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13137409 No.13137409 [Reply] [Original]


>In a major policy shift for the world’s biggest social media network, Facebook banned white nationalism and white separatism on its platform Tuesday. Facebook will also begin directing users who try to post content associated with those ideologies to a nonprofit that helps people leave hate groups, Motherboard has learned.
Short or Long FB?

>> No.13137417

I say long, because the media will praise them for their courage for banning white incel fascists

>> No.13137946

Definitely short FB, but not really for this.
Their business model has always been convoluted and dystopian. I logged out years ago and logged back in around the holidays to say hi to family. Then recently it started spamming me with desktop notifications.

>> No.13138006

Short Facebook, low leverage.

The company has zero real capital to liquidate during impending bankruptcy.

People are leaving the platform like crazy.

>> No.13138015

This makes me want to delete FB

>> No.13138028



>> No.13138041

white heterosexual males are the most oppresed minority on the planet

>> No.13138044

Let me guess: black nationalism and superiority are A OK?

>> No.13138049

yet we still own literally fucking everything and everyone and dont give shit about your little gay feewings and we can actually dismiss offensive and "bad" words with laughter and actually be a man, walk away and not be absolute butthurt the next morning going on the tv crying about oppreshun

>> No.13138050

>it's okay to fuck with them because they are majority population in a country

Keep pushing. Please.

>> No.13138054

I also deleted facebook years ago and just recently my friends have been deleting theirs as well. It's only a matter of time before it becomes like myspace and people move on to the next social platform

>> No.13138064

banning people from discussing the shitskin problem doesn't fix the shitskin problem.

>> No.13138083

The problem is they already own it, Instagram, and also own the biggest messaging app

>> No.13138093
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Well shit. Are these kikes really down to start a race war?

>> No.13138171

These people just don't get it. If you google 'immigrants bringing disease', you get the merriam-webster definition of xenophobia.

Any white nationalist who gets that would immediately switch to duckduckgo. Same with facebook. You can't even pretend that redirecting websites on the internet will do anything, apart from losing you customers.

>> No.13138376

I just tried this on Google in private browsing so that cookies and whatnot won't screw with the search results, and you're right, the things I get back are very sanitized towards a pro-immigration viewpoint. This doesn't really upset me right now because I choose not to take part in the debates for or against immigration because I'd rather spend my time doing other shit, but I can very much see a "first they came" situation here.

>> No.13138402

As far as switching to another platform, the fall of The Daily Stormer from a little while ago set a very dark precedent for alternate platforms. In ten years we'll probably have a cable-like internet with only 50 websites, with most other shit using some alternate network like Zeronet full of really rudimentary web 1.0 shit to communicate and post memes or whatever

>> No.13138532

Long because they're connected with the government.

>> No.13139351

It is also rampant. Check out media posts that have a majority of black posters, or posts revolving around racism. You will see casual posts saying "blacks are supreme" etc. and nobody makes an issue about it. Make a post as a white guy complaining about something and you will have a fist shoved up your ass.

>> No.13139380

That's the general rule of life, poor people complain, that's why they're poor, bad people at a game blame their team, fat people blame their fat on metabolism. People who complain are usually the ones privileged or they're in their situation for a reason

>> No.13139384

Its all so tiresome

>> No.13139405

Probably a long. Pretty reasonable valuation when you consider the earnings growth potential in Instagram and WhatsApp. Be careful not to get your political opinions and investment decisions mixed up. I think most social media is pure cancer but I wouldn’t short FB.

>> No.13139431

Yeah, pseudonymous p2p social media is the way to go.
Shitskins ain't my problem, it's a (you) problem.

>> No.13139881
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