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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13131315 No.13131315 [Reply] [Original]

Take the /mobileapp/ pill biz. Fuck crypto, fuck waging for Shekelstein, fuck neeting and relying on your parents. I taught myself Android coding and have just been pushing out shitty utility apps with a combination of freemium and ad supported monetization. Now I'm making more money consistently than I ever did trading illusory internet tokens.

>> No.13131319

Sounds like a lot of work compared to pressing money buttons on the internet

>> No.13131324

What’s your opinion of react native?
My web app is all api back ends so I don’t think it’d be to hard either way

>> No.13131342


I'm still quite new to it, but I dabbled in Java previously so I've been using Kotlin which makes Android coding 10x easier to read and write.

Android is hard, but 99% of problems I experience are solved within 1 Google search so development becomes pretty quick.

>> No.13131866

What'd you use to learn?

I've been wanting to get into development of some (any) kind and I do love android so wanted to get into that. I have a good bit of experience with Java, that's all we did in my high school & college engineering classes. But android dev seems like a fuckload to learn, how is kotlin different?

>> No.13132399

how are you pushing traffic to your apps? getting people to download them i mean. fake reviews?

>> No.13132437
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Care to share some sources to kickstart my journey? Don't want to be spoonfed, just the right places to start DYORing

>> No.13133335


>> No.13133438


You mean, buy Birdchain?

>> No.13133551

been working as RN dev for close to a year. I just signed up for the apple dev program. how tf do you actually get downloads on your utility apps? I feel like I could whip them up fast but i dont see how they actually get any traction if its so congested.

>> No.13133777


>> No.13133802


>> No.13133900

I wish I had good ideas but my creative capacities are at the lowest they've ever been. According to others I'm a fairly good programmer but I'm stuck making WordPress sites/commerce for small business.

>> No.13134054

anyone into creating mobile games?

>> No.13134113

Yeah i found a good gui tool but don't have any computer as of now. Really wanted to get in

>> No.13134115

What languages do you need to make an android app?
Java? Javascript?

>> No.13134278

I did a great sports game with Unity. It got 5 stars all the time and 2 guys even emailing me. It got up to 3k downloads a week and suddenly just plummeted to 42 a week now. 20k downloads total and have made $300 so far. Really a shame. I don't understand how could it go from 3k a week to 42 like what the hell. All reviews that I get are still 5 star with comments like "Best game I have ever played!" "Absolutely LIT!". Fuck sake I was even addicted to playing my own game. The mechanics felt so good. Like getting that perfect headshot or something. I was so sure it was gonna keep up the downloads and go to 100k+ downloads and eventually to 1m. I'd just like to think the algorithm fucked me up.

>> No.13134476

Being able to use google is a base prerequisite

How's that going for you? I'm an industry dev rn but it's killing me slowly. I wouldn't mind the reduction in income to take things in a more independent direction. I've heard there's still good money in wordpress/shopify but I'd imagine it all comes down to how well you can sell your services

>> No.13134497

react native is the tits and it's architecture makes perfect sense for mobile apps. if you're already proficient with javascript or vanilla react you can pick it up 0 effort. es6 javascript async functions are a game changer

>> No.13134669

Yeah, iam thinking of going for games too. What just pisses me off is the revenue you make. You depend on add revenue, micro transaction and most of it is just not enough.
Pretty impressive. Name of the game? 20k downloads and you only made $300? Maybe this is something you should look into in order to make more $. You get a % based $volume instead of add revenue. So if you create a good pvp game, or other betting game you will def. make more money. I'll give it a try.


>> No.13134875
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>tfw you are making an application similar to a Reddit browser and can reuse their API code

Feels good being lazy

>> No.13134876 [DELETED] 

Interesting, never thought about developing games. always insufficient in terms of monetisation, but this betverse idea seems interesting, thanks.

>> No.13134891

Interesting, never heard about betverse, thanks.

