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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1314367 No.1314367 [Reply] [Original]

Ethereum officially hard forking to back track against 3 million ether hack. RIP decentralized currency!!!

>> No.1314372

Fire Vit and i'll buy more ethereum

>> No.1314373

Officially? Source.

It's the worst thing they can do. Hard fork the base currency to solve a problem in a second layer Dapp... That will destroy trust in it as a currency. They should really just let the DAO go down in flames.

>> No.1314374

Sure is a whole lot of damage control going on with all the "remain calm" "and nothing's been stolen because nothing's been spent" doubletalk. Except for 3.5 million ethereum, that is. No biggie, right guys?

>> No.1314378


>> No.1314379

So the DAO is too big to fail, lol. How very un-crypto.

>> No.1314383

Soft fork actually.

Consensus that's how it works

>> No.1314389

Specifically, Vitalik's post says "followed by a hard fork".

>> No.1314412

Vitalik just blew it for me. Calling the exhanges to "shut it down" and panicking. Thats like the Federal reserve freezing everything.

ETH wont be seeing a single cent from me for the foreseeable future.

Satoshi will always be the king of free markets.

>> No.1314415

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. serves you right fking ethercucks

BTC master race climbing to the moon

BTC is rock solid unlike ETH

>> No.1314420

I think so far we've learned that all of these coins are vulnerable to multiple kinds of catastrophic failures. How's that for some FUD? It's the truth, though.

>> No.1314422
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here's a gem from the poloniex chatbox

>> No.1314428

No, I learned that trying to make a cryptocurrencies main chain turing complete is absolutely retarded.

>> No.1314431

Satoshi knew his presence would fuck shit up like Vitalik is doing now. He knew when to step down.

>> No.1314432
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>> No.1314435
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So they're not officialy doing shit then. This post just says they're considering option and have 27 days to take a decision.


>> No.1314436

if the blockchain gets rolled back, does it mean the stolen ETHs will be unstolen?

>> No.1314437

could you please elaborate? what exactly do you mean?

>> No.1314438

Alright I gambled I bought some DOA shit tokens on polo. Eth is inexplicably bouncing back and if what captain autismo said about the rollback is true the DOA to eth peg should creep back into place.

>> No.1314439

Shit exchange kraken is down as always. Fuck them. I want out.

>> No.1314442

Ha, even a post by your god Vitalik himself, clearly indicating what a disaster this is, that they are considering such extreme measures, and all you got is stop shitposting?

Why don't you tell that to Vitalik, cause it's his post that I reposted.

>> No.1314443
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>> No.1314444

It seems that's the case.

>> No.1314455


You can't read. That post isn't a shit post, your interpretation of it, that you shared here, citing it as a source that they will hard fork, is the ultimate shit post. Nice shilling.

>> No.1314456

It also means ETH is kill

>> No.1314462

There's no question that what just happened with the DAO is the Mt. Gox moment for Ethereum. Yet less than 2 hours later, V Buterin & Team have identified the lost funds, we discover they already had a built-in a 27 day hold in as a safeguard, a softfork will lock them permanently from the thief's access, and they have a solution to reverse all the losses back to users.
Not bad :) One thing is for sure - this will get Press/Media attention. The distinction between a Mt Gox failure and an Ethereum Solution/Success will be the angle. Good for Ethereum.
Also - this was NEEDED!!!! Smart Contracts are new, and people don't understand the ramifications. This was a healthy wake up moment. Now things will proceed, but with more certainty, more safeguards, more awareness.
And ETH is shooting back up erasing gains relatively quickly. All in all a good day and a great buying opportunity for some.

>> No.1314465

>the fed saved the day with their immediate action!

>> No.1314468

Yeah I clearly said it indicates they are considering it, so you just stick to your guns there, and look like as much of a fool as you want.

>> No.1314469

Are funds still being drained ?

>> No.1314476
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>> No.1314478

Shills only have one channel: "the buy eth" channel. No matter what's going on in reality.

"Now things will proceed, but with more certainty, more safeguards, more awareness."

I like how you didn't say 'more caution', because that would be against the shill creed, of say anything and everything to make people buy.

>> No.1314482

I know where you live

>> No.1314485
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>> No.1314496

Haha there is no way in hell that mass selloffs are near over yet. So go ahead and buy.

>> No.1314499


Hahahahaha all you fucking coinfags


What did we tell you retards

>> No.1314505

>DAO dropping half a percent every few minutes now.

God Damn!

>> No.1314529

I'm still enjoying my bitcoin profits 4 years in a row now.

