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13138608 No.13138608 [Reply] [Original]

UBI is coming. It doesn't matter what you think about it, who you vote for. It's already done deal. It affects you directly and it doesn't matter what you do for a living now.

Automation is display 90% of workers. If you think they will just quietly starve to death you are as stupid as a fucking boomer. White people will become as savage as niggers. Society will turn into a Mad Max wasteland without UBI, which is why it is inevitable.

Get on board now and help get ahead of it. Shape it into something that is at least somewhat workable. The alternative is fighting against it and then the boomers will shove through some crazy half baked disaster at the last minute. Be part of the solution and support UBI now.

>> No.13138625

will never happen boomers will never allow UBI.

>> No.13138653
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>> No.13138729

The boomers will not have a choice. No one has a choice.

UBI is capitalism, not communism. It really doesn't matter what you think about it though. It's already a done deal. The only question is if you will help shape it for the better, or just resist and fuck every up like the boomers do.

>> No.13138770

When government mandated sexbots with giant bouncy titties?

>> No.13138810

no the boomers will simply not allow it and the boomers run the government

>> No.13138938

Boomers were born until 1964. They're not even near retirement yet, and LOTS of them are in the driving industries which are about to be completely displaced by automated vehicles. Boomers are the majority of voters, and they will vote for UBI.

>> No.13138954

Crypto makes wealth redistribution impossible. UBI is a fairy tale dream in the minds of luddites and boomers

>> No.13138957

You're absolutely wrong. Perhaps some of the granola 60s hippies will, but the vast majority are selfish and won't need it because they'll get theirs with social security.

>> No.13138977

Zoomer commies crying bitch tears as they get loaded into cattle cars and shipped off to concentration camps. Just imagine it.

>> No.13139010

ITT boomers who don't understand what communism is

The neuvo Americans who are pouring into America everyday will not have the same hang ups with wealth redistribution that boomers have

>> No.13139019

Boomers don't know shit about crypto. This is real wealth redistribution because dollars will be inflated out of control.

Boomers are selfish pieces of shit, but it's pretty obvious they are in favor of bailouts. This is just another form of bailout. If you offer UBI in addition to partial SSI you'll hook all of them.

>> No.13139045
File: 259 KB, 340x289, 00fdf830-c852-48e1-a206-6be33a4c57a9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Automation is display 90% of workers

>> No.13139047

Lol bro social "security" will be completely impossible within 10 years

>> No.13139139
File: 78 KB, 1000x1000, alert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomers don't know shit about crypto
Yeah that's my point. UBI is dependent on Boomers redistributing wealth to niggers and single moms
>This is real wealth redistribution
If you can't take crypto wealth that is the type of wealth people will want. Ergo, your UBI plan is what? Printing money until it's all worthless? Fuck outta here commie faggot.

You know what. I'm just gonna say it
*breaths in*
Fuck communists. Fuck you lazy faggots and your authoritarian bullshit masquerading as compassion. I don't give a FUCK about automation. Why? Because by then I'll be a rich fuck who likes a quick fuck. All the losers, niggers, poor, low IQ people can get bent. FUCK EM. The world is better off without those creits and low lifes. If you aren't all in crypto you deserve to be raped in the machine utopia. You will NEVER take my wealth away and give it to loser commies. FUCK ALL COMMIES AND NIGGERS AND JANNIES

>> No.13139201

imagine the smell

>> No.13139223

Its 40% of current jobs between 25 and 30 years.

Not 90 you sperg. Kill yourself.

>> No.13139285


UBI will only cause inflation. You will still be a poorfag with close to zero purchase power. The only way UBI works is if they give you rations or vouchers instead of cash and at that point you might as well go live in a communist country.

>> No.13139310

The beauty in age based genocide, is in it's pure simplicity. It's not hard to find them, as it was with the jews, a birthday is imprinted on every important identification. The boomers will not fight back, they haven't fought for anything their entire lives, they are a weak generations that is a parasite on our civilization. A civilization created by their fathers and corrupted by them. Yes, it is quite a nice thought, isn't it?

>> No.13139358

You fucking dumb shit brainlet. If UBI works all these lazy faggot niggers will be your customers. If UBI doesn't work the dollar will finally capitulate and crypto will replace it. You cannot lose in the UBI scenario unless you're too fucking stupid to see the possible routes it could take so you can be prepared.

New estimates are at least 50% within 8 years or less, you fucking uneducated piece of trash.

It will not be vouchers, which is the exact reason it could work. Communism is a cap on the high end, UBI is a cap on the low end. Learn the difference.

