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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13149535 No.13149535 [Reply] [Original]

This little mother fucker right here has been fucking the whole market for the last year. Hard.
4fags watching binance don't understand what alpha like this means.
Literally all of the good news is still ahead. Only the smartest of the smart money is in right now. Even the dumb smart money isn't in yet.

>> No.13149598

>4fags watching binance don't understand what alpha like this means
some of us do.

>> No.13149649

Chainlink will open the flood gates for meaningful blockchain apps and dapps. This in turn will spur the next bull in.

>> No.13149654

How much longer must we wait

t. 110k stinky

>> No.13149672

Based. I talked with some people i would consider to be smart money. Chainlink wasnt even on their radar. They knew of the oracle problem, but were completly oblivious to the vision of Chainlink.

Chainlink will soon have creatd a design pattern, a framework, an ecosystem and a decentralized network to solve the oracle problem.

This changes everything on so many levels and nobody is even close to grasping its consequences.

>> No.13149753

If you actually sit back and think about it you're either the smartest of the smart or insane
In retrospect this will be obvious
Dec 2018 was the actual start of cl. You are in the early part now
Meeting with a bunch of C suites in the next 6 months
Here's the fucking juice: "yeah that's great but the data you need can't be public so it will never work"
"you. dont. say."

>> No.13149769

I've basically come to the conclusion that if you believe that smart contracts are the future, then Chainlink is the best investment you can make right now
if you believe that automation is the future of industry, then Chainlink is the best investment you can make right now
if you believe in the future of DLT, then chainlink is the best investment you can make right now

>> No.13149778

There are only 6 thousand subscribers to the Chainlink subreddit.

>> No.13149789
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blockchain = single computer.
chainlink = the fucking internet.


>> No.13149795

That's a pretty solid analogy actually. I wonder how many people realize that.

>> No.13149801

But only 4300 member in the telegram, how many of them even hold any Link bags worth more than a hundred bucks?

>> No.13149811

I'm in there and I have 13k

>> No.13149815

Not many.

>> No.13149819

Probably alot actually. There's not alot of communities to discuss chainlink in. There's here, telegram, some discords. It's why it's not that uncommon to see people with 100k+ stacks. Where else would they go to hang out?

>> No.13149852

Smart contract networks are not a natural monopoly
Stable coins are not a natural monopoly
Layer two scaling solutions are not a natural monopoly
The trust network which makes those networks work in the real world is the definition of a natural monopoly.
Its 50c
And less than half of them have the balls to have bought
Not a good analogy
Few. People are cowards
There are 500 wallets with >100k link
There are fewer than 300 people/entities controlling >100k link

>> No.13149856

>If you actually sit back and think about it you're either the smartest of the smart or insane
if i can see far it's because i stand on the belly of blockchain developers

>> No.13149861

and how many of these people even know exactly what they hold there?
Most people lack the vision to understand what chainlink will enable so they will likely sell before we really go places.
The real ride has not even started.
This was just the tutorial level

>> No.13149863

not actually saging, forgot to erase

>> No.13149877

when will this ball start rolling? when chainlink on MSNBC?

>> No.13149894

when the Kevin o Leary Sergey interview?

>> No.13149924

Dont be stupid- believeing in a grand vision or an ultimate value for link is how losers in life act. Sell a set amount monthly that doesn't cut into your stack too much. You've made nothing until you sell.
When cl hits three digits and its time to sell a quarter of your stack
When that fag says chainlink sell your whole stack

>> No.13150016

>When that fag says chainlink sell your whole stack
Audibly keked

>> No.13150026

imagine getting into crypto so late you have to spend your time daydreaming about some random funding token just to cope yourself through life

>> No.13150061

brutal but true...

>> No.13150071

I still can't believe we're the only ones seeing the full picture. It's just so surreal.

>> No.13150079

People too stupid to understand the killer app of blockchain need to be cleansed
First against the wall are the cheerleaders of stupidity

>> No.13150086

Oh don't worry. You will be in the screenshot threads of 2021 and beyond. Keep 'em coming.

>> No.13150087

I won't sell anything nigger

>> No.13150108
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daily reminder for you deluded fucks that brittany fucking venti knows about link

>> No.13150128

literally who?

>> No.13150131


>> No.13150133

>march 28, 2018, chainlink price is 0.000044
>march 28, 2019, chainlink price is 0.00012

>march 25, 2019, 05:40 UTC, everex price is 0.000075
>march 25, 2019, 09:20 UTC, everex price is 0.00025

let that sink in

>> No.13150147

I made a big move today and sold my 45k LINK for FANTOM ... mark my words FTM gonna be huge top 10

>> No.13150167

shill me on this. what implications does chainlink have. why will it moon.

>> No.13150202
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>> No.13150206

The sad thing is Link itself won't moon but other project will because of Link.
Link is the http of the internet.

>> No.13150218

If you don't see it now you never will. Stick with the good normie stuff like tron and bch.

>> No.13150219

We have two years talking about this shit and still need to spoonfeed you? Man, I will summarize everything by telling you this: all smartcontract platforms (Ethereum, EOS, etc) can't interact with the real world in a decentralized and secure way. All they do is interact with things written into them, like creating shitcoins and stupid cat games. ChainLink will make them able to read real world data, so this will open Smart Contracts to banks, insurance, finance, gambling, sports, weather data, shipping and delivery, nearly everything that a traditional agreement does.

>> No.13150227
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Your message is on point but your nigger dialect is distasteful.

