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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13101446 No.13101446 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst job you have ever had /biz/?

>> No.13101454

I worked at a Ferrari dealer for a while, it sucked

>> No.13101471

Salad dressing factory

>> No.13101475

Summer job fixing computers at a police station. I was 15 and all they did was make fun of me

>> No.13101481

Residential HVAC, crawling under dirty houses, going in 125 degree attics during the summer. Doesn’t get much worse than that.

>> No.13101495


Making "hot calls", basically like cold calls except the person has already used the service before and I'm asking if they liked the service and if they want to make another appointment. It was for lawn aeration.

Not a very funny job, but I do have one story...I called this guy Jesus. Not Hay Sus...I straight up asked "is Jesus there?" There was a long pause and the guy said no one has ever called him that before, which I found odd given that his fucking name is Jesus.

>> No.13101494

You fucking pussy I had the best time of my life when I was a HVAC installer

Worst probably was cashier at Sears working with nothing but old women

>> No.13101502


Cops are a tough group to get along with if you weren't in armed services before.

>> No.13101504
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I was a janitor.

>> No.13101508

Any of the minimum wage jobs in backwater towns I have had. Shits so bad, meth and opi's everywhere and the store managers want their moneys worth out of you anyway so you end up spending 8 hours wiping the same 4 surfaces.

>> No.13101523

sorting paper and fibre coming down a conveyor belt at a recycling plant

>> No.13101535


I always wondered how that works. How do you know what is recyclable and what isn't? What's the nastiest thing you had to remove from the belt?

>> No.13101545


How did you think it worked? You think it just sorted itself?

>> No.13101570


No I've seen videos of it but I wonder how you know. Like how you can identify if something is recyclable and what the composition of various trash is just by looking.

>> No.13101577

at a logistic company in germany, summer job, putting packages into pallets

>just 1 other german coworker, everyone else foreigner
>just 3 people spoke german at all
>lifting 20kg packages for 8 hours, minimum wage
>they didnt want to pay the slave wage at the end of month, had to insist lol
>when I applied for the job they were impressed I passed the idiot test so fast (literally crossed pictures of things you shouldnt do at work with the caption question if im allowed to do it)

atleast my body got ripped, lost like 10 kg in 2 month. it was my first job and i sweared to myself never to end like that

>> No.13101579

>Doesn’t get much worse than that.

Yes, increased chance for lung cancer in the future because of all the abestos and other carcinogenic particles you've inhaled.

>> No.13101602

At least it's easier than doing QA/packing in a factory.

>> No.13101610


You have to do the shit jobs to motivate yourself to be better. I've never experienced time as slow as I did at that telemarketer job. Just crazy life sucking.

>> No.13101622
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Working for Tesla Motors.
Literally destroyed my joints in a matter of months.

>> No.13101633

Are you in Reno?

>> No.13101700

Tell me more. Was it in NJ?

>> No.13101717

Where I worked it comes out loose. I was responsible for cardboard, which is easy to identify. Videos show them moving about half the speed and one third the volume of the line I was on. It's a private company though

>> No.13101728

Do you know what happens to all the cigarette butts in the beer cans/bottles I toss in the comingled?

>> No.13101737


What happened?

>> No.13101745


Landfill. Only clean items get recycled from my understanding

>> No.13101756

Your pussy ass was probably doing industrial. Neck yourself faggot

>> No.13101923
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Just putting car parts in a repetitive awkward motion within 30 second time (sometimes 20 seconds if behind quota) span over the course of 12 hours for hundreds of cars a day, 5 days (sometimes 6 days) a week.

The supervisor talked me into pulling a 24 hour shift once, so I did for the good boy points. That put me in another tax bracket for that overtime, so I lost any profit because I was taxed more. I almost crashed on the way home because I was so tired.

I was getting a tingling pinch nerve sensation in my back and joints were on fire. They sent me to a proprietary doctor that works for the company and basically said I was fine. I quit after that doctor lied.

3 months later I was given 100 dollars for a class action lawsuit, that I didn't even know I was involved in for malpractice and shit work conditions.

It took about 2 years for the tingling nerve sensation to go away.

anyway, fuck tesla and elon.

>> No.13101951

>They sent me to a proprietary doctor that works for the company and basically said I was fine



>> No.13101983
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I liked listening to this when I drive back from work.


What depressing times.

>> No.13101994

sixteen tons is good too.

>> No.13102031

I figured Tesla would be based compared to the shitshow my late father told me about of his 32.5 years with GM

>> No.13102033

>that put me in another tax bracket for that overtime
that IS NOT how taxes work bro

>> No.13102040

If you really want to know what a slave is, be a mailman

>> No.13102070

If you can't understand how tax brackets work, you deserve to be a wageslave.

>> No.13102089


Doing tech support for linux ports of various AAA videogames.

>> No.13102117

Fuck you bitch I was doing everything including insulating the ductwork getting covered in fiberglass while sweating in 90 degree heat

What I liked about it was my coworkers would always smoke me out throughout the day

I was 17 and making $11/hr but fuck it just was a time in my life where everything in the world seemed so simple

24 and making $24/hr now and almost quit because I didn't get a raise when I asked kek funny how life changes eh


>> No.13102172

I've probably over 20 jobs in my life. I would say the worst one was when I worked at a Russian tech refurbishing company. I could barely speak the language as it is and being unable to communicate with everyone around you without sounding like a moron is fucking miserable.
I lasted 2 weeks.

>> No.13102185

i did road construction for a summer. it was horrible. working on the black asphalt in the 90 degree heat. felt like working on the sun. dangerous as hell too. cars flying by. everyone there was an ex convict.

>> No.13102190

never had a bad job.
16-18 worked at a local computer shop
18-22 was an RA at my local college (zero writeups)
22-38 worked at a fortune 10 company in IT, started in development and then went to management.

>> No.13102192

Broadcasting, it was awful. Complete chaos, high employee turnover, piss poor-wages, on call every hour of every day, no paid overtime. I finally understood why cocaine is so prevalent in the film and tv industry, because they couldn't cope with the ridiculous expectations without it.

Don't even think about it, don't even try it's pure hot garbage, however I did meet some cool boomer engineers who had been working the same job since the age of 16, they were really cool, The Gen X execs were complete fucking turds.

>Jesus are you there
top kek

>> No.13102291

all I know is i got taxed more and made a marginal profit.

>> No.13102316
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My "bad" jobs are my best jobs.

I've done retail, bar work, warehouse work, manual labour and even butcher/fishmonger at a supermarket all whilst young or studying to get by.

