to host. Though it can go down to 90%. 95% is the ideal goal and standard. Essentially you can go a full day offline once a month and still have over 95% availability.

>> No.1317851

remove those because they are dead. Add Syscoin. 2.1 Public Beta next sunday.

>> No.1317862

No more DAO

>> No.1317865

more like no more ETH and DAO. I know you're bought into ETH and it hurts but that's the way it is.

>> No.1317877

what i like in this over cloud services is it's client side encrypted by default. that is my major issue with commercial cloud storage. your data is not your data anymore. but frankly it can be worked around so not that big of an issue you just need a good secure client.

>> No.1317884

i just found that after bitching about this for 5 years now there are finally client side encrypted zero knowledge free cloud services.

now i just have to find one with an open source client.

>> No.1317885

Sia is also open source client.

>> No.1317887

yeah but not free, you have to pay for your storage isn't that right?

>> No.1317891

Of course you have to pay, but sia aims to provide this service at a much lower cost than Amazon S3 and Dropbox.

>> No.1317898
File: 117 KB, 209x245, 1404199915664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>forget these shitty coins we spammed over the last month
>buy this new shitty coin that's totally revolutionary just like all the others before it

every fucking week you coinshitters spam some new faggot coin bullshit

none of them have any legitimate use or value

>> No.1317908

new coin? Are you retarded? Last time I was shilling SYS it went from 600 to 4000 and tons of people made profit. I'm not telling you to long term invest into it you fking butthurt ETH cuck

>> No.1317911

>none of them have any legitimate use or value
Download the wallet and you will see its use of value. It has a complete working market place built-in within the wallet. It's actually a working thing. But morons like you don't spend their time sucking up information, instead they just follow the hype and lose all their money. Idiots like you will always invest when it's already too late.

>> No.1317966

I take it you already hold Bitcoin.

Hint: If it's being shilled, you are too late. Sia is nice, I bought it several months ago.

Sia is experimental and will only be proven over time. If it was certain, there would be no risk/reward.

Also you can get pretty much the same guarantees of traditional cloud storage by choosing a named storage provider you trust. I expect that to happen in the future. Hosting companies actually advertising their Sia nodes, and charging less than their regular prices due to decreased admin costs.

Along with some anonymous nodes offering muuch cheaper prices, but with perhaps a little more risk. (Still, even risky storage has a huge application for data that can isn't so important e.g. throwaway/temporary image hosting websites that don't really care too much if your images get lost.)

Spideroak is a good zero knowledge service, not open source yet afaik.

>> No.1318009

What are your estimates on the growth of sia?

Before a month ago, I was expecting sia to go to 10-15 million market cap by the end of the year, and sia is already doing that.

>> No.1318022

It's too early to write off ETH, all the recent gains will be wiped but it should stick around depending on how they handle the fork.
I don't advise anyone invest in it until it stabilises back at $8-$9 USD

>> No.1318079

Well, I was hoping for anywhere $10 - $50mil this year too... So, yeah.

I think it has more real world / commercial utility than Maidsafe which is at $32mil.

If the tech is actually successful and proven to work reliably over time I'm sure it could go a lot higher. But that might take years. And not sure if the current price is a pump or people who actually understand the tech's possibilities.

Hell, I think it has more genuine potential than Ethereum since the data storage market is something that is proven, and it seems likely something like Sia can undercut existing centralised services. But a lot rests on them perfecting their software and adding a lot more features.

so for me it's another moon shot possibility. The data storage market could be big. Will the winner be Sia? Maybe.

I love how the devs are focussing specifically on the commercial data storage market too. They know where the money is.

>> No.1318114
File: 643 KB, 2550x1440, sia into space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's nice to know someone else is as hyped for sia as I am. Maidsafe is built on hype rather than real world utility, as you point out, but it has a lofty promise of decentralizing the internet. Sia is liked by the Chinese, which is great, but doesn't seem to be known. No one seems to want to talk about sia, even with its endless pumps. Though maybe everyone is waiting for 1.0 to come out before talking about it.

>But a lot rests on them perfecting their software and adding a lot more features.
Yeah, which is why I'm glad that the devs priority is security above all else. After 1.0 comes out as a stable product, they're going to build on the API and runtime. The real challenge will be whether or not sia can develop a userbase. Start-up userbase is incredibly hard to do and will only be done by word of mouth, advertising and luck. It's good that sia might have people's attention with the Chinese, but it needs more than that.

But if they can capitalize on the storage market, getting to 50 million $ will be done quickly.

>> No.1318136

The real test for me is:
>can they make something as easy to use as Amazon S3 API
>can they make automatic replication work (at the moment I think you still have to re-insert the data if some of the hosts go down)
I guess there are ways to work around the second point, but it makes it more complex for developers.

