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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13088121 No.13088121 [Reply] [Original]

I was unironically the FIRST quant shill on this forum. I have shilled countless others that you may or may not have bothered profiting from. I can see a shitcoin pump from a mile away, before anyone else believes it.

Here's a shitcoin that will pull you a clean 20x (i.e. 10mil cap) on irrational bandwaggoning alone.


Top startups to watch:

Suppoman shilled the ICO, long review:

Main pumpenomics:

> sub 500k market cap
> not on CMC yet
> IDEX (i.e. moon mission Central)
> super low volume (QNT was <8 ETH per day last summer while I was buying)
> virgin coin, released last Nov/Dec
> hot girl in the t-shirt meme

Secondary pumpenomics:

> lively telegram
> big "community"
> good holder distro (https://etherscan.io/token/0x026e62dded1a6ad07d93d39f96b9eabd59665e0d#balances))
> team are active/communicative
> intentions to develop during this year

"but what does it do?"

Fuck knows, something to do with SMS messaging. Honestly, if you're still asking what a coin "does" then you should just shut down your computer right now and buy some meme metals instead.

Everything is in place for this (and others like it, if you find some) to have a good old pump and pick up a lot of volume. Let me just deal with some of the expected FUD right away:

> but the price/volume is too low!
OK, wait until after it has mooned, and THEN buy. When you're really sure.

> it's a shitcoin
they all are

Now get yourselves a bag while the order books are still so clear.

>> No.13088127

b-b-bird, bird, bird,
bird is the word

thanks, anon

>> No.13088137

if you were first quant shill, then how did you found about it?

>> No.13088148

>if you were first quant shill, then how did you found about it?

The ICO was advertised in the usual ways. But it took place in May when everything was dumping to shit, plus they didn't really shill it very hard because of their "muh utility token" stance.

>> No.13088155

So you shilled bags and never knew the reason why you bought QNT. Gotcha. See you around.

>> No.13088159

You weren't the OG Quant shill you stupid faggot.

>> No.13088216


Samefag here, on my phone. Yes, I was. But no one listened back then. And you won't listen now, either.

U wot m8? I bought at ICO and went all in afterwards when it dumped. Literally anyone who looked at the website could see it was going to be absolutely huge. Hilarious that people were dumping tens of thousands at 0.0007

>> No.13088241

>Literally anyone who looked at the website could see it was going to be absolutely huge
confirmed for clueless shill

>> No.13088277

QNT, CHX, LTO, FTM, VIDT, all good fundamentals. Not sure about this yet....I.only care if it pumps or not but people want to think they're buying a project that does something

>> No.13088424



good one.

>people want to think they're buying a project that does something

To a certain extent. Pretending something is going to be big (e.g. FTM muh next ETH) helps but in the end people want a pump, no matter what it is.

As it happens, birdchain are clearly going to develop well this year and next and expand into advertising/rewards quite a lot. It's not going to be a top-10 coin but it will move well.

>> No.13088471

Maybe. I'm keeping an eye on it. Will probably buy in after the first obvious volume spike.

>> No.13088496

Hi John/Djislav

>> No.13088691

Shhhh don't shill this yet, I'm not done accumulating.

>> No.13088705

I see that you have 4m of this, at least let me get 1m before the pump...

>> No.13088894

>Shhhh don't shill this yet, I'm not done accumulating.

Train will leave without you.

>> No.13088947

Trading Volume $998.47

>> No.13089222

>>13088947 Volume is slowly taking off indeed

>> No.13089256 [DELETED] 


Opens up this month



>> No.13089441

6 eth to dump it back to yesterdays price. This train is going nowhere until /biz/ moves on from vidt anyway.
Will buy some more once it dips back.

>> No.13090210

>Volume is slowly taking off indeed

You can give them these calls as early as you like, they still won't buy until it's too late.

>> No.13091264
File: 120 KB, 656x820, DjmX18fUUAA3RZ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a scam





>> No.13091286

kek is this the best fud you can come up with brainlet?

>> No.13091423

SMS is a dead technology in 2019.
Was gonna throw and eth, but the spread is so wide, don't tell me I should market buy

>> No.13091452

market buy bitch, so you can lose 25%

>> No.13091466

>SMS is a dead technology in 2019.

not in africa and india. pump this and sell your bags to pajeets

>> No.13091512
File: 8 KB, 700x396, SMS-sent-2016-and-2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should've bought yesterday at first shill

> dead technology
it's being used by big companies for all kinds of stuff, 2FA and the like
basically this app allows you to rent out your sms quota to those companies for money

>> No.13091620

this is a paid for view ads app,,
>Get crypto for watching ads and reading content!
> https://www.birdchain.io/

>> No.13091634

brainlet dyor, https://www.disruptordaily.com/disruption-blockchain-part-70-joao-alberto-martins-birdchain/

>> No.13091648

>SMS is a dead technology in 2019.

> he has no idea of life outside the West.

>> No.13092455

It's not about that kind of sms brainlets, this is about A2P services