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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13154138 No.13154138 [Reply] [Original]

this PIECE is fucking mooning.

>> No.13154587

>the token that /biz/ hates the most, FUDs the most and continues to ignore is the only token with a real working product and use case

classic /biz/

>> No.13154594 [DELETED] 

Everyone here shills the fuck out of this shitcoin idk where you have been

>> No.13154596

>muh browser plugin token
Fucking idiot

>> No.13154605

there it is

>> No.13154699

He's not wrong. Also there is nothing new under the sun.

Pay to surf is an old scam from the 90s.

>> No.13154812

except it's not pay to surf. it's get paid to surf. idiot.

>> No.13154840
File: 260 KB, 593x635, 1517099947896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't buy BAT then idiot :)

>> No.13154867


The nuance of how it's all done in the background plays a big roll in Brave/BAT. On the front end it can be pushed as a faster, privacy focused browser. On the tail end you have the new Web 3.0 ecosystem taking root.

It's ok the people who don't see the light will catch on eventually.

>> No.13154870

I like how this come's up every once in a while. A true brainlets arguments against BAT. Have fun with whatever shit token you're holding. This is going to be the currency of the web3.0

> no (you) for you

>> No.13154888

Ironically he won't have a choice in the future. Non BATlets are gonna be so fucking salty when they have to use BAT because they thought their shitcoin was better for some stupid reason (tribalism probably). Even worse they'll hate themselves because they could have been early adopters, but weren't. They literally will miss the second bitcoin and they knew about it when it was worth cents. Fucking rofl.

> eventual FOMO

>> No.13154907

i have a feeling there will be lots of news reports of people randomly throwing themselves out of windows in a few years.

>> No.13154925

I’ve never seen a coin with lower IQ shills than BAT. I mean literal retard tier in their reasoning skills and mastery of concepts like the apostrophe.

>> No.13154979

What do you hold brother?

>> No.13155077

It's true.
Still not convinced it's a steal.
I bought some around a market cap of $250M.
Still feels like irrational valuation, but yeah.. Pretty much only working product.

>> No.13155089


>> No.13155108

Pay to surf scams mean pay user to surf, "idiot". You fucking zoomers think you stumbled onto something new and exciting, but you are actually just eating recycled boomer turds.

Yum yum, swallow them down.

>> No.13155119

Wait till it hits $5.

>> No.13155265
File: 49 KB, 1000x557, free ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From what I've noticed on /biz/, a lot of the people who hate Brave/BAT the most have a really inadequate and vague understanding of the project. I think if you don't fully understand how BAT works, your first thought would definitely be "It's an old 'pay to surf' model! It's a scam!" Then when you DYOR you realize how wrong that is and how fucking dumb it would be to think a team headed by Brendan Eich and with Founders Found backing is creating a rehashed "pay to surf" scam. All in all I trust that Eich and Co. are smarter than some autistic pajeet screeching about how much he hates BAT on 4chan.

The online advertising industry is broken (that's a fact), and Brave saw an opportunity there. Brave has an entire research branch dedicated to researching fraud, malvertising and online privacy. Hell, they were even quoted in The Economist recently. What other crypto project has this level of legitimacy? BAT/crypto allows micropayments and allows the whole project to run.

I think a lot of hate for BAT/Brave stems from misunderstanding and fear of change. People always worry about shit when they don't understand it, that's human nature. The good thing is Brave is going to keep trucking ahead. BAT could go back to 10 cents and Brave will still be producing a better web browser and keep the project moving forward. Can't be bothered with what retarded /biz/ posters think about the project.

>> No.13155310

>Brave has an entire research branch dedicated to researching fraud, malvertising and online privacy
Wow how unique I bet Google never thought of having one of those

>> No.13155322

Why would they want to prove that their ad system is trash? Fucking idiot...

>> No.13155343
File: 901 KB, 800x843, BAT1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're already comparing Brave to Google.

>> No.13155503

>why would they want to prevent ad fraud?
Gee anon I dunno
>You're already comparing Brave to Google.
That's their competition. They don't compare well.