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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13118769 No.13118769 [Reply] [Original]

Where are the jobs?

>> No.13118791

Truck driving and heavy equipment operating

Expand your peanut sized brain

>> No.13118807

the joos

>> No.13118817

>Where are the jobs?
In the hands of blacks, hispanics and women you racist bigoted white cismale

>> No.13119303

Remember when blumpf said unemployment was at 40% when stats said it was like 5? Well, it's like that again except now he's assimilated to the mainstream narrative.

>> No.13119310

Up blumpfs fat mccdonalds ass

>> No.13119312

Everywhere. I've never seen so many "Now Hiring" ads, posters, signs at all the routine places. Plenty in the $10-25/hr. range. You're just a lazy faggot that thought "more jobs" --> a job is literally handed unto my lap and I don't have to apply myself.

>> No.13119324


>> No.13119331

>2 shit jobs taken by AI by 2025

>> No.13119335
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>implying they just don't leave them up because of high turnover

Back to the cagie wagie

>> No.13119348

I just applied to a admistrive assistant job for 11 dollars an hour with a 3.5 gpa in biochem...

Best part is I had to take a test on indeed for basic computers didn’t see the continue button on the bottom and got two questions wrong. One question was what icon do you click to see the networks or connect to a router...

Feel insulted

>> No.13119353

This is it. If you've been out of work for 6 months you aren't considered an employable person. If you account for the unemployables, our unemployment rate has skyrocketed under the orange man's sky.

>> No.13119388
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>this is a stem major

LMAO every time I feel down on myself for not going to uni I see people like you on biz and it makes me feel way better about being a hs graduate with no debt making 20 hr

>> No.13119405

They leave those signs up for months because nobody wants to do a shitty job for 9-10 an hour. Those are teenager tier jobs. The only ones paying over 15 an hour are much more dangerous jobs which also have high turnover, my sister worked at a meat factory and had to quit after she sliced part of her hand. Yeah it paid 25 an hour, but she was pretty much cheating death everyday.

>> No.13119415

>print a trillion dollars a year
>debt grows 6% of GDP in a year
>shill the fuck out of one month with 3% growth

My income has more than doubled in the last two years but I feel like I'm treading water. 6 fig income can't even get you the house with a wife and luxury car these days, its just an ok income its insane. But inflation is only 2% right? Lmao.

>> No.13119419

And then you actually apply and they never call back

>> No.13119438


Yeah, that could be the case, if I was entirely inexperienced and imperceptive and didn't notice the change during the past 3 years myself. Literally everyone is going out of their way to pay advertising dollars. There's a fucking ad banner for Dish right now on this page for me listing "now hiring", on fucking 4chan.


Nope. This is really bizarre cope as a plethora of jobs even at the lower level only helps us all (as it drains labor from the upper tiers).

>> No.13119472

Can you elaborate on this. And what do you mean by "cope"? My job is considered white collar but the pay has been going down for years, it's happening to every job, not just lower tiers. You and I aren't safe just because we're higher up the latter. That's the true cope.

>> No.13119479

trade jobs have exploded, stop looking on indeed faggot and go to your local union hall

>> No.13119492

I completely get what you're saying but all of the jobs I noticed constantly shilling that they're hiring are high stress/high turnover jobs. I mean it's great making $20/hr in a warehouse but what the hell are you gonna be doing in 10 years when it closes down?

It'd be one thing if you could save for higher education while working but rent, car, insurance, etc... will make that $20/hr disappear before you know it.

>> No.13119501

Every job i apply for on indeed has 600 other applicants. "Now hiring" but youre competiting against the world

>> No.13119516

>we won’t need distribution centers in the future


>> No.13119524

Warehousr work pays like 13-16 dollars an hour. 20 dollars an hour is overstated on this site. Few jobs pay that much.

>> No.13119553

Your timeline is a bit off on warehouses. I've seen the robots at Amazon, we still have a good 20 years before they heavily replace human labor. By then most boomers will be dead and Gen x no longer working if they saved up. The only ones getting fucked are Millenials and especially Gen Z. Seems all too convenient.

>> No.13119560

They could be automated within the next 10 years with the flip of a switch.

I know a few places paying $20. It's not the mode like /biz/ and /pol/ like to shill but it's not entirely uncommon. Hope you like 12 hour shifts 6-7 days a week though.

>> No.13119566


At Taco Bell and McDick's. Plenty of part-time work with no bennies (like health insurance), lots of people permanently dropped out of the workforce (back in the Obama years the Wall Street Journal pointed this out every week in response to good numbers, now Trump is pres and they stan for the exact same thing), and specific areas of the country, like the upper-midwest, are still recoiling from the deindustrialization NAFTA gut-punch. And wages still haven't caught up with the huge productivity gains.

>> No.13119568

This. I'm 32 and what I've seen is honestly unprecedented, I see "hiring" signs on almost every commercial building I drive by-but admittedly employers are still pensive about paying more. Wages are supposedly raising by about 3% consistently month over month but I'm pretty confident this is centralized towards middle-high earners. I could be wrong though.

