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13106380 No.13106380 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13106388
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push me to the edge
all my coins are dead

>> No.13106435

man this nigger is ugly

>> No.13106450

What about him? He has quite a decent Twitter following

>> No.13106461

I guarantee you that as we speak a 13 year old white girl is fingering herself while thinking about him.

>> No.13106471

Good write up. All in NKN and reaching comfy levels that shouldn't even be possible.

>> No.13106476


>> No.13106483

Uff.. that is one nasty girl

>> No.13106489

Funny you should say that given that throughout the day most 13-year-old white girls will masturbate thinking about him.

Black guys like that are in for white girls.

>> No.13106536

I honestly think you watched too much BLACKED porn. Remember, kid: Porn is NOT good for you
But anyway, now that were here .. who is this guy?

>> No.13106587

No, don't worry about me. I'm not even white. The guy is just some rapper. I still remember my first white girlfriend, she would obsess over black rappers. And even today when I go into her instagram she still posts black rappers.

For some reason white women love black rappers. They can't help themselves when it comes to black meat.

>> No.13106598

I fuck animals, I don't have room to talk

>> No.13106625

That is probably confirmation bias, my non white friend. Youre talking in absolutes, which is almost never right. Here in Europe, most think theyre gross. See, I said most.
But lets get back to this rapper. All these smirk in his face. Now, tell me this man is not ugly. How do you think he will look in 10-20 years?

>> No.13106646

Hahaha cuck mentality it’s like you were bred to be a pushover

>> No.13106663

Yeah, I doubt that. Europe is even more cucked than the US. But regardless, I do think he is ugly but does it matter? I'm not gay so it is not like I would ever fuck him. What truly matters is how many white girls find you attractive. That's the metric most use.

>> No.13106720

In the end to each their own. We do too have our army of degenerates

>> No.13106750

Well, I'd argue that white women are just degenerate by default. I mean, nothing wrong with a little race mixing as I enjoy the white pussy but come on, everyone except whites cares about their race. Specially black people. But white girls are just too happy to get fucked by black men.

However, my take on this is that white men must really be pathetic for white girls to be looking outside of their race by default. Most other races end up race mixing only by circumstance, like if you are an asian girl living in the US. But white girls live in white countries and yet they just love black baby making juice.

>> No.13106792

Bitcoin fund manager agrees

>> No.13106837
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>> No.13106841

Nah, we are just mostly very generous, helpfull, open minded people. That is probably why you feel that way. Would you rather have been enslaved by the yellow man? You should consider yourself lucky.
Just watch any news relating to natural disasters, catastrophic events, doctors without borders, etc.. Look closely and see who is the one helping abroad.
I know you would rather watch rap videos or porn, but try to have an open mind.
Of course, your apparent confirmation bias leads you to believe what you are rambling about itt. You just dont meet the ones who are still sane in their heads.

>> No.13106856

>open minded people
Yeah, you are also very open somewhere else.

But regarding your points, you are right about some things but honestly I think your overall view is wrong. Who is still sane in their heads? The only white people that oppose race mixing are out doing mass shootings. Wouldn't call that "sane".

>> No.13106882

Well in your last post you were clearly describing some mentally ill girls
>degenerate by default etc yabba yabba who cares

>> No.13106889

Yeah. And is there a single white woman in the west who hasn't tasted black cock?

>> No.13106906

Of course! And if you think otherwise I am sorry for you

>> No.13106908

This whole thread is a huge buy signal for NKN tbqh

>> No.13106980

that isn't nkn tho

>> No.13107039

anons which coin is this?
I can't find anything that had ATH at june 2017

>> No.13107065

He mentioned nkn in that vid too. He has a shady history but has been making some good calls.

>> No.13107092

>my gf and all her friends listen to white rappers like G eazy and Post Malone and none of them care about negro rappers
sorry to crush your fantasy, nigger.

>> No.13107099

yeah but in the vid he talks about that one coin (this 1 call costs 0.1 btc kek)
99.4% from ath, ath around june-july 2017

graph looks like ZEC but the dates/price change doesn't match

>> No.13107251

maybe dbc

>> No.13107318


so far we got the following
> released june 2017, ath same month
> huge drop, then small retrace (like ZEC graph)
> at least -99% from ath
> backed by well-known vc fund

so? any guesses?

>> No.13107410
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Yep, happens all the time

>> No.13107560
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>> No.13107570

no idea ..