>> No.13150228

>if you believe that automation is the future of industry, then Chainlink is the best investment you can make right now

Automation is one of the things that most worry me, because once it hits in large scale, the number of jobs gone forever is going to cause a political shitstorm of biblical proportions.
Its a weird feeling, if chainlink is a success, I will be rich beyond my wildest dreams, but it will also mean that the rate of change in the world will only accelerate even more, and that might not be a good thing for some parts of the world.

>> No.13150230
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ITT: List projects that you watched the failure of while Chainlink lived on.


>> No.13150234

Why do people ask this? Why would some random fuck on /biz/ know?

>> No.13150243

Nobody got microsoft
or google
or amazon
for years
Either you'll make 10% more than me or 99% less
Great job sparky
Are you retarded
You are sad that the investors in your space are dumb?
Would you rather them be smarter than you?
Die in a fire you paid shill
Kill yourself and your genetic failure of a family
If you need a spoonfeed you need to leave

>> No.13150248
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>LINK wallet

>> No.13150249

Nope. The value of link is tied to demand and security of the network. The more people use chainlink oracles, the higher the demand. Security comes from having many node operators. Node operators will show up if you provide incentives (350m) and fees. You'll get more fees if there's more network use. It's a positive feedback loop.

>> No.13150258

She looks like a roastie who would know about chainlink

>> No.13150259

Smart contracts are years from mass adoption, if it ever even happens. Fags on this board act like chainlink is a sure thing when in reality the use cases for smart contracts are so limited and so far away.

>> No.13150261


>> No.13150268

Its just so delusional

>> No.13150271

How so?

>> No.13150277

this is like welfare
well intentioned but ultimately removes the opportunity for the receiver to grow
hope your sensibilities werent offended maam
said before the automobile
and the telephone
and the internet
and the every technologic advancement ever
Here's a question retard: if a 3 way orgy with 18 year old supermodels was a dollar, would you buy it? as long as the answer to that question is yes there will be increasing demand to meet increasing production
fucking. brainlet.
ironically req may be one of the best buys right now
it is fully dependent on chainlink and looks like a scam because it can't do anything but wait
also if you can't see why stellar is a buy you're too dumb to live
they're weak or bored

>> No.13150280

>the use cases for smart contracts are so limited

>> No.13150289


>> No.13150326

>sell a quarter of your collection at three figures.
This strikes me as terrible advice. Why are you trying to jew me brah? You know damn well that's low. Really low.

>> No.13150336

you buy/sell depending on the income producing capabilities of running a node u brainletes

>> No.13150366


>> No.13150375

Here's your (You)

>> No.13150619
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>> No.13151143

Only 1000 wallets with more than 40k links

>> No.13151163
File: 155 KB, 750x1334, 8D18FBDF-CF0E-462D-BC50-1A6F93124BDB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking the market
sorry kiddo

>> No.13151207

Bought TownCrier. Try again.

>> No.13151419

is 110k enough? people have been saying 200k minimum to make it.

>> No.13151516

You might get to buy a 1998 Toyota Corolla with less then 250k miles on it.

>> No.13151622

>implying this isn't making it

>> No.13151691

So what you're saying is Chainlink will fall to 5 cents.

>> No.13151732
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32 million solves my orcale problem

>> No.13151736

wtf is this i cant fuck waiting anymore doing something!

>> No.13152130

based stroke anon

>> No.13152278

>we smarter smart money now
So much cope

>> No.13152287

2 wallets 158k in total.
Will I have fuck you $ before 2021?

>> No.13152293

back to discord, tranny

>> No.13152302

t. mad you're not in the discord

>> No.13152323

If you were in the top 500 wallets for BTC or ETH, how would you feel right now?

>> No.13152349

Shit like this is why I hold

I have 310k link and about $50-70k in debt. Just spent $534 of my last $550 to get my friend a hotel room after he got super drunk.

It smells like fucking vomit in this room and in gonna stay till he gets out of the shower (been checking on him every 10-20 minutes) and some of his vomit got on me and I gave him my fucking coat and took three and a half hours to convince him to get into a hotel (he can't remember where he lives) and out of the cold in fucking cold ass NYC and he fucking hot his vomit on my fucking arm and I live with my ex in a shit studio even though I want to date other people but would feel bad kicking her out even though it's been over a year and a half since she dumped me and we've now been broken up longer than we were dating and fuck I'm a link marine and I'm not fucking selling

>> No.13152368

Probably by the end of 2021.

>> No.13152384

I like your style anon. You will make it. I have 115k LINK and 20k in debt and another 12k in ETH and a few others. I don't care. Literally on the beach rn in Vietnam waiting for the singularity living like a traveling HOBO NEET in South East Asia waiting for the singularity living off shitcoins until then.

>> No.13152389

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

>> No.13152422

I wish it were easy to find mayonnaise that isn't pure basedbean oil.

>> No.13152832


>> No.13152883

Make your own dummy

>> No.13153218

ID starts with Cum, not looking good ya cum guzzling shitcoin shill

>> No.13153699


>> No.13153730

I’m in telegram don’t say anything but own 100k link

>> No.13153841
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>> No.13153996
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wow did you make that yourself, champ?

>> No.13154039

This year will be sideways with slow movement up as dumb money finally hear about link. The real fun begins next year. Have patience fren.

>> No.13154524

Where did you put him up, the fucking Ritz Carlton?

>> No.13154541
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How many i need?

>> No.13154932

Got him two nights.

Dude was fucking bad and I didn't know if would need to stay past 11am, so I got him two nights.

Spoiler: he stayed past 11am. Asked me to come by after work. Probably needs clean clothes and maybe a subway card.

>> No.13154983

currently below:
>Bitcoin GOLD

linkies cope