A better metric then would be perhaps to look at food stamps and other benefits claims which have shrunk afaik

>> No.13119569

Oh shit what will I as a robotics technician ever do in that case

And no they will not be fully automated

>> No.13119597

A better metric would be wages which have been stagnated or homeless numbers which are near record highs.
How about happiness? Maybe that will increase after the suicide epidemic passes.

>> No.13119604

You're missing the point. You're already established, which is great. The point is that entry level jobs are all but gone despite the shilling that it's the greatest economy ever.

>> No.13119633

food stamps, etc. are down because they made them borderline impossible to get. It's all smoke and mirrors

>> No.13119641

Really makes you think, huh?

>> No.13119662

Great so people can go to cc or vocational hs and get a job paying 20-30 hr with no debt at 18-20

>> No.13119677

This. I tried to get food stamps when I lost my job, and I picked up something online just so I had some money to tide me over, and they said I had no "proof of time spent working" so they wouldn't give anything to me. Even though I worked 40 hours a week and made exactly the income needed to qualify. Food stamps fucking hates self employed people. To get food stamps these days you need to be a single mother with 3 kids working federal minimum wage or some shit. Thank god I don't have to deal with it anymore with my new job.

>> No.13119678

This is what I suspected. Wages havent budged for most workers despite claims by the drumpf administration

>> No.13119684

>no debt


>> No.13119701

CC is free

>> No.13119721

In America?

>> No.13119741

You want an anemic job market, wind the clock back 10 years. This is the best I've seen it in my working history.

>> No.13119757

that's a good thing

>> No.13119789

It's only marginally better now.

>> No.13119864

Tuition is 2-5kyr and tax deductions cover the average cost. If you do paynit would be like 1-2k if that but lel grants and scholarships and internships can cover it

Or a shitty part time job

Tax write offs are for like 6k so unless the cc is incredibly expensive like 5kyr it should be free

>> No.13119893

I'll look into this. I know once you turn 24 in the US federal financial aid options open up that otherwise wouldn't be available. Thanks for the advice fren

>> No.13119941

>shittons of people get laid off from prestigious jobs and take whatever they can get (min wage jobs)
>businesses close left and right
>no experience, no job prospects. entry level job = 5 years of experience + the ability to juggle 7 knives with your mouth
>they're taking whoever they can get to fill high-paying positions and trades across the board
>job hopping frequent
>new businesses popping up left and right
>no experience, no problem. 18 year olds are walking into $15/hr+ jobs and pining for something more
there is a higher CoL now, but there is also much more opportunity to afford it

>> No.13119945

just make sure to do a degree in electronics or IT unless you plan on transferring

Or whatever robotics programs they have

>> No.13120399

>25 cent per hour pay increase
>everything is more expensive than before the recession
I'm sure loving this recovery.

>> No.13120421

>everyone who died in war would be proud of my economy. Im not a narcissist btw
genuinely the worst president in US history

>> No.13120432

What do you do for work that you've been in the same position for 10 years and got a 25 cent raise?

>> No.13120448

average american

>> No.13120508

Source? McDonalds starts people out at $10/hr now and gas stations around here pay $12-14
I started working in the Recession and it took me 100+ applications to get a shitty part-time min wage job
My area is in the middle of a construction boom that it hasn't seen since 2006-07
That said, it makes me wonder how far away we are from the cycle repeating itself and things becoming even worse

>> No.13120563

that cuck sure does love those blacks and hispanics. doesn't give a shit about whites being displaced though.

>> No.13120576
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>> No.13121774

My manager has been trying to hire just two people but hasn't found anybody in the last five months due to the current low-supply of workers and high-demand of jobs

>> No.13121785
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>> No.13121791

Maybe its due to your manager's low supply of wages thats to blame

>> No.13121795

And hes orange with comically small hands

>> No.13121797

fake news. every online job posting receives hundreds of applicants even in this "robust" economy.

>> No.13121843

See my reply to the post below:
>every online job posting receives hundreds of applicants
You are correct, but a vast majority of the applicants are either complete idiots, or just straight-up aren't qualified. After a couple weeks of searching, I got a few interviews and two different job offers.

>> No.13121857
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They're all for immigrants/H1Bs
>the first jobs to be automated
wew lad

>> No.13121881

i just wanna know where that full mueller report is

>> No.13121890

kek to you... why would we need to pay someone to finish the job when a robot can do it better, faster, cheaper?

>> No.13121892
File: 175 KB, 1789x809, aircraft carriers 2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rebuilding our military
Was the US military ever in need of rebuilding? USA is the only country on Earth with more than 2 aircraft carriers. In fact USA has 11 of them.

When US "only" had 10 of those imagine someone in the US government thinking that another one was needed instead of using the money on schools, healthcare, roads or literally anything else that would improve the lives of US citizens.

>> No.13121900

teach me your ways

>> No.13121934

I’m in cuckfornia. The places I’ve interviewed at need someone with 1-5 years experience.

Looking to starting my own business and skipping their trickery.