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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1314079 No.1314079 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1314080

What does this mean for someone sitting on the outside

Should I be buying eth during this dump? Or is it dead?

>> No.1314083
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Just dont buy it at all

>> No.1314084

But what if I wanna

>> No.1314087

>tfw paper wallet

>> No.1314101
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>> No.1314104




>> No.1314113

Shapeshift is back online.

>> No.1314128

it still affects you

price of ETH dropping like a rock now

>> No.1314154

it's over. for Dao. ETH might live but who knows.

watch the leak live.

>> No.1314158



>> No.1314159

It's probably an employee.

>> No.1314160

3.3 million ether gone. can't wait till the hacker dumps it and price drops even more.

>> No.1314168

He is already dumping it

>> No.1314253

no he is not

>> No.1314257

Don't worry. They fixed this problem days ago through the power of voting.


>> No.1314261

Can he even cash out without blowing his cover ?

>> No.1314267

they didn'f fix shit

>> No.1314269


I think anon was being humorous.

>> No.1315873

i bet you this is it

>> No.1317625


>> No.1317637 [DELETED] 


It makes me laugh when people with zero clue come here and start spouting this bullshit.

The funds are being held in a child DAO for 27 days, as was programmed into smart contracts to prevent an attack like this from draining funds. The 'hacker' (not really a hacker, using a simple exploit we have known about since ICO) has made ZERO money off this and with the soft/hard fork coming up will not be getting access to the ether drained.

Likely the exploiter wanted to prove it can be done and cause a shit storm, which he has done. Possible reasons - to kill ETH if invested in other shitcoins (lisk) or to drop the price of ETH to buy in cheap (highly unlikely as this damage could take years, if ever, to recover)

inb4 buy trump/lisk/insertretardcoin here

>> No.1317640


It makes me laugh when people with zero clue come here and start spouting this bullshit.

The funds are being held in a child DAO for 27 days, as was programmed into smart contracts to prevent an attack like this from draining funds. The 'hacker' (not really a hacker, using a simple exploit we have known about since ICO) has made ZERO money off this and with the soft/hard fork coming up will not be getting access to the ether drained.

Likely the exploiter wanted to prove it can be done and cause a shit storm, which he has done. Possible reasons - to kill ETH if invested in other shitcoins (btc/ltc) or to drop the price of ETH to buy in cheap (highly unlikely as this damage could take years, if ever, to recover)

inb4 buy trump/lisk/insertretardcoin here

>> No.1317649

To be fair, the hacker probably shorted the fuck out of eth before.

>> No.1317661
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Yeah, ETH did hit a new peak about 12-18 hrs before news of the hack broke.

Huge order just came in on btcmarkets btw. THis is called buying the dip.

>> No.1317664


They did. There was a huge 3000BTC (2.2mil) worth of Eth shorted on Bitfinex before the exploit

>> No.1317665

That's not huge mate.

>> No.1317668
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>writes "smart" contract on Ethereum
>is terrible programmer. Writes it with bugs
>it's hacked
>"Well, let's rewrite the history of the entire coin. Cause the DAO is the only thing Ethereum is made for anyway"
>"Problem, non-DAO evangelists?"

fuckin child

>> No.1317674


People need to stop referring to this person/group as a hacker, it was a published exploit - anyone could have achieved it with basic understanding of the DAO contracts.

Would it be silly to assume they are long term ETH holders and not a fan of the DAO? Seems to be the only reason they would do this willingly knowing they can't actually extract any of the funds.

My theory -
ETH price drops after DAO exploit, they invest a few million and just sit on it whilst BTC slowly dies over the next few years, once smart contracts become wider spread and value of ETH rises they sell the cheap ETH they've accumulated and live a life of excess?

Or alternate theory the exploiter is uber troll and just won the most expensive troll of all time?

>> No.1317685

No, it was a short opportunity. This has been pointed out in numerous other threads.
Someone shorted 3000btc worth of Eth (2.2 mil) right before the attack.

>> No.1317758


I have only seen this mentioned on /biz/ which has less credibility than Oscar Pistiouris so until I see screenshots/trade orders (I've looked and didn't find) I'm going to remain a sceptical on this.

>> No.1317792

Attacker is now suing Ethereum. Talk about a smart counter contract


>> No.1317879
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>calls btc a shitcoin
butthurt nocoiner spotted

>> No.1317881

Guys, who remembers those ETH cucks yesterday who were saying "It's already recovering again" when it went to 2000 hahahahahahahahahahahahaahha

>> No.1317894

I remember months of the most obnoxious shrieking of "stay poor!" imaginable. Eth is all over the place right now, it's funny. Mostly headed down overall though, you best believe that.

>> No.1317896

That's some /b/ tier bullshit. No one is going to buy that crap.

>> No.1317899

the signature doesn't match

>> No.1317907
File: 1.90 MB, 848x1712, 8446843455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is circling the drain. Get out while you can.

>> No.1317917

You see a momentary 30% loss

I see 30%+ profit

>> No.1318274
File: 193 KB, 500x229, Waves Platform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of money is going toward Waves this week.

>> No.1318618

I would buy it

>> No.1318681

Guys, who remembers ETH cucks a few hours ago "it's recovering. too the moooon"


>> No.1318704

"DAO, I closely read your contract and agreed to execute the clause where I can withdraw eth repeatedly and only be charged for my initial withdraw. Thank you for the $70 million. Let me know if you draw up any other contracts I can participate in.

Regards, 0x304a554a310c7e546dfe434669c62820b7d83490"