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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13151659 No.13151659[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13151665

Why do I get the feeling her parents are rich

>> No.13151667



>> No.13151676

individualism has ravaged the west a perverted the mind of the common worker. the only solution is the death of millions.

>> No.13151680

Very true. This society dehuminizes people. With me, I feel more like a cog than an actual human.

That's ALL you are

>> No.13151705
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I've noticed there's this huge, weird unprecedented generation of American mutt half-breed latinos and half-race blacks and mestizos that have been raised in middle to upper class families, but develop an inferiority complex early on because the media keeps telling them that "WHITES ARE LIVING THE EASY LIFE AND MAKING MUCH MORE MONEY THAN YOU"

They're bred and indoctrinated to
1) have a disdain for whites, born mostly out of jealousy; and
2) think they deserve X for not being white.

It could eventually develop into a race war, but most likely it'll be worse: AKA continue on the path we're on now, where Whites are slowly but surely demonized on all forms of social media, and capitalism is slowly but surely demonized on all forms of social media, until something finally snaps.

>> No.13151718

This tweet is hilarious if you know the history of the soviet union. They literally had central planners set up to measure the value of human labor and is it pertains to contributing to society. You were literally some number in a soviet central planner's book.

>> No.13151721

These are the same people that achieve nothing and wonder why they're depressed.

>> No.13151755

Flaw in logic.
You assume = "more money = happiness"

Then you'll realize you're wrong one day and start developing a drinking problem after realizing your just a wagecuck.

>> No.13151760
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ironically pretending to enjoy being a cog in the machine is enlightenment. unironically yearning for the days of family, tribe, and humanity is /r/the_donald-tier LARPing

>> No.13151762
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>> No.13151765


>> No.13151767

Thing is you are a cog. Look around there are billions on this planet and millions die everyday. You aren't a snowflake. Ultimate Snowpill.

>> No.13151770


Hitting too close to home please stop

>> No.13151774

I didn't say anything about money. You can be productive and work hard to achieve goals and not make a dime.

>> No.13151784

If you think capitalism is about productivity you are bluepilled to the max, it's about money, debt and usury

unironically before capitalism it was about productivity, nowadays it's about using money correctly

>> No.13151785

Where's the lie?

Profitable work is not synonymous with fulfilling work.

>> No.13151788

That's just entry level in a low wage job. Usually, you either move up after a year of hard work, adjust yourself to your job or you find a place that you see fit better than your current one. I used to complain as well until realizing that it's just me feeling entitled.

>> No.13151791
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>> No.13151793

>having money
>being a wagecuck
Pick one you delusional wagie.

>> No.13151800


>> No.13151802

...what point are you trying to make? I know I'm a cog. Never said otherwise.

>> No.13151805

shut the fuck up boomer.

>> No.13151812

>Usually, you either move up after a year of hard work,
I knew a general laborer that stayed on the same job for the same compamy for over 20 years. Economic mobility is bullshit and you're also missing their point which is that at the end of the day, society treats humans more as cogs than actual humans.

>> No.13151824

Unless you have enough to retire, you are a wagecuck for the sheer fact that your livelihood is always in the control of your employer.

>> No.13151825

meatbag with hole between its legs that men pay to have access to dares to explain why being productive and seeking personal success and wealth is damaging

holy fuck, women were a mistake

>> No.13151833

i will even go as far as saying that the most radical political statement one can make is

>devoting your entire life to climbing the corporate ladder
>working 100hr work weeks
>neglecting everything else outside of work
>never settling down to have a family or marry
>80yo, dump your entire life's savings into link which will still be worth around 45 cents on the dollar in 2099
>dying without bequeathing it to anyone


>> No.13151840

>everything bad in the world is due to voluntary trade and labor.

>> No.13151843

Well the entire world is capitalist so... twitter attention whore won.
10/10 made me post

>> No.13151852

When your only options is to work 40+ hours a week or be homeless, that's not "voluntary".

>> No.13151863

>When your only options is to work 40+ hours a week or be homeless,

>> No.13151870
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>i will even go as far as saying that the most radical political statement one can make is
>>devoting your entire life to climbing the corporate ladder
>>working 100hr work weeks
>>neglecting everything else outside of work
>>never settling down to have a family or marry
>>80yo, dump your entire life's savings into link which will still be worth around 45 cents on the dollar in 2099
>>dying without bequeathing it to anyone

now THIS is enlightenment.

>> No.13151871

What the fuck do you mean "source"?

It's common sense. You either work full time or you're homeless. Who the hell needs a source to know that??

>> No.13151881

Imagine unironically using terms like capitalism as if they mean anything.

>> No.13151882

because it's not true. your claiming it is and I want you to prove it by providing primary sources

>> No.13151883

Ya your productivity does determine your worth
Unless you’re a woman. Then it’s how hot you are. I’m not surprised she’s decent looking, just living on easy mode and wondering why people have goals

>> No.13151884

nothing in your life is voluntary
you did not consent to be born
you did not consent to be subjected to biological needs
you did not consent to be human

yet here you are, at the mercy of life as a biological

comply with the demands of your body or die - that's the deal

if you are not clever enough to figure out how to escape the easy-to-enter system of wagecuckery, then that is your fault, not anybody elses


literally not true imbecile, millions, tens of millions, hundreds of milllions around the world live on entitlements or by freeloading using other means

fucking stupid peon, get back to work if you can't figure it out

go, get back in your cubicle

>> No.13151892

"Not true"
You're right. Money comes from thin air. I should have known.

