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13123548 No.13123548 [Reply] [Original]

While you have all been trying to gain things in life, I have spent the last 25 years destroying myself.

I have successfully destroyed my health, body, reputation and burned every bridge I have. I haven't succeeded in this because of addictions or a plight for instant gratification, but instead to set myself free.

Now I have reached the bottom and gained true insight, it is time to gain everything.

What have you done?

>> No.13123562


>> No.13123564

what do you mean, set yourself free?

>> No.13123577

Glad to see there's another retard like me out there. It's been real hard to rebound from the bottom, my health is still fucked. The demons with whom I made the pact are very unkind.

>> No.13123595

Once you lose everything, you are free from everything and every attachment that you think defines who you are (eg a person with a nice car also becomes that car if they arn't careful. That car is a second hit marker of them in this world. If it is scratched or damaged, it hurts the person as much as they themselves getting physically hurt.) You can then become ego-less and therefore become anything. These are just words are cannot be felt or practiced until you have walked in my shoes and completely destroyed yourself and sacrificed everything

>> No.13123732
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Ya I was poor
I was rich
I prefer the middle and /fit/ness routines. Try it fren

>> No.13123759

and then reality hits you and you end up broke and directionless
You need a middle way or you'll get rekt soon

>> No.13123838

What I'm saying is that I'm now free to make as much money as I want or get what I want without fear of losing it later. I want fall into the trap of always needing more money or always needing something better once I have already succeeded in getting something good.

>> No.13123852

1. want it.
2. get it.
3. dont worry about losing it.

tldr: Moral = losing everything and realizing that you never needed it mean you can get anything without worrying abut losing it.

>> No.13123900

Or think of Rick in that episode of Rick and Morty, where Rick owns a successful business from selling goods that he fixes from the Devil. He just decides suddenly to close a successful shop after he was happy. He wanted to do something and he did it. Goal finished, start new goal. Or really anything that Rick does. He sets a goal, finished it and moves on, doesnt get stuck worrying about keeping a dying goal or dream alive. Realizes that everything is pointless anyway but just keeps making goals and finishing them. (not comparing myself the Rick or being a cringelord, he's just a good example or what I'm trying to say)

>> No.13124105

The middle way is the most satisfying path, Buddha was right

>> No.13124128

jannie do ur job get this cringe lord off my board

>> No.13124134

What are the things you did to destroy your life. Asking cause I have done a similar thing, just not on purpose, and agree with your idea. The song "Oh Sweet Nuthin" says it best.

>> No.13124138

this is a level of cope that you don't see too often. looking at your life and the failure that it is you're ready for change. you probably went to therapy and read some self help books that told you that you are special and that your mistakes didn't mean anything. you sound like a serious loser. maybe try being honest with yourself instead of rationalizing your weakness like some pill popping soccer mom.

>> No.13124164

Wow, I didn’t realize Rick and Morty was so deep ... upvoted

>> No.13124186

oof...suicide incoming any day now

>> No.13124213

Yeah I figured the response would be something similar to this. You can't help losers and I gain nothing from trying to do so.

>> No.13124239

He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

>> No.13124261

Bitch I had a car repod, $3K in credit card debt, and got fired from a great job by 19. By 25 I already rebuilt my credit score to 750. Now I'm 29 and home shopping. Get on my level.

>> No.13124266

I honestly do want to best for people but many people are unable to help themselves and so they attack other people instead. Suppose the only way is for people to figure it out themselves because anyone with insight is viewed as somebody with a god complex or someone who is living in a delusion.

>> No.13124282

they are viewed that way because 99% of retards who exibit such behavior ulimately fail

>> No.13124292

Can you define failure?

>> No.13124297


What's the secret?

>> No.13124301

im gonna have to agree with these anons. This is some serious cope. OP you've been wasting your life, thats reality.

>> No.13124308

you're an INTP who just grasped that people suck and are hopeless retards who significantly lack both retrospection and introspection
You on the other hand have both but lack ANY discipline, that's how I know you're an INTP.
ALL INTPs share simmilar writing patterns, it's like a hivemind or a greater personality sharded into smaller portions with different concentraition of distinctive traits.

