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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1317733 No.1317733 [Reply] [Original]

So how much money did you lose on the ETH meme?

>> No.1317751

>tfw ETH crashed but your still up

>> No.1317752

I'm down $70

>> No.1317757

short, then long, then short again. With leverage, I'm up 2btc (Yes i know it's not a lot. Started crypto with 0.25btc.)
Now I'm staying the fuck away

>> No.1317811

I boughy at a follar sold at 13 feels good we will see what happens maybe lisk is better xD who knows

>> No.1317901

S-should i still be holding? i'd still be at a gain if i sell now but will it recover anyway?

>> No.1317905

It will recover but it'll be in a while (two months? A year? Who knows) after all it wasn't ETH's fault, it was The DAO's.
As long as another coin doesn't depend on ETH again it'll be safe

>> No.1317910

I hope you're not just Jewing me.

>> No.1317913

Holy fucking shit you ETH cucks are real idiots. Even if it was going to recover (which isn't going to happen) you should have shorted yesterday already. If you didn't you're a plain idiot and should keep your hands off cryptotrading.

>> No.1317915
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I wouldn't do that to you anon... I don't even own ETH

>> No.1317918

I'm still mining it. I'm long eth. I don't give a fuck where the price goes at the moment but I'm still confident it can rebound and settle higher long term.

>> No.1317922

ETH shares the same fate as all the other "uniqe" blockchain techs like NXT, BTS, Ripple etc..

Bitcoin is the only real solid shit out there and it's going to stay like this for a while.

>> No.1317923

you guys are some panicky shits eh? your the same losers who panicked in 08 and sold everything hahah I made so much money off morons like you

>> No.1317925

>you guys are some panicky shits eh?
Do you even realize what happened to ETH? That has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with panicking. You're just a bad trader. Any trader will tell you that if you haven't sold something after it was fallen +50% you're just an idiot because you're too proud to make losses.

>> No.1317934

bought into ETH after being shilled.. lost a few hundred dollars.. what do? Is it over? When do i kill myself?

>> No.1317942

Anyone who calls another a "bad trader" is insecure about their trading.

>> No.1317944
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Meh, still investing in ETH.
It will come back. From the ashes a purer currency will be born.

>> No.1317947

Anyone who calls another peson insecure is stupid.

>> No.1317952

Same here. Fuck the doubters.

It's still over $10 even after everything that's happened with The DAO bullshit?

I kinda expected it to go wayyy low... maybe even to sub $1 again, but it's still holding on.

If it hits around $5 or less, I'll probably put in a substantial buy order, in addition to continuing the mining operation.

What else am I going to fuckin' mine, besides gold or silver? All of these other coins are shit memes...

Listen, this is new tech. Not just another BTC copycat. There's gonna be bumps along the way; even huge ones like this DAO fuck-up. And while it's unfortunate, it's to be expected.

Also, BTC isn't the perfect angel people are currently making it out to be. It's had A LOT of ups and downs. Just Wikipedia that shit.

>inb4 ethcuck cope - sure, maybe a little

>inb4 "but teh hax" - not technically a hack, but yeah it was due to the shitty DAO code and vulnerabilities. lesson learned. in the future, QA the shit out of new smart contract coding and don't blindly invest in some greasy, reddit neckbeard's new token without doing A TON of research first

>> No.1317956

im making some mad money daytrading all these dips. within hours it will go up and down 1 or 2 dollars enabling some nice profit. if ur not a retard.

>> No.1317961


Are you actually trying to talk about trading discipline with kids gambling on cryptocoins?

Save your breath.

These are gamblers.

They either want to see their money double or lose it all. No different than a roulette spin for them.

>> No.1317963

You don't, ethereum wasn't even hacked it was just affected by the DAO fuck up because so much eth was involved

>> No.1318014


My niggas - As soon as this shit hit this morning I remember the issues with BTC and how it caused value to drop anytime something happened, all the negative press and mass of trolls happy to see it fail amassed but I just ate up as much as I could viably afford (£200/month - I was a student) and it purchased me a flat (paid off £120k of a £170k) as well as keeping a healthy 80btc to live off/trade/fuck about with.

I see the same thing happening right now with ETH and I'm going to be investing as heavily as I can afford to lose (looking at around £20k right now) but I truly believe ETH offers a platform that BTC doesn't and don't see this situation right now as doomsday. Try not to read and argue too much with morons on here, buy your ETH cheap and sell to make back your initial investment if you need it to survive financially, if you don't hold that baby tight, treat her right and tuck her in every night - have multiple copies of your ETH wallet and just sit back and enjoy the ride.