These jobs were far comfier than the job I studied for.... in an office all day, working with idiots, even though the pay is now far better.

I'm not beneath doing anything and if I could live comfortably i'd do anything like being a cleaner - just putting a shift in and forget it when you're done.

At the end of the day wagecucking is all the same, just a tradeoff on money and whats required.

>> No.13102321

StrideRite Children’s Shoe Store

>> No.13102346

Cart pusher at target.

>cleaned the bathrooms (funny they didn't mention that on the job application or interview)
>had to push the carts by hand, no electric pusher
>once had to clean period blood off women's bathroom floor

It's ok though, i'm now making $85k at 26yo. We're all gonna make it

>> No.13102382

Inner city supermarket management.

- Low wage
- Attacked with needles by drug addicts
- People burnt themselves to death at petrol station for suicide, trying to put them out with fire extinguishers
- Attacked with knuckle dusters by thieves
- Dealt with schizophrenics with knives
- Verbally abused daily
- Long hours, no recognition

Retail is the fucking worst.

>> No.13102606

Janitor at a mosque in Christchurch New Zealand. What a mess.

>> No.13102625

Electronic store, sold; fridges, TVs, laptops, kitchen stuff and smartphones to ppl
Money was okay-ish but you had to spend 10-12hrs (14days/month) standing up and the calculation method for bonuses was fucked up
You earned points instead of commission from the value of sold stuff, to give you some idea I earned more points from
selling additional warranty ($50) to $200 vacuum cleaner than I did by selling latest $1000 iPhone without anything else.

It wasn't that bad once you got hang off stelling shit to ppl,
the best way to make money was to sell them shittier TV that had biggest points multiplier (aka the ones that worst selling products)
and sell it on credit with like (0.5-5% interest) and some additional stuff to that like; soundbar, wall mount, additional warranty.

That way person comes in wants tv for $1000 and you sell them $1000 tv with; $400 additional 2y warranty, $100 wall mount
and obviously sell it on credit just to push him as far as he can go. That way his finall cost around $1600-$1700 if we consider interest on the credit.

Good job if you don't mind walking around all fucking day, dealing with some shitty customers, and obviously to be the top seller you need to SELL
and don't care about customer tell him any shit he wants to hear as long as you get the most out of him.
Selling was fun dealing with returns, credit checks, warranty shit was annoying but I enjoyed selling just because I had Wolf of Wall Street mindset.

If you have any questions feel free to ask them

>> No.13102634
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I have never had a job

>> No.13102637

Amazon fulfillment center

>> No.13102693

Yeah this would seem like literal hell I remember hauling Asphalt for a while and those guys were so dead Inside

>> No.13102702

Enlightened post, anon. I'm only at my second job--my first was working the night shift at the grocery store--and I already know its all downhill from here. Yes, I will be able to afford my own apartment and take care of my car, and suchlike, but I will never again know the sublime comfiness of listening to Herotodus on audiobook or dark ambient gregorian chant while stocking shelves under the dreary glow of the supermarket--having a coffee at 2am on the weekends at a 24 hour joint, writing down my thoughts in a notebook, taking walks through the hills at night, drinking the moon, the stars and the ambrosial air. Those nights I was transported--I saw a strange, new world. Things hidden were revealed to me. The queen of the night unveiled herself to me and I found myself in a dream. I long for nothing but to return to her embrace, but I fear that one cannot enter through the same door twice.

>> No.13102709

Disneyland back of house

>> No.13102714


>> No.13102716

what that be?

>> No.13102777

>my first was working the night shift at the grocery store
I went for an interview to do this. What can I expect?

>> No.13102787

Went door to door trying to sign people up for estimates to replace their windows/siding in high school. Shit sucked.

>> No.13102827

>want to decide whether to spend thousands on your home based off some random fuck asking you on your doorstep?
feel bad for these types of salesmen

>> No.13102836

Dishwashing, quit after 2 weeks and became a neet for 5 months

>> No.13102857

Phone salesman. Tried it twice. Never again. Some of worst people Ive ever met. Also, learned how you will allways get scammed if you buy anything from a phone salesman.

>> No.13102865

worked a construction job,pay was shit, the boss was a literally slave driver for dumb shit, as luck would have it i got the flu after 3 weeks and they fired me, a less shitty job opened up around that time right as i was recovering.
This job so was bad people literally walked off it after a few hours because the supervisor was such a dickhead slave driver he drove everyone miserable

>> No.13102876

All of them
General labor crap. Construction crap. Call center crap.

Someone blow my head off already. Associate's degree = useless

>> No.13102880

what do you do to make $85k

>> No.13102903

Based anon. The only bad job I ever had was at Ruby Tuesday and that lasted two days when I was seventeen. Sent home for not ironing my shirt, apparently. Never went back. I've done it all but for some reason it's the bottom tier sitdown chains that are the worst in my experience. I was also told to fuck off from my application to Ihop for not calling back fast enough because I was at a funeral.

>> No.13102921

hanging fiber glass insulation was by far the worst

>> No.13102939

why are so many jobs beyond shit, like i dont expect to be treated like a prince. But why do they have to be so utterly shit, some jobs have such high turn overs it makes you wonder what the hell the HR and management at these companies are thinking

hurhurhur oh youre just a cog in the wheel, you can be replaced at any time hurhurhur

shit like that is why people just ghost employers just dont turn up dont call nothing. When i was younger i used to respect the idea of employer, he is giving me a job so i will give him his time, as i grew older i said fuck these motherfuckers , sure their are good bosses but those are rare unicorns. I honestly give zero loyalty to any company i work for now.

To the young anons, even if you think your job is great now, always try to find a better one with better benefits and better pay.ALWAYS

>> No.13102961


Because there are tasks that are awful, and you can't get people to feel positive or engaged about them no matter what.

>> No.13102983

so the answer is to be a shitty boss on top of it?

>> No.13102984

Sold payroll services to businesses.

Had to cold-call and knock on the doors of businesses. Did it for 6 months and made a total of 3 sales, before getting fired.

Worst job of my life. They basically showed me some powerpoint slides on payroll for 2 days, then gave me a cubicle and told me to go sell. What a joke.

I do manual labor now and I'm 10x happier than that cubicle shit.

>> No.13103024

soccer referee

got yelled at a lot and I was like 14

>> No.13103030

Cashier in a bourgie neighbourhood

>> No.13103034

Rolled pizza dough at round table

It was extremely repetitive and mind numbing and you were sore all over at the end of the day because you had to keep lifting giant bags of pizza dough up above your shoulders

The worst part was my alchoholic/rageoholic boss who would constantly berate you all day . She loved to tell you that you were lazy and had a bad attitude no matter how hard you worked . Ironically I started with a remarkably good attitude and it only got worse because she told me it did

>> No.13103036

can confirm. HVAC / plumbing / mechanical is very hard very disgusting work. however it pays better than most doctors.

