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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13076553 No.13076553 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder becoming rich will make you kys

.Get a fulfilling job and live a simple life, humans are most happy with a family, kids, and enough money to live just comfortable enough to survive and thrive.

I've experienced massive wealth accumulation and it changes you. Very few individuals can handle that amount of money and not be changed for the worse.

You start getting depressed feeling empty and alienated. The answer isn't wage slaving at mcdonalds but it's not flying around in billion dollar jets either. the answer is finding the right balance and realizing the only thing that makes humans happy is friends and family.

The best analogy is an MMORPG where the time you are most enjoying the game is the first time you play the beginning and middle of the game and when you get to the end game and do all the raids and get tired of pvp you become not as happy with the game anymore. With life you don't want to reach max level because it's boring, drag out the leveling/questing process as much as possible in life for maximum happiness.

Humans are mean't to complete tasks and overcome challenges, you are literally biologically wired to be happy when you are financially content, not when you have insane amount s of money.

>> No.13076568

If money changed you then you are a low IQ monkey

>> No.13076575

>You start getting depressed feeling empty and alienated
where do you think you are

>> No.13076581

Fuck you faggot I want to fucking go mountain biking and backpacking enjoying God's beautiful earth

>> No.13076585

After you get wealth you start to accumulate power and advance your people's future. That's the next level challenge.

>> No.13076588

If you have too much money I could use some, believe me I will be happier with it than without

>> No.13076601

Do you have a gf/wife/family? I think those are important for happiness. I’m trying to get a gf right now, but life as a short 6/10 well-paid guy is hard, and being insanely rich honestly isn’t going to fix that. It’ll just attract gold diggers. Best life is at least above average in both looks and smarts.

>> No.13076634

guys i am 30 and haven't left my parents basement. I've lost over 300lb but i still just sort of want to die every day. can i make it by giving out a few firm handshakes?

>> No.13076652

>not giving out a few firm handjobs instead
Not gonna make it

>> No.13076660

Smart people aren't looking after money itself, they're looking after opportunities to do the things they like. (And the things they like aren't free, most of the time)

>> No.13076696

Fuck you op I hate people and their stupid predictable patterns. I want to escape and sip wine without worrying about finances

>> No.13076703

t. monkey with no money

>> No.13076729

worrying about finance gives you meaning. sounds crazy i know, i thought money was the answer to everything when i was broke and it's weird how quick your brain waves change when you don't have to work anymore. you start to try and think up things to do and you do them and still have so much time in the day that you start to get bored and feel like you deserve a great wife and kids and realize no matter how much money you have, it won't bring you that. instead you'll only attract gold diggers

>> No.13076740

too much money starts to make you think about the things you cant buy with money and then you realize money only made you a little bit happier, not enough to fulfill you

>> No.13076750

money boosts your happiness by only about 5-10% after the initial effect wears off. you get used to being rich. having a loving wife and kids with good friends will boost your happiness 100%

there's only so much money can do for you once you've been driving a cool car for a while and there's only so much joy expensive steaks can bring, eventually you tire of everything. the places you traveled to get boring cause you already seen everything before. you realize it's the small things in life and this is super cliche to say and i didn't believe it either but i do now

>> No.13076776
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money would solve all of my problems right now and boost my happiness at least 50%

wtf are you talking about, you fucking bougie garbage talking down to the poors telling them that the grass is most certainly not greener. fuck off and die. pls and thank you

>> No.13076795
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Literally I would grow grapes and make wine and grow things on my massive acreage. If I had spare time I would spend it with my family and if I still had spare time I would study or travel or become obsessed with something stupid like Warhammer 40k or music or literally anything. If you only attract gold-diggers then maybe stop mentioning your gains to every bimbo thot that crosses your path. I'm already married anon and I probably will continue to married afterwards. My motives are simple: my wife and kids deserve better.

