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13084554 No.13084554 [Reply] [Original]

>SV is a scam

>> No.13084570

Craig = twat.

this is fake as hell retard.

>> No.13084583

So now you can view the cp csw put on the blorkchain?

>> No.13084585

we already know sv coin is a scam

>> No.13084867

>adding a search function
Boy, that's some real next level development. Just imagine if someone had thought about creating a search function years ago!

>> No.13085428



Try it yourself. Seems real to me


There is no "searching" being done. These are entire web pages, images and scripts all referencing on-chain media

>> No.13085489

I assume they will also be adding a CP:// protocol for this?

>> No.13085517

Looks like Creg already finished that bottle. Get him a full one.

>> No.13085552
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>> No.13085561

imagine working on something that no one ever asked for

>> No.13085568
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>b-but muh creg satoj.
Bitch, BSV is bitcoin. You know the SV team all lurk here. Probably CSW lurks here also. I know unwriter does. You know how? Because he tweeted one of my posts from here.

>> No.13085585

desu this C:// garbage got me thinking about blockchain in a larger scale.

I conclude that Ethereum is worthless. What we need is a queryable database in one chain, and computing power in another. That's all there is. Anything else should be built separately

>> No.13085591

Fucking KEK. Don't forget he pisses in them when he finishes too.

>> No.13085600

Of course an alleged alcoholic launches something called "bottle". Also if I'm reading this right it makes access to the immutable cp that reporters have discovered even easier. Bravo.

>> No.13085638


>implying craig was ever mentioned


>> No.13085656

>b-but muh criminals will use money!
Yes! Bitch! Everyone will use money! It's money, you fucking twat! Everyone uses money!

>> No.13085673
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>we're going to make a product that immutably stores CP forever in a publicly accessible way
>it's fine though cause that's exactly the same as people using money to buy and sell CP, which already happens lol

>> No.13085786


1) the average home user won't be able to publicly access such data in 10 years once it scales to an industrial level.

2) good luck finding it as is. go ahead, let's see the txid's of the CP on the BSV chain.

3) it doesn't matter is because nobody wants to look at CP, and average people avoid websites where it's posted like the plague.

Political whistle-blower and fappening-level leaks will be a much bigger problem, because average people do want to look at them

>> No.13085827
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>the average home user won't be able to publicly access such data in 10 years once it scales to an industrial level.

Only a decade to go. Reassuring.

>Political whistle-blower and fappening-level leaks will be a much bigger problem, because average people do want to look at them

So this is Sanjay's Vision.

>> No.13085952

dude think about it. why would this guy be working for free?
its because he has bags to unload. he does some fucking shitty projects that look like dogshit and hopes his bags pump so he can unload. this garbage coin is a scam and everyone knows it

>> No.13086100


It literally feels like I'm buying Bitcoin at $50 again, even the FUD and bullshit is the same as it was in 2011.

>> No.13086306

this is like teaching a pitbull a bunch of tricks
cool, now it knows how to do some tricks, but it's still the shittiest dog of all time
you're better off building something on top of a non-flatline coin

>> No.13086347
File: 276 KB, 1066x600, brainlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally every one of you except >>13086100
deserves to be poor. You all missed the boat in 2011 - 2013 and now you are missing it again for exactly the same reason, lmfao
>muh CP
>muh Craig is an alcoholic
>muh faketoshi
People this easily manipulated deserve nothing more than absolute servitude.

>> No.13086375

stop drinking and go to sleep craig

>> No.13086459

fuck I just can't buy enough BSV. I know I will look back and think why the fuck didn't I sell everything I had and cash in my 401k to go all in

>> No.13086479



>> No.13086754

I never said
>muh CP
>muh craig
>muh faketoshi
I said your coin is trash, it uses outdated bitcoin code which satoshi himself updated beyond before disappearing, plus the whole empty giant blocks

also what I don't understand is the autism behind "Craig is satoshi"
just what the fuck is that, do the ETC dudes go on about "vitalik's vision" or did anybody started impersonating ethereum devs over at ETC? you guys are fucking retarded

you don't run a BSV node
you don't mine BSV
you're holding a depreciating asset

>> No.13086773

I am pro SV.

