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13097676 No.13097676[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you hate the state of wage slavery (as you should), then logically you should be anti-capitalist, given that capitalism is predicated on it in every sense.

I feel like biz isn't high IQ enough to truly understand this, though.

>> No.13097689
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>> No.13097693

Capitalism is the system offering people the best chance to escape the wageslave mindset.

I live off passive income, more and more people live off investments nowadays, show me a communist country where this happened.

>> No.13097705

Capitalism is predicated on 99.999% of people being obedient worker rats churning out as much labour as possible to make their employers rich. The small % who can escape this rut are exceptions to the rule

>> No.13097712
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>If you don't believe in capitalism, you must believe in communism

>> No.13097731

Yeah, but it also compensates them such that they get to compete using their free time and money to try and escape.
And if compensarion isn't competitive enough to allow drones to compete with their peers and escape to their liking, they can turn down jobs and find more competitive pay, which will incentivize the guys they turned down to offer better compensation.
It's basically evolution in economic form.

>> No.13097743
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You are confused. I love that wagies rush to work each morning to pay me rent. I hate wagecucking myself, however. The “state” is just fine.

>> No.13097759

OP you stupid faggot I love wagies working on the world I live in. We need slaves so it doesn't collapse. Now, I would hate ME being wageslave myself which I'm not.

>> No.13097763
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If you hate capitalism, then logically you should flee to a socialist or a full blown communist shithole.
But we know that's not going to happen, ever. Two things you will never, not in a million years, see a communist moron do:
1. actually move to Cuba, NK, Venezuela etc.
2. make their own stupid factories and split profits with workers
Instead, they will vandalize trash cans and online communities.

>> No.13097769

See >>13097712

>> No.13097773


Well yeah, capitalism is obviously a fucked up system. My bet is in like 100-200 years people will laugh at current forms of capitalism and communism which is fucked up aswell.

>> No.13097785

Every comunist state offered escape from wage slavery, just very simply join the communist party.

Even today post commie states, just join the local ruling party and your life is set.

Get a comfy "job" as public beurocrat, see brussels, basically be a neet with no stigma attached.

>> No.13097795

>posts a picture of Marx
>Says they hate capitalism


>> No.13097808

I've been in communist countries. Their workers there are not wage-slaving, they are just slaving. So if you are against wage slavery you have to also hate communism.

>> No.13097822

I mean it's completely possible to think that both systems suck but not be smart enough to invent a better system.

>> No.13097968

Completely next to the plate.

>> No.13097990

Literally all you have to do is buy things that go up instead of down and you will win the capitalism game

>> No.13097991

Exactly. In the future, it will be obvious that capitalism was fucked up. Like today it is obvious that feudalism was fucked up. In the middle age, working for a lord that protected you in exchange for your work was considered absolutely normal and fine. In 150 years, the idea that people in our current era were slaving their life away to enrich shareholders will be considered crazy.

>> No.13098128
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"He who does not work, neither shall he eat"; imagine the smell of someone who's deluded themselves into thinking that Communism ever promised anybody a life free from toil rather than a life free from property.

>> No.13098159

Anti capitalist does not equal pro-Marxism

Marx was still wrong

>> No.13098201

Obligatory pointing out the obvious in the hope of reaching any retards who believe in communism:

As humanity has evolved beyond the need for brute strength, we have become more dependent on our intelligence and problem solving abilities to secure our future spread and improvement. Communism operates under the ridiculous assumption that all people should be given equal resources. This is obviously a joke as it hinders innovation by squandering valuable resources on what should be dead ends by natural selection. Capitalism is as close as we've gotten to mimicking natural selection in an economic environment, and it allows us to keep resources away from people with mental birth defects or low IQs. Capitalism does have many flaws, but so does natural selection from our perspective. Communism is the end of our strive to improve and the beginning of the slow death of humanity.

As far as hating wage slavery, people on here have an inaccurate view of their worth to humanity and falsely believe they should be given more resources for continuing the same level of mediocre output. You are right that these people are lower IQ and actually do agree with basic tenets of communism without even realizing it. But people will always want more than their share, that's the best and worst feature of humans. That's what enables us to strive for innovation, but also what causes some to wallow in self-pity.