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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.49 MB, 1280x720, average japanese girl.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13088172 No.13088172 [Reply] [Original]

Convince me that Japanese isn't the most economically valuable language to learn other than English. The size of the Japanese economy and volume of trade, combined with the low number of speakers of the language in the west, make it much more valuable than any other language.

Consider the following:
>Mexico trade volume with the USA is $557m pa (the trade volume of the entire Spanish speaking world with the USA is still less than that of just China)
>but a massive 40 million Americans speak Spanish
>works out to be a paltry $14m of trade per million Spanish speakers

>China is the single largest trading partner of the USA and Taiwan also trades a great deal ($703m pa)
>but at least 3.5 million Americans speak Chinese
>works out to be $206m of trade per million Chinese speakers

>Japan is the third largest economy in the world but less than half-a-million Americans speak Japanese (more people in America speak Urdu, Haitian Creole, Tagalong, Korean, or Vietnamese than speak Japanese), a twelfth less than speak Chinese
>$204m of trade with the USA pa
>that's $510m of trade per million Japanese speakers (about 2.5x that of China/Taiwan combined)


>> No.13088191

Interpreters don’t make six figs

>> No.13088194

yes, Japanese is good.
maybe soon they'll allow foreign white bulls to come and fuck their women to save their birthrate.

>> No.13088213

The people who translate Nintendo games and even anime are often contractors and not even full time employees anymore. Even being GOOD at Japanese doesn't pay shit like it used to, and you can't even fall back on being an English teacher because that pays shit too. I taught English in Japan for a year and only made about $2000 a month, before taxes. I looked up how much interpreters make, and yeah you're better off learning STEM.

>> No.13088223

>tfw fell for studying foreign languages

>> No.13088228

I don't mean for anyone to learn to become a translator/interpreter/teacher, but rather a businessperson or trader to learn it to open up opportunities for profit.

>> No.13088240

it's not worth it even for that reason. I had a friend who went from being a teacher to getting JLPT N1 cert and working at a japanese company, and it's shit. He's ok with it because he's a fucking weeb and is married to a japanese woman. But if he had done the same in the US he'd be making closer to six figures, without even needing to learn the language, just due to his programming skills.

>> No.13088251

>money is all that matters
>being surrounded by niggers and spics is okay because i make more money
the absolute state of ameritards

>> No.13088254

Just because you're too stupid to find business opps there doesn't mean we all are. Even low IQ Pakis manage to open profitable restaurants in Nihon.

>> No.13088255

fuck i live in japan. should i bother learning the language?

>> No.13088275

I worked in Japan and it sucks dick unless you absolutely worship japs like gods or something. Like you have to be a fucking weeb autist to endure living there for such little pay. I used to think I was depressed working in the US, but Japan is next level depression, and you will begin to understand why they commit suicide in such big numbers. Now multiply that 10x because you are a westerner who doesn't belong there. Reason my friend is ok is because he's half japanese and already has family plus he's a weeb. Unless you've got connections you're going to have a difficult time. Also I do speak about intermediate level and I still had a hard time making friends there even being somewhat fluent. I would even try playing on japanese servers for games to practice my japanese and people would instantly kick me or leave when they found out I was a westerner. The true face of japanese is they do not want you in their fucking country, you just teach them English and fuck off and that's it. Unless you've got family there it's not gonna work. Do business with them in the US and it'll be better. You will get paid more and use your knowledge.

>> No.13088284

Their women seem to want us though

>> No.13088290

Ok but those pakis have family in the country and typically they send money back home to see their real family. There are a ton of chinese, koreans, and middle eastern people making a living in Japan but they've got a support network. Even then, I'd say you'd still make way more just opening up a business in another country. If you are that fixated on japan, go ahead and live out your weeb fantasy, but keep in mind you're going to always be an outsider.

>> No.13088295


wouldn't you have to somewhat adapt to the Japanese work culture? which is absolutely mental - 12 to 16-hour workdays as the norm.

I could imagine that being the case if you want to smooch up to some Japanese businesses.

>> No.13088305

This is true. They don't even like Westerners speaking Japanese.

