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13167160 No.13167160[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can't focus on nothing, i left my job, nothing interests me, i have no energy, i have no clue, i'm a bit scared, what about you anons?

>> No.13167177

>i have no energy

Drink black coffee and get vitamin b12 Methylcobalamin oral spray. Boom, you got energy. I hear adderall is good if you can get it but its not good for the brain with longterm usage.

>> No.13167184
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idk what happened either. they must be broadcasting some depression inducing radio waves or some shit. feel like a zombie who just shitposts all day and does the bare minimum to stay alive

>> No.13167204

>tfw fixed my diet completely and get all the proper nutrients but still lay in bed for 10+ hours a day not including actual sleeping

>> No.13167205

same here anon: and i'm not depressed, i don't use drugs

>> No.13167223

low t

>> No.13167226

i been literally laying in bed for 50 hours.

>> No.13167231

It is diet related. Look up leaky gut. If you want a shill, watch all of justinhealth's videos on youtube. He has it all figured out. Turned my life around with his recommendations.

>> No.13167254

Get grass fed milk, grass fed bovine colostrum powder, grass fed collagen peptides, Mineral Matrix powder. Mix together in milk with organic Honey drink before bed. Your hormones will balance, out, immune system will reboot and your body will remineralize. After a week you'll be a new anon.

>> No.13167265

figure it out
then act

>> No.13167311

This is posted every week. Just start microdosing lsd.

>> No.13167344


>Black coffee


Drink green tea in the morning followed by black tea throughout the day.

>> No.13167348

Stop fapping so much

>> No.13167362

Not too much fapping, moderate getting laid

Thank you all for the phisical advices though, i feel it like it's something that goes beyond the body somehow.

>> No.13167384

Yep, it's depression
>t. Depresfag

>> No.13167390

Rubbish. Some of the smartest and most productive men ate like shit, such as John Carmack and possibly Bill Gates. Spending 3X on groceries isn't going to solve shit other than increase your discipline and moment-to-moment awareness and the success from following the meal change helps with depression and aimlessness.

>> No.13167639
File: 152 KB, 921x993, rf-frequency-meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you eat healthy, get proper direct sunlight on skin, drink plenty of water, are active, social, avoid phones in pocket at all times and extended usage (and NO smart watches!) then... you might feel 80% normal.
humans really are a cancer and we fucked up the planet for everything born after us. including us.
back to your regularly scheduled programming, now...

>> No.13167652


>> No.13167658

to elaborate on >pic related
it's essentially proven that all of our tech and a few environmental chemicals (See: BPA) are endorcrine disruptors.
for males, this means pacification, gynecomastia, apathy, depression, and even sexual dysfunction or asexuality.
This is a national crisis nobody is talking about: the RAPIDLY declining test levels in men. in fact, our health guidelines are simply being re-written to have lower "normal" limits, as if we can re-define what "normal homeostasis" that took millennia is in a few decades.
"stay woke" as you kids say :)

>> No.13167664

wait smart watches bad now :(?

>> No.13167671


>> No.13167684

Try auto immune protocol

>> No.13167688

Same thing happened to me a few years ago

>be completely fine
>all off a sudden start having anxiety attacks for first time in my life
>feel like I'm dying constantly
>extreme fatigue, feel like a zombie that hasn't slept in several days
>emotion disappears.
>can't walk up stairs anymore without feeling like I'm dying
>crazy palpitations
>sleep quality is gone, never feel rested

It's been a few years and I've been to the doctors dozens of times. I have had every blood test. No autoimmune disease, no heart issues (ekg, stress test w/ echo, mri), nothing showing in blood tests, nothing wrong.

I have no idea how I'm employed. I will go weeks without doing literally anything.

>> No.13167691

it's literally anything that's going to be close to your skin and is active within RF...
so yes, sleeping next to your phone, keeping it next to your fucking genitals for 8-14 hours at a time, and having ESSENTIALLY ANOTHER SMART PHONE ON YOUR WRIST to double the effect....
enjoy restricting your true personality, libido, sexual desire/function....

>> No.13167699

and this.

Also depersonalization and derealization. I'll start driving sometimes and feel like my arms aren't my arms. I also have no internal dialogue anymore. I can think but not with words, more ideas.

>> No.13167711

Nothing wrong goyim. Keep going to work and watching television.

>> No.13167873

Not really, i don't have bad mood
yes, this too

I eat properly, make sport too, live in a town so no very much pollution
I spend several hours near computer screens though, maybe it's this.

I don't know how to explain, is just SOMETHING i feel, i feel different somehow (not gay)

>> No.13167938

Depression isn't 'a bad mood', indeed. I invite you to read something on the topic, don't wait till it gets unbearable. Take care fren

>> No.13167953

Also don't listen to the spergs on 4chinkz. Unironically DYOR

>> No.13167991

I shouldn't have been born

>> No.13167997

Coffee has just as many health benefits, if not more, than green tea. I drink both. Stay being a tea-only brainlet, fucking idiot.

>> No.13168012


You have a thyroid disorder. Most likely hyperthroid, get a doctor to run TH levels on your bloodwork T3, T4.

Take Methimazole and taper down below the dosage they recommend, DO NOT let them cut out your thyroid or give you radiation iodine.

Its shit in the food and water, I’ve been heavy with perfect 110/70 BP and out of the blue I’m hit with an autoimmune disorder meant for stringbean fucks.

You’re tired becausw your metabolism is eating your body and you can’t possibly feed it enough, or if you’re hypo its the opposite. Thyroid issues are becoming increasingly common in men, wonder why.

>> No.13168083

There's nothing that works though.

>> No.13168099


You've become an NPC

>> No.13168588

Thyroid is fine though. I've had it checked twice in the last 4 years.

I used to be a /fit/izens and took T3 for a few months to aide with weightloss. It was about a year after that when the issues started so I don't think it's relevant.

>> No.13168590

Figure out a scheme
Ditch your comfy life and go all in
Just like they used to say in 2017. It’s the only way to make it.