The thing to understand is that this isn't really just about Craig. This is about you, this is about me, this is about our beliefs. This is about the structure of reality itself.

Our reality has literally split into multiple parallel time tracks (movies) that are simultaneously occurring. You see this in politics with how polarized it has gotten and how people can't seem to make up their minds about whether a particular person or group is good or bad, or what story or narrative of events is the true one. The secret is, there is no real external truth to any of this, as physical reality is really just a projection in our own consciousness and will automatically reflect whatever our strongest beliefs are. As such, the way we experience reality as it unfolds as positive or negative entirely depends on what definitions and beliefs we are holding.

Bitcoin is actually a technological reflection of something bigger. The Bitcoin network is a cross section extrusion of a geometric matrix from a higher dimension into this dimension of spacetime. The original term used for the blockchain was actually the timechain and if you look at the early source code from 2008 you will see this. Bitcoin, in the form of the original design, exhibits quantum mechanical properties and as it scales it develops into a hive-mind network of artificial intelligence that hyper connects and coordinates all human activity to allow it to operate at higher frequencies, in order to assist in stabilizing our timeline and accelerating our evolution from the 3rd to the 4th "density" or frequency range of consciousness.

This is why there can be no proof. Craig is simultaneously Satoshi and a fraud, and you will see the one or the other depending on the point of view you are taking. He is whoever you say he is. With that in mind, make the choice for yourself and decide what you want to buy into. It's your projection after all.

>> No.13087132
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Hi Craig. I know you lurk here. I'm a fan.

>> No.13087147

i got bsv recently but feel like regretting it now, should i be holding this for the lulz?

>> No.13087229


>you don't run a BSV node

I run two, actually.

>you don't mine BSV

Yes I do.


Just yesterday a 19mb block was created, and it wasn't during a stress test/tx weren't batched.

I don't care about Craig, personally I think he's too much of a whiner about things that don't matter (theatening to sue everyone). The only thing that matters is that SV is going to take over the world, because there can only be one blockchain at scale. You have no idea what that actually means, because none of you can offer any interesting arguments, just CIA-tier ad hominems about pedophilia and CP.

>> No.13087641

>you can put data on the blockchain! You can even wrire programs that read and process this data!


>> No.13087799

imagine downloading the entire bsv blockchain only to get blasted by glow in the dark niggers for possession of terrabytes full of cp lmao

>> No.13087833
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>he think he has to download the whole internet, including cp, to surf his favourite furry sites.
I pitty guys with this kind of intellect

>> No.13087836

>has to
>not want to
good job brainlet

>> No.13087845

Worst comeback ever. Very cringe and bluepilled. Sad

>> No.13087849

keep spamming more memes you found on reddit maybe it will work out eventually

>> No.13087865 [DELETED] 



>> No.13087896

> empty giant blocks
Tell me how a giant block can be empty, or how an empty block be giant.

Stupid retard

>> No.13087946

Wow it is really shocking that people can't think for themselves but just listen to the narrative. With a little research it is obvious that SV is the chosen one. They are already building an entire operating system on Bitcoin. Do yo even know what the implications of this are? It is by far the safest OS ever, it's unhackable.

>> No.13087952

>BSV is bitcoin
this is why everyone hates you cashies because you just can't stop the lies like your fucking idol.

>> No.13087964

This. And also think about how IoT devices can outsource processing power, storage space, and the OS itself to the blockchain. Truly a game changer. Funny how brainlets are incapeable to see this, and play the cp track on repeat all day.

>> No.13087967

blockchain based database is generally speaking retarded sorry. i work with transactional relational databases daily blockchains have zero of their properties or capabilities. and it goes the other way also a relational database can't do what a proper blockchain do. a relational database will never be trustless permisisonless public and secure ledger. neither will sv btw btc is the only one with all those properties.

>> No.13087997

I am loading up hard on BSV. It will also completely change the coding enviroment. You put functions in tx and simply call a tx to execute it.