>> No.13076815
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>Humans are mean't to complete tasks and overcome challenges
>Humans are mean't to complete tasks
>Humans are mean't
Did you seriously just apostrophize MEANT you fucking mouth breather

>> No.13076827

I would say partially OP. Getting to travel more is great but if you have no friends yeah it would be bad. Balance is key

>> No.13076832

You just need to clarify your dream anons and make decisions to reach that dream and never compromise along the way. For instance: I'm not selling until i can afford early retirement, a decent size plot of land, a lovely log home and the money to sustain it. Go read Veblen's The Leisure Class to have some idea. That's literally you standing there complaining you made it.

>> No.13076834

Nah, you dont even know Maslow Pyramid, do you?

>> No.13076877
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Fuck off pajeet white men are having a civilised conversation that doesn't involve street shitting rape or dirty curry

>> No.13077029

you're going to make wine all day forever? spend time with family how? your family has to work and the limited time they would spend with you will not fill your day up with activities to keep you from being bored. unless you're talking about spending time with your grandma

>> No.13077037

I fucking hate you. You have no imagination or creativity. You thought material goods would make you happy. You are just a fool

>> No.13077052

Making it includes my family living and working alongside me on my farm. Yeah dude if you grow grapes and make wine you generally just do that all the time. It's all about controlling my destiny without relying on wagecucking, even if wine making takes up a significant amount of time.

>> No.13077055

Literal wage slave morality.

>> No.13077059


based sc/out/ bro

>> No.13077070

agreed. this anon took the blue pill a long time ago, and can't imagine a world without being cucked.

>> No.13077149

your family isn't going to want to make wine all day on your farm. they are gonna keep their jobs because it gives their life a purpose

>> No.13077160

i said fulfilling jobs, not your mcshit job. some people actually enjoy their jobs and make a good living doing it

>> No.13077174

yup, im a professional hand shaking coach, charge 100$ per lesson.

>> No.13077200

as if they won't. I'm pretty sure my wife would prefer to grow things and make dolls.
C U C K E D.

>> No.13077232

I'd have several businesses very quickly.

>> No.13077256

the point is skeptic anon: money allows choice which makes us happy

>> No.13077309

I hope that when you say "your people" you dont mean skin color. This kind of mindset will set you back in life and you will wonder why shit doesnt go your way.

>> No.13077341

>You start getting depressed feeling empty and alienated.
no difference for me then
tell me something new faggot

>> No.13077365

I need a high rise apartment in Tokyo to blast sad vaporwave in with a bottle of Malbec and a 10/10 Japanese woman on my lap and I need money for that, OP

>> No.13077373

OP are you me? I've had this sudden thinking when I abruptly quit my job during the last bull run. First few weeks feels so great, never have to face colleagues and all, having so much money you can do anything youve had in mind. year 2018 was great until agony fades in. Loneliness from detaching with your friends at workplace, regular friends (cuz they have work too when you have all the time for the day). The feeling of not being able to do anything is just suck. I'm getting a new job now just to fill the gap. I think i'm like you OP. I'm starting to appreciate these little things called life.

>> No.13077411

wtf are these threads? This is not the /biz/ I know from PRE 2014 WE NEVER HAD BE A WAGEKEK GUIZE ITS FORFILLING PEE PEE POO POO

>> No.13077446
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>'ve experienced massive wealth accumulation and it changes you
You mean it changes you. I'm sorry that you don't know what to do with excess money but that doesn't mean every person who becomes wealthy will kys, just that you have no idea how to live without struggling because you're a fucking normie

>> No.13077451
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nothing wrong with that if you do it the right way

>> No.13077460

There are endless things to do in life, almost everything cost money.
If you're rich and cannot be happy youre low iq sorry.

>> No.13077469
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>> No.13077473

I’d rather be rich being poor makes me want to kill myself. Fuck wagecucking.

>> No.13077517

You were not meant to be rich OP. Only a certain type of person can handle it without feeling that way. You are simply not creative or intelligent or disciplined or driven enough to enjoy or appreciate that degree of wealth.