>> No.13103060

Door to door sales for an alarm company called vivint. All those dudes are hard core douche bags who all larp being rich lmao

>> No.13103097


Next state over.

>> No.13103131



If money wasn't an issue, I'd love to go stock shelves at grocery store over the bullshit I have to deal with now.

>> No.13103169

But anon, now you get to go to bed early to be nice and rested for your 9-5 :)

>> No.13103174

no it doesnt wtf where did you work at. i worked in omaha and earned shit, literal slavery.

>> No.13103182

Peeled onions in nyc, a crew of around 10 people all peeling onions by hand after they came out of a machine that was supposed to peel them completely
All cash, 10$ an hour and paid in the morning - always night shifts to catch the markets in the morning - main customer was hummus company
The crew were mainly Mexicans, one black, one Georgian (the country) and ukranian - these two were my ins

>> No.13103183

Me worked at pizza place buffet where manager sold drugs in pizza boxes for first job

It was basically impossible for keep up with endless stream of plates, cups, and cooking equipment
So drugged out manager always yelling at me ;_;

Was fired after finding out about drugs

Ironically they switched to paper plates and cups after me fired

>> No.13103185


top kek

>> No.13103326

My worst job was when I worked for this small yoga/fitness company.
I was their media/tech guy, basically the whole job had me converting their HD master copys of programs into broadcast and DVD copys.
Most of the people who worked there where boomers and had no idea how to do anything.
I think about a week in I was asked to convert over 200 programs from SD to HD, I told them that's not possible with out the master, they told me to do it anyway.
So after that they asked if I could also make some DVD covers.
Another week goes by and I'm compleating the covers when the person who gave me the converting job comes in shouting at me.
They told me it was all wrong and that the distribution company won't accept it.
I told them the problem and then they started shouting and screaming, they led me Into a room full of boxes and started opening them.
"See what I've got to fucking deal with!" They shouted.
In the room was over 150 boxes all packed with hard drives and on these drives were all their content. The crazy fucks were having to go through each one to find programs.
I told the guy you need to get a server and store everything on it, and he just said what's a server ?.
I quit the same day

I now work in a bar, it's better but I work 50 hour weeks and can bearly afford to rent a studio apartment.

>> No.13103342


Fry's Electronics?

>> No.13103458

lol i just interviewed for a job like that
i have 3 years sales experience at a fortune 50 company
they brought me in a gave me a high pressure interview, the owner and the manager both said that they liked me, but I pressed them on whether or not I'd be scamming old people and using high pressure tactics while going door to door, ended up walking out of the interview
they said their top guys earn 200k per year and i believed them, but i don't think it'd be worth it earning money pressuring people into shit they don't need and fucking them over with shit service

got a job estimating window installs and hope it goes well, start monday

>> No.13103511

Cotton picker in Louisiana...dam breh shits hot asf ou’there mane

>> No.13103533

Nice, good luck

>> No.13103547

Temp employee at a Ramen Noodle packing plant.

>> No.13103563

NY? Did you work at the Boar's Head supplier in Westchester County? I've heard stories about that place.

>> No.13103577
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Did you do it for free?

>> No.13103584

thanks pal
if the job is legit and I don't suck at it I'll be making some pretty sweet dosh
if I can't sell fucking windows to people that call the company I'll be back on my ass but at least I have my degree to fall back on

>> No.13103587

Why would anyone work for free?

>> No.13103604

Real estate development on the finance side

>> No.13103610

jesus christ, this entire thread just proves why recreational drugs should be legalized. you have to be completely dead inside to do most of these jobs

>> No.13103616

Found the newfag.

>> No.13103631

That's just sad...

>> No.13103638

>are you there, Jesus? It's me, anon

>> No.13103658
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vacuum salesman. those shitty rainbow vacuums. just trying to make a few bucks during highschool

>> No.13103681

10 hours a day thinking about death

>> No.13103706

I've had like 16 jobs or something from 15 to 37. Hated all of them. The funny part is I increasingly have done less work for more money. Hoping to start my own business in a few years.

>> No.13103709
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to organized crime?

>> No.13103731

That's weird because all the cops in my town were the creepy virgin weirdos in their teens while all the Chad's move sheetrock for a living

>> No.13103836

This feel so hard my friend.

Journalism was fun while it lasted, but that industry is dead to me now.. although, I might just go write for a small town paper in bumfuck nowhere. That is still good stuff.

But my last job, which I just got canned from (let go without cause..), was killing me. I should have quit but I just kept showing up while doing literally nothing in my office all day. It was a good gig compensation wise but killing me otherwise

Now I'm figuring out what the fuck to do but I miss those jobs you can just walk away from...

Pretty lost boys.

>> No.13103848

Barnes & Noble, hands down. Not so much because the job was hard as much as the job was a mess.

There was only like four employees on the floor at once tops, and if you needed help with anything you were fucked. A lot of times management needed to step in to handle shit at the sales floor, except you needed management any time something went wrong (a customer needed to return something or there was some fuckup with their order). So there were several times that I'd be sitting there with a fuckhuge line I couldn't process because the management was missing and I couldn't continue finishing transactions.

They also pressured us into selling the store memberships, which were a scam for 90% of the people I sold them to (some people would buy colossal amounts of books because I guess they never heard of Half Price Books for looking for textbooks, if their total purchase cost over $250 then they'd be in the rare position where a membership would actually save them money). They used the proportion of memberships sold vs. number of processed purchases to measure performance, so if you worked mainly at the registers and sold 10 memberships after processing 200 people, you looked worse than some lower-tier manager that processed 4 people and sold 1 membership.

I ended up quitting a few months later because they started cutting my hours and went to work at a hotel doing laundry. Handling pee pee poo poo dirty sheets full of cum and piss every day was unironically better than working at an understaffed bookstore.