>> No.13088315
File: 193 KB, 375x424, 1552774807003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ones that want foreigners are mentally ill or completely unstable or they are very much over the hill and desperate. I've been asked out before and usually those women are like 30+ and desperate to have a kid, so the last thing they've got is going after western men due to their age. But yeah, you can ignore me if you still don't believe it. Honestly you have to live there yourself for you to understand why this is a bad idea

>> No.13088338

it's not really that, but japanese have the thought that literally anyone who isn't born japanese is literally not intelligent enough to learn their language. Like hell even my fucking japanese teacher in college told me "yeah as long as you are fucking stupid/low IQ you should be fine", as if nobody but japs can ever learn such a superior language. I'll give them that, it does take a long time to learn, but it's not as hard as some European languages, just stupidly time consuming because of fucking kanji, but their spoken language/grammar is easy as shit. You will come to learn quickly they can act like completely dipshits to you without you even realizing it, due to how passive aggressive their culture is, it's almost a work of art.

>> No.13088382

Japanese, pffffff

if I wanted a girl with the body of an 8yo chinese boy I'd just get an 8yo chinese boy.

No wonder they're facing extinction with elderly diapers already outselling baby diapers... you'd need quite a stomach to fuck a skeleton like that.

>> No.13088425

Just like the Philippines

>> No.13088514

That's the hard part of learning Japanese, in order to master it you have to study kanji a ton, it's the most retarded system in existence, they are right that as a foreigner you'll never be as sharp with the language in reading and writing

>> No.13088544

Who cares at this point, at least they still have women that are desperate. Every 3/10 western cunt thinks her vagina is too holy and off limits to anyone but 10/10 chad/Tyrone.
Nothing in the current year is ideal
I'd settle for a Jap thot any day. Plus they're at least traditional and feminine rather than empowered and feminist.

>> No.13088558

I would impregnate and leave if I had the chance t b h

>> No.13088576

Flawless universal translators are literally just a few years away. Learning any human language is just a waste of time..

>> No.13088582

Convince me that that this girl isn’t stinky

>> No.13088588

Did you heard about Fukushima?
If you wanna live long, don’t live in Japan.
Japanese economy will soon collapse, as will Germany (but the latter for other reasons).

>> No.13088592


Face it. You just want to learn Japanese because you are a weeb. You are trying to justify it. Just do it if you want. You can learn Japanese and still get an unrelated good job.

>> No.13088595

Tell us based 88 dubs

>> No.13088601

This. It’s a dying country with a negative birth rate.

>> No.13088615

I hope she is. If you know what I mean.

>> No.13088617

Japanese people are xenophobic racists and will only work with other japs if they have the choice.

Kys weaboo faggot.

>> No.13088667

>people would instantly kick me or leave when they found out I was a westerner. The true face of japanese is they do not want you in their fucking country
based japs

>> No.13088668

The reason why you should not learn Japanese is because there is something wrong with them. There is some massive brainwashing occurring at the scale of their entire country. The result is a poor lack of likeability, and inability to judge character.

They slaughtered millions of Chinese people, and sided with Hitler in WW2. They launched war planes with no parachutes or landing gear specifically so they can Kamikaze into the enemy and suicide.

This is mentally ill behavior. Wars come with 100 year peace agreements where the losing party is unable to build a military. When that agreement is over, Japan will build their military again. The world isn't going to like that. I predict Japan will be annihilated unless they change the brainwashing that stems from the top.

>> No.13088683

this, just nigger your way out

>> No.13088695 [DELETED] 


Opens up this March



Japan - Best manners existing.

>> No.13088758

>when soulless chinks writhe about like insects
>when females "pretend" to be enjoying fake "sexy" pose

is this supposed to be attractive?

>> No.13088967

>anime avatar larp


>> No.13088968

you were a fucking english teacher, get a stem degree and become fluent in japanese and try again

>> No.13089900

KEK, comparing a third-world cesspit overpopulated with savage pygmies like the Philippines with a country like Japan.

In Congo, Gabon, Rwanda, Nigeria, Senegal, Laos, Philippines, Timor, Papua new guinea misery and disgrace is rampant...

they don't even need to be deranged to go after a white guy...they'll do it just for the money...

they'll fake an entire relationship (and a family if they have to) if it means getting her dirty hand inside your wallet... you just have to put in your consciousness that you'll literally have a profit-driven domestic prostitute.

>> No.13089908

He said japanese not chinese

>> No.13089945

Is actually a nice place.

t. have done business there.

>> No.13090039

yeah ever since the tribal death mobs with machetes and waves of paper and plastic trash were removed, whaddaya know. a decent african nation. much chiller than the neighboring ones at least, some of which still have the mean machete guys.

