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13132583 No.13132583 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13132585

there is a law in the making in germany that will ban the vpns

>> No.13132589

can buy them with crypto, how can they ban them?

>> No.13132598

how do you invesy in vpn?

>> No.13132603

buy lethean

>> No.13132604


stroke of a pen

then if you have packets that are encrypted with an illegal key you are fined 5000 euros

you are only permitted to use legal keys that are shared with the goberment

and then we will not jail you because that is a hassle we will just fine you until you are homeless

>> No.13132608

Only in Ireland will it pay off in the long run. Might be the last place where they get banned.

>> No.13132619

germany runs the EU, the laws have to be synchronized
look at the latest shit with the upload filter
this is literally the soviet union

>> No.13132621
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How long do you think us yuropoors have until we can no longer post here?

>> No.13132637

It’s only about running a side. Not using a vpn

>> No.13132675

you must be white
look if it is illegal for you to run a
site or VPN (tor node is effectively a vpn)
external services will be blocked because they are running illegal serveries

it is up ti Hiro, if he says fuck off EU, then the EU will mandate a ban on 4channel

and since VPNs facilitate illegal things like right winged views, they must be banned too

EU supersedes states, you have to do as the commissar orders

>> No.13132690
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>it is up ti Hiro, if he says fuck off EU, then the EU will mandate a ban on 4channel
And if he doesn't everyone will be fucked. Its a lose lose situation with the best result only being for non-yuropoors

>and since VPNs facilitate illegal things like right winged views, they must be banned too
>EU supersedes states, you have to do as the commissar orders
There's no turning back...

>> No.13132695

NKN will unironically solve the article 13 issue.

>> No.13132713

it gets better bro
soon moon you will have a state issued electronik ID
and when you are about to use the internet you will have to log in first

ohh yeah

>> No.13132718

for your protection of course

the EU
obey & pay

>> No.13132722

brexit must be looking even better now, wonder how long before we see more countries over there deciding they're done with the eu

>> No.13132745

running a Tor exit node isn't the same as using it dumbass

>> No.13132750

the moment I have to use state issued electronik ID is the moment i fuck off out of europe

>> No.13132753

you are correct
but the tor exit and replays nodes are public
they have to be

if you connect to a Tor relay you are fined 500 euros, and we will ban all of them. Same with the VPNs but worse, becouse you can have a secure VPN that shares the key the the EU commissar.

>> No.13132951

Invest in the most popular ones such as nord VPN?

>> No.13132990
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