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13094843 No.13094843[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pee pee poo poo

If youre being a loser this friday evening youre obligated to report in and post like a good loser. What are you doing tn anon?

>> No.13094847


>> No.13094849
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Oh you know. Just chillin and shillin. hbu?

>> No.13094851

Watching college basketball you cuck

>> No.13094862

So his balls are in front of his dick?

>> No.13094869

>watches coonball
>calls someone else a cuck

>> No.13094872

about to go see my buddy play guitar at some shithole bar. it's going to be shitty and I'll probably end up smoking too many cigarettes

>> No.13094876
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wipe your bum fren

>> No.13094883
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you ever see a chernobyl cock?

its wiped. just a little hairy fren.

glass of wine and some thc oil

>> No.13094911

That's not an anus it's his belly button

>> No.13094939
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>> No.13094958

this guy fucks

>> No.13094963

I have a full vial of Nembutal. Going to find a quiet place in the woods and inject the entire vial in a month or so if things don’t improve. I need a long nap.

>> No.13094983
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Nice. I have some wedding cake. Its pretty good.


>> No.13094991


pls dont

>> No.13094992

what happen fren

>> No.13095002
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tonight i'll play halo online with the based boys.
tomorrow night i have a fuck date with some 44 year old nympho. (ex military. she's p crazy)

um...winning! and thanks for datamining, nigger!

>> No.13095019

I don’t want to shit up the thread with my sob story.

Let’s just say if you’re chronically depressed, you would do well do getbtheraoy early on. It’s possible establish a successful career and manage, but without ever really living life.

>> No.13095031

Just took a couple canna capsules and getting ready to smoke some Skywalker. Have a case of double ipa in the fridge and a 9/10 good for nothing whore on her way over to play. I'm pretty content

>> No.13095038

getting rejected by bunch of gurls, the usual i guess

>> No.13095041
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Pic related

>> No.13095051

Ate a weed brownie in the last half hour of my shift at work. It'll hit me when I get home and I'll probably fall asleep shortly after. Whoops.

>> No.13095229

debating whether to go to an interview for an overnight stocking job tomorrow

>> No.13095230

drinking sake, smoking bongs and playing mnb

>> No.13095271


I started getting a lot more out of buds when I started vaping. Especially this live resin stuff. I'm personally glad I moved away from combusting it as I think the carbon monoxide really fucks with your cognitive abilities. Its literally a poison. Just food for thought.

>> No.13095400

yep, same. thats why the thc oil. vapes so much smoother and feels cleaner.

>> No.13095417
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>> No.13095439


> checked and thcpilled