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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 512x512, WVS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1317967 No.1317967 [Reply] [Original]

Ethereum down
Dao down
Lisk down
>Waves up?

What will waves do this monday bizz?

I expect:
>$2-5 shortterm
>$15-100 longterm

>> No.1317973

Waves is the future. ETH is kill

>> No.1317994

Where do i get waves?

>> No.1318020
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Download the WavesLiteApp at: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wavesliteapp/kfmcaklajknfekomaflnhkjjkcjabogm

The trading starts this monday on Bittrex, the other major exchanges follow later that week.

>> No.1318074

BTC wallet is available on the Wavesplatform and ETH wallet is also going to be integrated.

Wavesplatform is going to complement both Bitcoin and Ethereum.
I believe the holy trinity in crypto is going to be Bitcoin-Ethereum-Waves

>> No.1318360

2$ at launch one time cryptogods

what with all this eth drama its seriously possible

>> No.1318367
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You can buy them now on Yobit. People are depositing their ICO WAVES via support tickets and dumping them. Get them while they are cheap.

You can also withdraw via a support ticket.

Just picked up 100 tokens, see how this plays out next week.


>> No.1318495
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The founder of Waves, Sasha Ivanov said that Yobit is a scam exchange and that they are selling IOU's.

>Everybody knows Yobit is a scam exchange

I personally only use Bittrex, Kraken and Poloniex.

>> No.1318500

They WERE selling IOU's and now people are selling their real waves.


Yobit is fine, I've been using it for months. The dev is currently in full damage control mode on bitcointalk because his coin is getting dumped HARD.

>> No.1318515

Also, https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1387944.msg15104130#msg15104130

>> No.1318522


Just dumped all my waves on Yobit. Put 1btc into ICO turned it into 2. Can't complain.

I'm not seeing the $2 on launch meme become a reality. If on real launch its a success hey good on them. I'll stick to btc and a couple trumps in case it takes off.

>> No.1318525

Nice! I picked up some waves for cheap, if it takes off then great, if not then I'll sell at a small loss.

>> No.1318526
File: 178 KB, 1150x576, Waves Roadmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typ in Google: Yobit + Scam
>Yobit is going to be the next Cryptsy.

Best is to wait on monday and Waves will be traded on Bittrex
The other major exchanges with high trust level will follow after that.

>I am 100% confident in Waves now that they warned users about Yobit scam exchange.

>> No.1318537

Type in bittrex + scam or any exchange you like.

>> No.1318543


>> No.1318548

'A thread on the Bitcointalk.org forum titled “is yobit.net a scam” includes comments from a number of users saying they have had problems withdrawing funds from the site, although there is no confirmation at this stage that they didn’t eventually receive the funds, only that they were delayed.'

>> No.1318583
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>Waves does not reccommend trading on Yobit.

You said:
They traded IOU's
They withheld funds
>Those are signs of going Cryptsy

I say: Yobit is a scam exchange and I would only trade on Bittrex, Poloniex and Kraken.
I personally recommend people trading Waves on major trusted official exchanges.

>> No.1318595

Fair enough. I've been using them for months without a single issue however.

And yes, they traded IOUs. But as you'll see above they purchased 100BTC worth of waves in the ico.

>> No.1318641

what was your ICO price per token, in $.cents if you know it?
i decided against the ICO and bought Trump instead, but i thought i regretted missing out on the launch pump. i might buy a few tokens and see what happens.

>> No.1318721

Would it be best to buy wave about 2 months after release? Wouldn't they be cheaper then?

>> No.1318729

Can you fuck off with the "buy some trumps" meme

>> No.1318731
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It's very low right now, and it will definitely go up when it hits bittrex. By how much I am not sure, but that initial jump may make me some easy cash if it starts going back down after monday.

>> No.1318733
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>tfw 5k waves and picking up cheap ones

This is the next ETH mates

>> No.1318735

Can we really trust yobit?

>> No.1318736

50 btc buy wall at 0.0004

>> No.1318739

What makes waves different from any other altcoin?

Considering investing 1BTC into it, but looks pretty shitty desu.

>> No.1318743

I don't know, no syncing needed i think, they are all fucking memes

But it has the most raised money of any crypto ever before launch, the second being ETH which went to $20 per coin a few days back. So im putting money in it

Correct me if im wrong the raised money thing

>> No.1318747

Where'd you read that?

Honestly it's hard to take /biz/ seriously considering how often they shill Ponzis like hashocean. Thanks for the reply though.