>> No.13103849

Child care worker in a ghetto neighborhood
Paid nothing
No raises
Children were shitty
Parents were shitty
Creepers keep trying to steal them

Now I sell yard sale/thrift store stuff on ebay

>> No.13103874

Applebee's server
Should be self explanatory

>> No.13103913

currys pc world
expected to sell some much shit on top of just laptops/tvs/tablets etc with 0 commission on what you sell, just MINIMUM WAGE.
targets were out of every 10 laptops, 3/10 needed office, 4/10 needed store insurance,5/10 needed anti virus, 3/10 needed to buy the stores cloud storage, 2/10 had to get PC set up here
the pc set up is charged at €25 for literally just turning the laptop on and skipping through the windows 10 cortana set up and spamming enter and then scratching a code for office/mcafee and downloading it, anti virus is marketed at €99 when really you can drop the price to €30, office is marketed at €80 but you can drop to €50.
For TVs you had to convince customers that they need a 4k HDMI cable advertised for €99 but you can drop it to €32 with a shitty wall mount. Insurance was 3/10 TVs
then you were expected to sell 3/10 tablet insurance and you also had to hit the same targets for tablets with fucking ANTI VIRUS and cloud. yes you were expected to sell anti virus with a fucking ipad. What ends up happening is most sales people get afraid to sell shit to customers cause if you fuck up the sale and get a ''blank'' then if goes on your name and then you have managers down your neck on why the customers didn't want to buy x etc. A lot of corruption too in the company. Also they'd put out fake prices and encouraged you to scam. For example say on the website there's 10% of a €1000 laptop. The 10% isn't advertised in stores, so you dont say it to the customer and use that 10% off to add in €100 worth of adds ons rather than giving the customer the 10% advertised discount , load more shit lol also you were on top of those targets which you got nothing for you were also expected to ask the customer to switch their broadband to sky/virgin and also change electricity provider to SSE airtricity and to check if they need an upgrade on their bill pay mobile phone.........

>> No.13103926

also there was a more ''advanced'' pc set up you had to sell for €45 where they basically get a USB 2.0 and make a recovery stick of windows 10 and thats it lmao and to get the + an instore tutorial on how to use your laptop was €70

>> No.13103959

But really most jobs are wagecucking

>> No.13103980

Doing construction for a 50 year old Chad who just made fun of me all day.

>> No.13104014

Least compensated job was a summer job at a water park in high school & college, but that had some positive parts since there was a good social element & it was a good way to get invited to parties from people outside your normal circle if you weren't a complete autist. I was in one of the better departments to work in, but even that could be really shitty depending on what your assignment of the day was.

Worst job was a Corporate Finance role where my boss was the only other person in our part of the department & her management style consisted of gaslighting her direct reports. Working there had a massive negative effect on my mental health - I had constant nightmares, developed a nervous tick where I would involuntarily check my surroundings when talking about work in a public setting, and would constantly think about smashing my car into the median of the highway during my commute.

>> No.13104015

But everyone said trade jobs were the best to make the most money in.

I worked as a bartender. The job was fun on most nights, but there were some nights were the customers would piss me the fuck off. I would make like $4.75 per hour, but make anywhere from $200-400 in tips each night, so I guess it was fine.

>> No.13104047


Not of if you sold your soul to the company store.

>> No.13104097

current job.

want to do something else but afraid I'll screw up and be that guy begging for coins on the street.

>> No.13104114

>customers would piss me the fuck off

>> No.13104125

Domino's delivery driver.

i enjoyed delivering the pizza's but fuck doing dishes til 4 am.

it was my 3rd job at the time so i didn't really care if i liked it or not, just trying to hustle up extra cash. technically i'm still employed.

my 2nd job is easy as fuck cleaning office buildings. fine bitches galore.

>> No.13104169

I worked in a bar where the customers were rich as fuck, but acted like broke fucks. If I didn't hook them up, they would talk shit right in front of my face. I also had customers that would order lots of food. They would eat like 80% then tell me that they didn't like it, so they would want it taken off the bill. My manager was a nice man, but he was also spineless, so he did everything the customers told him to do.

I fucking hate this place. The only good thing about this place is that I get free food and I've learned how to socialize with people better. I really want to leave this place. I've been trying to find something else to do in life, but I've been stuck.

>> No.13104210

Chevrolet dealership service advisor. Shit sucked major balls, yo.

>> No.13104271

Oh shit, I forgot. Worst job: Kids shoes department in Nordstrom. I guess I blocked it out. Lasted 3 weeks, longest 3 weeks ever.

>> No.13104781

>Broadcasting, it was awful
Bummer, I've always wanted to be involved in that but got in to teaching instead.

>> No.13104794


>> No.13104841

>ended up walking out of the interview
Based. Thanks for being one of the good ones.
Shame that's how that's the only way to succeed in America.

>barely break even
>work equivalent of three job
>gov still takes your shit
>hustle, grind


>take advantage
>make fat stacks

Fuck working there. Land of Opportunity my arse.

>> No.13104857

this. learn from your mistakes. the only right answer is the green in your wallet.

>> No.13104866

Working at panago pizza where I was paid 8$/hr and everything was timed and rushed. So when an order came in we had 10 seconds to do dough shit then 30 seconds for some other shit then 3 minutes in the oven blah blah out the door in 6.3minutes and they had tests where they timed their employees for each thing .. After two hours I said I was going to go get a snack and never came back and let them keep the 16$ they owed me fucking hell that was horrible

>> No.13104874

Nigger I'm a broadcast engineer and it's the best job I've ever had. Get involved in the distribution end not the source material.

>> No.13105077

>Disneyland back of house
Also back of house stewarding, its not bad at all m8.

>> No.13105349

I think the worst job I had was doing the night shifts on the surgical ward as a doctor - so many sick people and so little time.

Someone went to the ICU in the end because I missed something - although so did the day doctors for several days in a row kek.

>> No.13105412

Going to work 4am to deliver bread to stores. Too early to wake up and stress because you gotta drive like a madman to be on time cause the bakery always was late to give me the breads . And if you carry tons of bread every day in and out while standing in a non-parking area while not trying to fall up the stairs to the store in winter it kinda sucked dick hard time lol

>> No.13105431

I worked in a small fish factory. Putted caviar and fish in the jar all day.

>> No.13105507

based writeranon. May your journey produce many good things.

>> No.13105552

Pizzaria UNO at south street seaport here, 15 years ago. It was 100% the worst job. Corporate foodservice is actual hell.

>> No.13105557

job rank from crappiest to best, all things considered (pay, hours, colleagues, stress, etc)

>cashier/shelf-filler at discount supermarket
>student assistant at government office
>associate at law firm
>student assistant at a law firm
>student assistant at small tech company

>> No.13105565
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based and snackpilled

>> No.13105738
File: 309 KB, 250x250, 1447952035492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apprentice for a bipolar electrician. Nothing wrong with the job itself I guess, being stuck with that guy was surreal though and not in a fun way. Many days I thought of just making noose out of some cable and hang myself from the nearest roof.

