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File: 80 KB, 700x470, Bullion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13096305 No.13096305 [Reply] [Original]

Once fiat currency collapses does Gold win? China has been increasing there reserves since 2000 do they know something the general public does not? One of the arguments for not having gold is not enough for everyone... well what about nanograms, grams, and ounces.
1 Troy Oz is 31.1034768 grams
1 gram is 1,000,000,000 nanograms

>> No.13096315

Nah, for a currency that is physical, no body is going to go buy a Coke for a tweezer speck of gold

>> No.13096317

Can't believe people still think us Zoomers will buy gold over internet money in the long run

>> No.13096325

The twilight zone even predicts this


>> No.13096344

it's just a hedge against their shitty currency. The real kicker is when America goes back on a gold standard. There are some deals on the market where a small investment could make you a fortune if it happens.

For the price of about 1 cup of coffee per week you could become a millionaire. It's very easy. See, since America went of a gold standard the FED has been printing money and inflating the money supply. But now the inflation has gotten so big that it's growth is exponential. Add to that the debt bubble and it leaves many investors scratching their heads and worrying in these opportune times. A lot of fear is in the market but you shouldn't fear. This is your time to profit. With a small smart investment you could become a millionaire litterally overnight.

Want to learn how you can become a millionaire at the price of 1 cup of coffee per week? <click here>

>> No.13096349

I see your point, but what if you can have your total reserve in a physical vault and micro transactions go through blockchain?

>> No.13096351
File: 89 KB, 334x335, 1548762614227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No , gold is under capital controls as well as silver , bitcoin and litecoin will win unironically.

Silver will go to the moon tough because it´s produces as a byproduct of mining cooper and cooper demand will go to hell due to low earth orbit satellite internet as well as an economic crisis.

But then again if shit happens i preffer bitcoin rather than silver.

>> No.13096362

the derivative market has a HUGE bubble no fiat currency has ever survived gold and silver just seem to be the safest play.

>> No.13096366

Yeah! Good thing I have my money in Bitcoin. Boom, there goes the power grid

>> No.13096369

maybe I am just old school but I would prefer to own a physical asset. Bitcoin can be wiped from a drive, or worse lost by an emp during war...

>> No.13096387

haha well if they ever figure out how to create supernova explosions then they I guess they could manufacture gold :P

>> No.13096492

This is the problem many people don't understand that EMPs decimate your harddrives with ease in seconds. You can make your own faraday cage but in the SHTF situation who is mining bitcoin anyway if EMPs fuck up some mining pools?

>> No.13096516

I can't believe zoomers still overestimate their importance in the market

>> No.13096521

Nice tungsten you have there

>> No.13096535

lmao the shiny rocks delusion is strong with this one

>> No.13096549

Gold would be the winner before the internet. Venezuela's proving they'll hook up cheap solar panels and gas generators to charge cells and use bitcoin. The start of internet money, valuable because it's scarce and decentralized, some of us saw this coming.

>> No.13096554

Do you read? Go learn about venezuela's blackouts

>> No.13096563

it's not saved on hard drives dummy, iot's saved on the blockchain, no one can wipe my address from the blockchain

>> No.13096579

blockchain is on computers a solar flare hits earth all electronics are fried obviously its the worse case scenario but crazier things have happened...

>> No.13096643

most electronics

>> No.13096727
File: 21 KB, 280x254, ancient-coins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for a currency that is physical, no body is going to

yea, it's not like people have been using precious metals as currency for thousands of years. the idea is just ridiculous, no one would ever do it

>> No.13096735

I can't believe you underestimate my power.

>> No.13096744

How to buy silver without paying VAT? I get charged 24% over the spot plus little premium because in finland Silver is taxed. There is no point buying it for that expensive.

>> No.13096792

A solar storm will fried anything electrical
Gidgud for cryptos and money
Gold will be live in any event.

>> No.13096805

some electrical devices would be shielded. nothing is absolute friend

>> No.13097066


Unironically military institutions have EMP proof faraday cages where they store their data.

