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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13079039 No.13079039 [Reply] [Original]

>cheap as fuck atm
>mineable token on ethereum
>decent hashrate and autist developers
>Lava protocol=no eth for sending tx
do you hate money biz?

>> No.13079061
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and then he told me the marketcap is less than $1m and the coin only has volume due to washing

>> No.13079062
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Not buying your bags, Sanjeev

>> No.13079068

you pedos are insufferable. there is only 18 ETH holding this entire market up. your top holders couldnt even get 1/8th of what the value on etherscan says its worth

>> No.13079072
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I'm all-in fren

T. 20k + Bagholder

>> No.13079073
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>> No.13079078

Howmany to make it?

>> No.13079105
File: 147 KB, 1000x1000, 1526439344043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since they are so cheap, i suggest atleast a 10k bag.
Also bittrex listing soon

>> No.13079430

Source on this?

>> No.13079658


>> No.13079684

When did this gay shit get unbanned? There is nothing anyone can say that is greater fud than the price action itself

>> No.13079730

Like being stable for weeks with eventual dips getting bought up immediately with rapidly refilling order books?

>> No.13079743

>it's bad because it's cheap
people like you bought btc at 20k

>> No.13079749

People like you bought 0xbtc at 4 dollars

>> No.13079781

wrong, people like me are currently buying it at $0.2, but it's not like I'd expect any meaningful insight from someone who thinks buying low is bad. Protip - if the only fud you can generate about something is that it's cheap, then that's a massive buy signal.

>> No.13079882

Nah, you’re bag holding for sure. There can’t possibly be people with such low IQ that they buy one of the most obvious PnD of all time after the dump has already occurred. It’s equivalent to buying bitconnect now, there’s just no way you didn’t buy high. Probably at least $2-3+.

I’m here to try to help you. I sat in the discord where the devs talked about when and how to shill to pump the price. I knew it was a scam even before I joined it, but once that was confirmed I came here and warned everyone on biz. You maybe didn’t see my posts or simply didn’t listen. At this point I really recommend you sell and just move on. At very best you might see some arbitrary pump to like 25-30 cents but more likely 0xbtc will continue to bleed as supply increases and people keep dumping. If you move your money into a legitimate project you might actually make it all back and then some, there’s still time.

Good luck.

>> No.13079932

implying that its even possible to dump with no support.

>> No.13079948

There are bots buying, all one has to do is market sell. People are mining for free and will continue to sell into the bots. You can see a lot of bots have moved on which is why volume has tanked, but as long as they’re around people will keep mining and selling into them.

>> No.13079985

>unironically buying miner bags of a worthless token with price propped up by said miners

>> No.13080112

gee whiz, there sure are some helpful people on this sub. If you can't see why the first mineable token, which was also the first token to implement the economic abstraction that Ethereum devs have been talking about for a long time isn't worth more than a $700k mcap, then I'm not going to bother explaining it to you.

>miners mine tokens only to sell them to other miners, who are only buying the tokens so they could sell the tokens they mine to other miners
that sure makes a lot of sense

>> No.13081014

>0 = stable
>losing money is now a feature
absolute rashiet logic

nobody is buying this shitcoin.

>everyone realized that mining is a waste of electricity and everyone tries to get rid of it
>"first mineable token"
how can these apes be this retarded

>> No.13081110
File: 153 KB, 645x968, 1550177147690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "0xbtc is a shitcoin"
stay poor !

>> No.13081495

>absolutely no arguments whatsoever

Yikes dude

>> No.13081509

Wouldn't expect a 0xbtc buyer to understand, if you did you wouldn't have bought it.

>marketcap fluctuating between 500k-1mill for a year
>volume fluctuating between 200-500k per day

>be mike the miner
>be in 3rd world with cheap/free electricity
>control majority of hashpower of shit coin
>make bots to control price of coin using own funds
>lose money short term
>hire army of poos to shill coin everywhere like /biz/ and leddit
>brainlets buy coin at inflated price, way higher than your mining costs
>sometimes other miners dump on you but this is offset by the fact you mine many more blocks than them for almost nothing.
>do this for a year

>> No.13081569

And what about the real development that came out lately? Lava protocol with own wallet does sound quite nice imo.
If there is rising interest then at some point difficulty will fuck even mike the miner, it's not like bitcoin's miners are generous people doing it only for the community.

>> No.13081657

>spend real money to mine scamtoken for a year
>sell at another 95% loss
>make money
thats why india is poor

>> No.13082002
File: 37 KB, 722x464, lava_relay_explained.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A real retard
You will buy my bags at 70$

>> No.13082915

I'd like you to post the devs chat about PnD'ing please