>> No.13105815

I picked turnips in the rain in the UK. I did it for a week and at the end they told us to fuck off. No pay.

>> No.13105899

I worked in a parking lot at a supermarket taking care of carts. I had to push all of the carts back to the store for customers to use. That store was on top of a hill.

>> No.13105962
File: 64 KB, 500x507, 1528322459567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive never really had a shit job as of yet, just ordinary ones. did work for the dole for 6 months (government makes you work for getting unemployment benefits). ended up working at the primary school i attended years ago (was 25 at the time lmao) and it honestly wasnt that bad. just groundskeeping and gardening. all of the teachers appreciated what i did and it was kinda therapeutic.

currently work in the coal industry, and i guess its the worst job ive had so far? i dunno, i mean its the longest ive held down a job but i suppose its been long enough to know how painful everyone there can be, especially management

>> No.13105964

can confirm. what a fucking horrible cunt of a job.

>> No.13105991

Inventory unloader at Walmart. Basically spent 2-6 hrs of each shift lifting shit off a roller and sorting it onto pallets. Lawn mowers, BBQ grills, furniture, partially damaged cases of bleach, smashed glass. Idiot managers and coworkers who are so retarded they jeer each other and talk shit about who works the hardest constantly.

Did this for about 6 yrs before I got a new job and walked out in the middle of my shift one day. Didn't tell anyone. Just punched out and left.

>> No.13106018

ayy ausfag my nigga
work for the dole got my brother off it, but he can't pass any interviews feelsbadman

>> No.13106039

>this. learn from your mistakes. the only right answer is the green in your wallet.

>> No.13106084

get out of the north lad. I'm from scunthorpe, now working for a crappy failing tv station in miami, and if you sent me back i'd neck myself on the spot

>> No.13106147

nah im from aus (unless you quoted my post by accident)

my experience with it has been the most positive since i knew the staff from my childhood and didnt really care what i did, as long as i made progress

interviews are fucked, im dogshit at them unless i have a tonne of experience for the job im being interviewed for and the interviewer is just like "yeah sounds good you start tomorrow"

>> No.13106214
File: 1.15 MB, 1936x2592, IMG_0723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Industrial cleaner at a meat plant.

Did it for about 5months, hated every moment of it, thought about dying on the regular.

Asked to take a laboring position in the meat plant itself, million times better.

Got promoted to butchers apprentice from there.

Smooth sailing now :))

>> No.13106255

hot pic got more?

>> No.13106270

Those golf greens must've smelled terrible

>> No.13106292

Good on you M8 we need more butchers, men who really understand good meat. It's a dying breed. Buying from the big box supermarket just isn't the same

>> No.13106338
File: 186 KB, 1504x845, get-out-20172203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I make 0.75 dollars an hour through the internet without any marketable skills?

>> No.13106563

this might be the most amazing thread in all of /biz/

>> No.13106655

It's really bad, and the skills are so niche it's practically nontransferable to anything outside of broadcasting.

>> No.13106745

Sounds nice boomer

>> No.13106771


>> No.13106896

Janitor at a Supermarket.

>> No.13106946

I’m an RN. I make great money but everyday I wish someone would just leave the oxygen on in every room and blow up all the patients, cunt family members and bitchy coworkers.

>> No.13106999

THIS I hated HATED this job.
I can't understand this business
I have to pick up all the plates on a table with my noodle arms, all the knives and forks have to stack on the plates in one arm, god forbid you make multiple trips, everyone laughs at me for wanting to take two trips, laughs at my weakness
I thought I would scrape the plates off clean then I got yelled at for taking too long
They said replace the ice go to the machine, the machine is nearby the chefs they get mad for me being in their way waddling out with 50 pounds of ice
The waitresses all called me nigger (ninja) and asked me if I wanted to cry whats wrong with me why I am so weak, admittedly calling people ninja was a 2008 thing
Then they all got together and made this story about how I drunk old unused booze after the customers left and got me fired
Not sure what I did to piss everyone off so much I will admit I watched TV one time because I didn't see any tables to bus and that got people against me admittedly, I made a mistake and probably shouldn't have done that and just looked busy

This asshole company charged me 100 dollars for a training course mixed with CEO speech, I made no joke like 114 dollars, they didn't tell me they were charging me for the training, I had to be embarrassed to go there to get my check and the boss met me with like two burly dudes to protect her and she pretty much smiled at me and handed me and said please leave

What a fucked up job.

>> No.13107009

Sorry to clarify I made 14 dollars after they took out the 100

>> No.13107073
File: 407 KB, 746x982, 1455247809257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was an infantryman innaarmy.
>literal below minimum wage pay
>horrible hours
>retarded coworkers
>soulless supervisors who were only there to get that next promotion
>wildly unsafe working conditions
>constant pressure to keep quiet about problems at work lest you make your unit/section look bad
>leaders genuinely think things like depression, poor social skills, alcoholism, anxiety, and ptsd go away if you apply enough pt and motivational speeches
>retention wondered why I didn't want to reup
It's cool, I got free college out of it, used yellow ribbon+gi kicker, went to a super expensive school, pocketed tons of extra government money, went into a career, and never looked back.

>> No.13107077

None of you know what an actual sweatshop is until you work at the salvation army. You're put at an ancient wooden bench with either ex or current convicts and told to sift through peoples garbage for 8-10 hours. No windows. No sign of sunlight. Some people donated rugs or blankets with fresh cat piss, Some fucker thought it'd be funny to donate a bag of shit one time, Cockroaches all over the place. People called off all the time or just straight quit so overtime was required more often then not. Really I can go on and on about the ridiculous things people donated but i look back fondly on it in a weird way.

>> No.13107087


you didn't get to kill anyone to blow some steam?

>> No.13107102

It is, I did the same with my shitty delivery job cause I did a lot of overtime. Sent me into a new bracket and I pretty much made nothing on the time spent.

>> No.13107114

I would love to hear more about this anon. I'm guessing that the linux factor didnt make the users any more tolerable right?

>> No.13107117

Unironically worked in a wage cage. Summer job, drove a tractor around a driving range picking up golf balls. It had a cage around it, which was good because everyone was aiming at me.

>> No.13107153

Came in too late for that. I got to kill opfor during BS rotations to NTC, JRTC, Poland, or Korea since I was in an armored unit and my whole brigade's senior officer corps were convinced that the Next Big War would be a mass tank battle between the Soviet Union, sorry, Russia, and NATO on the plains of Europe.

>> No.13107172

if I wasn't a noodle arms nerd I would consider being a criminal at this point

>> No.13107216

OH man where is this image from again? Isn't it some communist reward for turning people into their government or something?