>> No.13090064

hey it worked. I legit felt safer walking the streets of Kigali than I do in any (((diverse))) city in America.

>> No.13090098

I don't know, they seemed to like me when I stayed in Yokohama for 3 months. Old ladies bought me weird fruit at the neighborhood farmer's market to "try them, see how our fruit tastes".
Neighboring fathers asked for help with computers, routers and car stuff. They joined me in BBQs.

They seem to dislike Americans though. And dating seriously was difficult, but once they realized I was Greek they would treat me with less juvenile behaviour.

>> No.13090109

Rwanda is a nice place or the hotel you stayed at was a nice place?

Big difference.

But anon here >>13088284
is not interested in the place... he's interested in third-world desperate chicks.

Rwanda full of farmers surviving on foreign aid and 63% of population under extreme poverty with less than $1.25 a day is a recipe for disaster when it comes to relationships.

get a girl from a shithole and see what happens... just hope you never have money problems.

>> No.13090148

Rwanda is a nice place. I don't get to sightsee as much as I'd like, but I make it a point to see what I can whenever I travel on business and it was a pretty clean, safe, and friendly place.

just my .02 cents.. I don't mess with women overseas anymore, but in fucking Kenya you have to fight them off with a stick. If you're so inclined you can have a new woman every day, and the better off ones will take you out to dinner and shit to show you off.

>> No.13090261
File: 51 KB, 426x640, 1533855339712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13090407

Fuck off you autistic sushi muncher, that's not a Japanese woman, that's a supermodel... Japanese woman have flat faces, flat chest, flat hips and flat butts.

That one in the pic represents 0.0000001% of Japanese woman.

>> No.13090461

tfw no jap supermodel gf

>> No.13090658

Yeah, I've read so much doomsaying about how Japanese people hate foreigners, but I just spent a couple of months living near Tokyo and had nothing but good experiences with people. I'm also not American either, though, so maybe that's the key thing

>> No.13090946

same thing

>> No.13090978
File: 1.41 MB, 300x223, D O N G.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish that us Americans, Europeans, Australians, and New Zealanders had the same mentality. I'm going to smile when I visit Japan, and give them a thumbs up for keeping their people and country intact while ours rot for the jews

>> No.13091000
File: 8 KB, 249x213, depressed Tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting hit on by women
fucking hell the last any woman hit on me it was this fat blonde and some barfly. At least it would be nice to get hit on by a jap christmas cake instead of a barfly or lardass

>> No.13091019

>Economy of Japan
>Country that started trend of quantitative easing 15 years ago

the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.13091031

It's perfectly acceptable (even socially encouraged) all around asian cultures to put up a public facade even when you hate someone with all your guts.

Not only your argument is totally irrelevant, but you're also a tourist.

>> No.13091138

>the jews
oh no, not that meme, please go back to /pol/

>> No.13091202
File: 841 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot from 2018-07-16 23-07-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it is still one of the best languages to learn for business, but soon the Japanese economy will stagnate because it's already boomed. I think it's also good to focus on the newer rising asian economies. I'm currently learning Japanese, Tagalog and Vietnamese however I find Japanese the most enjoyable to learn and enjoy their culture the most and they are the most polite to do business with and don't try to scam you so much.

and that's a good thing. But really Hitler should have allied nationalist China as Japan proved a bad ally when they decided not to attack the USSR and basically lost the war for them.

ええ?? アメリカ人の子は? あなたはロリコンですか?
あの、アノンさんの日本語は悪くないです. どのように学びましたですか?

>> No.13091229

How good looking is the blondie?

>> No.13091576

It's sad to think this is how basically every 16 year old girl looks like but your were too much of a nerd in high school to fuck them.

>> No.13091760


So what, everyone in the west is putting up a facade to hide their crippling depression, as long as the asians are willing to pretend to like me I may aswell act blissfully ignorant and take advantage.

>> No.13092797
File: 40 KB, 184x184, 1369676185113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a moonrunes thread

>> No.13093878

it is.

>> No.13093934

Gas yourself kike

>> No.13093999

they made THE best computer (& music) hardware in the late 70's to 80's...world class hardware that could not be competed with at very reasonable costs in comparison to US and other manufacturers.
Theses days, nothing but a reminder of things past, and an overly saturated anime market. Considering how stressful it is to live there, it doesn't seem like they're living well enough to justify their intensity level. How long until they let the somali rape gangs in?