I say this all as somebody who currently runs a file hosting type website:

I've been looking for an easy to use and highly available data storage solution for YEARS. Most existing stuff is insanely complex to set up and requires careful management (e.g. any distributed file system software) or is overpriced (Amazon S3). (So I end up using inferior but cheap-ish solutions like RAID)

If they can make something anywhere near as good as S3 and most importantly: just a little cheaper... Yup, it will be big.

>> No.1318199

>can they make something as easy to use as Amazon S3 API
How easy is the Amazon S3 API? Sia plans on making it 'compatible' in October, but that's far away.

How's RAID by the way?

>> No.1318206

Someone mention that DGB is working on something with Azure at Microsoft and the guy got funding from them. Might be worth a look, since the guy has friends at Google too.


>> No.1318213

Didn't DGB get a 250 million $ deal?

>> No.1318217

It is highly redundant and hosts lose coins if they do not store the files

>> No.1318250
File: 31 KB, 800x698, WavesWP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This monday trading Waves on Bittrex.
Keep an eye on it they are expecting waves.

>> No.1318258

dropbox has free storage space many clouds offer a 2 or 5 gig free space, so the prospects in this is still questionable to me. i mean could work especially for mobile devices to access the files where space is a problem but there usually networking is also a problem the phones tend to lose power and overheat fast with wifi and without wifi it will be slow as hell.
so maybe i will look at it in 5 years.
by highly redundant i meant like half the nodes must store copy of your data. that would be insane. the 21 with 95% up-time seems reasonable enough to me.

>> No.1318276

>so maybe i will look at it in 5 years.
In 5 years, it might be too big to invest in.

Dropbox works on Amazon S3 which is the main focus sia is trying to provide a counter service.

>> No.1318345
File: 9 KB, 651x68, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be interested in Sia
>See the official site on google is a ."tech"
jesus christ... it's another generic wordpress template or whatever and this is supposed to be a coin made by tech savvy people
>check the code
>its not even html optimized,
title tag not even set up - jesus christ

Every time i get interested in a coin this happens.
Why are they all scams lads?

>> No.1318439

Should we buy waves now from

>> No.1318457
File: 619 KB, 1717x1164, blue-ocean-wave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAVES is live on yobit you can deposit now

>> No.1318462

>it might be too big to invest in
i don't want to i'm mildly interested as a future user we will see if it will be any real use.

>> No.1318479

i wonder what happens if existing cloud beasts like dropbox microsoft and google decide to jump on the sia train even for a little bit and throw zettabytes of storage on it. too lazy to look up the reward system but i imagine it might be the same level of fuck you for investors as gpu-asic transition for bitcoin.

>> No.1318483

I have been a wage slave for 2 years and i've saved up £7000

Is splitting £1000 between ETH LISK and WAVES a good idea?

I mean even if i lost it all its not like i would be getting anywhere in life anyway

>> No.1318484
File: 162 KB, 750x491, WavesLiteClient1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yobit is a scam exchange would not touch it personally.
I only use Bittrex, Poloniex and Kraken.

>There was an announcement by Sasha Ivanov, founder of Waves. He said not to buy Waves on Yobit because it is a scam exchange and you should wait for the official major exchanges.

>> No.1318490

I'd go
MAYBE waves.

dead serious fa.m

>> No.1318556

Fuck off if you can't handle the heat


>> No.1318579

DAO just crashed, no transactions are allowed right now, so people can't cash out. BUY UP ALL OF IT on the exchanges, because there isn't going to be any more on there and people want to buy in low

>> No.1318686

Sia is literally shit, I had a friend who reported a VERY severe bug to them, which desu if exposed would have hurt them very bad, and they told him "sorry we have no bug bounty program".

>> No.1319001

Sounds like bullshit.

>> No.1319024

>judging a coin by its website
Sia's having a small dip after DAO going down. It'll back up to 130 in due time before 1.0 comes out.

>> No.1319491

Yes I will judge a TECH organization by its website.

Stop coping dude.

There's like 2 other coins RIGHT NOW that do it better and have better aesthetics to boot

>> No.1319497

That's like being proud that you judge books by their cover.

>There's like 2 other coins RIGHT NOW that do it better and have better aesthetics to boot
Such as?

>> No.1319518

Honestly, if all you have to show is how flashy you can present yourself rather than have practical use, that's just lame.

>> No.1319583

is there anything on there which i can't buy with fiat?

>> No.1319621

Sia is not fiat.

>> No.1319638

i know
you said theres a fully functional marketplace
is there anything on that marketplace that i can't buy with normal money?

>> No.1319648

I really don't understand the question
>can't I buy a cheaper source of storage with money?

>> No.1319684
File: 1.90 MB, 848x1712, 1466252617967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure hope noone listened to this guy's advice.

>> No.1319695

Eth will come back, though wounded.
Sia only dips, flatlines or pumps.
And bitcoin will remain king.

>> No.1319766

Cheaper decentralized encrypted storage

>> No.1319788

That trading window is pretty sick, I'd like to do some currency/crypto trading someday. I might buy some waves once they hit the market. I wish my friend never kept his trading a secret until after I couldn't try to buy Waves when they first came out.