>> No.13139687
File: 7 KB, 250x273, apugibhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sauce on these milkers NOW

>> No.13139713

Boomers will be dead in like 20 years. Automation is going to leave most people technologically unemployed. At the very least, we'll need UBI. We'll probably need a far more robust welfare state as well.

>> No.13139728

The only thing that won’t be automated is the medical field(thank god). The human contact is the most needed thing in medicine.

>> No.13139729

I wanna know what company sells whatever double sided tape she's using so I can invest.

>> No.13139732

welfare has already turned negroes into niggers. why do you want to expand it on the whole population?

>> No.13139749

no, finish your nuggies first young man.

>> No.13139759


Google "Inflation for brainlets".

>> No.13139780

no, slavery did that

>> No.13139823

I think i understood why some elites promote UBI.

UBI will diminish wages the capitalist class must pay the workers. Because if the worker doesn't need a full salary to "live" (or to renew his workforce in Marxian terms), his workforce will have less value: he can live with UBI + a smaller wage.

UBI will be pay with taxes from the middle and upper social layers. But companies will make more profit since they have to pay less in wages.

Be sure UBI will not be paid with benefits from companies.

>> No.13139836

(profit from companies).

>> No.13139876

Companies dont have to pay workers anymore because of automation. Literally ever minimum wage job can be done better and cheaper by a robot, name one that can't

>> No.13139918
File: 60 KB, 825x625, waronpoverty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep dreaming. just compare how the irish fared with the common negro and you get the idea: welfare policies, targeted at urban negroes, stopped them from integrating into society and destroyed their families.

>> No.13139921

Fren we are in 2019, not in 2049.

In the long term i totally agree.

>> No.13140091

This. Boomer civic nationalism skin color does not matter bc the constitution narrative is a myth. They imported 100 million communists. UBI is epic tho

>> No.13140112

OP is right. Since boomers destroyed the middle class there is nobody left to oppose UBI. Think of all the poor people you know. No poor people are going to reject free money. Do not listen to the rich on this issue they have no poor friends and do not realize the utter poverty in America outside the major metro areas

>> No.13140161

Only jobs now that require people, prostitutes, health care and police, everything else can be done with drones/robots/AI.

>> No.13140584

Soon even those will be automated. Health care will probably come first since ML is already better at detection that humans, and surgery robots are already being used.

>> No.13140692

People always bring up surgery like its super hard for a machine to do that. Machines excel in sterile predictable environments like surgery. It's hard to imagine a machine going into a crackhouse full of drugged up junkies who are tripping balls to do a overdose call though, and then having that machine call social services to come take the kid who's being abused and neglected by his junkie parents. And comfort that kid while waiting for them to arrive.

>> No.13140744

Boomers were all conditioned from birth to fear socialism and that it would bring about the end of the world. I should know I'm a millennial with two boomer parents who grew up doing nuclear drills at school. They were all hardcore brainwashed by government propaganda their entire lives.

>> No.13141371

I have boomer parents as well. The only thing stronger than their brainwashing is their desire for gibs. As long as it's made clean this is not socialism, then I don't think their conditioning will interfere.

>> No.13141535

I see how UBI is kind of unavoidable
Isee how it has gone from being discussed by hippies to being discussed in Davos.
I also see how financing it not an issue, given the army of social workers and handouts which won't have to be payed anymore

What I don't get is how something like UBI can't be undone by the inflation it will cause.
In a sense, we already have UBI, in the form of food stamps, or unemployment benfits, etc.. The facial valu of these would have been enough to live cushy without doing anything in the 30's, and would have seemed like a dream to people back then. Except now it exists, and is barely enough to survive given inflation. How is that now going to happen in "fast forward" with UBI?

I do think it'll come to be, but it'll be something like $200-300, and any other kind of subsidies will disappear. You might as well live on neetbux now if you think you'll be living on UBI

>> No.13141562

When will it displace geologists? I want a fat geologist salary

>> No.13141569

You dont have to brainwash someone against giving the government total control. We've already seen how shitty that goes, always.

>> No.13141670

>My sides
No rakesh that is going to, I and most people I know hate GPs, 80% of GPs misdiagnose daily and are too expensive (We have universal health care in my country and we see the fees)

Specialists can me automated too and be better that all the doctors combined.

Your parents wasted their money bribing you into school, same with the other 20% of Indians.

Bye bye;

And everyone else only thing left will be Prostitution (But that will be gone once sex bots arrive)

>> No.13141699

> Davos
(((they))) are running scared lol