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File: 31 KB, 705x529, jordan-peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13096241 No.13096241 [Reply] [Original]

I've never seen someone say so much nothing, like this guy. How do we read from a Thesaurus and scam motivation/self help fags too?

>> No.13096252

thats the whole bloody thing about it

>> No.13096266

If you need self-help, you can't be helped. These fraudsters popped up because people are desperate. Society is collapsing and large swaths of men are basically kicked out and forced to fend for themselves.

Really sucks 2bh. Oh well. Fuck Juden Peterstein and all the sophists who suck his dick

>> No.13096276

(((will))) always find a way

>> No.13096280

Clean your room, bucko

>> No.13096285

New Zealand banned his book about cleaning your room

>> No.13096292

>If you need self-help, you can't be helped
It's why the scam works.
fuck u
Yet a room was still cleaned.

>> No.13096294


OP is a butthurt post-modern marxist gender non-conformist cunt

>> No.13096333

Def speak like him.

>> No.13096390
File: 22 KB, 320x180, jbp-mpb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you need a hair transplant.

>> No.13096396

haha gross!

>> No.13096496

Also, don't forget to take your two different brands of antidepressants.

>> No.13096500

>OP is a butthurt post-modern marxist gender non-conformist cunt
JBP is a self-described Freudian-Jungian.
He's only marginally more coherent than the post-modernists he's made a career out of attacking.

>> No.13096502
File: 66 KB, 640x640, 1553283320032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's part of the libertarian to nazi pipeline

>> No.13096511

Oh fuck I love seeing soft and uneducated mommy anime boys like you on this board. Tell us what else makes you mad and gets you offended by reality you fucking low testosterone faggot.

>> No.13096515

>He's part of the libertarian to nazi pipeline
He's part of the cuck to e-celeb bank account pipeline.

>> No.13096519

I know right, total chad!

>> No.13096523

>clean ur room
>wow so insightful!

>> No.13096532

you haven't read the book because your attention span only lasts a few seconds with 4chan threads and you tube videos you young autistic fuck

>> No.13096539

Take this somewhere else.

>> No.13096542

>whines like a woman
the book is a whole bunch of nothing too, like most self help books
This thread is on topic and about emulating his scam model.

>> No.13096543
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>> No.13096544

I guarantee I'm older than you. Or at least I hope I am. If you're over 30 and still listening to pseuds you might as well give up now

>> No.13096550

t. wait, what's a meda 4?

>> No.13096553

>How do we read from a Thesaurus and scam motivation/self help fags too?
>scam motivation/self help fags too?
Ayy, buy a copy of his future authoring. Write about what you want to become, write about what you don't want to become, and pay a stiff price to do so :^)
>drink a glass of cider
>gets depressed and have low energy for a week
I kinda took the ride along the meme and watched all his "lectures" on youtube
The psychology one was OK. I honestly learn some stuff there. But too much meme self help.
Maps of meaning was shit
The bible ones started OK but quality went down the drain quickly. Especially the whole mental gymnastic around trying to justify why circumcision is a good thing by shitposting about the sins of our fathers and necessary sacrifice.
>Yet a room was still cleaned.
Hory shet !

>> No.13096569

>This thread is on topic and about emulating his scam model.

But he's not a scam, he just stays somewhere and gets invited by big shot guys that he shorts x1000000 leverage. There are no confidence tricks or sleight of hand, he derives from the works of other authors books and lectures that you can actually double check if you made the time to.

>> No.13096584

High functioning autism combined with low IQ is how I can summarize you as a person based on your comments

>I can guarantee I'm older than you
If you are older than 25 and are dumb fucking pot smoking loser or take anti-depressants, that wouldn't surprise me at all based on your posts

>> No.13096585

Part of the reason Jordan Peterson is such a huge meme is that memes are profitable to those promoting them. Think about the thousands of interviews he's done. All of those interviewing him are part of a media system that makes money hyping up bullshit to pull you in and get you interested. So that his actual value as an 'intellectual' (I don't believe there is any) becomes irrelevant - it's about selling a controversy. "Controversial alt-right figure..."

A lot of those on Youtube are doing this too, getting youtube clicks or affiliates bucks through Amazon. Even those who might argue against his claims are doing this.

>> No.13096598

>wait a minute, you have to wash your dick!?

>> No.13096610

that was the worst green text I've ever read during my 10 years of 4chan browsing, what in the autistic fuck are you trying to say? I know you've mess with hard drugs or weed. Your brain doesn't function properly.

>> No.13096679
File: 392 KB, 1957x1820, 85184694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah seems people love being different. that elliot hulse guy (old self help guy) literally said "i contradict myself all the time cuz im le growing intellectually and change my opinion" aka profit off whatevers popular

>> No.13096701

and by popular i mean not popular

>> No.13096862


You can not label anything you don't like postmodern. That's not how that works. Please gett off YouTube and actually educate yourself

>> No.13096900

Who pays you people? Peterson is already old news, you're the only ones still talking about him.

>> No.13096908

i seriously just listened to one of his talks. bad as hipsters ranting

>> No.13097128

how about his opponentn sam harris?

>> No.13097157

Two sides of the same coin. I'd say I like Jordan more since he's farther right wing but do not ever look up to these demagogues the way that their fanbases do.

>> No.13097309
File: 71 KB, 720x469, 1543663468503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go to your room.

>> No.13097332

>Society is collapsing and large swaths of men are basically kicked out and forced to fend for themselves

What the fuck does this even mean? Men are such fucking whiners, especially the one's on here. jfc...

>> No.13097662


That's just the stew of society, people do this, they listen to that. Why don't you lock yourself in a closet, or kys. Humans gonna hume, at least JP is helping expand the subject matter of the general population. 15+ years ago all people talked about was Football, reality TV, and other mind degenerating garbage.

>> No.13097679

based and niggerpilled

>> No.13097684


How about a middle ground? Stop fucking worshipping him as if he's a saviour, but he's also not some Nazi. He's pretty good at debating and entertaining to watch. How about that.

>> No.13097809

I would meet at that middle ground if he actually was entertaining to watch

>> No.13097977


Let's see... I've seen Peterson on TVO, which was a hilarious shitfest, mostly because of Nick Matt, tho, and the interview with Cathy Newman was absolute gold.

>> No.13097988

Peterson deplatforms white identitarians but sucks Jewish identitarian cock

A lot of his stuff is ok, but he is a complete hypocrite on this matter, probably because he cares more about keeping the $$ rolling in