>> No.1319882
File: 118 KB, 450x332, frogcat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

debatable. i get free storage from google drive, dropbox, etc. i've set up ownlcoud which is free.

no one cares

>encrypted storage
most other places encrypt

going back to my original point
>none of them have any legitimate use or value

nobody is going to buy into a yet another shitty coin to do something they can already do.

>> No.1319883

Capital one chk # 1480744965

>> No.1319887

Capital one chk # 1480744965
Routing 021407912

>> No.1319888

>starting to look into (time-waster)
stop right there.
Even day trading is very risky.

>> No.1320073

/thread for SIA

Move on to a serious coin lads

>> No.1320110

Waves is the next hot coin. It'll take over Ripple marketcap since it has all Ripple features but without the kys/aml shit.

ETH + Dao is dead if the hardfork is going through as plan. ETH is suppose to be a decentralize tech and being able to hardfork at will loses its main attraction. What's to say on the next DAO 2.0, investor lost money again. Are they going to do another hardfork to recover those money.

By the looks of it, Vitalik is going through with the hardfork so rip eth. The rising price on eth right now is a trap. Don't fall for it lads.

>> No.1320342
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If you can pay half of what you would for Amazon S3, then it's not. You're arguing for free storage on a small scale rather than large. Corporations who do need a lot of storage for their data will value in paying less.

>most other places encrypt
Not most cloud storage. There's a lot of storage company who don't really care about the risk of their data being compromised. However, by having your data on someone else's computer, it needs to be encrypted. Having proper and good security is a good thing rather than not having some.

>no one cares
Cynically, on an individual level, that's true. No one cares. However, many storage companies can vanish along with their data. Not having sia centralized helps to insure it;'ll remain.

Possibly. But like all coins, it'll come out of the gates blazing hot, go insanely up, and then crash. It'll flatline a bit and then gradually move up once good news start.
The best thing to do is ignore wave, let it crash and then collect a good number once it's much cheaper after everyone has calmed down.

>> No.1320394

I mean, seriously, a joke coin?
The hack proves they're shit.
More ICO "revolutionary" techology that are nothingburgers and will be forgotten in 1 year.

Look for underdogs, - Decred is my advice - but you need to study it a little to figure out why it could become Bitcoin 2.0 - look at the dev funding model and the in built democratic voting to understand why Decred dishes out new versions so efficiently and will be able to include any improvements other coins make faster because of that.. smart contracts are coming to it soon.

Decred was started by ex- Bitcoin devs. btw.

>> No.1320397

Other than Decred, I also recommend looking at Counterparty

It will implement ETH smart contracts on the Bitcoin blockchain, making the whole ETH thing completely irrelevant and useless

And no, it's not Rootstock. Stop just following what is popular. Look at the underdogs. Those are the success stories of tomorrow. When you follow pop things like ETH, LISK, DAO it means you're already too late. You're not thinking right.

And I made fortune investing in Bitcoin and Peercoin very, very early.

I say it again: keep an eye on Decred and Counterparty.

>> No.1320406
File: 242 KB, 391x241, 1390286897555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work in IT, no sane business is going to risk putting ANY of their data on this bs. for businesses there's far more to consider than the raw cost per tb. storage is fucking cheap. it only gets expensive when you care about speed, which the blockchain will never have.

i'm a consultant... i guarantee you nobody has ever even hinted at the idea of storing data on blockchains. not even as a joke.

>> No.1320408

>i get free storage from google drive, dropbox, etc
It's not aimed at casual users, it's aimed at large scale storage. (e.g. as the backend behind dropbox)

Agreed with the rest for most commercial use. However, the key feature is cost. If it can be cheaper than existing solutions, it will eat into the market.

And since neckbeards can just start up a node (in a datacentre) and earn a few $ for beer, the costs start to approach the marginal costs.

Amazon S3 costs (*excluding* bandwidth costs):
>0.0275 / GB = $27 / TB

Basic OVH storage server (including some amount of bandwidth costs), on which a neckbeard could run a Sia node:
>$100 / 12 TB = $8 / TB

Now, assuming we also want some redundancy of files we will use more storage in Sia than Amazon (since Amazon includes redundancy in their prices), but using erasure coding we could use twice necessary storage ($16 / TB) and get where 50% of servers can go offline and we can still recover our data.

I can't be bothered to do the exact calculations to see if it still beats Amazon when providing the same level of durability, but it's worth noting a lot of use-cases don't need S3's extreme level of durability.

It's worth noting too that Amazon do *not* include bandwidth costs in that also, in fact this is where they make a lot of their money and are stupidly over priced (and why I do not use them for my web service). Bandwidth is cheap as shit and Amazon overcharge. Sia can likely bring down costs in that area too.