>> No.13097370

Solar flares would not affect the equator miners and nodes ,crypto is fine.

>> No.13097832

He thinks IT people don't know this.

>> No.13098143

People used to get paid an oz. of silver for 2 weeks work until fairly recently...

>> No.13098607

based and ironypilled

>> No.13098642

Go to Estonia, buy a bag full of it and then come back to Finland and hope you won't get caught by the tullimies.
You should just get gold though, it's easier to sell when needed and doesn't have the VAT included.

>> No.13098705

Someone has find the next currency. Nevertheless it will just end in national USDT currencies backed by nothing to keep playing the never ending printing game

>> No.13098729

Gold feels bredu gud up the pooper. Just saying

>> No.13099281

Just order online from low VAT countries. Free movement of goods within the EU.

>> No.13099478
File: 3.00 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_0299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda blew my wad a little since the first of this year. It will probably be June or July before I have enough saved up to start buying again.
Hopefully the price will not have gone up too much before then.

>> No.13099495

That's why they used to make silver dimes and copper pennies.

>> No.13100017

Just picked up another tube of ASE and an American Buffalo 1oz gold

>> No.13100064

>Once fiat currency collapses does Gold win?
not bloody likely. in case of a hyperinflation gold of course increases in price but does not get particularly sought after. i have lived through 2 hyperinflations and i can tell you a thing or two about it. but the most important is fiat never goes away. it never stops being used never becomes worthless you just need bigger denominations constantly and won't hold it for long. people will of course try to drop it as fast as possible real estate non perishable goods and gov bonds are the main things where the money goes metals of course also but they are mighty inconvenient for most people.

>> No.13100673

silver will be the big winner, buy both

>> No.13100762

i just purchased $15,000 worth of silver. thanks for the tip, buddy!

>> No.13100799

>when fiat collapses
Go back to your containment board /x/

>> No.13100830
File: 119 KB, 749x751, silverchads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to see all the cryptocucks seething throughout the streets

>> No.13101119
File: 586 KB, 650x1350, ancap girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying gold in the middle of a massive bullrun

Anon you better hope that shit keeps climbing because I see a JUSTing on the horizon. Should have stuck with Silver and maybe some platinum and then converted some that into gold when they went bull.

>> No.13101254


50 jews on the COMEX determine the price of metals right now, real value is much higher

Diamonds are a total scam though

>> No.13101312

The bullrun hasn't even started with gold or silver. Once gold breaks $1360 then it's clear skies into the 1400s and beyond. You'll see a big move once $1360 falls.

>> No.13101388
File: 126 KB, 1877x1262, Screenshot_2019-03-23 GC 1 Gold COMEX (Apr&#039;19) - Stock Quote and News - CNBC(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went through the doomsday phase a long time ago. Is it possible the market will crash to the extent we see $10,000 gold? Sure. Is it more probable that gold will hit a new peak and then correct for several years leading to those that bought high experiencing a long and slow JUSTing? Yes. I would rather trade under probable circumstances and not possible ones.

Gold's retesting the same peak it's been testing for years. It's possible it could finally break out and head for the ATH again, or it could just dip again and anybody who bought around the current peak is going to wish they had waited. Silver has comparatively bottomed out and has stayed relatively flat for a few years now. Objectively it's a better buy than gold (The time to buy gold was in the $1,100 range), although both are still smarter plays than going all in on something like palladium RN.

>> No.13101551

Unless silver starts closing the S/G ratio a bit, the current gold rally will probably be another failed breakout into lower prices for the medium term.

>> No.13101603

Not necessarily, when people think of precious metals gold typically is the first thing they think of. Gold could go into a bullrun before silver. We could see 100+ ratio before silver actually sees it's bullrun.

>> No.13101643


That is paper gold, it isn't real

>> No.13101678

Well until we live in a world where physical prices completely detach from contracts, it sure as shit is real for all intents and purposes.

>> No.13102119

it won't be real when you need it

>> No.13102304
File: 2.96 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_0301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If paper gold is just as good as the real physical bullion, how much will you give me for the object on the right?