>> No.13094043

>The true face of japanese is they do not want you in their fucking country
No shit. That's true of everywhere except NA and some absolutely cucked countries in Europe. You don't even have to travel much to figure that out you just have to try not being a tourist in a place where people look different than you.

>> No.13094260

It's because they have no natural resources. Same with Germany. You'd sperg out too if you didn't have energy to keep your lights on

>> No.13094293

>why they commit suicide in such big numbers

their suicide rates are actually not that high. USA is quickly going to dethrone them in that aspect.

>> No.13094305
File: 508 KB, 1791x1800, 1551151360641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're being ironic but westaboo fags here unironically believe this. I visited tokyo and women like that were dime a dozen. Truly the most beautiful women on earth.

>> No.13094325

that pic is comparing celebrity with massive makeup vs an asian lady with none. Still pick the fappening tho.

>> No.13094345

That's the point. qt asian lady wins anyway against these hags.

>> No.13094495
File: 3.02 MB, 2880x2160, 20180816_152035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27 years old.
Have lived in Japan since I was 20.
Started off on the JET program(International Relations Degree).

Worked on JET for 5 years doing International Relations for 3 of those years. Went to JP with almost no jap skills. Within 2 years passed N2. Year 3 passed n1.

Got picked up by one of the largest corporations here as an "International Strategist".

This year I will make the equivalent of about 70k usd.
If you come here to just fuck Jap bitches, and drink with your gaijin friends, yeah you aren't gonna be shit. If you buckle down, try to blend in, learn the language and get real skills in something + Jap, you will be fine.

You will never be seen as Japanese, but that is just something you gotta live with.
Tokyo is shit btw. Don't come here. Live in Fukuoka or Kumamoto. Tokyo is hell.

>> No.13094702
File: 15 KB, 309x163, images-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why speak one language when you can speak them all.

linguist master-race.

>> No.13094722

why would any of those hollywood sluts feel threatened? their have a hundred million dollars and don't give a fuck about anything

>> No.13094808
File: 321 KB, 640x659, mariekondoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it meant specifically them. Just a lot of bitter white women in general.

>> No.13094984

>More Americans speak Chinese than Japanese
English is taught in Japanese elementary schools, the average educated Japanese person can speak basic English. However English is nonexistent in China, almost no Chinese people can speak English. That's where knowing Chinese becomes more useful than knowing Japanese. Not to mention China is only going to become more relevant while Japan becomes less relevant as time goes on.

>> No.13095558

Is knowing Japanese if you're in the biotech industry good?

Japanese speak English, but not very well.

>> No.13095838

>almost no Chinese people can speak English.
There are more Chinese kids learning English than there are kids in the UK. Why do you think ESL teaching has become so popular nowadays?

>> No.13095852

The japs are the biggest introverts, they're basically like 4chan where they can only interact with other nips. They're irrelevant internationally and won't be important in the next 50 years when al lthe weeaboos are gone and they can't even make money off tourism anymore after they failed out of the electronic market. If you want to start a business learn chinese, if you want to get into technology learn korean. Japs are nice and all but they isolate themselves from other nations and that'll be their downfall

>> No.13095869

I visited Japan and South Korea 4 months ago. Japs are naturally more pretty but they care less about their body figures to South Koreans. South Koreans all look the same due to the huge focus for Koreans is plastic surgery. But if you compared an average Seoul girl to an average girl in Tokyo the girl from Japan would look fat.

>> No.13096005

English teachers are the biggest losers in Japan I met one who said he made 52k per year

>> No.13096219


English, Chinese and Spanish (in that order) are.

Stop kidding yourself.

>> No.13096617
File: 2.84 MB, 720x404, dat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I considered this but I didn't want to make the post too long. TL;DR: the official figures are unreliable, however EF does an annual study on English language proficiency that is reasonably accurate as it gathers its data from actual English test takers.

Japan and China both get roughly the same low score.


>> No.13096634

Kek they've been top 3 in gdp for the last 30 years im sure they'll do fine

>> No.13096725

I work for a Japanese multi-national - all our major meetings are in English. Literally, the only time that Japanese is spoken is when the Chairman addresses us once a year in Osaka - and we wear those fucking ridiculous ear pieces and get a translation. I'm not saying that speaking Japanese isn't handy - I learned it at high school - but, it is irrelevant for my job

>> No.13096825

but you have to look at japanese people all day long every single day.

>> No.13097023

Oy vey