>> No.13107259

Where the fuck was this?

>> No.13107303


it's the reward for venezuelan soldiers

>> No.13107531
File: 80 KB, 804x802, 1552656191758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked as a fundraiser collector (heckler really) for a charity organization during the heat wave in europe last summer. We were supposed to "give" out bottles of water to passersby as an incentive for them to donate, but we didn't have enough bottles to go around, so we were told only gave it to them once they donated. My entire day consisted of being yelled at and getting angry looks once I told the person that I handed the bottle of water to that they had to donate at least 20$ PER MONTH to get the shitty bottle of water. The water wasn't even cold because our entire batch of water bottles stood out in the sunlight all day. Shit pay too.

>> No.13107545

Worked for a big soulless corporation in the dow 25. Was just a middleman accountant in a team of 35 in one of several hundred offices they owned. Bonuses were tied on how many accounts you cleared that month. It was the definition of corporate wageslavery. Only lasted 2 months

>> No.13107574

>get bullied by everyone
>get fired for bullshit story
>have to pay $100 for TRAINING
Yeah, I'd probably shoot the place up if I was you. Woof

>> No.13107689


The Venezuelan Army was caught literally paying its officers promotions/bonuses in toilet paper and toothpaste because they could sell it on the black market for many times their real wages.

>> No.13107704

once i was digging a big hole to make little lake thing and i was feeling like ww1 soldier because it was raining... worst 16h of my life

>> No.13107752

Traffic control at a ski resort during summer. The place would host these long events, road races, and mountain bike races, a giant antiques sale once. My job was to stand on the road near the parking lot and give people directions. For 12 hours. In the blazing sun. And god help you if you needed a break to use the bathroom or something. Pay was a dollar over minimum wage.

Second was maybe fast food. Especially the grill at Wendys. For some reason the vapors coming off the grill made me vomit bright green bile.

>> No.13107758

Shut the fuck up

>> No.13107762

Are you from Reno?

>> No.13107763

There are too many awful experiences to remember them all

>> No.13107821

trips listen to my truths
>you will be wearing a single earphone
>you will burn through podcasts and audiobooks
>you will be putting things onto shelves and opening/moving boxes/containers


>> No.13107888

sucking dog dicks for pennies on the dollar

>> No.13107899

Show bobs n vagene

>> No.13107902

>be me
>"need" job according to father
>gets me a job at a box plant
>literal slave labour with deadbeat boomers, fluctuating nightshift
>box plant is low af like 140dbs or some shit
>company provides you with shitty shitty earplugs
>instantly after 1 shift have high pitched ringing in my ears (tinnitus)
>want to kill myself
>have no defense mechanism
>quit the fucking job after a few shifts
>now have to listen to high pitched ringing constantly instead of normal peace and quite
>try to sleep
>want to suicide and end it all

...now 1.5 years later still with tinnitus,

legit I want to kill myself so badly. the only thing keeping me here are my dog and my mom. but seriously im starting not to care about that anymore i just want out of this life.

thanks for the job, dad.

>> No.13107905

Applied for "Bakers Assistant" at a place called Nothing Bundt Cakes, and they pretty much said all I would be doing is frosting cakes and packaging them, but my first shift the manager informed me than I would really just be washing dishes and cake pans all day, and they needed to get people in the door. My work station was a dirty sink in the very back corner of the kitchen, and it was $8/hour pay. I tried it for like 3 hours and then I walked out.

>> No.13108345

You got boomed son

>> No.13108367

Sonic boomed. Really though I'm sorry to hear that, no pun intended seriously. I didn't know such a condition could come on after just a few shifts. I'd think it would take a year or two or something.

>> No.13108443

call center tech support for a supermarket loyalty card. at least once a day the same insane woman would call and demand to know why we were giving cards to terrorists.

>> No.13108483

my wife has tinnitus and cbd oil provides a measure of relief if you can get it in your state/country

>> No.13108501

I know a guy who in his early 20s made over $100k per year selling Kirby vaccums in the western US

>> No.13108512

You didn't wear them properly.

>> No.13108516

unironically jannie here

>> No.13108522

is he a high-functioning psychopath?

>> No.13108547

I had the exact same experience. I've been living with tinnitus for over 5 years now. The ringing doesn't bother me anymore. I'm not sure if it stopped or if I just got used to it. The insomnia stays though.

>> No.13108569

honestly probably, he's a fun guy but everyone makes fun of him for being literally one of the dumbest people on earth. He's a complete retard, doesn't know shit, probably has difficulty spelling words properly.

But he is a great salesman and can sell a vaccum well. He's not doing that anymore, he made enough money, but for whatever reason he was damn good at it

>> No.13108632
File: 327 KB, 600x715, 1523923312627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost all of my jobs have been shitty. Ironically though, the lowest paying job I've had in the past 10 years was probably the best. I was a tour guide at a museum making $9/hr. Pay was awful, but being able to leisurely walk through the museum, educate people on little known facts etc was great.

Most of my jobs have been call centers of one kind of another. I worked in a call center for a charity, in house. The work sucked but I felt good bcuz charity. Mostly just taking new credit card info over the phone and some data entry. 60-70 calls a day but they were easy. Still sucked

Then I did cold calling for a tech company. Sucked but pay was okay.

But then I worked in Technical Support for a company that provides support for rural ISPs
This was just last year

>customer calls in, internet not working
>ask customer to look at DSL modem and identify brand name and model number
>customer does not know what a modem is or where it is located
>tell customer it's usually a box w blinking lights on it
>customer still cannot find it
>tell customer to look at phone jacks in wall
>find phone cords and follow them
>customer finds modem/router
>ask customer which lights on the modem are on, which are off, which are blinking
>customer says "they're all on"
> ? every light is on?
>customer says yes
>I go through each light
>is power light on?
> so forth and so on
>not every light is on
>ask customer to disconnect modem from power cable
>which cable is power?
>the black one that plugs into power outlet in wall
>is that the one that looks like a phone cord?
>no, it's the other one
>customer plugs modem back in
>lights come back on
>lights indicate modem has sync
>internet should be working
>computer hardwired to modem etc
>not sure why internet not working
>ask customer to walk me through exactly what he is trying to do
>customer attempts to go to facebook.com
>customer cannot log in
>needs correct password
>internet worked fine this whole time

>> No.13108647

i imagine you have godlike selling power if you're dense enough to actually believe your own pitch

>> No.13108659

I'm only at my second job--my first was working the night shift at the grocery store--and I already know its all downhill from here. Yes, I will be able to afford my own apartment and take care of my car, and suchlike, but I will never again know the sublime comfiness of listening to Herotodus on audiobook or dark ambient gregorian chant while stocking shelves under the dreary glow of the supermarket--having a coffee at 2am on the weekends at a 24 hour joint, writing down my thoughts in a notebook, taking walks through the hills at night, drinking the moon, the stars and the ambrosial air. Those nights I was transported--I saw a strange, new world. Things hidden were revealed to me. The queen of the night unveiled herself to me and I found myself in a dream. I long for nothing but to return to her embrace, but I fear that one cannot enter through the same door twice.

