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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 50 KB, 500x350, boomerzoomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13161941 No.13161941 [Reply] [Original]

Hey crypto 17 year olds. Do you think you're going to be retired on a beach when you're 32? How are you gonna get there? Are you really going to get there? What do you know about the world?

I manage software engineers for a shitty media company. I played in bands. Went on to program full time for a while before moving into management. I have a hot, devoted wife who's about to give birth to our first kid.

Every reply gets a (You). Not seeing any good active threads.

Thread theme song:

>> No.13161953
File: 129 KB, 1122x2208, 1550188059643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you bought tron already

>> No.13161979

I'm 32 and I actually am close to being retired, after 6 years of private military contracting.

Since you are a so yfag and your "hot wife" is probably fat and has fucked niggers in the past, allow me to provide an alternative life path to zoomers:

technical trade - > certifications - > craftsmanship level -> security clearance -> government contracting

Start at 20, make 6 figures by 26, travel around the world doing weird, cool, and yes sometimes difficult and disgusting shit for some years while saving and investing everything since you have no cost of living. "Retire" with 2k a month in passive income at 35, or do whatever the fuck else you want like start a business expand your real estate holdings, open a bar. ETC.

I don't have a wife, because I prefer to spend half the year fucking a new 18-19 year old asian or slavic college student every week. I don't have a kid, because the world is going to shit and I won't raise a child with race war looming.

>> No.13162064

i'm a nocoiner right now. if i buy anything it's going to be eth or the binance coin. don't think we've seen the bottom yet.

i left home for college at 17, was supposed to graduate in 2008 but the economy was so awful (even graduating from a top 25 school) that i stayed for a 5th year and double majored. my second major was computer science. didn't get a dime of financial support from my parents after high school.

i was making 6 figures by 25. i hear government contracting is a pretty sweet gig, some of my coworkers did it (in software, but still). i might go gov soon (esp if i can get something local with all the aerospace near me).

i understand the fears for the future. i also plan on retiring early (on track to retire at 40) and will have only one kid to keep those costs low.

and yes my wife is fat, she's pregnant. that's how pregnancy works, einstein.

>> No.13162073

By 32 I'll be doing something I actually want to do. I'm investing in myself.

>> No.13162082

good on you. how are you investing in yourself? (don't say link)

>> No.13162142
File: 59 KB, 714x573, 33BFE729-476B-471A-A801-7A4460A043A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Advice on starting to get computer jobs at 20? I have no experience and I don’t know how to start. Thanks boomer bro

>> No.13162215

are you in school? go to school. being a student opens up jobs. get a job (either through school or from a local business looking for an intern) and go from there.

do you know how to program? js is the future (unfortunately).

>> No.13162329

Good to be American I see, Europeans at 32 make an average of 800-1500 a month, they will never retire

>> No.13162345

is that true? where are you posting from, europoor?

>> No.13162353

C# /.net for everything serious desktop & server, js for all web related.

>> No.13162376
File: 232 KB, 960x640, 1553924430807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 year old boomer here. Crypos were ok...until goldman got involved with futures. I'm staying away for now.

>> No.13162378

> the only serious developing is windows productivity software.

no way. that shit is the lowest rung of software development. we had a .net expert in one of my offices who we had to give an office to because he smelled like human feces. it was fucking sad.

>> No.13162383
File: 31 KB, 480x480, 26868876_775532532655264_4472638960480288768_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait....is the europoor meme true?

>> No.13162395

when are you retiring, brother? you got property yet? what's your investing strategy right now?

europoor starved to death :(

>> No.13162431

every meme has roots in real life senpai

>> No.13162443

These generation name/birth years are fictional

>> No.13162444

it's my goal to retire at 40, earlier if some riskier maneuvers work out.

For property, I'm gonna wait until broke ass-millennials can't buy all the boomers houses, and then we'll see how the perma-bull real estate market reacts.

>> No.13162470


that's fair, esp if you're in a crazy area. i left the bay area because i wanted to buy a house and it was just too insane. where you from?

>> No.13162485

the bay area, not "jumping out of my seat" to spend 1.5 mil on a 100 year old townhouse...that local hippies lobbied should stay there for "the culture"

>> No.13162520

Average is that, some countries month salary is around 800-900, some others around 2000-3000

>> No.13162757

29, considering biz school.

Any thoughts for those that have done it? I'm pretty confident I can get a 760.

>> No.13162809

What is your net worth and which assets do you own?
Are you happy or do you portray an image of happiness?
Is working for someone else good for you? Or should i take them as stepping stones to get where i need to be by saving funds?
Did you sign a prenup?

>> No.13162861

teach yourself and school is a scam. get experience and connections

t. bs andms in cs

>> No.13162870

biz school is what people do when they want to take a 2 year vacation in the middle of their careers.

> net worth
net worth uhh 700k? like 200 in 401k, 380 in property, rest in cash or SPY.
> happy
i'm happy enough. work doesn't make me happy but i'm sticking it out for the benefits since my first kid is on the way. will probably move on to a new job later this year
> working for someone else?
depends who you are. at this point in my career starting my own thing would make me lose a lot income wise. also i don't have enough of the seller attitude to really start my own thing. maybe i should develop that?
> should i take them as stepping stones to get where i need to be by saving funds?
yeah more or less. in my situation i make a lot more working for someone else than i would if i made my own startup. i wish i had started my own thing when i was younger.
> prenup
i didn't. my wife comes from a wealthy family and we're both devoted people. if anything she should have asked me to sign one. i might regret not getting one but highly doubt it.