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13132909 No.13132909 [Reply] [Original]

That modern society would be better off without cell phones.

>> No.13132917 [DELETED] 


>> No.13132929

This. Ever since the rise of mobile online activity, we've only seen a vast increase in normalfags and faggots in general along with more desires from corporations to shut the internet down.

>> No.13132943
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Technology has only improved the human condition, especially in the past ten years.

>> No.13132954

No no no. its the sub 100 iq people that are causing the problems. They are a huge burden on all of us. And there are so many that we have to support for some reason.

>> No.13133001
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It's a wonderful tool really, it brings music to my ears to hear them wholeheartedly declare that their cellphone is enamoredly intertwined with their lives. They share this cheery disposition with their offspring in the wee early stages imprinting, nestling it at the very critical of their jenga blocks.

Everything is fine.

>> No.13133013

I have a similar theory but I think it would be better without you.

>> No.13133040

the modern world would be better off without shitskins. lets fix that first

>> No.13133046

You're on 4channel friend we say doodooskins here.

>> No.13133074
File: 131 KB, 820x639, 3C992F85-BE94-41EE-B578-48A8C9137C57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pooskins. Peepeepoopooskins.

>> No.13133095

Haha okay buddy settle down. Let's not get too crazy.

>> No.13133122

Based, I think social media is to blame as well
Mobile phones are like crack every time you're bored open it up get a dopamine drip
I could go back to a flip phone with less built in spying devices