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File: 61 KB, 2000x1374, Ethereum11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13094066 No.13094066 [Reply] [Original]

I want to have a serious discussion about the future of ethereum and regarding its scalability.

How will ETH scale in the next few years? What options are on the table/in the pipeline in order to make ethereum scale up to be able to handle the larger loads that it will take on in future?

Why would you not use a blockchain such as ARK which is much more scalable since organisations/users essentially use the ecosystem to create their OWN blockchain (working alongside it) rather than simply building ON TOP of Ark, slowing it.

>> No.13094193

steve wozniak or something

>> No.13094224

They’ve been explaining this for months. Beacon chain. Plasma. Sharding.

>> No.13094248

Takes awhile to implement upgrades with a decentralized organizational structure in part controlled by people who have an interest in maintaining status quo since they want to keep mining it a certain way.

I believe it will happen, but that it will continue to take longer than expected. When it does it will blow the everloving shit out of everything else and a bunch of whiny communists will go "I told you so".

>> No.13094299

lol how new are you. Those people are why Eth Classic exists. The real ETH is moving to proof of stake soon.

>> No.13094337


>> No.13094399

yes will moon

>> No.13094425

i lol at all this shit. PoS hasn't even arrived yet. When it does it will be doing around 120k transactions per second. These PoW boomers have no idea what's coming.

>> No.13094942

>they want to keep mining it a certain way
isnt that solved already

>> No.13094970

You're dumb dude, the Ethereum development community is in no way of a single mind about how to proceed. Everything is contentious. Sometimes it gets extreme and then younger something like etc. The run of the mill head butting is still a serious issue.

There is no authority to delegate tasks and responsibility. Just a bunch of people who are trying to make it work the way they think it should work very loosely directed at this point by Vitamin who lost control of his beast long ago.

>> No.13094981

Oh and ARK doesn't function as advertised. When it does perhaps you can use it as an example of a better way to do something, but not until it exists in a feature complete form.

>> No.13094996

worst fud ever

phase 0 testnet coming out in 1-2 months

>> No.13095326


POS increases the network complexity by about 100x. Its going to have bugs, and its going to be bad. Its also much harder to think about incentives, we have no idea whats going to happen.

Short proof of stake.

>> No.13095554


>> No.13096498
File: 64 KB, 400x400, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethereum needs a protocol replacement to something like proof of stake immediately even though it's shit compared to proof of work in regards to security, I would suggest a multi layered hybrid system approach personally, the best scenario honestly.
Otherwise, prepare to be rekt by pic related from the inside out.

>> No.13096530

It won't, it's a piece of dogshit platform, and as mentioned Vitalik is too autistic to actually lead a team and delegate.

>> No.13096541

>POS increases the network complexity by about 100x.

>> No.13096627

Are you serious? How do you think PoS works? PoW doesn't require any complex validator logic whatsoever, it has none. PoS has to implement an entire new layer no matter how you do it.

>> No.13096636

Is it really 100x more complex? How is complexity quantified?

>> No.13096677

noob question, can chainlink act as some kind of validator for a pos network?

>> No.13096831
File: 5 KB, 318x159, download (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He doesn't know about Fleta and parallel sharding

ETH is old news my friend. Try and stay on the bleeding edge if you want to make it.

>> No.13096835

coming in 2025™

>> No.13096838

lmao - not soon anon. I hope you don't really think this because you are going to be waiting a very long time for 'soon'

>> No.13096848

>shit compared to proof of work in regards to security
too general anon, some protocols/instantiations offer equal or potentially better security.

>> No.13096901
File: 24 KB, 640x640, FLETAlogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13096912

That feeling when you and ((some)) other anons are going to make it and go to Korea together.

Fleta is one of the most active projects there is in the space with some huge names backing it. Scaling has been solved.

>> No.13096918

This is now a FLETA thread weeoohweeooh. Why wait for ETH 2.infinity when you can have unlimited scaling on every DApp and shard.