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13133383 No.13133383 [Reply] [Original]

Fresh College Grad here.

Im a 30 yo oldcel and graduated college with a law degree 6 months ago.

Got only rejections so far. I think its due to my lack of relevant work experience.

Also I live in a meme country in the EU.

So what to do? Lie the hell out of my resume?

>> No.13133411

Graduating GPA?
I tell this advice almost daily on 4chins, you NEED to do internships while you go for your education. Honors societies, great GPA, work part time, intern, apprenticeships, whatever. College is literally the only time in your life where you have 0 social life, 0 friends, barely talk with family, and go full force for years. Then working a normal 40 hour a week job is almost too easy.

STEM, business, law, any degree, it'll apply. The reason trade schools do so well at getting you hired is because they give you access to apprenticeships while going through school, giving you relevant work experience.

But too many college retards won't do a 15-20 hour a week internship because they aren't getting paid for their time. Meanwhile Chad Chaddington does the piss easy internships, fucks his boss's daughters, still gets straight As going for something like business marketing, and graduates with a 3.9 and 7 job offers.

>> No.13133421

Oh, and don't bullshit me that your major was too hard, because I did full time classes while working and so have many other people. Take part time classes in the summer and do an apprenticeship then, and you'll have had your work experience.

But no, don't lie, just apply for jobs you're far over qualified for and pray they don't see past the bullshit.

>> No.13133455

Or find a co-op program, I graduated from school with 5+ internships, it was built into the program (4 mths school, 4 mths work)

>> No.13133461


>> No.13133661
File: 510 KB, 1333x2000, 1542623774288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Law grad from UK here

i changed my mind about my career after i graduated.

i then had a 5 year gap on my cv

i lied and said i was a data analyst for a small accountancy firm

I learnt excel from online for free and now im making £300 a day as a contractor.

>> No.13133688

Holy fuck those thots are disgusting anon, how did you find such a photo?

>> No.13133785

Checked, and disgusting jew pilled.

>> No.13133882



sorry to burst your bubble, but you are not *fresh*, you are 30 and without relevant experience, thats pretty much useless

best advice, start doing what you should have been doing in your 20s

>> No.13133909

you must be new here

>> No.13133910



>> No.13133920

Kek no. Go back to r9k with your self defeating bull shit faggot.

>> No.13133944


haha self defeating? i am not the one crying about this stuff.desu i live a pretty good life

but this stuff its just how it is. try to see it from the other side. would you hire a 30yo without job experience?

>> No.13133953

I'm a law grad and I made a career doing C++ gamedev. AMA

Oh and I'm Russian btw

>> No.13134806

This guy gets it. I was a total shit show in college. Drinking, drugs, partying. My GPA was 2.1 the entire time because I skipped all my classes and assignments, but I always scored the highest on my exams so my profs couldn't fail me.

But I did have the foresight to do a 5 year coop engineering program where I worked in various industry related jobs over the summers / semesters. Because I was a functional drunk, I networked the fuck out of these jobs and all my employers loved me because I brought such energy and fun to the office (engineering offices need this shit brehs, let me tell you.) Plus I got paid pretty well so I graduated with only like 10k in debt which I paid off my first year out.

When I graduated, EVERY one of my coop employers offered me full time, but i took a new job in an unrelated industry because they relocated me to SoCal and I was sick of freezing my ass off in Canada.

Moral of the story is ALWAYS either take a coop uni program or get career related summer jobs at any wage. I sit in on interviews all the time with my current employer, and I always ask the question to candidates why they only worked at waitressing or bartending through college??

>> No.13134897

you have a law degree. Start your own buinsess with trusts, accident law, whatever interests you

>> No.13135151

yep if you don't have work experience then apparently the world shuts you out you aren't allowed to be part of society. University is worthless and I got scammed.

>> No.13135340

Great. congrats on being handed everything in life you stupid fucking braindead piece of shit. I hope you get cancer.

>> No.13135462

> earn way into top Canadian university which is WAY more meritocratic than USA college system
> select difficult coop degree (engineering)
> soon learn with 30% midterm and 55% final exam that assignments are not worth the time
> apply to, win and travel to internships in cities where I don't know anybody
> work hard, network, socialize and eventually influence complete strangers who previously thought my GPA (shitty) told them everything about me.
> stay in touch with them even after internship over
> learn that quality employers care more about traits than skills, and asperger nerds cause more HR problems than friendly B employees ( read Winning by Jack Welch )