>> No.1314531

also nice copypasta from /r/ethtrader faggot

>> No.1314543

A rollback will dupe a lot of people. It might really kill ether.

>> No.1314551

enjoy your 50 minutes, nocoiner. You'll be in suicide watch by tommorrow

BTC still strong, and ETH recovered

>> No.1314554

there's no rollback ya dingus

>> No.1314557

The thief is not a thief. He worked within the rules of the smart contract, which everyone agreed to when they sent money to it.

Forking is a farce and is actually stealing from the "thief" by the mob.

Ether is dead if they fork.

>> No.1314558
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Anyway OP proved wrong once again. DAO will die and ETH will prove itself as better than BTC once and for all. 50$ ETH incoming.

>Critical update RE: DAO Vulnerability

[–]avsaEthereum - Alex van de Sande 17 points 45 minutes ago

Yes. This point has been very loudly raised by devs in our internal chats. I really doubt this hard fork to recover funds will ever happen - nor it should even be technically possible to do it.

>> No.1314561


>> No.1314565
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They won't fork. OP source is Vitalik saying "we will be considering all available options for the next 27 days" which is what any sane person would say, it's just PR.

>> No.1314588
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Business Insider says they plan a hard fork, but no rollback. They'll just freeze the transactions and then fork it later to give people their money back from the dao. What is this bullshit? The creator disagrees with how it was used so he wants to just undo everything. Fuck that.

>> No.1314594

BTC = 7 years and counting of solid safe haven
ETH = 1 year and already fucking up big time

>> No.1314601
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nobitcoiner cope

>> No.1314603


Actually I didnt agree to the smart contract rules. I didnt read the contract, but the idea sounded cool so I put a lot of money in.

Maybe that wasnt wise, but dont be a faggot pretending everyone reads the contracts of cool shit they buy.

>> No.1314623


ETH is fine you retard, it's the DAO that got fucked... you guys shitting on ETH for getting fucked is like saying that BTC got fucked when Mt. Gox ate shit.

It involved the loss of many many coins but it's not relevant to the coin itself.

>> No.1314645

Hah, you think it's just the DAO that's fucked, but ETH is frozen on exchanges and the creator is doing a hard fork. If it wasn't ETH then this wouldn't be happening.

>> No.1314674

Nope its not frozen

>> No.1314681

it is.

>> No.1314712

No due dilligence means you deserve to lose money, not understanding the thing you invest in.... do i really have to tell you thats just stupid?

>> No.1314806

Fuck a nigger that hacks the DAO.

>> No.1314812

No its not

>> No.1314850

Nobody hacked anything, someone jyst ran code THAT WAS IN THE FUCKING CONTRACT

>> No.1314854

so if nothing got hacked, whats preventing someone from doing it again?

At least Mt.Gox apparently was a legit hack

>> No.1314856

I'm sorry my mistake...
Fuck a nigger that runs code on a DAO contract.

>> No.1314858

>so if nothing got hacked, whats preventing someone from doing it again?
People writing better contracts

>> No.1314860


>> No.1314863


>> No.1314916

Good question, and let me answer.
Ethereum is flawed and dead.
No complex smart contract can be proven to be bug free, and with no one to sue, who will entrust millions of dollars to such a system.
Get out while you can, of course you can ride the dead cat bounces on the way down if youre into gambling.

>> No.1314947


it is not, i'm short ETH rn

>> No.1314974

Haha these FedoraCoin shills are really going ham atm

>> No.1314990

Surely you bring more to the table than namecalling

>> No.1315027

The dao was written in a way that it has a white list that that prevents it sending money to any account until a big 'approval' process happens.

This is why the stolen eth is 'stuck' in the DAO.

>> No.1315638
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>tfw that group of about two or three NEETs on /biz/ who spammed "Buy Ethereum" for the past month are on suicide watch

>> No.1315839
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>mfw when Trumpcoin will save us all.

>> No.1315859


>> No.1315929
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>they already had a built-in a 27 day hold in

>> No.1316815
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ETHcucks on suicide watch. DAO holders circling the drain. Meanwhile Trumps are holding their own and still gaining.

>> No.1318086

I had 50% in dao at the time when the crash happened

I don't even have a reaction image for this

>> No.1318133

I bought 45,000 more DAO tokens at rock-bottom prices. If people want to panic sell before withdrawing from the contract, Ill happily take their super cheap eth.

Some see disaster, others opportunity.

>> No.1318135

This isn't true

>> No.1318240
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>ETH recovered

>> No.1318268
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I like Ethereum but also like Waves a lot.
Sold a big portion of my Ether and Dao stack and planning to buy Waves this monday on Bittrex.

>> No.1318948