>> No.13134902
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>How's that going for you? [...]t I'd imagine it all comes down to how well you can sell your services
I could write a book about the web design business.
Being able to get clients is not everything.
One big problem with this kind of work is that you are both a consultant and a contractor at the same time. This means that there are situations in which the client asks you for some weird stuff, and while you as a contractor would want to do it because it means money, as a consultant you feel the need to advise him against it. You cannot not be both because your clients success is essential to your reptuation.
This means that need to understand why the client needs a website, if he really needs a website, and what kind of technology can help him. He often doesn't know and he isn't aware. For example I had a client with a woocommerce site who was going to put thousands of product into the site by hand. This is a complete waste of time, so when I got in I immediately provide a solution to automate it.

There is much that could be said, but to sum it up, I wouldn't do this job if it wasn't the best alternative for me right now.
If I lived in an area where there are a lot of tech companies, I would try to provide services only as a project manager consultant, or better yet as a programmer contractor.
As a programmer contractor you acquire highly requested programming skills, and then you go on different teams and you charge per hour or per feature, and do whatever they ask you to do. The weirder and more expensive is the request, the more they change the specs, the more money you make and fuck them. You only provide your expertise strictly on the technical side of things and only if asked.
Instead as a project manager consultant (for software projects) you help the client deal with bureaucracy, contractors and internal teams in order to reach their software goals.

>> No.13135132

I am pretty good at JavaScript and I've made a browser game (turn-based arena style game), how hard would it be to turn into an android/ios app if I have no experience in mobile-app development at all?
I have lots of free time to learn though

>> No.13135163

linkies take note, you guys are going to need to learn to code

>> No.13135204
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how hard is to earn 100 bucks from abmod per day?

>> No.13135243

I'm surprised Birdchain can actually have an app and supporting parent company and be at 300k market cap. This market is irrational af.

>> No.13135278

there are frameworks like ionic that let you make a mobile app using html+css+js

>> No.13135332

thanks, will look into that

>> No.13135667

I've been thinking about doing the same, just pushing slightly better utility apps with more user-friendly UI. How much time did you spend learning before making a semi-decent app?

>> No.13136424


>> No.13136468

just download a book from libgen, like "android programming big nerd ranch" should be good (never read it but it has a good reputation)

>> No.13136596

What if my approach is to learn shit online? Don't get me wrong, books are good n shiet, but I don't like to spam my head with 300 pages worth 50 pages of useful knowledge and 10 pages of pratical use case, too much hassle for few real implementation. On the other hand, googling shit could be worse if you don't spot the real deal from the very beginning, being that a forum, blog, whatever. So, let me rephrase the question: what are the top notch 'online hubs' when it comes to programming for mobile? If you care to share the best places to start lurking I'm more than interested fren

>> No.13136659
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I see an hint of perfectionism, which you should get rid of right now since you're starting and of course you will screw up.
If you prefer video tutorials to written books, go on tutsgalaxy D.OT com, search for android and torrent some courses.
Otherwise buy a month on lynda or pluralsight, their courses are often good.

With any new stack, you just need to do and figure it out in the beginning what works for you and what doesn't. There is so much choice today, just find one you like and stick with it.

>> No.13136754

>I see an hint of perfectionism
You got me there
>If you prefer video tutorials
Nope, even less informations but with music
>just find one you like and stick with it.
Bingo, exactly what I want to accomplish, but I'd like to avoid trialing as much as possible. So here I am, searching for some kind of forum to lurk a bit, get acclimatized and choose a path, in other words I'm stuck at the start line. If I should give an example of what I mean with top notch starting point it will be as follows: android modding -> xda-developers. The authority, with it you can't go wrong. So what's the online authority when it comes to developing android apps/games?

>> No.13136778

video tutorials don't have music, I'm not talking about tutorials made by some weirdo paki kid on youtube, I'm talking about full courses where you can follow along and have informations thrown at you.
As for android I don't know anything more than I've already told you, so I can't help.

>> No.13136822

That's literally spoonfeeding retard, go buy some 150$ udemy course :)

>> No.13136857


>> No.13136868

there are probably 1 dev who makes android apps per 800 users that download shit on the store. should not be too hard

>> No.13136891

Dropping a single url is spoonfeeding? K m8
>video tutorials don't have music
I know, I was playing le edgy kid
>As for android I don't know anything more than I've already told you, so I can't help.
Thanks anyway fren, hope someone will throw me a bone, but fuck this fatso >>13136822