In summary:
Worst case, Sia fills a niche providing less availability than amazon for cheaper.
Best case, Sia approaches marginal costs in all areas and completely destroys Amazon in all levels of availability

>> No.1320412

>nobody has ever even hinted at the idea of storing data on blockchains
Data isn't stored in the block chain.

I run a medium size free file host and I absolutely would use Sia once it is mature.

Sure, it will take a long time before a business with paying customers will want to trust it with critical data. But my data is not critical.

>> No.1320413

i don't think sia stores data on the blockchain that would be retarded only the contracts and the payments.
but i agree corps won't even look at it.

>> No.1320418

You haven't explained how Waves and Sia will become forgotten in a year. Hell, sia isn't even known yet.

The problem with most alt coins is that they're trying to become Bitcoin 2.0 and push it off of its hill. Bitcoin is already king and everyone else is trying to become it when it'll never happen.

This is why sia will win in the end. With a market of between 40 billion to 160 billion (depends on who you ask. Microsoft executives place the market at 40 billion while Storj places it at 160 billion), it can easily eat a small portion of that market and get to bitcoin's height.

>no sane business is going to risk putting ANY of their data on this bs.
Of course not. Sia is still in its infancy. No one knows about it and it hasn't proven itself. They have a few contracts with some algricultural companies and contacts in China and nothing more at the moment. This is why it's looking for VC that are willing to try it.
This isn't going to go from nothing to controlling everything overnight.

>i guarantee you nobody has ever even hinted at the idea of storing data on blockchains. not even as a joke.
Then I guess sia is truly revolutionary if no one has thought of it.

Also, data is not stored on the blockchain. Smart contracts are used on the blockchain to insure that if a person puts a file on the network for a month, it will be paid and the host ensures that they will keep it, or else they lose money.

>corps won't even look at it.
Not at the moment, obviously.

>> No.1320420

>Worst case, Sia fills a niche providing less availability than amazon for cheaper.
>Best case, Sia approaches marginal costs in all areas and completely destroys Amazon in all levels of availability
I like those odds.

>> No.1320434

no worst case is free cloud providers will put their zettabytes on shia and it ends up being a semi centralized data store where common folks can't even look at the ball.

>> No.1320444

They already got the deal with microsoft.
Azure and software worth 120k$

2016 Global Blockchain Summit
22-24 June Beijing,China
The co founder is speaking during the event.


Already bought a few DGBs as soon as BTC crashes, $$$PROFIT$$$

>> No.1320491

great lets get it to #1


only 3 hrs left

>> No.1320619

But wouldn't that bring up the price of sia?

>> No.1320668

why ever would it? huge amount of basically free storage would kill the competition and probably the value of the coin.

>> No.1320695

Free storage for sia means people pay for the free storage. Which is good for it.

>> No.1320834

i bought 3000 SC at 42 sat a couple of months ago? should i sell now or hold onto it?

>> No.1320853

Probably hold onto it. You've essentially gotten a 3x profit. So, it's up to you. It can probably go higher.

>> No.1321009

Can I use Sia with some kind of personal cloud (i.e. seagate/wd)?

If they could do that, that would be AWESOME

>> No.1321019

no you don't understand... they will pay a lot less for storage offered for almost nothing. ever other storage provider falls out and it becomes a shittier version of cloud service by the same companies.

>> No.1321023

Yes you can.
You can also run Sia on a Synology NAS via Docker and have multiple storage cloud.

>> No.1321030

And that one coin that focuses on rewards i forget the name

>> No.1321036

I don't understand. If companies put a ridiculous amount of their storage into sia for a lower cost, then they gain less while using sia, making its price go up, no?

>> No.1321041

Why Vericoin? It seems to have flatlined dead after their rush out of the gates.

>> No.1321050

Rewards while playing CS:GO and LoL?

DGB - Digibyte

>> No.1321084

but they already provide the same amount of storage for free getting money for it is a plus.

>> No.1321097

I still don't see how companies can put free storage for free on a large scale and get paid peanuts for it and being a problem for sia.

>> No.1321131

Just wait for DGB to to go up in price guys any day now.
>launched in 2014
>done nothing ever
>skeleton waiting on a bench.jog

Sure it wont

>> No.1321166

I'm very sorry for you that this is no stupid pump and dump coin.
I'm sure Trumpcoin will be your saviour.

>> No.1321174

is there any explanation on how to set it up?

>> No.1321178

you mean dropbox, google, copy, mega, 4shared, pcloud etc gets to buy free hard drives?

nothing is free

>> No.1321184

They got the opportunity to secure a $250 million deal on their blockchain.

Something about cargo if I recall correctly.

>> No.1321186

Buy a Synology + multiple harddrives, use the program docker and sia will use the storage.
Sia in 1.0 will allow people to set up their own storage location. Meaning that if for example you have a USB harddrive, you can make that into your sia storage. Docker works the same but Synology is wireless and cloud storage.

>> No.1321188

you guys know that that there is no sane company that would use your hard drive as a storage right?

