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File: 216 KB, 960x859, 47DB195E-9CDA-4244-9976-B18231C68F29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13112086 No.13112086 [Reply] [Original]

Why do millennials feel so entitled to good jobs?

>> No.13112094

What a dick. This is why millennial cant wait for these oldies to die off.

>> No.13112105

Because the millennials are in massive debt with their degrees and they believe to be entitled to boomer's cashflow.

>> No.13112121

le epin plebbit post xDdd

>> No.13112137
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>mfw boomers are going to get a global dark age instead of social security

>> No.13112144

you spelled crackers wrong

>> No.13112169

At least boomers didn’t allow faggotry to flourish like millennial did.

>> No.13112175
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you must be young

>> No.13112185

They actually did.

>> No.13112198

Apply for connection again with a black females account

>> No.13112199
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ironically its going to be a space age but they will have to pay through the nose for my bitcoin

>> No.13112390

was about to post this

>> No.13112401

Boomers will go down in history as total scum
They gave away their children's future

>> No.13112406

Boomers then
>Go out there with a firm handshake kid and make connections!
Boomers now
>Wtf how dare you approach me! Know your place kid.

>> No.13112414

>world is literally dying
>pointless to even build an escape farm in the habitable zone because billionaire drone swarms will just kill you and take any remaining arable land anyway
>zOMG sum men hav sex with men
Why are conservative priorities so fucking retarded?

>> No.13112416

Fuck boomers you fuckers nedd to die

>> No.13112428
File: 73 KB, 778x512, boxingpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Older generations don't get the bullshit that Millennials had to listen to from their Boomer parents about college. A lot of us were threatened that we would disowned/kicked out of the house after we finished high school if we didn't go to college. I know this wealthy Irish family that literally kicked their kids out and they were forced to live in a car for several months because muh college meme. And then they have the balls to tell us that "oh, you could've done something else like learn a trade. You didn't HAVE to go to college." Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.13112587

>Not understanding the link between morale and psychological degeneration and the collapse of society

Never gonna make it

>> No.13112615

Hai fag

>> No.13112764

story behind that gif?
i can see that it's a trashy old hag demanding the respect she doesn't deserve, but i'd like to see a webm of this and also of the bludgeoning she recieved afterwards

>> No.13112772


>> No.13112780


>> No.13112781

oh, that was the problem. its face did look a bit weird

>> No.13112801

a worker called "her" sir, it was all over youtube/reddit a few months back, gamestop?

>> No.13112802


>> No.13112805

so feminine lol

>> No.13112863


>> No.13113087
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>be me eurofag
>30 year old boomer
>get job offer 70k starting
>con its in florida (would prefer a white state like vermont or maine)
what you fags think should I go for it? the money is good but I would pay more in rent than I spend all month in europistan.

>> No.13113098

What the fuck is this picture and why do I keep seeing it?

>> No.13113105

Nah it's not worth it. Florida is a toilet

>> No.13113130
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we live in the best time line.

>> No.13113313

Anywhere but florida

>> No.13113352


I know, right? It's alot to ask for to be able to make a living for yourself by working a honest 40 hour a week job. Instead you have to work two full time jobs or split rent with 4 mexicans otherwise you're just a lazy. entitled brat

>> No.13113397

Found the millenial brat

>> No.13113413
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>> No.13113415
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found the boomer scum

>> No.13113448

This is a direct result of people taking Ramit Sethi’s advice a bit too literally

>> No.13113456

Fucking lmao I've received a response like that.
Imagine the cuckoldry required to actually take time and answer a spammer in such an emotionally unstable way.
Meanwhile I wanted connections to spam a product and got 100-ish oer day. 23 year old me had a successful(ish) business because of that and that boomer is most certainly wagecucked for life.

>> No.13113568
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does everyone realize that if the federal reserve and centralized currencies were done away with that we wouldnt keep getting poorer while the elites got richer?

>> No.13114287

Milennials are turning into whiny commies. I see it with my friends. We really are the lost generation.