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13124474 No.13124474 [Reply] [Original]

EU copyright directive passed. 4chan to cease operation in EU cointries

>> No.13124486


>> No.13124493

Finally, the quality of the board will improve. This is B U L L I S H

>> No.13124506

Finally I'm forced not to waste my time on this dead imageboard anymore

>> No.13124515

can somebody explain what article 13 ioe this shit in general is all about? in literal brainlet terms please. how does this affect me in any form?

will pay .1 eth

>> No.13124538
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the EU is the biggest meme of the century

>> No.13124554

What are VPNs

>> No.13124560

what day does it come into effect?

>> No.13124570

>Initial D creators are claiming for Fair Use in Tarrant's video

>> No.13124577

will be banned next - EU isn't letting people accessed unapproved media sources with improper opinions any longer

>> No.13124622

look up 'computing forever' on youtube - talked about it a lot

>> No.13124636

no more pepes for the eu

>> No.13125020


Here's a good summary as to what's going on. I actually believe if crypto can actually make itself more user-friendly, there's a good chance decentralized forms of communication/recording/contract fulfilling networks will become desirable alternatives to what's currently taking place. But I doubt that's going to be allowed to happen, without some issues.

>> No.13125162

If China wasnt able to stop VPNs...

>> No.13125178

name one vpn that works on this fucking website? they're all banned.

there are unironically decentralized VPNs out there already in the crypto space. forgot the name though

>> No.13125185

I unironically have to move to the United States to continue my old school runescape streaming career.

>> No.13125297

I wonder if it's on the EU or its member states to enforce this. If it's the latter, we could potentially see another Poland-like situation where one of the poorer countries in the EU just decides to not go with these new rules and keep memes legal. I'm pretty sure that most of Europe's poorest countries aren't members though (looking at you, Moldova and Ukraine).

>> No.13125563

Isle of man, channel islands, switzerland and more i can't think of.

Why move to the US if you can stay in europe and pay less taxes?

>> No.13125577

> cointries

>> No.13125605
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this is BULLISH for lawyers

One step closer to my dream of becoming a Meme Lawyer©

>> No.13125648

its a directive, so each member state needs to enact legislation to implement it

>> No.13125700

Good luck trying to ban TOR

>> No.13125709

Finally a good thing about brexit

>> No.13125717

A Friend is that you?

>> No.13125748

fuck no I'm not gonna apply for a porn loicense

>> No.13125750

PIA works.

>> No.13125772

Thank god. No more whiny communist europoors on 4chan. Think about it. When was the last time a eurofag had anything funny or relevant to contribute to a thread?

Exactly. Fuck them.

>> No.13125790
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>> No.13125798


>> No.13125824

It only applies to for-profit websites. 4channel just needs to stop making money, problem solved.

>> No.13125855

Praise God I'll get a fucking life after the best Union bans this hellhole !
Praise Junker !

>> No.13125960

Wasn't there a coin or a token of some sort created in case of something like this? Might be the obivious next bullrun

>> No.13126040

It will just accelerate decentralized internet

>> No.13126232

I'm curious if a lot of websites will actually bother enforcing like article 13, where they have to cross reference stuff. Is that realistically going to happen?

And I doubt media organizations are dumb enough to want a link tax enforced. If websites do stop the sharing of links, to avoid tax, then it'll result in reduced exposure for that media outlet.

>> No.13126240

decentralized websites maybe, not decentralized internet

at least until decentralized websites are banned too

>> No.13126252
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>> No.13126690

and run at a loss? who's gonna bankroll that?

>> No.13126718

it will not be possible for small websites to do so. it is not good enough to remove content, disallowed/illegal content must never be allowed to be posted in the first place. even 1/1000th of a second delay to remove gets the website fucked. no more forums, no more comment sections of any kind. no more image boards. even text that may be copyrighted is illegal. there's probably some hate speech bullshit stuffed in there but I don't know about that.

>> No.13126816

Except you can guarantee the UK will just copy paste the EU's shitty laws. So much for getting our sovereignty back.

>> No.13126872

This. Nothing of value is lost.

>> No.13126884

You mean DADI? The decentralized websites do work, but not sure if they could withstand the regulatory power of the EU.

>> No.13126896


>> No.13126960

A what?
What did I miss?

>> No.13127210

See ya poorfags>>13126252

>> No.13127219

Honestly just hoping this will speed up the destruction of major social media platforms and the creation of decentralized alternatives.

>> No.13127250
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>no more yuros
Feels good

>> No.13127292

If it 4channel would do that the only thing left here would be pajeets shilling their shitty coins and some braindead fat people. IQ would unironically drop below 60.

