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File: 683 KB, 751x684, tiredsadmemeguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13138784 No.13138784 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw too poor to move to California
>stuck in shithole Florida with old and crazy people
How do I make more money so I can move there /biz/?

>> No.13138822

>moving from one meme to another meme

boy you are stupid

>> No.13138853

Where to move then anon? California is beautiful, I love the nature there.

>> No.13138879
File: 448 KB, 750x859, 7C75FC15-CDF8-4686-9B71-BDB0C59D160A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love the nature there

>> No.13138896

california sucks niggers if youre not in certain parts of the OC or Ventura County. everywhere else is beanershit. Norcal IDK but SF is pooville

>> No.13138907

california here, i'd kill to live in florida. have you been to a CA city lately?

>> No.13138918

Have you seeing or been to florida. It's a complete dump full of niggers

>> No.13138921
File: 2.27 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon. I've been to LA and SF about 6-10 times in the past year.

>> No.13138927

that's just the US at this point. CA no longer remotely resembles the hollywood meme, not worth the cost and the water is cold

>> No.13138942

Anon, don't listen to these basement dwellers.
Move to sunny california. It's beautiful, weather is nice...just don't move to LA or SF. It's florida in one city. Everywhere else, it's NICE!

>> No.13138946


Grew up in LA, moved to Nevada 5 years ago. I would NEVER go back to that leftist shithole. There's a reason why people are fleeing California in droves.

>> No.13138948

You may leave florida but youll always be from florida

>> No.13138952

>everywhere else is nice

Lol no. I can name so many cities that are actual 3rd world

>> No.13138955

Unless you have a few million to move out to the retired boomers have fun picking strawberries or working at a gas station

>> No.13138963


The grass is always greener anon. Focus on what you can control and make your home better.

>> No.13138986

Then this:
Man you are one dumb fucker. Stay in Fla dipshit, they'll eat you alive out here.

>> No.13138990

I would move to California just for the weather alone. Oh yeah and all the hot Cali girls too. Could care less about leftistism, taxes, immigrants, crime.

>> No.13139018

California is just as full of crazies, but you also have Chinese and spic takeover happening coast and south inward. Why the fuck would you ever want to move there? Everybody is trying to get OUT unless they are at the top of the food chain.

>> No.13139024

theres more guys than girls in california. its a sausage fest out here. a mexican-philipino sausage fest

>> No.13139025
File: 55 KB, 534x300, lily-colby-e1434143149907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>farmkid posts about hot Cali grills
You guys are killing me here. Regular beauty queens all.

>> No.13139028

I've been to both California and Florida, as an outsider I can definitively say that they're basically the same state.
>full of tourist trap amusement parks
>filthy streets
>dirty beaches
>lots of blacks and hispanics
>hot all the time

>> No.13139031
File: 68 KB, 540x960, 1543814924482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live near SB where ER turn cunt. Mad the girls are so fucking beautiful, weather is super nice, people out in about. U just gotta paid a little extra

>> No.13139044

yep SB and Laguna Beach are what "california" you think is like, but 99% of the state is 3rd world Guadalajara

>> No.13139051


>> No.13139056

Enjoy paying $5/gallon for gas in CA!

>> No.13139060

>lots of blacks and hispanics
You can say that about every state that isn't freezing cold anon

>> No.13139066

nah, senpai. I only paid 2.89. good in my area

>> No.13139111
File: 100 KB, 500x334, 1518208349995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grew up in LA, moved to Nevada 5 years ago.
probably couldn't afford to stay, no one moves to nevada because it's nice

>There's a reason why people are fleeing California in droves.
net immigration to CA is positive especially among high income earners and the educated, but keep telling yourself that to feel better about moving to the shithole desert kek

>> No.13139340


holy fuck faggot just fucking kill yourself. Are you a fucking mexinigger? you must want to set up base for the rest of your shitskin family to hide out after you border jump. I assume you swam to florida.