>> No.13151897

im surprised you're able to the captchas on this website

>> No.13151901

it does if you are a: nigger, woman, spic, poor, autistic, mentally ill, or disabled and I am pretty sure you are at least three of those things

>> No.13151902

>if you are not clever enough to figure out how to escape the easy-to-enter system of wagecuckery, then that is your fault, not anybody elses
Are you retarded? Yes, you are. You're basically just saying "be an entrepreneur. So easy and if you fail, you deserve to be a wagecuck".

>literally not true imbecile, millions, tens of millions, hundreds of milllions around the world live on entitlements or by freeloading using other means
What percent live wothout working?

You sound retarded.


What the fuck kind of bubble do you live in?

If this were true, no one would work, retard.

>> No.13151905

Sorry wagie, but I'm my own employer. Keep up that strong handshake tho. Surely one day your boss will appreciate your strong work ethic.

>> No.13151910

Shitty counter-arguments.

If what you said were true and worl were "voluntary", no one would fucking work, down syndrome idiots.

>> No.13151912


>> No.13151915
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What does that have to do with the previous comment you made towards me? Nothing.

Holy shit, the absolute state of biz.

>> No.13151921

man you are stupid as fuck and I pity you
you're arguing against actual observable reality, like you have a point to stand on

are you not aware of all the various forms of welfare available in western countries? the forms of freeloading off relatives basically everywhere in the world? scamming? working part time and living cheaply?

like fuck dude if you aren't trolling then you are EXTREMELY screwed in life due to how dumb you actually are, and that sucks for you

>> No.13151922

>can't come up with an actual argument

>> No.13151930

Are you not aware that people would become homeless if they didn't work?

You are arguing against facts, retard.

>> No.13151933

burden of proof is on you ;)

>> No.13151935

I think she is confusing capitalism with consumerism. We are not capitalists unless we own the means of production.

>> No.13151936

>working part-time and living cheaply
You have to be at least 18 to use 4chan

78% of fulltime workers live paycheck to paycheck. You don't think the stats would be worse for part-time workers? Literally impossible to live

>> No.13151941

*live alone off of part-time for the grand majority of jobs

>> No.13151947

if you aren't braindead you can survive from scalping in crypto

>> No.13151948

it is not a fact that people become homeless if they do not work

there are millions of people in the USA right now who live in housing provided to them essentially for free, or with significant rent controls and subsidies

basically, you are severely ignorant


you are incorrect that it is impossible to live that way, especially if you co habitate with other humans in a cheap to live area

why are doubling down on your incorrect initial assumption?

and no, you dont get to move your goalposts now


this isn't even a debate my deluded and very weird little faggot, this is you being corrected about the actual fact of life

>> No.13151961

how old do you think dXAsnnnHn is?

>> No.13151980

Holy fuck.

Look everyone. This retard lives in a bubble and thinks you can live life without working.

Let me clarify something. We are arguing if work is "voluntary". In a technical sense, it is, but realistically, it isn't because you are either working or living on the streets with shitty living conditions that hardly qualifies as "living".

>> No.13151990

>Anonymous (ID: dXAsnnhn) 03/28/19(Thu)23:35:51 No.13151980>>13151948
>Holy fuck.
>Look everyone. This retard lives in a bubble and thinks you can live life without working.
>Let me clarify something. We are arguing if work is "voluntary". In a technical sense, it is, but realistically, it isn't because you are either working or living on the streets with shitty living conditions that hardly qualifies as "living".
Anonymous (ID: dXAsnnhn) 03/28/19(Thu)23:35:51 No.13151980
>Holy fuck.

>Look everyone. This retard lives in a bubble and thinks you can live life without working.

>Let me clarify something. We are arguing if work is "voluntary". In a technical sense, it is, but realistically, it isn't because you are either working or living on the streets with shitty living conditions that hardly qualifies as "living".

>> No.13151995

This is literally what communism is though. Muh worker. Capitalism is about fuck you I do what I want.

>> No.13152000

>calls me a wagecuck when I'm not
>thinks that any wagecuck has or makes any type of money ever
Check out the big brain on this wagie.

>> No.13152005

>Capitalism is about fuck you I do what I want.
IF you succeed as an entrepreneur

Also, this system is about helping businesses maximize profits.
In other words, long hours, no work-life balance, no job security, etc.

Very cut throat.

>> No.13152007
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fucking based

>> No.13152008

>you can live life without working
millions around the world do it with little effort

so, again, you are wrong based on observable reality

go schizopost on pol or something

>> No.13152011

I'm 23, dummy
>started at 8 dollars minimum wage
>now I'm at 21
That person who worked 20 years most likely wanted to stay at that position since he's been there for 20 years. You dont stay there for 20 years and then get mad about it, it's your own doing. Also, You can say that companies treat their workers as "cogs" rather than society because it wouldn't make sense that society as a whole would treat anyone like that. As with work, that's how it is with all jobs. Cogs make the thing go round. That's their job, whether it's on a giant ass monopoly company or a small business. The only difference is how hard each place expect you to work.

>> No.13152012

If you don't have enough to retire, you are a wagie even if you make good money. My point still stands. Literally the only exception is if you becom self-employed.

>> No.13152015

You live inside a bubble. It's not actually "voluntary" to work. Yes, YOU choose to do so but given your options, it's not a logical choice. Get that through your head.

>> No.13152016
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jesus christ go back where you came from /pol/tard.

>> No.13152019

*not a logical choice to not work

>> No.13152024

Pretty sure he had no other options. What kind of logical person would want to not even be able to make a livable wage?

>> No.13152027
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>> No.13152272
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>What percent live wothout working?
>You sound retarded.
>What the fuck kind of bubble do you live in?
>If this were true, no one would work, retard.

lol, he doesn't know.

>> No.13152285

What the fuck are you trying to do nigger?

>> No.13152310

You are very stupid anon, but it seems you are too dumb to even realise that.