When I reach your level of money I will buy a house and build a home recording studio and an art studio. The house will be located in the small comfy town where all of my friends live and have started raising families.
I will spend most of my time recording albums and making digital art. I'll pay PR groups to have my music put on spotify playlists so that hundreds of thousands of people can hear it and enjoy it. When I'm not doing that I'll travel the world spending a month here and there in various old world cities while I work on my novel. I'll also travel around the world to attend concerts and seminars and lectures and conferences involving VR, AI, and most importantly life extension.
Sometimes I'll just hang out in my town and play comfy jazz gigs at the local pub with my buddies getting drunk on craft beer and seducing young women.
The point is that there is absolutely NO FUCKING WORLD in which I make tons of money and suddenly start buying a bunch of useless shit like cars and then have some pleb realization that buying useless shit isn't the secret to happiness. Exactly how fucking new are you to life anon? We have had this driven into our brains since we were 10 years old that money can't buy happiness. Look at all the rich people who an hero all the time...

>> No.13077567

I agree op. Without purpose man shrivels and so does his sense of wellbeing. A good role model to look towards is any society devoid of money, which is difficult since money is only a bartering system. If you are 100% for real, I recommend setting yourself up with a trust. One that only pays you a little extra, but not enough to survive comfortably, and only with the condition that you are gainfully employed. And have a bonus every 3-5 years of a chunk of money that is large enough you can DO something with it. So you have to anticipate it, look forward to it, and most importantly think about how you want to spend it for a long time before it's in your grubby little hands. Money does degenerate people, mainly through ambition and dreams. Relationships with people that matter, that can't be bought, and purpose is what keeps a guy running.
Funny enough, soldiers that got out alive with PTSD aren't horrified by the thought of being at war. They're horrified by the thought of never going back.

>> No.13077627

I make wine. I'm below average income ~30,000 USD/yr. I would make better wine if I can make it, but the point is, I'm with you winebro

>> No.13077649

Man that soldier part at the end, my first instinct is to say that's so fucking sad, but I'm the same way with work/whatever. If you've ever read a tale of two cities, one of the main characters is a political prisoner who is enslaved to make shoes while he is imprisoned for a long time. The first chapter is about when he is "recalled to life."
The most gut wrenching part of the novel is when he is back at home after being freed, and his daughter hears him hammering away at shoes in the middle of the night because that's all he knows and he still spends days at a time making shoes in solitude. Really makes me think.

>> No.13077656

And to the poster above me... You have all these plans of how life is going to be great. And you'll stay busy. I disagree with you there. The welfare state of any nation that sponsors welfare is the most gigantic psychological test base in the history of mankind as to what people do, when they don't have to do. As are celebrities that you correctly observed who commit suicide on a regular basis at far higher numbers than the general populace. And those people have not just the lack of need to work but also cult celebrity worship status including special treatment and girls everywhere they go. Yet still, rampant drug use, alcoholism and depression often leading to suicide. And these are the people that "have everything". Being wealthy is hard on the best of individuals. There is a reason you commonly hear of mega millionaires or billionaires only leaving their kids relatively paltry sums of money and giving the rest away. It all ties to the dopamine response in the brain that dominates the effort ->reward behavior and that response is why things like nofap works, because given the choice, people act like monkeys and will use anything that kicks dopamine into high gear because it feels good. All drugs operate on different mechanisms but they all create excess feel goods through the body's own reward system. Look it up. Nicotine, caffeine, heroin, marijuana, sex, literally EVERYTHING that's abused for the same purposes operates through the same channels in the end. Money is no different. Studies have shown numerous times that the act of wanting an item, working hard for it, then waiting for it to arrive or be bought brings greater pleasure to the individual than actually having it. Like that item or toy that you wanted soooo bad and once you actually got it you played with it for awhile then it was on to the next thing. The next want. Money gets rid of the most pleasurable part of ownership of "things", the anticipation.