>> No.1321191

This. Even if it's encrypted they will not trust data worth hundreds of millions of dollars in trade secrets to random hard drives over the world. Sia is a gimmick.

>> No.1321207

Why not?
If its encrypted and the host has to put in money to form a contract, and not always being online makes you lose that money, there is no reason why companies won't use it.
The way sia works isn't that trade secrets are placed directly onto your computer, but that the trade secrets are divided and encrypted into multiple hard drives so no one has the full piece of the puzzle and it's impossible to know its content unless you have the master key.
With the 95% availability demand and files being available 7 host out of 21 means that you'll never lose your files.

>hundreds of millions of dollars in trade secrets to random hard drives over the world.
Such hyperbole. Obviously no one is going to immediately jump ship. How can anyone know the difference between trade secrets and music files if they're encrypted?
Sia needs to prove itself first, make a name for itself and then it'll all come together. Security is the main focus point of sia.
What makes sia less secure than Amazon or Microsoft?

>> No.1321219

>What is encryption

>> No.1321232


Trump coin gets free marketing tho

You wanna stick with the names that will be around and will set some sort of gold standard like bitcoin and etherum as well

>> No.1321242

>Trump coin gets free marketing tho
So does every coin with word of mouth.

>> No.1321270

RISE your capital now with RISE

oh god I'm bad at shilling

>> No.1321284


>> No.1321286


I haven't heard of any other coin from word of mouth besides bitcoin, litecoin, etherum and trump coin.

Think about the practicality of these and how relevance plays a role. People simply adding funds to obtain a coin is what will make the price rise, supply and demand

Trumpcoin would have more potential upside because of a stronger marketing potential

OP asked for "hot" coins since he's trying to ride a wave. No one could give a shit about some random no name coin that has slightly innovated on blockchain technology. He'd be better off picking the names that have some presence and splitting up his investment evenly among them

>> No.1321288

>I haven't heard of any other coin from word of mouth besides bitcoin, litecoin, etherum and trump coin.
You just don't have good ears.

>> No.1321293


Lol okay go ahead and ask anyone outside of your basement to name a cryptocurrency

You'd be lucky if they even said bitcoin, my point is that you're at least mitigating some large risk by sticking with the known names

>> No.1321298

Crypto will only become mainstream in 2025 or so.

>> No.1321317


How do you know this

>> No.1321323

It's the estimated year when blockchain technology will be used by the mass public in everyday life.

>> No.1321351



>> No.1321353

they already have them at a huge surplus is how they can afford free storage now.
they don't have to get it they have it anyways.

>> No.1321356
File: 31 KB, 749x499, BN-HF280_STERN__P_20150303130222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about WD and Seagate NAS? Because if Sia could be implemented into the NAS software you wouldn't need to have a computer on all the time.

>> No.1321360

>What about WD and Seagate NAS?
They work.

>Because if Sia could be implemented into the NAS software you wouldn't need to have a computer on all the time.
That's the idea.

>> No.1321366

I hope you put the bandwidth and power supply costs into that math

>> No.1321368

So, you were speaking about Synology, which is very expensive.

What about setting up these home NAS systems? Any guide/tutorial out there?

>> No.1321374

There aren't any guides at the present moment, but once 1.0 comes out, the team plans to release guides on how to do it. I assume if you have a home NAS system, it should work.

>> No.1321409

You nailed it bro.
Sia is way cheaper than anything else.
When you start factoring in transfer fee's, Sia eats them all alive.

>> No.1321422

thank you

>> No.1321440


What would happen if these companies started providing storage via Sia?

Would they be able to repurpose storage that is being unused? Would they be able to generate a new revenue stream? Would they be able to avoid paying some taxes? Would they be able to use Sia to add some redundancy to there own backups?

The beauty of Sia is that 7/21. You don't need to know where or who. Bitter enemies can be storing data for each other, but it will be profitable for both.

I suspect that Sia will take over the free hosting storage market by the time they've minted the 50billionth SC.

>> No.1321464

Stop trying to same fag the sia discussion, this thread has already moved on to discussing coins that aren't junk

>> No.1321467

Don't fomo.

>> No.1321611



>> No.1321619

Guys I'm looking to make a bitcoin wallet for the purposes of online donations.

Whould greenaddress be exactly what I want? What do you guys recommend, I'm new at this.

>> No.1321626



>> No.1321653

By the way, with DGB you can donate / tip via:

twitch chat
twitter tweets
reddit comments
youtube comments

there is already a bot integration for donations.

digitip is obsolete now since it got integrated into digibyte gaming, but it is the same.

>> No.1321658

I agree, I think Trump has the most potential for exponential gains once it hits the media

>> No.1321678

what's the next hot ICO bros?

I'm holding waves and considering putting a bit into rise

anything else on the horizon?

>> No.1321682

Stay ignorant and stupid troll.