>> No.13108675

My tinnitus is fucked. I hear 4 - 5 sounds spread across both ears with different pitches and tones. No hearing loss either. Yet I don't know how I'm even still going, but Britbong doctors are useless and just told me "I'd be fine" without checking properly.

>> No.13108696

I'm only at my second job--my first was working the night shift at the grocery store--and I already know its all downhill from here. Yes, I will be able to afford my own apartment and take care of my car, and suchlike, but I will never again know the sublime comfiness of listening to Herotodus on audiobook or dark ambient gregorian chant while stocking shelves under the dreary glow of the supermarket--having a coffee at 2am on the weekends at a 24 hour joint, writing down my thoughts in a notebook, taking walks through the hills at night, drinking the cum, moon, the stars and the ambrosial air. Those nights I was transported--I saw a strange, new world. Things hidden were revealed to me. The queen of the night unveiled herself to me and I found myself in a dream. I long for nothing but to return to her embrace, but I fear that one cannot enter through the same door twice.

>> No.13108716

Why did it suck? Surely they were easy to close?

>> No.13108727

I live in the 3rd world, in a poor neighboor and I don't need more than $100 a month to live (even paying rent).
I went to hard works like some store locals I and other things...
But since I discover I can scam, Europeans, scandinavian white people. from the other side of the world with internet.
I DON'T have to work anymore.
If you live in a poor zone of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras etc.
You don't have to work!!1 YAAAY! .

>> No.13108735

shell out for bupa and a white doctor

>> No.13108794

please divulge your scam

>> No.13108797

I always ask myself.
¿Why don't you boomers of the USA, Europe, Canada etc.?
Don't earn like 50k or even less and come here or any other extremely poor zone on South America and live your entire life here? even with 10 mbps internet?..
Look, if you're really about kill yourself, you don't need more than a peaceful place and a computer.
I live WAY more happier here, being able to scam and gain money from the internet, and also spending WAY MUCH less, than in the most free place in the world like Singapore, where I have to pay like $1000 for rent.

Think about that, if I was you, I'll earn just to achieve the "dream".
And in-deed I'm living the dream without having to earn nothing... you can achieve that SO MUCH easy since your income is way more higher than the avg. poor world.

>> No.13108810

Ads, sell no-licensed software, selling no-licensed tools, even foolin some folks in FB changing their funds (exchange scam).

>> No.13108841

>someone who actually lives in Omaha besides me

Fucking get me out of here. Can't find shit for decent jobs and the potholes have taken up the entire roads from Council Bluffs to Elkhorn

>> No.13108843

I speak Spanish and would consider moving to Latin America, however I don't want to live in a shithole. I don't want to be "that rich white guy" that lives in the community. If I ever made the move, it would probably be after my parents pass away and I have minimal ties to the US anymore.

As fun as it sounds, it just seems complicated. Plus as a foreign national many places in Latin America you can't truly own property. And I'm sure firearms are a no no as well

>> No.13108850

Consulting. Don't do it. I don't understand the meme about wanting to be an excel monkey at the big four. It's fucking terribly boring. Imagine going to school and majoring in finance/business and thinking that's the peak.

Moved into software dev and it's way more enjoyable. Actually enjoy work now.

>> No.13108860

>paid shill

>> No.13108864

Ahhhhh good times.

>> No.13108872

by "shithole" what do you mean?...
I tought your only objective were to be in a fkn place and have a computer?....
It doesn't matter if you live in fkn Somalia. as long as you have your peaceful owned private place, and a computer.
don't matter if the city is a shithole. or anything.

>> No.13108886

One week at a call center

Always someone watching and grading you, pressure you to make 15-20 calls per hour, sell shit to people who are not able to afford it, no air condition, uncomfortable and old equipment, all for the nice price of 4.60€ an hour before taxes.

It was 2006 in Germany and my first job. Today, I have a degree in finance & controlling and make about five times that amount after tax... but man, doing shitty jobs changes your perspective on life...

>> No.13109101

Unloading freight trucks at a warehouse. Those things are fucking huge once you're inside them, they hold so much fucking stuff. And they're boiling hot or freezing inside, no inbetween.

Motivated me to finish college, life is cushy now.

>> No.13109187
File: 43 KB, 528x705, 1488787811371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost can't believe you.

>> No.13109212

My first pest control job. I had just left my job working for a jewy computer repair place for 2 years. I lasted their for a month and a half. It had an absolute clusterfuck of a schedule from 6:30am to anywhere as late as 7:00pm (even though the manager said 5 at the latest). You had no idea where you could be going for the day until 3-4:00am in the morning and would often run behind due to poor routing. Saturdays were a thing as well. All for a fucking $11/hr.

I honestly have no idea how they are still in business with the turnover rate they STILL have. Ended up working for another pest control place that was actually pretty chill but left last October to force myself to find a job that had a higher salary cap. Worked several other jobs and have been unemployed for the past month and a half trying to figure shit out. Have 2 interviews tomorrow and am genuinely looking forward to working something ATM as long as it doesn't suck balls

>> No.13109246

never worked a day in my life and almost 30. not retarded just no one wants to hire me.

>> No.13109269

Do whatever you can to not have to work. Working is fucking gay and is a form of cucking yourself. If anyone says otherwise, they only want you to suffer with them.

>> No.13109318

A car should've flew by and took all those ex con's out. Pieces of shit who think they're tough.

>> No.13109399

Me and my friends would throw piss balloons at the Applebee's employees when they got off shift

>> No.13109410

I think that means you're retarded buddy

>> No.13109414

i have a college degree though.

>> No.13109457

I sincerely wish I was lying

>> No.13109466

How is being a doctor (i guess IM) apart from the night shifts?
Joined med school with zero healthcare experience

>> No.13109467

hate to bring it to you but that is not the criteria for being retarded or not

>> No.13109472

In what? Interpretative dance?

>> No.13109516

Might as well. Mech Engineering, can't get hired without experience.

