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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 713 KB, 640x986, Screenshot 2018-12-22 at 04.15.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13134984 No.13134984 [Reply] [Original]

I write ballistic missile guidance software for a living and have been browsing biz since 2015 AMA

>> No.13134990

You sound important, good job.

>> No.13135011

I make $1.3 million a year + bonuses (usually $100-500k)

>> No.13135072

How are your kalman filters doing?

>> No.13135082

how many shitskins do you think you've managed to cleanse the world with so far?

>> No.13135087

The spheroid archeotypical paraboloid is logarithmically parsable and based.

>> No.13135093

How do I kill myself since I will never have a cushy job

>> No.13135104

On what crypto are you losing all your money anon?

>> No.13135110

Can't talk about specifics because of NDA.

>> No.13135125

Bitcoin, Ether, Monero, MakerDao

>> No.13135196

When chainlinked airstrikes?

>> No.13135254

Did you put in a backdoor that lets you launch and control the missles?

>> No.13135279

you have schizophrenia, get help. Also, bad larp 0/10 (fukin CIA shit really nigger?)

>> No.13135282

Do you not know risk management? Get a microcap gem or 2 like Birdchain and unironically Nyzo.

>> No.13135293

If you work on IMUs or EAs I'll say your software is pretty decent

>> No.13135440

What made you think anyone here would care op? Why don't you go to Redit, I think you would be happier there

>> No.13135569

Is the F35 a money laundering scheme?

>> No.13135578

Fake it until you make it amiright

>> No.13135754

Are you on welfare? Poor guy, I wipe my ass with that salary

>> No.13135776

That's cool bro. Did you tell your security clearance investigator you post on a white nationalist racist meme magic website?

>> No.13135778

bullshit thread

>> No.13135797

Kek I'm shitposting from a top sekrit facility right now nerd. Autism is a superpower according to glowniggers and they pay for access.

>> No.13135819
File: 98 KB, 1024x788, 1545634189582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you show some code?

>> No.13135829
File: 260 KB, 785x1133, 9M218_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ballistic missile guidance software

Which missile program?

Is it inertial navigation with assistance from terrain following radar?

>> No.13135839

>He doesn't know Elon Musk browses /biz/

How new are you?

>> No.13135853
File: 72 KB, 595x447, 1548924201916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you a faggot?

>> No.13135887

What do you think about chainlink and do you see any application of it in your area of work?

>> No.13136374
File: 60 KB, 576x597, 1535220869218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When WWWM (World War With Mars) starts, which planet will your family be at?

>> No.13136731

As a competent software developer, how do I into military/government contracting?

>> No.13136850

cout << "kys fag"

10% nepotism, 90% autism

can't give any specific details already said.


>> No.13136918

How much LINK do you hold?

>> No.13136978

I'm teaching myself calculus. After I learn it can I use what I've learned to shoot stuff into your bum from 1000 miles away?

>> No.13136997

OP what do uou think of URBIT?

>> No.13137014

Do you feel bad about programming missiles that often kill innocent people? Serious question

>> No.13137055
File: 94 KB, 576x1024, 2019-03-27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I profit from roasties?

>> No.13137063

ballistic missile guidance software
all you have to do is hit a rig in the sky
faggot that is soo easy

>> No.13137068

Lawyer who has been browsing 4chan since 2006 AMA

>> No.13137071


No amount of smartweaponry can ever manage to kill

No such thing.

>> No.13137126

post a thread you dumbass...

>> No.13137142

Do zoomers not know that the internet is permanent???

>> No.13137183

If it's a serious question then you are pretty dumb. Missiles don't kill people. People kill People, using missiles. If they didn't have missiles they would use guns, spears, or even rocks.

Blaming a tool and a toolmaker is absolutely absurd. There will ALWAYS be somebody to make the tool. Making the tool well and so that it functions properly is the best way to make sure it doesn't malfunction and kill anybody its user didn't want it to.

>> No.13137198

>If they didn't have missiles they would use guns, spears, or even rocks.
This would be preferable, considering drone strikes kill innocents 90% of the time.
>There will ALWAYS be somebody to make the tool.
You sound like a heroin dealer trying to justify what he does.

>> No.13137232


Swords killed countless innocents in ancient times and those warriors held them in their very hands as they dealt out death. What's the difference?

>> No.13137265

>Swords killed countless innocents in ancient times and those warriors held them in their very hands as they dealt out death. What's the difference?
We have evolved as a society and no longer are interested in targeting innocent people.

