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13126981 No.13126981 [Reply] [Original]

roasties are so pathetic that something as little as telling a man to fuck off is medal worthy.

>> No.13126995

why do you go on reddit?

>> No.13127012

This feels rather bullish. Just bought 3 ETH and .1 BTC

>> No.13127025

To look for posts like this and get a lot of replies on his thread

>> No.13127085

Guess who's gonna get raped and killed? Pardon, killed and raped

>> No.13127104

fucking necrophelia posters. when will you fags stop spamming every biz with your bullshit? your fetish is fucked up and gross. kys

>> No.13127133

This is even less biz related than my shitpost about Jussie Smollett earlier.

>> No.13127154

thanks OP just bought 10k

>> No.13127164

When you
>reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleeping tonight

>> No.13127172

>rekt op

>> No.13127236


>> No.13127291

So interesting. The discerning factor for her seems to be that the man was "three times her age." Apparently, if he weren't older, he may therefore not be a "creep" for complimenting her on her attractiveness.
It's beyond hilarious that 20-year old girls now will regularly have NSA sex with dudes they found on Tinder a couple hours ago, no interest in a date or getting to know them, etc. - but will act so victimized if a random guy they don't find attractive happens to compliment them.
You want to be equal to men? Fine, fuck whatever moves if it looks good, say no thanks if it doesn't, but for fuck's sake don't act like you were drugged and molested when a guy smiles at you or says you have pretty eyes. Geezis. Fucking women. You want REAL power? Like a MAN? Be able to absorb even a flat out pervy comment with a little bit of an ego boost and a chuckle. If you're offended, you're fucking weak, my little chickadee.

>> No.13127341

chill dude. women are trolls ought to not be taken seriously.. you learn by the day eh?

>> No.13127346


>> No.13127374

its only creepy if you are ugly and bald, stay uglyfaggots!

>> No.13127481

Yeah, I know, but as a 45 year old who "made it" with a professional degree, 6 figure income, 4 day workweek, two nice houses and literally whatever the fuck I want, what I want is 20-something year old pussy. But as if dealing with a woman for what little she can give you isn't bad enough, who the fuck wants all the absolute bullshit of dealing with what's attached to 20-year old pussy nowadays? They're fucking batshit. Worse than ever. I don't think the European or American continent has ever bred an entire generation of women who were objectively dumber than the generation before. Certainly we've never had a generation of women more crazy and dangerous. Add to that the fact that on Tuesday they may want to fuck three different guys to feel "empowered," and on Wednesday they feel "empowered" by ruining the grocery clerk's life via online mob because he held the door open for her.
Seriously, how did we fucking create such goddamn monsters?

>> No.13127496

It's hilarious, when she says "creep" what she really means is "ugly man".

>> No.13127512

im not a feminist or anything but i never quite understood this logic. So if you go out and fuck 3 girls in a night you're a winner, chad, alpha. But if a girl does it she's a whore, slut.
Does it have to do with a woman only being able to carry one man's child as opposed to man being able to seed multiple women?

>> No.13127520

Screencapping these.

t. 46yo same

>> No.13127523

I think you guys are missing the point I was trying to make. I really dont care that she told some creep to fuck off, that's completely normal. What is pathetic is that she feels like a literal hero for accomplishing this tiny, insignificant task, because roasties are so incapable, menial every day things are massive accomplishments to them and their other roastie peers.

>> No.13127525

hey, what is the feel of the daughters feeling?

>> No.13127528

It's difficult to be a chad. It's easy to be a slut.

>> No.13127541

ofc isnt't that blatantly obvious???????????

>> No.13127558
File: 1.29 MB, 200x235, 1540769862693.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's probably because i'm stoned but this is the deepest shit i've ever read

>> No.13127565

only when they're young
but we barely fuck for reproduction anymore, who cares?

>> No.13127608

What kind of a stupid dumb bitch are you? Are you fucking 12yo?

If you have a key that unlocks all the doors it's a master key. If you have a door that's unlocked by all the keys it's a shit door.

Man are hunters, women choose. If a woman chooses every man she's bad pray, because there is no game. She just does it. Which means she's a whore. If all the ladies want you, that means you've been choosen... And being choosen by all the ladies means you're the best hunter. How stupid must you be not to get this? Are you a fucking virgin annon?

>> No.13127617

Men and women aren't equal in ANY way and are therefore not judged the same.

>> No.13127688

It started with giving them voting rights.

>> No.13127706

No it’s because you’re 15

>> No.13127715


You dumb fuck

Open your eyes and see how poorly adjusted women are who sleep around, it breaks them and they proceed to destroy themselves and their families in the process

Whorishness on both sides needs to be disowned but its blatantly obvious its more negative for women