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1311266 No.1311266 [Reply] [Original]

Is it ok to abandon your family? They're shit with money, they force me to spend (a lot of) money on them and much more.

>> No.1311270

if that's all they do then no. if they emotionally or physically abuse you then it's valid to go no contact on them. if you still live with them help out if youre moved out stop bailing them out.

>> No.1311292
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Not sure if Stockholm syndrome but I don't know if my family is really abusive or not, I used to get hit a lot and still get insulted a lot of times. Always told myself it's normal so I have no idea.

I made so much money with ETH the last half year, bought 10k USD (my whole poorfag savings) worth of ETH when they were at around 0.50 cents and now it's worth more than 300k, I have finally a lot of money and I'm finally able to move out and cut all contact, which I have always wanted but now I don't know what to feel anymore.

>> No.1311299
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Just tell them you're broke or move to a different city. These aren't hard decisions. They won't be able to follow you anyway. Float them 100 bucks every now and then for holidays or whatever, but you don't have to baby them if you can't afford to.

>> No.1311301

>used life savings and bought eth at 50c
almost had me there OP

>> No.1311304

well now that I know this is an ETH shill you should totally just kill your family and move to Costa Rica before the police find the bodies

>> No.1311308

>be me
>live alone for 2 years in college
>abusive, asshole dad becomes extremely ill so i move home (was a conjunction of a breakup and getting sick of paying rent, figured i could save money moving home and saving up)

I got a promotion to 12.50 an hour at my job but it doesnt even matter because i feel the same way; i help pay more bills than i ever did at my apt. because i pity my father. I dont know if all these emotions apply to you but anon living alone is the greatest thing. i am a junior in college and i absolutely cannot wait for the day i can score even the shittiest of apartments. save, save, save and get yourself an apartment and while you are alone you can work on moving beyond just paying for an apartment.

>> No.1312100

If they are otherwise ok just grow some balls and tell them that financially you want to seperate you relationship.

Might lead to family drama and separation anyway, but at least to tried to separate money from feelings. If they can't deal with that they would ruin you anyway.

>> No.1312102

trade your family for memecoins

>> No.1312118

Being a rentcuck is the worst tho

I can only afford maybe a year of rent since landlords around here are fucked

>> No.1312147

Me and my wife's family are all screwballs in some way

Her side are irresponsible in general
mine are great with money but bad with relationships in general.

We keep them both within boundaries we set up. It depends on the person, but if you are pressured to spend more then you want just tell them no at whatever time you want. Its really that simple. If they have a problem and get mad or whatever then that will be their problem. Just be super clear about things, dont flip flop and they'll learn what to expect.

>> No.1312166
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not giving my family a dime tbqh

that's what Social Security is for cucks

>> No.1312242

Depends. Do you have a hot sister?

>> No.1312346 [DELETED] 

stop whining like a pussy earn more,
watch this video you can earn some good dough part-time not legal though but doesnt seem risky at all if you do it quitely without telling anyyone


>> No.1312385

>they force me to spend (a lot of) money on them

How do they force you? Do they hold a gun to your head until you transfer funds?
You do it willingly. Don't lie.

>> No.1312396

Stop shilling

>> No.1312593
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>got hit a lot
>insulted a lot even now
>as they drain you of money

That's not normal and not right.

You are not obligated to be there. Blood bonds don't mean anything if you're being abused and vampirized. Relationships are supposed to be voluntary. You were born to these people involuntarily, but now you have the power to leave.

So do it.

>> No.1313492

It depends what you mean by 'family'.

If you mean your wife and children then no, it's not ok to just leave.you'd be considered a scumbag.

If you mean parents, brothers aunts uncles, then it's probably ok. Everyone should have their own lives

>> No.1313577


Yes, I left my family in the dust a long time ago. Best thing I ever did. I keep in touch but I have since found out that my brothers who stayed there and their kids became a dope head degenerates. None of them can hold a job and they beg for money all the time just to get drunk and high. The thing is if you are an adult, you have to think of your future, your families future, and your own well being. If your family is dragging you down, you might be better off with out them.

>> No.1313593

>Blood bonds don't mean anything if you're being abused and vampirized.
read the bible. Jesus says that anyone who won't completely obey their parents should be killed. You will go to hell for what you do

>> No.1314771

Never run/abandon, always kill/steal. Don't be a losing coward, be a winning courageous fucker.

>> No.1314780

Jesus is a dumb masochistic hippy who allowed rednecks to practice religion. He also allowed his enemies to put him on a cross and let him teasingly and painfully die for 3 days. Jesus is a moron and a faggot who never had a girlfriend because he is simply such a glorious winged faggot.

>> No.1314987
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but he also said to leave your parents and follow him

try to come up with something better than a fuckin Jewish myth for your counter-points, you stupid fuckin cunt.