>> No.1318766

I cant find the eth article anymore, i think i might be wrong now

Is 16 million dollars before launch impressive?

>> No.1318771

Damn definitely. I really wish I did comp sci or something instead of maths in college so I could understand this shit.

>> No.1318772
File: 75 KB, 1280x620, WVSWaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum raised $18,439,086
Wavesplatform raised $16,436,095

>Max of 100.000.000 wavestokens.
-Fiat gateways
-Assets trading
-Mycelium mobile walletapp (running on wavestokens)
-Integrated BTC wallet and upcoming ETH wallet.

>There is so much more coming but you get the picture why people have very high expectations.

>> No.1318784

Time to buy some magic meme money!

>> No.1318897
File: 902 KB, 3187x1793, e574X6X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys will thank the living shit out of me because of mentioning Waves.

>> No.1318975

go waves go
what a time to be alive

>> No.1318991

Wtf does Waves even do that BTC doesn't?

>> No.1319064
File: 619 KB, 1717x1164, blue-ocean-wave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waves trading at 0.001 up from 0.0004 on yobit Deposits are possible!


>> No.1319068


Already am, could sell now for $500 profit, but I'll hold for a bit and try to squeeze a it more out of it. I'll buy back in with my profits later

>> No.1319072

so how can I purchase waves with BTC right now?
Yobit seems to be scam, so I just have to wait?
How did you guys get ur Waves?

>> No.1319114
File: 26 KB, 640x400, LiteClient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waves isn't a competitor of bitcoin.
You can deposit BTC to the Wavesplatform in your BTC wallet.
See: >>1318772

Wavesplatform does not recommend trading on Yobit because it is known as a scam exchange.

I am holding it will hit $3-5 or higher at the end of the year.

Trading starts this monday on Bittrex after that other exchanges will follow.

>> No.1319119

so what is the Starting Price gonna be?

>> No.1319275
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I guess between $0.25 and $0.50 or higher.

>> No.1320230
File: 44 KB, 512x512, 1170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deposits on Bittrex seem to be possible.
Launch on Bittrex:http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/launch?iso=20160620T22&p0=16&msg=WAVES+ON+BITTREX%21&font=cursive

>> No.1320264

Already deposited my waves onto Bittrex,
add 1W to the deposit address if you are having trouble depositing.

>> No.1320329

but how did you guys get ur Waves already? i dont get it

>> No.1320341

You withdraw them from your ICO account to the lite client

>> No.1320362
File: 36 KB, 600x399, CfivQrSXIAAxV2o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There was an ICO where 29636 BTC were collected.

Every person that participated in that ICO received an amount of waves.
And at the moment you are able to send the Waves to Bittrex were as of monday the official trading starts.
After that other major exchanges will follow.

I personally am in it for the longrun as I see a huge potential in this platform because it is not a competitor of BTC of ETH or fiat currency but complements them.

You should download the Litewallet and you will see what I am talking about in regards to future expectations.

>pic related: Sasha Ivanov founder of Wavesplatform, a new legend has been born!

>> No.1320368

All my money is on Decred.
It doesn't get as much press as these trendy waves, lisks, daos, eths etc. but I believe their model is more reliable long-term, as it is self-funding , in-built voting, and will be implementing smart contracts soon. I invested 1 BTC in it, and I already have 10 BTC from it. And it's just the beginning I think, once the dust is settled on all this new ICOs that come every other day, the true value of Decred will be made manifest to the population.

>> No.1320371

thanks for the explanation.

>> No.1320390
File: 54 KB, 800x400, 1-KIDp6o-6P2mDuoGNLysJiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That differs per person I guess.

I like the idea that the Wavesplatform has over 29K bitcoins and around 10 million waves.
No worries about funds just focus on development and marketing.

If Decred is a contender and has actually proven itself it is possible to transfer Decred and other currencies frictionless on the Wavesplatform

If you have the time try to gain some info on Wavesplatform what i actually does and how it will benefit crypto/blockchain generally.
Would be a shame of you missed out on a great opportunity.

>> No.1320415

Why do people bash on yobit so much? Just because it's an IOU doesn't mean you won't get it, right? I mean they aren't CLEARLY advertising it but the news feed shows updates regarding the matter.

>> No.1320424

I think it was $0.13

>> No.1320437

What do you guys think, sell on yobit now for 500% profit, or wait for bittrex tomorrow?