>> No.13139347

>probably couldn't afford to stay

Yep, pretty much. A 1 bedroom condo in my part of LA goes for something like $400k and rent would be somewhere around $2k a month for a shitty little place. For what? To live in a shit hole that resembles a city in a third-world country.

I now own a 2 bedroom condo in Vegas that I paid $120k for, and that combined with the fact that there's no state income tax here, lower property tax, and literally everything is cheaper.

>> No.13139362

Checked, keked, and migrant-farmcuck-pilled

>> No.13139396

Net immigrating.....from shitholes you fucking idiot. The white population of CA has been replaced. Probably just the way you like it since you are a swarthy little spic goblin.

>> No.13139425
File: 106 KB, 800x750, 1550663078942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This.. the poppy blooms are SO amazing right now.. my followers LOVE my selfie pics with poppy bloom backgrounds..


>> No.13139442

Why would you want to move to California? It's just a more expensive more restrictive version of mexico.

>> No.13139479

>I love the nature there.
>blocked from accessing nature unless you spend money
>$20 in parking just to go to the beach

>> No.13139485

based calibro
Did you know Florida has actual mansions for $300k? And you get a big ass yard too. Fuck CA

>> No.13139532
File: 18 KB, 499x280, 1548630415942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LAfag here. Rent and property in CA is exploding and there are homeless people everywhere. There already are enough posers and hipsters here from out of state coming here looking to be someone else and find their "identity".

>> No.13139579

and if you visit, get the fuck off my 405

>> No.13139676

>There's a reason why people are fleeing California in droves
yes, the house pricing is too high, poor people like you have to leave

>> No.13139679

atleast its fucking warm, its been -20 here in toronto every fucking day this winter

>> No.13139709

God you're really fucking stupid.

>> No.13139737

>paying more for a lower standard of living
>"hurr durr you're just poor"

no, you're just retarded

>> No.13139738
File: 244 KB, 850x1062, KaliBurns.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek at all the autists hating on California.

It's full of libtards and it's expensive but the lifestyle, climate and nature are superior to any other state in the US.

>> No.13139767

+1 for Nevada one of the most based states
>legal weed, legal gambling, legal brothels
>our bars don't have a last call
>very libertarian attitude
>close enough to CA to visit and enjoy the scenery. Bay Area is ~3 hours away from Reno, Vegas to LA is about 4 hours.
>no state income tax
>property is very reasonable, taxes too
>good mix of white and blue collar jobs to find
>we love guns and no one will bat an eye at you for open carrying

>> No.13139772
File: 88 KB, 205x197, asdad3423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the hot Cali girls too.
Everyone here is fat bro. SoCal is like Detroit with palm trees.

>> No.13139784

Jesus I booked a flight to LA for 5 days to see some friends and sites, you guys are making me think I made mistake.

>> No.13139795

>moving from a shithole to a more expensive shithole


>> No.13139814
File: 61 KB, 558x733, 1444528779624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was extremely close to moving out to LA about 5 years ago
>basically just wanted to "find my identity"
>many of my friends ended up moving out there
>now live in New Hampshire working at a company I love
Things turned out well and I'm glad I'm not just another transplant in a crowded city. But I also wonder how my life would be out there especially since I would know so many people

>> No.13139825

Avoid big cities like the plague, move into suburbs of less known cities, they tend to be white and safe


>> No.13139846

>+1 for Nevada one of the most based states

Yep, 100%. The only bad thing is all the Californians coming in and ruining everything for us (even though i used to be one)

i'm always reminded of why I moved to Vegas whenever I go visit friends in LA and have to pay for parking everywhere (if you can even find a spot) and can't get a drink at 1am because everything is closed.

You can live near the strip and live a party lifestyle if you want, or you can go to Summerlin and be in a quiet, conservative area. Not only that but we have amazing nature and hiking trails in Red Rock.

The one and only thing I miss about California is the ocean, but I would rarely be able to go there when I lived there anyway.

>> No.13139854

You could go all in on Birdchain. Something js coming that isn't talked about here yet.