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13075114 No.13075114 [Reply] [Original]

Skip to 7:15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcToFASnyrc

Hashgraph is objectively better than everything else

>> No.13075213

Fucking love Terence, read all his books

>> No.13075236

For the love of Terence, watch the video and be enlightened. Hedera Hashgraph is literally perfect, yet nobody is talking about it.

>> No.13075243
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This is exactly why Vechain is needed

>> No.13075275

Because it's centralized corporatist shit.

Neck yourself for being a low IQ servant to power. All centralized solutions are fast as fuck.

>> No.13075317

because no "little people" can get rich off of it, dude.

>> No.13075505

This is where (((institutional money))) is going, like it or not. Mike Novogratz started mentioning hashgraph in his talks. The golden bull is staring you in the face, but you all got GNU on the brain

>> No.13075528

>The golden bull
it's not the golden bull for us, is my point. hashgraph is solid besides its governance model.

>> No.13075563

It's governance is better than a core group of elite developers or The Great Leader His Holiness Vitalik Buterin. Companies from across industries and across countries will steward the network. They have zero incentive to kill hashgraph and all the incentive to help bootstrap this network so everyone can benefit

>> No.13075622

Also, they have already announced a number of council members, including Swisscom and Deutsche Telekom, two major telecom companies. Tokens aren't released yet, but we should all get in before Google and Apple are announced

>> No.13075738

hedera fagraph. even creg is closer to satohshi's vision than this corporate abomination. OP kys.

>> No.13075781

Fuck satoshi's vision and fuck your stupid ideology, my eyes are on the money

>> No.13075820

Kek, just don't ever tell all the anons it's a censorable proprietary closed source for profit tech or they'll hang you by your toes and rip your guts out for having ruined their dreams.

>> No.13075943

align your ideology with ways to make money. with closed source you lose every time. you're coming off calcified as fuck for a terence poster.

>> No.13075992
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They have the power to remove data from the storage function if that data puts the nodes at risk, i.e. child porn. They CAN NOT reverse transactions or backdoor contracts
>proprietary closed source
They are releasing the source code AFTER launch, so as to prevent any copycats. Same with the patent, they want a stable network not this BCH BSV bullshit
>for profit
The governing council is explicitly non profit and members serve limited terms. They are only compensated with fees for running nodes in the bootstrap phase
>or they'll hang you by your toes and rip your guts out
People are blinded by their ideology, an ideology which institutions and corporations don't necessarily hold. Again, you may not like it, but this is where the money is going

>> No.13076028

>with closed source you lose every time
THEY WILL RELEASE THE SOURCE CODE AFTER LAUNCH HOLY FUCK they are leveraging patents and withholding the code UNTIL LAUNCH so they can prevent all the bullshit we saw in 2017 with the block size debate. Institutions will never put large sums of money into a platform that could be obsoleted by a fork or devolve into infighting

>> No.13077090

Are you retarded? We can't invest in this you idiot. Literally worthless to any of us.

>> No.13077246

We can't buy the coins so who gives a fuck