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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13106379 No.13106379 [Reply] [Original]

xrp. cobalt. discuss.

>> No.13106397

new threads at bottom of page now...

>> No.13106569

It sounds like Cobalt is in development now. Sure will be nice to have .5 sec transaction times.

>> No.13106596

Imagine samefaging shilling this shit coin, when the shills used to cry 'paid fud'

>> No.13106631

How the fuck can you shill a 1bn marketcap coin. No fucker on /biz has that kind of capital.

XRP is easily the safest bet in crypto right now.

>> No.13106642

Stellar is wiping this shitcoin off the map.

Ripple has no partnerships which is evidenced by an always decreasing price. If banks were using it, it wouldn't be going down.

>> No.13106644

Samefagin STILL?
how much do you cunts get paid?

>> No.13106654

XRP "the standard" fucking absolute negroid, get in or stay poor

>> No.13106672

The other issue is the unresolved case, no price action till its settled. Imagine hodlin risk cause you believed a shill sayin 'XRP is easily the safest bet in crypto right now' Special place in hell for these liars. Meanwhile ripple lets that shit roll so they can dump on baghodlers

>> No.13106686

>get in & stay poor

>> No.13106687


>> No.13106689

XLM the standard, dumb kike

>> No.13106721

I can't prove to you I'm not a same fag but believe it or not, the only two things I'm accumulating right now are BTC and XRP.

I'm not a fan of Jed and XLM might have IBM but to say Ripple (in relation to XRP) has no partnerships is a monumental lie that can easily be proven with a 10 second google.

I haven't looked into stellar for a while but I'm pretty sure the supply isn't even fixed.

>> No.13106752

To say that ripple has partnerships is a monumental lie that can be easily disproven by a 10 second search on binance, showing a continuous decrease.

>> No.13106866

street shitter curry nigger
>going against the people who have been running the show for thousands of years
talk about being dumb LMAO

>> No.13106892

>Amateurish understanding of the JQ
You really think kikes have engineered this thing to benefit you?
There's a reason XRP is on record for dumping the most of it's tokens on it's holders, and this doesn't even count the BILLIONS Jed is slated to dump

>> No.13106940

Dumb mutt spotted, fuckin third worlders

>> No.13107028
File: 141 KB, 971x565, 1510026912606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HURRR motherfucking DURRR
Found a pic of you dumb brainlets

>> No.13107222

Lol, saved for once xrp moons and you kys

>> No.13107239

Partnerships won’t matter if nobody is using xrp for transactions