>> No.13077719

Women are the same. the wanting is so much more intense than the having. And after the having, it's onto the next want. This is why womanizers are a thing in literally every fucking culture on the planet. It's not an isolated phenomenon. Or why guys that have 10/10 girlfriends cheat with them on a 7/10 and you sit there going "are you CRAZY?" you had HER! WHY??!. Boiling it down, it's not the money, or the fame, or the things that ruin people. It's humanity's natural drive to always chase something higher. Like adrenaline junkies. Or druggies, or how once the guy who had a Camaro got a Vette, he started fawning after the Ferrari. Or the soldier that risked life hunting the most dangerous animal on the planet, other trained soldiers with guns and he realizes that was it, I will never feel more alive again. Thus he voluntarily goes back for a second tour and his family can't understand why. Then the third. This pattern repeats itself in any language you choose. It's the dopamine system and/or the reward system that you must master. You feel alone because most people never have to master it. Life's circumstances mean that for most people they never have to have the end of "the quest" arrive and are always hungry for more, thus hungry for life. But go ask a soldier. One that actually saw some shit. You'll know who they are because they are the ones that don't talk about it. The ones that do, that have stories and shout about their service are usually fuckin maids or truck drivers that never saw shit. The ones that don't talk are alone and isolated and will never feel like they belong again until they are stuck in a jungle again with four other Meatheads in a twenty dollar shitty ass tent ass deep in mud grinning at each other wondering how long it'll be until they feel alive, really alive again. Think about that. It says a lot about how you are wired. That is the basis of your enemy, which is yourself.

>> No.13077721

Tbh money is good for an introvert

I'd just draw all day, go to the gym, ride my bike and watch anime

Smoke weed once a week and psychedelics every few months

A qt gf to fuck

What more do you need

Having to interact with normalfags at work and irl is literally painful.

Sure it makes you appreciate your one hour of free time a day more, but ultimately it's fucking soul destroying

>> No.13077729

Yo I didn't no George Clanton was on /biz/ sup dude, like ur music

>> No.13077732

just give me your money then lmao

>> No.13077748

>you start to try and think up things to do and you do them and still have so much time in the day that you start to get bored
t. guy with no hobbies

I have enough backlogged hobby projects that it would take me years, maybe a decade to work through all of the ones I have today. I keep coming up with new ideas and projects too, I'd have no problem filling a lifetime of work. And you think fucking not knowing what to do with your time will make you go crazy?
Spending 40 hrs a week of my life waging instead of working on projects I enjoy is what's making me go crazy

>> No.13077786

Wrong. Wealth gives you more opportunity to choose who helps raise your children and the quality of ideas your kids can access. It also gives you the opportunity to create value on spiritual terms instead of base terms. You can be extravagantly wealthy and still undergo meaningful struggle.

>> No.13077794

>The Deer Hunter

>> No.13077808

> fulfilling job

>> No.13077813

Me too anon any protip what to buy

>> No.13077854

Yeah that's a good classic. It's sad too but a good one to read. Also the deer Hunter thing, definitely has the tension of the chase and the whole pitting yourself against an animal which is similar

>> No.13077858

slide thread

>> No.13077866

That's why you should pursue something that is inherently unattainable ie artistic perfection. That is why I make music, write, and paint. It is the constant act of chasing perfection and mastery and it is impossible to actually achieve it. Be mindful of the journey itself.

>> No.13077873

I don't want to be rich, I want a 1.5 minimal wage income without working owning my house
>freedom is the only real wealth

>> No.13077875

>You were not meant to be rich OP. Only a certain type of person can handle it without feeling that way. You are simply not creative or intelligent or disciplined or driven enough to enjoy or appreciate that degree of wealth.
So much fucking this. I agree 100% with what you said in this post. You have to have a purpose beyond trying to survive.