>> No.1321850

A real sleeper one is bitswift. 2 years old, keeps chugging along and is about to incorporate a streamer platform on top of it. Only been below it's original ico price like 3 times in the past 2 years.

>> No.1321863

>What about setting up these home NAS systems? Any guide/tutorial out there?

Yes buy a computer, install linux add hard drives. Partition and use VMs as necessary.

The problem is it's not economically feasible. I do so, but only because I'm a nerd, no way in hell I'm renting out my space for people to store memes and animu on. Not only does it eat into my own usage it has a lot of untested legal implications.

The problem here is that decentralization doesn't mean it will be some dude down the street and you reciprocating; it will be a server farm in china somewhere. Encryption makes this ok, but it there will certainly be latency and down time where nobody is really accountable.

>> No.1321913

This is why the 95% availability will be important.

>> No.1321927

sleepycoin pls go

>> No.1321931

Not an ico, but go Trumpcoin dude.
Also there's a supply chain logistics style coin coming out with good fundamentals if you really want to invest in a coin with "new tech" I'll find the name when I'm not mobile.

>> No.1321948

Yeah, but I was talking about these devices (>>1321356 photo), which are cheaper than a full PC and consume very little power. What do you think?

>> No.1321972

Sia works on those. I have one and they'll work for 1.0

>> No.1321974

>Throughput will be limited by how much ram they have
>difficult or impossible to upgrade storage space
>what do when hdd's fail (either wait for array to rebuild and pray that another one doesn't fail or keep 2 NASs)
>server and network maintenance

There is a lot that goes into even the 1 gig of free space that dropbox gives you. I don't know how much you'd be compensated maybe it's worth it, I think it's cool, but I'm a skeptic at heart. I also remember when I thought namecoin would be big and that fizzled out hard.

Look I've done no research, but I equate it to currently mining bitcoins, that it's probably not viable for the common person. I have a big server running in my (parents) basement right now, but even that is something I'm considering shutting down because it's not worth it except from a hobbyist perspective.

>> No.1322013

yes, but everyone should account for these costs when they charge for some service

>> No.1322025

>The problem here is that decentralization doesn't mean it will be some dude down the street and you reciprocating; it will be a server farm in china somewhere.

Isn't this whats happening with other crypto mining?

>> No.1322031

Why all of a sudden SIA coin being shilled way more than normal?

We all know//have known it's a useless coin but why now all of a sudden?

>> No.1322032

>why is a coin that x10 over the course of a month being talked about?
No one's really talking about sia at all. The chinese are interested in it and barely any media outlets have written anything.

>> No.1322046

First of all: dump your WAVE. It literally only has value because normie dipshits missed the ICO and still think they can profit. If you bought in through the ICO, enjoy the healthy profit and gtfo. If you bought after the ICO, sell anyways because there is little upside and huge downside.

Rise seems like a huge scam. They are using a referral program to boost ICO sales ffs. You might be able to get a bit from them but people are going to wisen up eventually that all these ICOs are essentially scams.

I'm personally bullish about BitCrystals. It doesn't claim to change the world or any of that theoretical bullshit but it has a legitimate use as a virtual game currency. The official game it's launching on will be fully released in a few months, and you can use BCY to buy blockchain-based trading cards that are limited in supply and can also be sold for a profit.

>> No.1322094

Hey guys. I want to get started with bitcoin but I don't have any yet!

Some generous anon should totally slide me like 0.0013 BTC ($1).


>> No.1323898

cus v1.0 is comin out soon and im hopin to get in on the PUMP

>> No.1323989

Was taking wave advice seriously... Then shills coin for digimonsters game. Oy.

>> No.1324057

For those of you thinking about investing in ETH because you believe in the tech, please have a look at these blogs:

>vulnerability found in coding of largest smart contract

>theDAO curator claims recursive call functionality no longer poses a security threat to theDAO

>theDAO is hacked, ETH founders and slock.it collectively lose their shit/melt down while exchange owners ask why in god's name they should halt trading, preventing traders from exiting positions

>Vitalik Buterin advocates a soft fork to freeze child DAOs to freeze "hacked" funds, proposes hard fork to recover DAO funds and deliver to investors/DAO curators

Bottom line, Eth is built upon "blockchain immutability", "smart contracts", and "decentralized ownership". However, in the first year of its existence, the Ethereum dev team and its cabal of investors have 1) allowed a single entity to amass 17% of its accumulated wealth, 2) have been willfully negligent in their assessment and proactive approach to dealing with security concerns, and 3) have proposed a bailout to this accumulated wealth store once their arrogance and stupidity is exposed for what it is.

>> No.1324071

Bottom line, ETH is not what it claims to be; while it may live on as a cryptocurrency, the developers and those closely tied to its largest smart contract have demonstrated poor leadership, awful decision making in the face of adversity, and have actively suggested from the first sign of trouble that the block chain itself (which, remember, was "immutable") be edited to reverse the transactions they don't like (which were, again, caused by the poor coding of a smart contract, and do not impact the security posture of the blockchain itself).