>> No.1318023
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>> No.1318028

>I remember the issues with BTC and how it caused value to drop anytime something happened,

>> No.1318031
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>Naysayers gonna nay

In Vitalik we trust, mother fuckers.

>> No.1318035
File: 95 KB, 326x284, ron paul it's over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two days ago, had $11k crypto assets
>now have $7k

>> No.1318061

Ethereum offered a hope of a better platform, but right now the foundation managing that shit show is opting to forgo the whole notion of "trustless smart contracts w/o any possible third party intervention" just so they can bail out those who """invested""" in DAO that are looking to lose 30% (only) of the eth they put on that high risk bet. Unless the foundation and dev team comes forward real soon with a clear statements that EVM is the law and no reversing transactions or locking up any eth due to faults in contracts is ever going to happen and roll the heads of those who even suggest that there just won't be any future for Ethereum

>> No.1318071

are you me?

>> No.1318077

Turing completeness was its worst feature. This is what happens when you add complexity like this.

You had it coming, kids.

>> No.1318083

Am I stupid or should we all just put in 10k buy orders at $5 and self stabilise? Would every other ethcuck see our (i dunno) 200k investment and throw cash back in?

>> No.1318110

Your funeral:

>> No.1318157

I bought in at $3, $5, and $9. So I'm still good

>> No.1318178

Hail Vitalik!

>> No.1318191

protip -> the hacker will trade for monero to cover his tracks, since monero offers anonymous transactions.
Literally moon time for monero!

>> No.1318198

Already happening

>> No.1318207


He doesn't have access to the ETH for another 26~ days you plebs.

>> No.1318212

Lol stfu. Its still in beta. They can do whatever they want still

>> No.1318216

I won. Big time.
Well, big for my standards. I only had 700€ to move ;_;

>> No.1318219

yes and when he does he can go to shapeshift.io and insta exchange the eth for monero, after which his tracks are covered

>> No.1318249
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Still in profit bought Ethers around $0.40
But going to diversify in Waves because they are going to release a Ether webwallet on their platform

>> No.1318272

Bought 22 $15.2 a piece yesterday

just going to wait it out and hope it goes back up to at least $15.2

if I had more knowledge on crypto and could predict the future of ETH then i'd sell now if it were going to go down even further (currently $10.80) but I don't so just going to ride this ship.

>> No.1318277


>when he does

Not if they hard/soft fork. But who knows if they will, have you seen the open letter by the 'attacker' yet?


Interesting stuff.

Also why use shapeshit, they only allow 1-3 BTC maximum per trade. He will use polo/bittrex/kraken etc.

>> No.1318284

I sold a while ago because I knew eth never had a future, just rode the wave for a quick buck

>> No.1318286

I wouldn't be surprised if the hacker manages to successfully sue to win their rightfully acquired ether as per the smart contract.

Top kek.

RIP Etherium.

>> No.1318289

yes he is 100% correct
he might use shapshift because the exchanges you named might freeze his funds as they also stopped trading and withdraw/deposit under pressure

>> No.1318291

maybe you cucks will take your autism coins back to /g/ now?

>> No.1318292

Polo has a $7000/day withdrawal limit w/o strong identification, It'd take him 20 years to get his money out that way. Don't have Kraken open right now but they got similar limits in place as well

>> No.1318308

Lose? I still have the ether. Haven't lost anything.

>> No.1318310
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>> No.1318311
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I bought 140 at an avg price of ~9. I sold 10 at 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 and then the rest at like 14.50 last night. I'm still holding 10 just for kicks.

So I did alright. It was a fun ride while it lasted.

>> No.1318314

I'm up like 100% myself, and 5-10% for some friends i coaxed into it. Lost 2k last night.

i mean, i could live with 7k a day for 20 years.

>> No.1318320

>and 5-10% for some friends i coaxed into it

>> No.1318323

Why would they be ex friends?
I made them a few hundred bucks in like a month with money they just had lying around.

>> No.1318326
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Thems some good trades anon, well done.

>> No.1318329


The top holders of DAO have increased their bags. Do they know something we don't?

>> No.1318331

/biz/ was created to contain coin threads and they are prohibited on /g/ now

>> No.1318342

>implying I would ever invest money in a cryptocurrency that uses a "JavaScript-like" language to code smart contracts
top keks I knew this was going to happen since day one...