>> No.13088031

It's so amazing. And if I run a transaction which calls a few functions which are stored in a different transaction and build a calculator out if it.... You could then make a transaction which calls my calculator function to calculate a number.

Your result could then be called from a new transaction and be used for whatever reason.

And so on...

>> No.13088145

awesome... -_-

>> No.13088196

It is but you don't understand it.

>> No.13088237
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>> No.13088242

>You could then make a transaction which calls my calculator function to calculate a number
no. Bitcoin doesn't let you execute stuff, only store it. It's a ledger, not a VM. What you're talking about is something like ethereum.

>> No.13088249


>> No.13088252

Can you explain it to a brainlet then? I'm trying to understand this

>> No.13088253

>Bitcoin doesn't let you execute stuff
it already happened. Get over it

>> No.13088257


>> No.13088270

Are you retarded? That is already happening. Bitcoin is Turing complete.

>> No.13088278

That isn't execution that is client side rendering of static data

You fucks are stupid

>> No.13088309

Thanks these are very helpful. If anybody else feels like taking a crack at teaching a retard please do.

>> No.13088321

check out unwriter and ryan x charles if you are interested in bicoin programming

>> No.13088322
File: 74 KB, 412x300, MeditationsforEnlightenment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that isn't execution that is using primitive primitve silicon architectures to manifest logic in electricity.

get on my level and manifest the electricity into reality with your chakras

>> No.13088329



This explains it pretty well

>> No.13088381

this is a fucking cop-out. Turing machines *are* turing machines because you can build nontermination on them. Both the evm and btc force you to terminate if you either run out of gas (eth) or by language design (btc).

Still neither of those are *really* turing complete as there are algorithms not expressible in either (trivially something like "while true do nothing") but very much so in any turing complete language.

TL;DR People with knowledge of comp sci scamming idiots with buzzwords

>> No.13088385

Also Craig has some very good articles like:

Finite State Machines in Script

Learning script

It's very low level and hard to understand (at least to me), but if you're able to grasp some of it, you'll get a glimpse of just how powerfull script programming is

>> No.13088391
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>I said your coin is trash, it uses outdated bitcoin code which satoshi himself updated beyond before disappearing
So this is your brain on btc

>> No.13088444

This Anon fucks

>> No.13088470

Maybe to you, creg, to the rest of us it feels like throwing $50 in the toilet.
Stop trying to bankrupt people, and stop agreeing with yourself, creg

>> No.13088475

Can't you guys recognize this style of writing? this "unhackable" "implications" "the chosen one". This is the same faggot we get on /biz/ every fucking day spreading his gospel and I'm almost positive it is Creg, since the posts multiplied by 10 when he got banned on twitter.

>> No.13088979


He's right.

"It’s evident to us that security in IT can always be improved. Presently, when my computer boots up, it does so through read-only information preserved in my computer. This has been revealed to be insecure, on some level, as it is open to tampering.

Imagine for a moment if, instead of booting from what I hope to be a secure BIOS, I could boot my computer from the Bitcoin blockchain. Mind boggling, right?

Now apply this model of thinking to infosec as a whole.

I’m still working to compile DeOS from source. I’m absolutely not a person of authority on this topic; I just can’t stand by idly while it’s going over everyone’s heads. Decentralized operating systems are already being used. And it may turn out to be the only secure way to operate in an insecure environment. "

>> No.13089106

Can I put a bitcoin miner in the satoj vishnu chain?

>> No.13089135

>Can I put a bitcoin miner in the satoj vishnu chain?
This is a really cool idea, and would be great as a proof of concept and publicity stunt.

>> No.13089140

Im starting to realize bsv is doing what all the altcoins are trying to do. BSV really is bitcoin

>> No.13089172

guy’s i’m unironically getting bitcoin vibes literally because everyone hates it, just like they hated bitcoin. I just have to remind myself everyone also hates Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Diamond, Bitcoin Gold, etc etc.

>> No.13089192

>imagine wasting time and effort on a shitcoin that barely does something that's has been already solved by ipfs years ago