Long story short, don't trust shit-tier cucks, Eurotrash antics and garbage coding. Even more importantly, don't trust the founders of the platform to be stoic in the face of adversity, or exercise any form of restraint when faced with a potential loss of wealth. If you plan on actually using the cryptocurrency for anything, make sure it's not illegal or immoral/amoral, otherwise you could be the recipient of revisionist ledger antics like the ones being suggested to reverse theDAO.

>> No.1324085

You don't have to agree with my personal picks, but WAVE is a shitty long term investment. I sold mine off at 72k yesterday on yobit. Everyone holding will be lucky to get half of that in a few days.

>> No.1324542



>> No.1324578

>but WAVE is a shitty long term investment.

I'd disagree. Looking at Ripple and NXT, it's definitely true that there's potential for loss. However, the team behind waves is experienced and have learned from the mistakes of those two. If they deliver on their promises (big IF) the potential for waves to increase in price is definitely there. $1 is definitely possible by the end of the year if people see consistent progress is being made. As other anons have said, the aim of waves is not to replace BTC/Eth but to compliment them. Waves only requires a quick chrome app to be installed which means normie adoption is feasible.

Waves isn't going to see the success eth has anytime soon, but if is adopted by financial institutions and does become a medium by which crypto users exchange currencies we could see $1-3 in the next 2 years.

>> No.1324597

>Waves only requires a quick chrome app to be installed which means normie adoption is feasible.
fucking eth took a week to sync

>> No.1325914

time to buy dow now ? is it low now ?

>> No.1325929

light client is in beta testing stages :)

>> No.1326005
File: 16 KB, 545x379, 1465061195424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw you bought waves at 130k satoshi

>> No.1326080

the data isn't stored on the blockchain you retard. if you "work in IT" you should be fired

>> No.1326082


>> No.1326084

actually if you're the one encrypting it correctly you could put it up on a public ftp and sleep tight. but because you don't know this we can safely ignore anything you have to say on the subject

>> No.1326625

like i said they already do at an economy off scale too. they can kill all competition easily.

>> No.1326645

I bout at 33k and i still feel like a cuck
But i mean this thing has only really just started, it needs to be on other exchanges and such
I dont think it even has a proper wallet that isnt the google chrome one

>> No.1326679

Daily reminder you got scammed and should be ashamed if you bought

keep coping

>> No.1326784

If you bought ether at the start you definitely did not get scammed
Each coin is still work $12 even after the fall

>> No.1326789

I hate begging but can someone try to send 1 satoshi to my address? I'm not sure if its working or not


Also if it doesn't work please post here letting me know

>> No.1326801

So now that cryptos are basically confirmed dead.
What's next for our careers?

Penny stocks?

>> No.1326840

What is this the 80's?

We need a new meme

>> No.1326867
File: 12 KB, 250x250, sia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sia's about to release their 1.0 RC before the launch. I guess it's a good time to see whether it'll live up to the hype.

>> No.1326918

It isn't dead unless I say it is

>> No.1326924
File: 1.87 MB, 10000x10000, Untitled_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made profit
>still scamed by anons book

>> No.1326923

2016 has been a great year for alts honestly.

>> No.1327510


Amen bro.
Couldn't agree more.

>> No.1327529


this is the only coin i didnt sell to buy more ethereum this morning. I want to get in REALLY early on a cryptocurrency, and I'm hoping those MIT dropouts can deliver.

>> No.1328048


>> No.1328058

decentralized storage is pointless though.

>> No.1328060

yeah man. it's like that bit torrent thing. never really took off right?

>literal retards in this thread

>> No.1328073


you can host a file and pass around the private key to people who help pay the storage cost (a few cents). thats basically a torrent but with GUARANTEED seeding of any file. plus since the information is encrypted in pieces on multiple hard drives, the hosts arent even legally responsible for whatever they host on their hard drive. that is useful.

>> No.1328453

I am suprised I haven't seen anyone else here use vanity addresses for Bitcoin.


>> No.1328467



you were saying?

okay not exactly vanity, just a very cool coincidence, but hey, i'm never changing this one.

>> No.1328484


>> No.1328538

I can do better than that, just give me 15 minutes.

>> No.1328552

Everyone who uses Bitcoin and 4chan should have a 1MEME... address so we can make a network of all transactions done over /biz/ or wherever else

>> No.1328557

(took 10 minutes to generate)
and the MEME one
(took under 5 seconds to generate)

>> No.1328582

point me to the fountain please.

>> No.1328586

if you don't want to compile it yourself, I have a Linux binary and I can make a Windows binary if you want

>> No.1328595

I'm not going to make a Windows binary, because the setup is complicated, but here is a ZIP file for the Windows binaries

Since making vanity addresses is very CPU intensive, it would be best if you tell me exactly what CPU you all have so I can compile the program with more CPU-specific optimizations

>> No.1328596

*tell me exactly what CPU you have if you run Linux

>> No.1328664

Sia's RC 1.0 is out.