>> No.1320449
File: 22 KB, 450x450, sasha-ivanov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Withing the crypto community Yobit has the reputation of being a scam exchange with a very bad service like withholding funds and now answering emails etc.
Just google Yobit scam, probably the reason why Waveplatform does not recommend trading there.

I know the btc price per waves have written it down somewhere have to take look at it. But as far as I can remeber it was a lot higher than $0.13 almost double. Will have to look that up.

It is not recommend to trade on Yobit and wait for Bittrex but if you feel comfortable and willing to take a risk to loose you funds go ahead.

>> No.1320454

What do you guys think of my waves plan?

1000 waves
Sell at 0.013 on the first day of trading spike

Then buy back in 2 months later when it hits the floor, and stay for the long haul where it will go up about 7 months later

>> No.1320476

>not waiting for the glorious poloniex add pump

To anyone who dumped on yobit, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.1320498
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I agree, not a smart move.

>> No.1320773

bought 1 BTC on ICO, got 2700 waves for it.
Got scammed lost all :(

so ICO price was 0.00037 BTC per waves

>> No.1320779

lost your BTC, or just bought overpriced waves?

>> No.1320783

That sucks man.
How did you get scammed?

>> No.1320790

with a fake site looking like bitcointalk

Wanted to sell my waves, I was tired, forgot to double check the site address in my browser and I sent the money. I thought I send the money to an escrow account. But it was the waves account of the scammer.

>> No.1320814

How does one even get in on waves ICO right now?

>> No.1320818

You're far too late.

You can buy on yobit right now and then transfer to bittrex in time for it being listed tomorrow.


>> No.1320824

How would I have gotten in on in?

Would it be worth buying now on yobit after the ICO?

>> No.1320827

>How would I have gotten in on in?

>Would it be worth buying now on yobit after the ICO?

Yes, you can pick up waves pretty cheap right now, don't wait until tomorrow when it'll rise up fast.

>> No.1320838

Tomorrow on bittrex what price do you think its going to?

>> No.1320842


A lot of people seem to think it'll hit $2+ a coin

>> No.1320907

Just purchased about 90.

>> No.1320909


>> No.1320947

Where do I download the waves wallet...?

>> No.1320950

i don't get it waves supposed to be not a crypto coin but a distributed exchange and banking service for all of them.

how is that you "buy" it?

>> No.1320966


Im using this google chrome waves wallet

>> No.1320971

Yeah thanks just found it. Definitely looks better than any wallet I've downloaded, no hassle too. Fucking gave up on ethereum after wallet took a week to sync and then stopped 70k blocks short.

>> No.1320991

>took a week to sync
Yeah suck ass

>> No.1321001

Reading up on what waves is promising this actually looks like a useful coin. I'm considering going balls deep and putting in 2 or 3 BTC and playing the long game. Just hope the team aren't useless like LISK's

>> No.1321010


Well senpai, it's going to dip hard as people cash out on polo/bit-rex. But it looks very promising as well, I agree with you. I'd recommend waiting for it to even out, or getting some really cheap on the huge dips ahead.

>> No.1321015

What sort of price do you expect? Also what price did the ICO end up at?

>> No.1321024


I'd be a fool to anticipate the peak right now, and you would be one too. I have 2.2k and bought at .7 btc when it was in the 400's.

>> No.1321029

Yeah sorry, I meant what price do you expect it to be when trading starts?

As far as peak price I think it could vary hugely depending on how much the devs deliver and whether industries adopt the tech

>> No.1321034


No I mean I'd be a fool to anticipate what it's going to be when trading starts, but that will be the peak for months probably. Look at lisk.

>> No.1321039

Oh I see what you mean.

>> No.1321060

Im gonna try and cash in at the launch peak at 0.01 or whatever

Then buy back in 2 months later when its flatlines, to then cash in at the spike that comes 7 months later

I just have to hope i can move it bittrex fast enough

>> No.1321082

$0.01? Was expecting it to be higher than that.

>> No.1321087

0.01BTC you muppet

>> No.1321088

I think he means 0.01 btc. It's 56 cents a share right now

>> No.1321093

but wouldn't that price it at like $6 that seems way too fucking high. I'm guessing I am missing something here. New to crypto so yeah.

>> No.1321094

It is in the top 5 largest crowdfunded projects in history. Cant remember which exactly though.