>> No.13137300

I remember being 18 years old. I wouldn't listen to reason back then either. There isnt really any reason to try and correct you, if you aren't willing to use logic to arrive at a conclusion.

Btw civilians died in horrendous amounts before smart weapons and drones were invented. Civilians dying indiscriminately in war zones is not something new we jist invented.

>> No.13137322


>> No.13137326

>I remember being 18 years old. I wouldn't listen to reason back then either. There isnt really any reason to try and correct you, if you aren't willing to use logic to arrive at a conclusion.
>Btw civilians died in horrendous amounts before smart weapons and drones were invented. Civilians dying indiscriminately in war zones is not something new we jist invented.
Of course not, but we have evolved as a society and no longer target civilians.

>> No.13137684

>can't give any specific details already said.

What a fucking worthless thread in case.

Can you just talk about the guidance system then?

You write code for the pattern recognition?

>> No.13137702

a lot of machine learning shit being used.

>Of course not, but we have evolved as a society and no longer target civilians.

>> No.13137709

Nobody gets it, bullish
Also checked

>> No.13137720
File: 21 KB, 618x894, brainlet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP leaves in a truncation error that leads to the missile system failing and hundreds dying

>> No.13137734
File: 356 KB, 680x735, 58c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So you know how to code self-optimizing functions and they pay a million bucks for that?

Fuck me, that's babby tier. I'm in the wrong industry.

>> No.13137770

government tends to overpay in everything. I know people that write software for subway systems making even better money than I am lol.

It's mainly about writing secure code though. Every single line of code is tested and tested and tested again.

>> No.13137874


Sounds like the ultimate (((puppet))) job. Unlike the other wagies that make (((him))) money, you create stuff that helps him kill (((his))) enemies. Write some software that makes it drop on your house you cuck.

>> No.13137899

Is there a conspiracy orchestrated by the military industrial complex to hide the existence of aliens, Mr Wagie?

>> No.13137929

All the salt in this thread... anyways good job becoming spmething other than a bag of useless shit. Hope you are reading some wealth managment books or something, doubt you have enough time to blow all your money anyways.
What was your life like growing up? Are your parents college educated? Did they support you through school and such?

>> No.13137932


So they have a ring-laser gyro piggy-backed on the terrain-following part of the guidance, or is that strictly for low-flying cruise missiles?

>> No.13137936

are you gay?

>> No.13137945

Pump or dump

>> No.13137948

OP here. This whole thread was a LARP and you stupid retards were dumb enough to believe it. you must be so embarrassed rn lmao

>> No.13137966


>> No.13137970
File: 281 KB, 834x814, 1552631185290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek and based

>> No.13137995

thanks anon, your contributions to society have helped to drastically remove muslim shitskins time and time again. your sacrifice will not be forgotten

>> No.13138010


OP is probably worried he's about to get DOXed.

>> No.13138172

>ask me anything
>except that
kys op.

>> No.13138176

is india part of the target coding?

>> No.13138210

become a pimp, easy

>> No.13138419

Good goy here’s an extra 200k to make it accidentally target schools and hospitals.

>> No.13138462

Thanks Dave. Now stop telling Biz about the Government!

>> No.13138475
File: 167 KB, 480x480, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what language do you use, probably something that's super safe and efficient like Ada or Javelin right?

>> No.13138495

When is the USAF gonna announce their missle defense platforms will be running on Chainlink?

Not that it matters since its already priced in.

>> No.13139453

I sit at home on my day off wanking shitposting and eating breakfast. AMA

>> No.13139626 [DELETED] 

What do you think of the other Verge?

>> No.13139675
File: 107 KB, 551x600, durrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw ruskies target your computer for cyber espionage bc you posted this thread

>> No.13139723
File: 99 KB, 581x1024, 29C7A7C0-2B93-44BD-97C4-0ACB1EB13E40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw ruskies target your computer for cyber espionage too bc you’re on to them

>> No.13139864
File: 467 KB, 800x482, putincyber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i hacked ur computer already and altered a single line of code

>> No.13139938
File: 4 KB, 208x206, keke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got u to respond

>> No.13140018

how do I get into that

t. regular software engineer

>> No.13140126

OP I'm your boss and I want you in my office NOW

>> No.13140148

well ..should've go into welding instead

>> No.13140179

This made me Kek HARDDDDD

>> No.13140244

lmao poorfag. If you got into xrb at 30 cents you could’ve retired like the rest of us. Wagie gonna wage though

>> No.13140502

Amazing. Any tips for us autists who work in engineering