>> No.13124324

end up 40yo with no higher purpose in life i.e. be depressed and aimless

>> No.13124334

That's a very good spot. I alternate between ENTP and INTP. Clever find.

>> No.13124433

I suppose that you think a higher purpose is too pretend you are someone nicer than you are to build 'meaningful' relationships with people who are also pretending to be somebody who they arnt. Or maybe a higher purpose would be to make as much money as you can, only to realize that money is only power over other humans, nothing else.

>> No.13124447

I'm 25 too. I spent most of my time between 14 & 20 doing something similar. Gave up on school, got into booze and drugs, started smoking, gained a shitton of weight, let my teeth rot, blew off my old friends, dropped out of college, spent the loan money on drugs...

I am still paying the price for these things 5 years later. I've done a lot to correct these troubles (quit hard drugs, lost all the weight, went back to college, stopped getting blackout drunk, made peace with some, found God), but the scars I left on myself and others are permanent. It is nothing to be proud of. There are ways to be free without engaging in self destruction.

I came from poverty, it is not in any way freeing. It makes everything much more of a struggle. You miss out on many aspects of life.

I suppose saying this now does not matter at all, considering that you've already gone and fucked your life up well into your 30s. The older you get, the harder it is to change and start anew.

>> No.13124449

you get "E" sometimes because it's a projection or a bias from the test itself
you have the capacity, but lack patience.
the best thing you can do is to learn how to channel your autism
I don't know how though.
Maybe read Dhammapadda and get into Theravada buddhism to get your shit together
In the meantime, focus on leagning to recognise TA patterns and meme lines
Use this skill in the upcoming 2020 bull market

This shit seems easy once you get the grasp of it. Dogecoin is the next easy 2x
I don't think waiting for anything lower than 50sats is worth missing the next pump

>> No.13124482

lmao so many of you always manage to fit some shilling of your bags in a post, classic

>> No.13124984
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>> No.13125294

>only to realize that money is only power over other humans, nothing else.
>implying that that isn't the highest purpose
There's a reason power is so emotionally intoxicating. It's the ultimate measure of evolutionary fitness so we're adapted to love it, and it's the source of meaning people end up with in an underlying nihilistic reality. Money isn't the best kind of power, but it's a step in the right direction

>> No.13125355
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>OP is a hyper-jew

>Frank claimed that "all laws and teachings will fall"[5] and – following antinomianism – asserted that the most important obligation of every person was the transgression of every boundary.[

>> No.13125363

It's all about serotonin in the end, the ONLY scarce resource

>> No.13125369

>only to realize that money is only power over other humans, nothing else.
yeah the environment is fucked because aliens n shit

>> No.13125394

>Haha that guys sports car got a scratch and that makes him feel bad
>I dont have a car so I am better then him

Get help ya loser

>> No.13125415

Everyone gets a trophy has evolved again!!!

Now we're at, "there are no trophies, but everyone gets one anyways."

What the fuck is next for this absolute loser generation of mine..?

>> No.13126312

you become the trophy

>> No.13126354

Buddhism is just ancient inner-game PUA. This shit is exactly what PUAtards say.

>> No.13126800

Weird how people who strive to become egoless love to boast about it

>> No.13126891

>3k in debt
Try $300k

>> No.13126979

checked and based

>> No.13127132

You gotta scratch the car. Not look for scratches.

>> No.13127196

my life is basically a joke and i hate being alive

but a lot of money sure would help

i'll use it for a good purpose

chokefucking teenage girls

>> No.13127259

>tfw 24 year old boomer
>absolutely no achievements, accomplishments, things of note, anything substantial whatsoever

My life is just one big show of mediocrity. I did mediocre in high school, went to a mediocre shit state school, got mediocre grades, with a mediocre degree. Now I am working a mediocre job, living with my parents, making mediocre wages and I have no friends. Sometimes I want to die, but other times I know I am still privileged, so I continue my banal existence

>> No.13127442

well better start doing something about it, cause it doesnt get any better buddy
>t. 28 year old boomer in similar circumstances

>> No.13128328
File: 1022 KB, 500x210, 38B1D2C3-0E12-46C6-90A6-AF513A27617E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am getting you gold even though i have to support my wife’s children

>> No.13128423

People says myers briggs is bullshit but then people come along and say things that fit me too well. Im not entirely sure if its just a really valid test or Im being tricked into something one tier above astrology

>> No.13129411

Why not both?