>> No.1321099

Highest im expecting is 0.015.
In 9 months it might be 0.02 or 0.03

I bought under 0.001 so 0.01 would be a 10X increase on investment. Same for you if you buy now on YoBit

I cant say how legit YoBit is, but you may aswell put in $40 in or something

>> No.1321102

Just transfer and sell

>> No.1321106

>A lot of people seem to think it'll hit $2+ a coin

Those are a lot of dumb people.

>> No.1321107

Lisk and eth went to 0.016 and 0.01 on launch day in the first 12 hours

So if you can get your coins from yobit to bittrex in the next 24 hours you might make quite a bit of money

Its all a gamble of course though

>> No.1321111

I'm probably being naive when I thought of it like this, but this is how I saw it. They had a $16M Ico, and are distributing 85 million coins of the 100 million to investors right?

So that puts the coins at roughly $0.2 USD given the current investment. So I was expecting the opening price to be close to that, probably a bit higher before dipping given the usual pump and dump cycle for coins.

Again, new to crypto so if I'm being retarded then please let me know.

As far as long term I agree your prices of 0.02 or 0.03 are possible if they deliver what they're promising. It actually looks more practical to me than ethereum.

>> No.1321115

No reason why it wouldn't. It has support and traction.

>> No.1321141

LISK had the 100 million coin thing going on aswell, and that went to 0.019BTC on launch day
Waves has more money invested in it then LISK, about twice as much

>> No.1321147

Fair enough. I just don't see who would pay that much on launch. If it starts there no way I'm investing, unless the dip is substantial enough to take it back under $1.

>> No.1321156

You can buy on yobit for 0.00067101 right now.


>> No.1321165

Started trading trump for waves, up to 167. Need more

>> No.1321177


>> No.1321194

The lisk logo always made me suspicious. I just knew deep down it would suck.The again, some people still made decent profits so I cant really talk.

>> No.1321265

fuck how can I get btc NOW without leaving my house? Tapped out coinbase and circle.

>> No.1321269


>> No.1321327

>It's very low right now
you must be stupid, that's higher than the ICO price.

>> No.1321334

What was the ICO price?

>> No.1321340

0.000369 BTC per waves without bonus

>> No.1321359

Ah right cheers. If it stays around $0.3 when trading starts I'll probably buy 8000 or so.

>> No.1321362

that requires leaving the house

>> No.1321371

No, it doesn't. I can do, but I've never once left my house when I've bought from there.

>> No.1321472

Only possible way I see is paypal and I don't have enough reputation for that. Am I missing something? 90% of the ads are cash deposit at bank. Which I guess I don't mind it's just more effort.

>> No.1321537
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OP here, a lot of new post in this thread.
Good to see people read up on what Waves is and what the potential is.

>> No.1321554


waves, eth are no better than dogecoin and trump coin. sure they're probably going to gain momentum but they all revolve around bitcoin which will probably be the first to really go mainstream integration while the rest follow along

>> No.1321627
File: 6 KB, 320x320, Yup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wavesplatform is where you are able to transfer for example Bitcoin and Ethereum frictionless.
Just like any other currency like Dollar, Yuan or Euro.

The idea behind Wavesplatform is not to be a competitor of Bitcoin or Ethereum but to complement them.

For every handeling within the platform you will need to use a small amount of Wavestokens.
This also applies for Assets, trading on the decentralized exchange, crowdfunding, using the Gateways etc etc.

>Pic related

>> No.1321629

>tfw you'll take waves profit and put it into rise

i love free money bros

>> No.1321646


That would be more useful, I can see it working well with bitcoin then

>> No.1321651

cluelessfag here, how to gain easy profits with waves?

>> No.1321699

Waves trading on Bittrex at 0000 hrs PDT.
We ready boys?

>> No.1321709

what is that EST?

>> No.1321726

You could probably Google that but it's in 7 hours time

>> No.1321877

Think it's high or low on yobit? 0.0006-0.0007

>> No.1322114

>tried to withdraw to bittrex 9 hours ago
>transaction is still in progress
oh no

>> No.1322139

They are getting overwhelmed cos everyone is riding the waves

>> No.1322148

I saw the tweet, they said 12-14 hours so I'll probably be able to get in at the peak, but it's still kind of worrisome

>> No.1322157

Add 1W to your deposit address when sending from the wallet.

you're all really fucking dumb.

>> No.1322167

I was going directly from yobit

>> No.1322458

17 minutes till trading on trex starts.

>> No.1322468
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OP here
>Confirmed Trading on Bittrex will start in a couple of minutes.