>> No.13077888

George clanton is the man, love Slide. That dude lives the life I want to live, DIY traveling around or else making dope albums. Doesn't take much money at all to have that lifestyle you just have to be free from wagecucking

>> No.13077897

being poor is worse, I can assure you.
it is possible to buy your freedom.in this world

>> No.13077918
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thread theme:

we're all gonna make it bros

>> No.13077939

I agree. It is having and maintaining a passion that drives you where wealth can open doors of equipment and time to make the pursuit of said passion at levels otherwise impossible. That is definitely the way. Unfortunately most people once given the opportunity do well for a while, but eventually end up in a pit of loneliness, depression and inactivity because one day of "I can afford to bum today" turns into a lifestyle. Then self medication of various kinds slowly creep in to fulfill the empty gap. Op said it, it's the balance that is key, but it's easier to say and harder to do

>> No.13077954

Trips of truth man, Slide is a modern gem to say the least. I haven't had an album grow on me since I heard OPN's Replica.

His life style is pure high risk, high reward, I wish him the best.

>> No.13077972

I would be a lot more busy with a lot of wealth then without it.

>> No.13078118

That's not what I meant about the deer Hunter. Have you seen the movie? The adrenaline of being in the shit, adrenaline is a metaphor for many feels in this explication, is so addicting and so Incapacitating that it compels one of the protags to commit a suicide repeatedly until it happens. The whole thing started when they were enlisted and captured. It's fucked but he has the ability to leave and it's evident in the film when he sends stacks of cash to his friend but he's addicted to the Russian Roulette gamble he was forced in the Vietnam sticks. Makes me think...

>> No.13078161

>t. brown

>> No.13078163

The happiest I ever was in an MMORPG was in WoW when I was in the server first guild and everyone sucked my dick for beeing the best shadow priest on the server. So your argument is null and invalid all together. If I could be the same in real life I'd have the blast off my life. Yes stupid people get depressed when they get a lot of money, because they didn't think about how they'll spend it before they got it. Money is one of the best things that can happen to you. It is not better than some other shit, but it's up there.

>> No.13078392

Lol yeah guess I was way off base. But yeah that's the same thing I'm talking about. Really I'm trying to expound on the fact that money doesn't really buy happiness. The "addiction" to life is a sketchy balance. Too much free time, too much money, even to some point too much success all bring ruin to most who cannot find the discipline to control the flow rate. The rich man buys all until either his tastes run out of his means or his tolerance to the finer things ruins the fun. See rich people in groups STILL measuring dicks over Bugattis and mcLarens. Or rich kids who are well enough off to trash Ferraris and still end up drug addled drunk newspaper articles. The self financed neet who becomes a shut in and depressed and alienated because even his friends can't be trusted to be coming from an honest place. The famous man who becomes an egotistical megalomaniac and thrives so much on other people's opinion of him/her that it turns them into a walking reality show based on the ratings - Kanye west or Kardashian. Craig wright was well on his way through infamy alone. Plenty of examples of all these that get put in the spotlight by the media. I just have to bring these things up when anons constantly attribute "the good life" dream where they have their vaunted cute Asian gf, stacks of money, lambos and high end homes on their own private island as the golden stairway to success. Even zyzz who seemed to have a pretty positive outlook on life eventually partied himself to death. There's a reason for the idea that "all that glitters is not gold" is a common cultural theme.it didn't just "stick" because someone thought it up once in 1876 and it was trendy. It's still here today in present culture for a reason. I think if most anons asked themselves, really asked themselves if they would possess the discipline to do what they dream about so often without letting the freedoms of money bring ruin they might realize it's not as likely as one might like to think.

>> No.13078409

And to that, if you're seriously using an online avatar in world of Warcraft to assess realities of life I have some bad news....

>> No.13078918

best post ITT

>> No.13078938

>passive aggressive faggotry

Fuck off cuck

>> No.13078946

How am I supposed to get a family when the vast majority of women want a rich man?

>> No.13078996
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Very basic posts but nonetheless extremely important to consider and take note of if you seek to remain sane by the slight off chance you manage to make it. Thank you for your inputs as well as everyone ITT.

>> No.13079005

Imagine being such a slave that you don't know what to do with freedom.

>> No.13079026
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This is my plan