>> No.13109553
File: 24 KB, 299x470, 1531798767863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks merely having a college degree will give him a good job
You fucked up. What the hell have you done since you were 16? No employer will hire someone with zero experience and no drive. Better start applying to service cuck jobs like a teenager to gather experience.

>> No.13109571

The reality is, you have to know somebody or be extraordinarily lucky. Most people get their first good jobs out of college because of family connections or their fraternity connections. This is the horrific reality hidden from youths.

>> No.13109580
File: 112 KB, 300x357, pl_frontier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked tech support for a company like that too. Can confirm this story is likely real. Shit like that is more common than you wan't to believe

>> No.13109614

horrific indeed.

>> No.13109615

>no one wants to hire me
Nobody hires people with zero experience. You're supposed to work a year or two for free and then show that experience to get the first actual job. It sucks but that's just how it is

>> No.13109631

It wasn't like that for my dad. His first job he was getting paid 20 bucks an hour to plaster houses. Something a caveman can do.

>> No.13109642

Yeah well maybe your dad shouldn't have let your country go to shit, tell him that next time you see him.

>> No.13110141

What a gay post yikes

>> No.13110148


Every job I've ever had has been the worst job I've ever had.

>> No.13110153

just started my job as a civil engineer. The most simple way I can describe it is its incredibly boring yet can be very stressful. I fucking hate it and I don't know what else to do. The only good thing about it is that it pays decently and has a good future (promotions etc). But only god knows if I can get to that stage when I hate it so much

>> No.13110166

what do you hate about it?

>> No.13110173


Not true. If you graduated in a good field with good grades its very possible, especially if you conduct yourself well in an interview. However mech engineering sounds pretty niche so you may have cucked yourself in that regard.

>> No.13110207


I said it simply. The content is incredibly boring. I don't know how anyone can realistically be passionate about what they are working on in that field. You don't get to interact much with anyone at all and I am mostly working with older people who aren't like me in any way.

And the worst thing about it being boring is having to use my brain to try and understand concepts and actually do the work, cause that shit aint easy.

>> No.13110209

it is you because they tax you assuming you make that much per week x 52 weeks. then you get it back later.

>> No.13110229

maybe it's not the field for you. i like puzzles. sounds like something i'd enjoy. i'm also the same jackass who owns 2 business and works 80 hours a week. not dealing with people sounds like a plus to me. i deal with retail all day. it's no fun.

>> No.13110240

Nice ID. >TYBG Thank You Based God indeed.

>> No.13110288


>I like puzzles

I do too, and that's what university felt like when we were studying for exams. At the office the puzzle is always vague, lacks information which shouldn't be lacking etc. Once you solve whatever it is and it becomes a matter of input it becomes a mindless activity (which i do prefer) and then you have to write about it. I tend to get lost in my thoughts thinking of all kinds of shit.

I used to work as a dealer at a casino, a big + to that job for me was being able to interact with customers and the hours flew by. 99% of them were very friendly.

I get what you mean by preferring to be alone though. I am naturally an introvert so I guess I enjoyed the challenge of socializing with others and refining those skills, I suppose it felt like I was actually building character as opposed to having the soul sucked out of me.

>> No.13110306


Actually I feel more than capable to solve whatever it is at work. I've done harder shit in video games (as lame as that sounds). The problem is having 0 interest in it at this point. My perspective on my degree also changed as I graduated and got older.

>> No.13110331

instrument apprentice working with a bunch of retard rednecks in a run down refinery.

>> No.13110377

i was 25 working at a warehouse. still gaming regularly at that point. i made a huge excel file to calculate probabilities to min/max a party build in an RPG. i looked at my life and thought surely if i applied myself i could go further in life. it's been a few years since but now i feel more and more in control of my destiny.

jobs are a means to an end. your job doesn't have to define you. just save up a fuckload of money and in 5 years decide what else you'd rather do. wealth gives you options.

my goal in the next 5 years is to grow the business and finances in such a way that i'll have 5 hour work day. it's getting there slowly. it's very different when you are your own boss can just lie down when you feel like it.

>> No.13110416

you want to know what shitty work is?

"independent" contractor for an attorney service in Downtown Los Angeles

Do you enjoy working 70 hours a week? not including the commute to work and home

Do you enjoy putting 250mi per day on your vehicle?

Do you enjoy being paid less than half of minimum wage for all this time spent?
Barely enough to cover fuel, minus labor and also the wear and tear on vehicle?

>> No.13110436


2 person call center. Wow it was terrible working with a divorced Filipino lady always bragging how successful her son is and one day her son came in to drop off lunch and this dude wore a dress and was talking about his weekend with Antonio.

>> No.13110774

But also must be really rewarding to see that business grow.

I understand what you mean. In a way it does tend to define me just because I really have no hobbies outside of gaming as sad as that is. Nothing else really excites me enough.

I have a weird view on it, I tend to want to invest a lot of time into my hobbies and try to perfect whatever it is I'm doing, which just isn't possible when you are working a full time job so I'm super demotivated to try anything. Obviously everyone wishes their job was their hobby and it's not possible for everyone. I just wish my mind didn't work in such a way, and life is hard because of it.

>> No.13111124

extremely based and comfy post anon, this really resonated with me. may you keep having good luck in your quest for enlightenment.

>> No.13111182

I worked at McDonald's for like 2 months. Dealing with people plus dealing with hamburgers. Fuck how do people do that shit?

>> No.13111199

Sounds like you shouldn't be doing that.

>> No.13111533

>factory for car parts
>shitty graphic design studio
>waiter in yuppie clubs

the only fun job I ever had was when my friends father took us to a private forest in the mountains to cut down trees and load them on a tractor when I was 16

>> No.13111707
File: 300 KB, 500x500, 1551465376489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt lie

>> No.13111783

>Motivated me to finish college, life is cushy now.



>> No.13111786

> I have a degree in finance & controlling and make about five times that amount after tax
so you make $20 an hour, in america you'd still be poor

>> No.13112464

>Are you there Jesus?
>It is I, my son.

>> No.13112517

Data mining harvester on 4channel. Post is glowwwing

>> No.13112655

You were rolling around in cancer causing shit for minimum wage and had a good time doing it? Funny I do something similar and it's better than an office job desu.

>> No.13112665

sedentary office gigs are just as bad as smoking 2 packs of cigs a day.

>> No.13113285

>year or two for free
nooo no no you faggot you're supposed to work for a week or two so you get a good grasp at all the tasks you do there and learn some horror stories from people who've worked there for years.

Then you just convert those few weeks into years in your resume.