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13111084 No.13111084 [Reply] [Original]

How can a stupid NEET make money from home?

>> No.13111099

Be talented, draw fetish art

>> No.13111108

Surveys on the internet
Put money from surveys into ISA or a guaranteed interest bond from the government or a high interest rate savings account.
Sell old books you don't need on the internet.
Look for old pokemon cards that could be worth some money.
Read up on business and try your hand at investing in some tech stocks.

>> No.13111111

Ok but what if said NEET is stupid and also untalented?

>> No.13111121


>> No.13111127

Which surveys would you suggest?
I've looked into that stuff a few years ago but it seemed like most of the recommended survey pages are more or less scams and you'd be lucky to make like 5 bucks in 10 hours there.

>> No.13111137

Or this.
Did you know furry artist Miles DF makes 5K PER MONTH just from Your Character Here commisions?

$60K per year just for doodling for 5 hours a month, and that's not counting his comic sales and other commisions, this guy (or girl???) probably make in excess of $100K per year.

>> No.13111138

Holy fuck those digits

>> No.13111142

Ride Chinese pump and dumps.

>> No.13111148

I dunno man, last I heard was from a friend about 10 years ago, doubhtless the survey internet landscape has changed, you can get paid to volunteer for sleep trials or medical trials though I mean that's good money for essentially just sleeping.

>> No.13111177

I've been interested in learning to draw, but i don't think i'd be good enough for at least 3-5 years before being able to make any money off it, if i can get good enough at all.

Hmm that sounds interesting, i'll have to look into studies like that.
Thanks for the recommendations anon.

>> No.13111203

ahem... let me give you a protip son. this worlds in the shitter and the fiat collapse is imminent. If you’re not scaming the system 24/7 your going to get rekt. Now let me tell you something about streetwear fashion, u buy fake supreme from china dealer, sell that piece for 10x the price u bought it for on grailed.com, dont wash it just make it a little ragged, market it as 8/10 used. boom free 10x, u can even get 30x’s if u kno how to do it right, who to buy from etc. i got a chink dealer that gives me indistinguishable reps for $10 a t. now heres the important part, once u get enough revenue u buy a pool table and a cuetec questick, the work is minimal for free gibs, i merely receive then ship out the packages, during the waiting period u play pool, thousands of racks, then u play drunk boomers for free $100’s, when u get really good ull be dreaming about dumpstering boomers in ur sleep, pool is the highest skillcap game in existence, meaning u need extreme play time to perfect the skill, as a neet u should be playing 8 hours minimum everyday, you’ll winning racks with ease in no time. with profits you 50% 28x lev on bitmex other 50% into physical silver.....

>> No.13111211

a stupid NEET cannot

>> No.13111221

I mean you're just clicking buttons and watching videos. You arent going to be making 20k a year lol. But swagbucks amd inbox dollars are two ive actually gotten paid from.

>> No.13111231

Actually anon I've seen REALLY good progress with "Drawing on the right side of the brain" by Betty Edwards, basically it's a bunch of excersizes that trick your brain into seeing shapes and drawing them instead of the entire image and over analyzing it. I couldn't draw for toffee but I've drawn some really difficult picaso drawings with 95% accuracy, of course I don't want to shill this book to you especially since you'd need to save some money.

Some loomis books are free here (Grabbed them from the IC board) http://alexhays.com/loomis/

The upside down Picasso drawing is the one I was most impressed with and is the first real excersize in the book.

>> No.13111244
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*hits vape*
the rep selling is confirmed 100% profit, pool is about 60-90% winrate depends on how good u are, mex lev is 55%, silver is 100% we’re goin to $20,000, dont ask me how i kno.... its guaranteed, 1000 ounces to be a oil baron

>> No.13111262

Hm well alright, maybe i'll give them a shot again some time.

Oh sick i might as well give those a shot, i think once i'll get my hands on a drawing tablet i'll see if drawing is for me. I remember being really into as a kid and everyone thought i would become an artist, maybe i still have some dormant skills. lol

That sounds like an interesting venture, maybe if i get my hands on a bit of money to burn i'll try it.
Not sure pool is for me tho, if i could go out and easily participate in social activities like that, i wouldn't be in my current situation.

>> No.13111370
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What a waste of digits.

>> No.13111376

Yeah i actually feel kinda guilty for getting them. Sorry!

>> No.13112062

shouldn't someone wrong for scamming people?

>> No.13112085

You get paid for your posts. It takes a while to network with people and grow your followers but once you do, I think you can actually make a living off it. I haven't made it there yet.

>> No.13112266


>> No.13112278

Holy fuck! What did kek mean by this?

>> No.13112281

that all neets are not created equal or we are all retarded

>> No.13112315
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i know there is a longer version to this where it shows him getting stuff, but i still think he was trying to smell the seat

look at how he decides to leave only after he sees her getting up. he used him leaving as a front to put his head near her seat and "get his stuff"

>> No.13112327

start larping as a jew on social media, make lots of posts on twitter, get involved in every trending topic, ttbehrow $5 at fake follower services maybe, be as obnoxious as possible.

eventually say something blatantly aggressive and anti white.
screencap your own post.
post it on pol, use lots of alt connections to bump it up, eventually getting to a 'i know this guy wtf, I didnt know he was one of them' post.
cap all of it.

spend $3 on paint and scrawl 6gorillion hail hortlers over your front door.
post your own thread caps from 4chan on twitter, saying youve been doxed by 4chin ninja hackers and are terrified to go on living.
get mad gofundme gains to move house for protection.

only do this in minecraft

>> No.13112794

Learn coding. Skills don't require talent, just time and effort. If you become halfway decent you can work from home and earn enough to get tendies ez.

Also invest in the fabric industry, specifically those that are required in the productions of kneepads.

>> No.13112843


write a self published pornographic novel for middle aged twilight fans

>> No.13113006

NEETs are stupid and untalented, confirmed by KEK

>> No.13113024
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Haha retard

>> No.13113031

anything particular u should focus on? what is ez money?