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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13133134 No.13133134 [Reply] [Original]

Real talk.

Out of all the losers out there, actually how many of you own and run a business?

>> No.13133141
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On this board? None. But if they say they do, they're lying.

>> No.13133161
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It's just intriguing to watch so many people on here shilling shitcoins when it's unironically the most ineffective way to make money. It's just a stark realization on how dumb this board is.

There are so many money making schemes out there that doesn't require hoping a shit coin gets adopted after 4 years from a pump and dump.

>> No.13133251

>There are so many money making schemes out there that doesn't require hoping a shit coin gets adopted after 4 years from a pump and dump.

Why not both? If you are not involved at all in cryptocurrencies you are the silly billy.

>> No.13133516

I do.
I have an employee who essentially does IT busywork for a local office of a big international corporation. The job was originally in-house, but had to be outsourced due to internal cuts on department head count. They now pay substantially more than the original employee ever cost them (I should know - she's my employee!).

It's a super comfy gig. I work maybe 3-5 hours a month (with 20-30 hours on top in spring for taxes), mainly doing book keeping and payments. It's obviously not enough to live off, but it's been a nice side-biz for the last 10 years and considering the few hours I put in now that everything is well-established, it pays *very* well.

>> No.13133541

I've owned my own plumbing company for about 17 months now. I work by myself, so you could call it owning a job instead of a company though. I'm just not ready to hire at this point. Definitely enjoy doing my own thing instead of working at a company for sure though.

>> No.13133547

I've been thinking of opening an accounting firm alongside other basic economic thing like statistics, forecasts, some operations etc. in a small town with a fuckton of restaurants
However with excel and shit do they really need this? I'd feel like it would be easy money as they won't do anything too complicated, get them some cheap prices to bring a lot of them since it would take me like 5 minutes to register their whole operations but at the same time they could laugh at my face and tell me to fuck off.
Is it worth it though? I gotta pay rent. How much does an ccountant get paaid by operations? maybe I should have looked into it.

>> No.13133674

I’m a degenerate who runs his own business doing vehicle wraps, signs, and graphic design. I also trade shitcoins in my spare time and I enjoy long walks on the beach