>> No.13127324
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good news for LTO holders

>> No.13127353

>4chan to cease operation in EU cointries
how do you imagine that would go?

>> No.13127395

I'm that anon you responded to. If the rules are that strict, I don't honestly see this as being something which is going to be allowed by the public. If it actually is that strict, then yeah, crypto could be an alternative.

The concern I have right now is that people might be overreacting to something which is just some abstract, bullshit idea, proposed by the EU, that will likely end up going nowhere - With the whole thing might just be being misinterpreted/blown out of proportion by everyone.

>> No.13127426

they will have no choice. the EU fines would destroy the owner(s) 3 minutes after the law goes into effect.

>> No.13127437

without europe biz turns into literally a minority america against hoards of shitskins. not looking forward to even more chainlink posts

>> No.13127439
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>> No.13127450

IP range restrictions
did you watch any of the vids that computing forever put up on youtube on this? my thoughts are that the day everything gets shut off will be the moment people realize that they've been fucked, but by then there will be no means for them to discuss the BS or resist en masse. even twatter will have to filter everything in real time - not sure that they have the capability to do so yet and that means they'll just have to shut off the EU countries. we'll see.

>> No.13127482

I'm too tired of this shithole called europooria now, first they fucking bring dirty kebabs to our land that only steal and live of social benefits, then they fuck us over with even more taxes, and now they are going to ban memes?
If you don't want my fucking hard-earned taxes I will take them elsewhere, fucking thank god next month I'm going to start working for my new employer in Dubai.
I suggest all of you with decent education, and/or experience in well paid positions to do same there are plenty of much better places to live anyway...

>> No.13127553

>IP range restrictions
for what purpose?

>> No.13127564

would hope if they started banning the whole of europe they would ban shitskins too to help restore shitposting balance

>> No.13128012

I did, and while he gave a good summary of article 11 and 13 in the video I posted, admittedly, he does have a bit of bias against the EU (not to say I disagree with that).

Another way to view article 13 is that it's trying to ensure that those who make content get paid for it. It's not necessarily something to deliberately reduce European access to websites.

I'm still unsure about the practicality of having upload filtering. Apparently Google has something which could be used for this purpose. If Google's solution is affordable, and easy to deploy, then maybe this will allow a lot of websites to remain operating in EU countries.

If it isn't affordable and easy to deploy, and/or the internet doesn't want to give even more power to Google, then crypto is an option.

>> No.13128374

almost nothing will change, article 13 has been memed to death by the tech and IT companies who stands to lose money and the internet (see facebook/reddit/youtube) fell for it like they always do
thought 4chan would be more redpilled on this desu

>> No.13128445
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As a burger who usually talks crap about eurobros for the memes, lemme just say I think this sucks and I hope you guys can get this overturned somehow.

>> No.13128462

Good luck with that, Brave comes with Tor browser integrated.
I'm poor (EU after all) but even I can afford multiple IP-s thanks to Brandon Eich

>> No.13128529

>(not to say I disagree with that)
lol looks like reddit spacers really are from r*ddit

>> No.13128555

No it doesn't

>> No.13128563

Nah, people have a right to be concerned with shit like this, especially with the EU and Google.

Sure, today they're fighting for creators' rights. Next it'll be: "Oh, let's censor this Incel Nazi content, wow we're so progressive :D"

>> No.13128822

My blockchain news site is never gonna be accepted into Google News now, I stand to lose plenty of thousands.
Thanks, EU

>> No.13128887

>not having a pass

shiggy diggy

>> No.13128929


>> No.13128971

u wot m8? i can use a vpn with my 4chan gold?

>> No.13129430

It should
Ive had some incidents where PIA was blocked even with a pass but i just changed servers and it worked like a charm
iirc its written in the pass FAQ page

>> No.13129485

look at this site: https://davesgarden.com/community/
it's literally the best plant/gardening resource in the world. it is so good because hundreds of thousands of people fill that site with info that they gather on plants, where they grow, what goes wrong, etc. it's monetized as well. this site will not be able to serve the EU when this legislation goes live. it lives off of independent submissions and there is no way to proactively police those submissions. there will be tens of thousands of stories like this. no more hyperlinking to copyrighted content without paying a fee. no more memes using copyrighted images on your server without getting massively fines.

>> No.13129987

One reason more to move to Switzerland.

>> No.13131032

It never works.

>> No.13131043

> 4chan to cease operation in EU cointries
no more Mohammeds and ahmeds?

>> No.13132099
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>actually paying the extortion money to 4chan

>> No.13132113
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Yep. We're finally free of yuros and mohammeds. Now all we have to deal with are the Pajeets and they're fun as fuck to mess with.