>> No.13130210

To clarify;
The goal was to separate my happiness from all material things.
Hypothesis = Can I be happy when I have nothing?
I agree that having money and power is definitely more more fun than not having it, but we live in a chaotic world where everything can be lost in a second. So the conclusion is that I can still be happy if I make it but suddenly lose it all. Basically enjoy the journey. (probably the message I was trying to get across was momentarily lost because sometimes I accidentally enter a battle of wits in an 'argument' because I like winning arguments).

Anyway, take This thread with a grain of salt, maybe you won't be happy if you personally wont be happy if you lose everything but mine was a personal journey. (wouldn't recommend the journey I took if you have already amassed lots of wealth or are old or have already sacrificed your life to another cause)

>> No.13130218

I am op btw

>> No.13130235

>Hypothesis = Can I be happy when I have nothing?
The only legitimately happy people I've ever met in my life lived in a fucking mud hut in the middle of bum fuck africa.

>> No.13130309

Yeah and I suppose studying the lives of other people and gauging how happy they are would be an easier route than the one I took, but I've learnt that all people wear masks (always try to appear happier than they really are) so I personally had to test the theory myself.

>> No.13130330

Another thing is that those people in Africa never had anything material to begin with, and so they have no concept of referencing their poverty with wealth. I instead started with everything but chose to lose it all

>> No.13130751

nice one Tyler, go blow up a bank

>> No.13131125

A man of fine taste.

>> No.13131209

Ive been rock bottom, genuinely, on the streets sleeping under garbage bags trying to imagine ways to make sure my body would never be found.
I didnt feel free, I did lose some of my ambitions in the sense that I know for sure I'll never need the trappings of wealth like a flash car, designer clothes etc but I didnt need a near death experience to figure that out.

I guess people who have only ever known real wealth could gain from.the experience, rather than the likes of me or most of this board who grew surrounded by regular/poor people and already know the real consequences (aswell as the futility of correlating social status with wellbeing)'

What I took from being rock bottom was a new appreciation for wagecucking, renting and coasting by. Having hot water, a bed and a roof is the most important thing in the world to me and rather than becoming more free to manoeuvre in the markets or life, I am now 100% risk averse. Ive seen the irl consequences of losing it all.

>> No.13131325

Yes i hated having nothing but i stayed in that state purposefully for 25 yeahs and learnt to accept it. If you are at the bottom and continue to grasp for air instead of accepting the bottom, you wont gain the same effect. I imagine you would learn to fear the bottom instead of accepting it and finding peace within it. I think its the hardest thing a human can possibly do, to lose everything and find peace.

But if you can overcome that, you are free from everything.

Think. Almost all pain comes from having something and losing it but still trying to grasp it. I had a girlfriend but lost her, i cant survive. I had health when i was younger but now i am old and my health is failing. I used to have this but i lost it, and now i want it back. Eg. Free yourself from that and you can live in pure bliss.

Again, these are just words. You need to experience it for yourself. Its the absolute most difficult challenge that you can do but its worth it.

>> No.13131362

when your goal is to find Truth, that means disposing of all items and distractions the world throws at you.

>> No.13131382

Typical schizo babble

>> No.13131454

Youre a liar, this whole thread is a theory, this is what you think will happen, youll realise when the time comes and regret every word.
It takes days to lose it all, not years, enlightenment will come to you just as quickly.

>> No.13131550

Seconds to lose everything. Years to stay with nothing and find peace with it. Im some anonymous person on the internet and not selling anything and gain nothing really from saying what im saying. Take with grain of salt.

>> No.13131556


Real Buddhist hours up in here

>> No.13131595
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>> No.13131678

I remember Being 19 and watching fight club for the first time.

>> No.13132026

I overpowered my oppressors instead of doing exactly what they wanted and achieved freedom. The non-coward way.