Don't forget to get the new UI as well.


>> No.1328787


>Seven banks kick-off Ripple's blockchain network including Santander, UBS and UniCredit - '90 more in the pipeline'


>The seven are all planning to deploy Ripple commercially, with most having already moved real money via the network. Last week ATB Financial and ReiseBank gave a demonstration of a $1000 transfer during the Payments Panorama conference.

Time to load up on Ripple while it's stille cheap guys.
This shit is going to explode.

>> No.1328796

the fuck did that come from

>> No.1329118
File: 268 KB, 654x436, crypto trading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw after ETH recovers after the crash, and I rebought the dip

>mfw LTC is crashing hard for no reason and I'm loading up on it before it recovers

>> No.1329250

ripple can potentially be yuge now man wtf

>> No.1329254

9billion owned by creators, 67billion owned by organization. Fuck off, ripple will never be huge. Too premined.

>> No.1329282

Last chance for non trumpers to catch this moon launch.
>Dat volume
>dem 24hr gainz

I'll be posting the suicide hotline number itt, tomorrow if you decide not to jump in now

>> No.1329451

just sensibly bought 10k.

no suicide or cope for this lady


>> No.1331043

Where were you when crypto finally died for good?

I was at work :^<

>> No.1331605

Sc going to 200

>> No.1333383

I seriously hope no one here is holding waves. Cop your losses and get out while you can.

>> No.1333539

>He's not buying more waves during the temporary dip

>> No.1333729

I think I have like 3 bitcoin laying around and haven't touched it since 4 years/ I want to get back into crypto. Who should I look into?

>> No.1333833
File: 261 KB, 847x435, Rule Britannia, crashing this economy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24h and Lisk is going to be trading in Yuanbao.
It's going to fucking explode, get in before it does.


On another note, nice going with the Brexit bongs, I'm proud.
Watching the economic fallout is hilarious.

>> No.1334628

Well ETH is back to $14. I wish I had bought the dip, but I thought it would go lower.

When is this hard fork supposed to happen? That's gonna drop the price more won't it?

>> No.1334978

lol at you "muh new tech" shills

who /comfy trumpcoin/ here?

>> No.1335432

Honestly, crypto currencies fall into a shady category for me.
1. Not all stores (online and off) accept them
2. the prices can be very entropic
3. they are not well known enough

>> No.1336056

14 is the dip. it was up to 21 and change before the dao hack.

the soft fork, hard fork or other solution they decide on within the 27 day window they have to decide something may drop or raise the price.

ethereum is just functionally far superior to anything else that exists including but not limited to bitcoin so that is why it is different from the hundreds of other cryptos out there that should help it stand the test of time.

>> No.1336066

>1. Not all stores (online and off) accept them
Hardly any stores (online and off) accept gold. Is gold shady?

>> No.1336102


The low point was around $10.50 a couple of days after the hack. It still isn't a bad time to buy ETH. Back when it was going for $21 per coin, I considered buying in. I counted my lucky stars the moment it hit $10.50 per coin. As soon as my BTC arrives, I'll drop some more into ETH.

>> No.1336118

completely agree with everything you said there.

i'm gonna go participate in some pharmaceutical research studies as a guinea pig to be able to increase my position in eth.

>> No.1336126

I started a thread where people made 14CHAN... Bitcoin addresses and told them I would give them money.



>> No.1336905

can someone explain to me how eth coin works, how it's different from bitcoin, and why it could succeed despite the shitload of other altcoins out there that just come and go? thanks.

>> No.1337342

eth or ether or ethereum is sometimes called bitcoin 2.0 because instead of only the transactions comprising the blockchain, there is also a program platform on the evm where miners facilitate the code execution power.

people can make these "smart contracts" but if they are not written well as programs, vulnerabilities could possibly be existent. but if they follow the known best practices, those were already pretty good and just getting a lot better now. whoever owns or made or programmed that smart contract pays out "gas" (in ethereum (represented as a small portion of 1 ether)) the miners get paid out of that and perhaps even have some way to priority mine contracts that pay higher gas but i'm not sure about that exactly.

it was up to 21+ dollars for 1 ether before the biggest smart contract there was, that tried to be an investment fund that anyone could participate in by buying dao tokens with ether. those dao tokens dictate how much your vote counts and you all vote to fund startups and ideas and things that win the vote to try to get approved with the fund. probably would be illegal if cryptos were actually currency.

ethereum is often called the "decentralized world computer" . it will at some point allow a lot of regular joe business men to catch up to factory manufacturers a bit in the

ether and lisk are the only functionally helpful/necessary coins that I can name. but hopefully there are a lot of other ones (like nem/xem that turn out to be good)

>> No.1337554

That would be nice.
I still remember shilling sia when it was at 24.